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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 638 KB, 586x686, 1549841504584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13157907 No.13157907 [Reply] [Original]

Give me some literature that will make me appear smart on the surface but in reality will actually leave me just as retarded as everyone else. However it's also literature that's supposed to be like that so I can appear smart around other people while knowing deep down how stupid I really am and therefore can laugh my ass off that they believe I'm anything more than a low brow piece of shit.

>> No.13158127

so lit that is, to a specific point, meaningless and pretentious?

>> No.13158140

Anything left-wing

>> No.13158141

read philosophy (preferably Idealism or Analytic Philosophy). You will automatically misunderstand it and still appear smart.

>> No.13158145


>> No.13158156
File: 31 KB, 300x463, physics-of-the-impossible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real answer is absolutely any pop-sci non-fiction. You get to learn factoids and surface level information without getting any understanding of why and how said things happen. Brainlets will think you're a genius, but you'll know you're a moron.

Pic related is a prime example.

>> No.13158166

Read some continental philosophers. You can interpret that garbage however you want and still appears smart af to majority of people.

>> No.13158897

Why on Earth would you make that an aim?

>> No.13158971

What's the text in the pic from?