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/lit/ - Literature

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13157993 No.13157993 [Reply] [Original]

what are some /lit/ albums?

>> No.13158002

>he listens to albums
>he doesn't listen to live shows of performing musicians
is there anything more jewish? Pink Floyd is the ONLY recording artist.

>> No.13158015


>> No.13158019

Certainly not fucking Antlers and don't care that they have a song called Sylvia

>> No.13158030

Everything you see on /mu/ since everyone on /lit/ gets their music from there

>> No.13158041
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>> No.13158042
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>Spiderland (No Longer Human)
>The Downward Spiral (Notes From The Underground)
>Frigid Stars (Book of Disquiet)
>Fare Forward Voyagers (Blood Meridian)
>Loveless (Finnegan's Wake)

>> No.13158053

Anyone listen to anything besides /mu/core?

>> No.13158057

comfy ambient > anything with lyrics

>> No.13158061
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>> No.13158066

Finnegan's Wake is way too cheery to be Loveless

>> No.13158068


>> No.13158070
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>> No.13158072


>> No.13158080

This is actual /lit/ music. It's some novalis poem, I dont know German though lol

>> No.13158084

unironically based alert

>> No.13158085

Pleb. Pink Floyd set starts at 1:11:00 https://youtu.be/STZrGh_C5Og

>> No.13158086

It's just that /mu/ core consists of nearly everything worth listening to and there is no real point in just listening to obscure albums just for the sake of it.

>> No.13158088
File: 298 KB, 1000x1000, hissing_fauna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is one of the most /lit/ albums in existence. Listen to it.
Between My Bloody Valentine and James Joyce I'm pretty sure the Irish have some artistic secret they're not telling us.
obscure shoegaze

>> No.13158096

>It's just that /mu/ core consists of nearly everything worth listening to

Never talk to me again

>> No.13158097
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You need some pic related in your life.

>> No.13158101
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>> No.13158102

Kevin started with the Greeks. Also mentions George Bataille.

>> No.13158103

Sorry its more like 1:09:00 I missed In The Flesh

>> No.13158105
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The Antlers FUCKING SUCKS. Please, in the future, try not to bring this mediocre melodramatic garbage to /lit/

How this shit made /mu/‘s essential albums list I’ll never know other than chalking it up to shit taste

>> No.13158125

Is KoRn /lit/?

>> No.13158128
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>> No.13158135
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>> No.13158138

>not scaruffi-core

>> No.13158146

>implying it's not the same thing

>> No.13158151

>no Robert Wyatt
fuck off

>> No.13158157
File: 114 KB, 400x496, basho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Literally anything by this man, pure poetry

>> No.13158165

Look again. Rock Bottom is in classics

>> No.13158168
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holy shit that's good anon

>> No.13158178
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very well sir you win this round

Also it has the only good mbv album so maybe its better tastes that I thought

>> No.13158180

so, black people music?

>> No.13158198
File: 19 KB, 220x214, Van Morrison - Veedon Fleece.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Van is the MAN

>> No.13158202

the only song i love off this album is There Is A Light That Never Goes Out and the rest are pretty shit

>> No.13158204

please kill yourself

>> No.13158208

bad bait /mu/ is the worst board on this website. i've been here 9 years and every time i've shifted a home board i've given /mu/ a try and it's a cess pool of tasteless tards redditors and normies. it was the original reddit containment board

>> No.13158215

I Know it’s Over is pretty fucking good too

>> No.13158220

it's because it was cool, mysterious indie when it came out, and /mu/ was all about that pitchfork-core indie rock back then

>> No.13158227

3x3 threads are pretty good though

>> No.13158230

>I listened to all of these albums, many even while on marijuana, and I still hate myself. actually, I hate myself more.

>> No.13158240

i probably need to give that album another listen it's been a year or so since i first tried out the smiths

>> No.13158244

>Captain Beefheart is not black


>> No.13158257

/mu/ is for people who think of music like fashion. They all listen to the same stupid indie albums... a few classics in there (sure) but I suspect most of them listen to those classics just purely for the prestige factor. The only good threads on /mu/ are metal general (because metalheads self-enforce a kind of elitism that everyone looks for obscure) + /bleep/ because the process of finding good electronic music (ambient, dub techno, house, garage) entails listening to SO FUCKING MUCH of mindless bleep bloop shuffling mixed in 1-2 hour mixes... it forces you to put yourself besides the music and just enjoy the rhythm it's an entirely different process of music discovery and requires a lot of patience even and genuine enjoyment of the music.

>> No.13158275

There are a lot of dumb threads but that doesn't mean the music that gets posted is bad. I can guarantee everything you listen to gets brought up there

>> No.13158277

/lit/ discusses the same books and authors and /tv/, the same movies and directors. It has more to do with the nature of this site

>> No.13158279

saying people on /mu/ listen to music is like saying people on /lit/ read or people on /ck/ cook

>> No.13158285

this but with /lit/ and books instead of albums

>> No.13158294

>/metal/ is exempt from general /mu/ retardation
come off it m8

>> No.13158312

wrong kpg is the only good thread

>> No.13158340

Glorious Things In Thee Are Spoken/Gott Erhalte Franz den Kaiser [Classic]

Crucify - Tori Amos [Piano Rock]

Verdunkeln - Einst war es mal [Black Metal]

Florian Kupfer - POST PRESENT [House]

Motion Sickness of Time Travel - Magnetism [Ambient]

nthng - Microdose [Dub Techno]

Unanimated - Cold Northern Breeze [Old school melodeath]

Drainpipe - Sad [Deep house]

The Gits - Second Skin [Punk]

Luna Abu Nassar - Mishwar [Acoustic Arabic]

>> No.13158450

>I fell in love with the first cute girl that I met who could appreciate George Bataille
>Standing at a Swedish festival discussing Story of the Eye

>> No.13158577

based /bleep/ appreciation. really gone downhill these past few years tho

>> No.13158609

<3 goldenboy

>> No.13158610
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>> No.13158767

Absolutely this. Classical german Dichtkunst on coka that appropriates fashist aeshtetics.The texts are defined by both an effective simplicity which, often paired with specific ambiguities which arise certain implications in the listeners understanding. Rosenrot whould be more fitting imo but herzeleid or sehnsuch are up there aswell.
To list some albums from an american artist: Antichrist Superstar, Portrait of an American Family and Mechanical animals. Cryptic and obscure prose.