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File: 144 KB, 1600x1200, INGSOC_by_ghigo1972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1315714 No.1315714 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing that this will happen?

>> No.1315717

I wouldnt know because I have no idea what is supposed to happen.

>> No.1315722


>> No.1315731
File: 52 KB, 1023x640, 1984Obama1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's already underway.

>> No.1315734

It never will. Huxley's world though...

>> No.1315735

> 1984
erm, that was 26 years ago.

>> No.1315738
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>> No.1315740

>implying the Patriot Act doesn't have Big Brother written all over it.

>> No.1315745

Yeah I thought about that around the time it was instated. I was in 8th grade.

>> No.1315752
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>Loves Brother Obama.

>> No.1315758
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>> No.1315759


Hey, I'll tolerate your stupid baseless paranoia, but I won't tolerate your stupid baseless racism.

>> No.1315763

This has nothing to do with race, and the paranoia has more base than you can accept, indoctrinated one.

>> No.1315769
File: 40 KB, 400x309, im_from_the_government_im_here_to_help.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have way too much faith in your government.

>> No.1315791
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>> No.1315793
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>> No.1315794
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>> No.1315795
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>> No.1315797

I like how this doesn't mention the bank bailouts

>> No.1315799

No mention of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Very nice.

>> No.1315800

It's part of the high taxes. Seeing as that is what payed for it.

>> No.1315806

Unfortunately for the American people, Engsoc is not feasible in the real world.

>> No.1315805

>Thinks Iraq and Afghanistan aren't Muslim.

>> No.1315808

Keep thinking that.

>> No.1315811

they are muslim and there were wars there. not hurr durr islam is a religion of peace.

>> No.1315814


Which, that is unfortunate, or that is infeasible? In either case, I win.

>> No.1315821

>Engsoc is not feasible in the real world.
But it is, and it is slowly coming to fruition.

>> No.1315835

Stormfags, your opinions have always been, and always will be invalid because they are fallacious. They always consist of hand picking only things that will aid your rhetoric, spinning them, and over-blowing them.

Furthermore, you are notorious for disregarding anything contrary to your stance by pigeonholing it as "just another part of the conspiracy."

Truly, nothing is more astonishing than your pursuit of knowledge in the pursuit of further ignorance.

>> No.1315839

Uhhh, are you saying that Socialism doesn't exist in Europe? Or are you saying that it hasn't been good for Europe? Either way, you are very wrong.

>> No.1315863

Hmm, that's strange. You seem to have miss-matched your illustrations. That should depict an unregulated economy being viciously exploited by unscrupulous capitalists.
And why is there a public school teacher when charter schools and private schools are notorious for providing sub-par and/or ideologically loaded education?

>> No.1315867

The indoctrination is strong with these ones.

>> No.1315875

And in which white supremacist compound did you receive your well-rounded education?

>> No.1315885

Have you idiots even read 1984?

>> No.1315891
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>> No.1315893

the discourse you have engaged in sure is enlightening.

>> No.1315915
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I just started reading it actually

>> No.1315942


I thought it was complete shit until part 3. Then shit got real.

>> No.1315951

Black Ops should have had a level like this. I'm kind of disappointed Treyarch didn't rise to the challenge of controversy that Infinity Ward set in MW2

>> No.1315954

It's impossible to have a reasonable conversation with people that have so much faith in any political regime. The thing about power, especially political power, is that it corrupts. If you are certain Obama is exempt from this fact go ahead and praise him.

>> No.1315957

same man it's just, oh i hate my job, now let me fuck julia, and then it gets real

>> No.1315959

Wait, Stormfront faggots are using Orwell these days?

Oh wow.

Don't they know Orwell was a massive lefty?

>> No.1315960

>If you are certain Obama is exempt from this fact go ahead and praise him.
don't be so assumptive, I hate all politicians.

>> No.1315962

>thinks that anyone that doesn't love big government is a stormfag.
You are the cancer that will bring about this shit.

>> No.1315963

I certainly hope so.

>> No.1315966

you really think that the fascist right wouldn't use leftist rhetoric to further their own gains?

>> No.1315971

You mean like the National Socialists? Face it, with a government that big its a matter of time before they become fascists.

>> No.1315973

I thought the main issue in the world was that the government can't do anything right. Now they're aparantly super-competent but only when they're being evil?

>> No.1315978

Government isn't competent now. Where did you get this idea that they are capable of doing anything right? Could it be mainstream media bought off by the government? Oh no governments aren't that corrupt.

>> No.1315985

national socialist is socialism, and you're not a troll

>> No.1315986

well, you seem hardly competent as well...

>> No.1315989

The corporate powers which rule the U.S have done a good job of convincing the public not to support movements which would be for their benefit, but would be to the detriment of their control over the U.S.

Take health care. It would destroy a massive, extortionist market if a suitable public health option were put in place. However, they then get their fingers into existing public health plans and use their right-wing talk show front men to convince the public that it's evil. They don't want to give you health care, they want to kill your grandmother!

Of course, to call it Obamacare is pretty farcical. There's pressure on the Democratic party to make this change, mostly from their voters. Obama is as much a corporate tool as anybody else high-up in politics.

The entire Middle East crusade is another example of the corporate machine convincing people to support things which harm them but help the power holders. The control of Middle Eastern resources through satellite states, threats and invasion works for the wealthy, but for the poor it means scarcity and often death. One way of doing this is convincing people of the dangers of Islamic terrorists, whose attacks have been uninteresting in historical and international terms. The only interesting thing about their recent attacks is that they were perpetrated in the West and not elsewhere. Nothing else about the attacks is unique, not even the scale.

So while you're fighting against health care benefits, Israel and the build up for Iran/Pakistan the BizGov alliance are laughing.

>> No.1315990

4chan sure loves socialism, I guess its impossible to have a reasonable discussion about the flaws of any big government seeing as everyone here loves to get shafted by it. Keep in mind I hate corporatism as much as any rational individual, and haven't one advocated for it. I thought knowing about Orwell and Huxley would've made you guys a bit more knowledgeable on this issue. I guess I was wrong. Enjoy authoritative cock /lit/.

>> No.1315995

What I don't understand is how you've come to the conclusion that Obama has built a cult of personality. It has been 2 years and already the majority of those who voted for him are disavowing him.
No, that's not it at all. What led me to believe that a stormfag posted this is that the basic underlying premise of his argument is "a black man is president. In addition to this, he is a democrat pursuing more socialistic policies then we've ever done since the Great Depression. Therefore, he is the harbinger of the socialist uprising that will result of the eradication of capitalism, white Americans, and the Constitution."
No, I've considered that possibility for a long time. I figured that the only solution was to be aware of the actions of a given political entity, not just its outward appearance.

>> No.1315998

>implying you are able distinguish competence from incompetence.

>> No.1316004

Well it seems that if you aren't being lauded as the ultimate voice of reason, then you feel compelled to discredit everyone involved in the conversation.

>> No.1316007

>premise of his argument is "a black man is president."
And you say that you aren't indoctrinated. I never once said anything about his skin color. Fuck man, I was referring to his big government socialist objectives. I don't mind the socialist part, its the big government that pisses me off. Sad to see how you are already hardwired to think everyone who opposes Obama is either racist or against socialism.

>> No.1316009


It's funny how they managed to get the phrase completely backwards on these ones.

>> No.1316012

I LOVE Obama's policies... but I wish he was white.

>> No.1316013

I agree with that, for the most part. I don't believe that Obama is a corporate tool, though. I think he's a guy who tried his best, but his best proved to be not good enough. That's because 1) he didn't do what he needed to do when he needed to do it, and 2) the opposition that was stirred against him was too great.

sage for a generally shit thread.

>> No.1316015
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>Mfw this retard literally cannot read my post, which was written in extremely simple English, and instead posts something completely irrelevent in a condescending tone assuming that he is right and I said something stupid.

Sure is 14 year old emo-teen WAKE UP SHEEPLE in here.

>> No.1316016

The far right bewilders me in the cynicism of their politics.

Take Holocaust deniers. Their logic is bizarre.

>The Holocaust never happened: It's just Jews trying to make Germans look bad.
>Therefore the Jews are really, really bad.
>Therefore the Holocaust SHOULD happen.
>But we're still not bad, and the first Holocaust was still made up to make us look bad.

>> No.1316020

Sad to see that you think that anyone who accuses you of being racist is indoctrinated. Especially when you stand with a crowd who is generally racist, regardless of the issue they are discussing.

If you want people to interpret your argument correctly, make an effort to effectively expound your argument.

>> No.1316021


'You are assoiciated with a group that is stereotyped by their opposition as racist'

'Therefore I assume that you are racist despite no evidence'

Would you like some HERP with your DERP?

>> No.1316026

Or stop putting words into other peoples mouths. And my premise for you all being indoctrinated still stands.

How big gov't wants you to think:
Against Obama, must be be a racist or anti-socialist.

Because this thread didn't go exactly like this.

>> No.1316028

wouldn't you say that is a perfect example of doublethink?

>> No.1316121

Obama is fighting 2 wars in iraq and afghnistan, supporting India aginst Maoist rebels, threatening Iran with invasion and sanctions, threatening North Korea, threatening China with a new cold war; renewed patriot act, supporting CoICA and internet censorship, supported airport scanner, invested billions in large corporations, building missle shield in eastern europe, ergo he is a fascist

>> No.1316139

And don't forget killing thousands with drones in pakistan

>> No.1316158

isn't it ironic that Obama is doing what americans always accuse its enemies of doing, garner domestic support by creating conflicts abroad, Obama's popularity is slipping, so he must saber rattle china and north korea

>> No.1316165

it's like W never existed...more doublethink.

>> No.1316171
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>> No.1316176


yes, W did it so it's ok that Obama do it too; how can 1984 not become a reality with sheeple like you.

>> No.1316184
File: 200 KB, 576x623, obama-hands-web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1316198

you assume that I am alright with the policies of the current administration. your reasoning is flawed. these people will embrace your baseless conclusions: >>>/new/

>> No.1316208


i didn't assume anything; your only response to Obama's atrocities is "it's like W never existed".