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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 13 KB, 220x361, 220px-No_Longer_Human_(Osamu_Dazai_novel)_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13156333 No.13156333 [Reply] [Original]

I cant read this. Its too accurate

It hurts too much. I am going to burst into treats

>> No.13156349

what kind of treats? are we talking candy or baked goods? it seems like you've already burst into trips

>> No.13156390

Fuck off, CHAD. If No Longer Human is relatable to you, you're a CHAD and should GTFO!

>> No.13156407

Have sex.

>> No.13156427

Your housekeeper molested you too?

>> No.13156440


Stop with this retarded labeling. No longer human is a masterpiece, it conveys the pain of existence and self awareness.

>> No.13156449

>dude im like so depressed i only fucked 5 different girls this week!
nothing painful about his life, he was just a faggot

>> No.13156522

read this book in january because it was recommeded to me as doomer literature, it was extremely disappointing and as shitty as bukowski novels

>> No.13156537

Pretty much. No Longer Human, Bukowski, Camus are "doomer" literature for normies.

>> No.13156602

Onision might be up your alley, your dark piss stained roach infested alley

>> No.13156622

Mishima's Sea of Fertility is more doomer than Dazai

>> No.13156651
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I'm sick of hearing about this book. It's very average.

>> No.13156734

read it in moon, it's good

>> No.13156823

What are you, some kind of pinata?

>> No.13156873

The past becomrs auto erotic vrry quickly. Or it will break your heart into million little pieces. Zeugmatically speaking get yout ziche in order before you niche. Wanna be neo or an io? One binds one is bound. Im long for you gurl

>> No.13156914
File: 68 KB, 600x631, 1514392073149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read this expecting to be about an incel like me
>its actually about a chad that cries about fucking too many girls

>> No.13156970

Just read the Book of Disquiet for lonely vibes.

>> No.13156981

It was a different time

>> No.13157011

Thats your incel vision, it was about being taken advantage of by roasties

You fucking nonce

>> No.13157081
File: 57 KB, 911x445, mishima and dazai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, you dick crazed homosexual.
That's right. Dazai isn't a loser incel like you creeps.
>waaah i can't relate to this book because the author gets laid and I don't
There's a reason we're posting "have sex". You cannot appreciate literature if you're an incel.

>> No.13157150


>> No.13157172

based dazai

>> No.13157191


>I was trying to shoehorn some dumb incel category I learned in a chinese knitting forum to a revered literary work and I didn’t like the experience.

The book is great, only dummies like you don’t like it. And I’m not a «doomer».

>> No.13157208

Holy shit

How can mishima ever recover

>> No.13157215

Mishima had an entourage of loyal qt twinks, while dazai had to settle for ugly suicide roasties

>> No.13157221

It just sounds like mishima wanted to hatefuck buttfuck dazai, tbqh famula rosa. Or get hatefucked-buttfucked.

>> No.13157224
File: 20 KB, 210x314, Dazai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I thought, “I want to die. I want to die more than ever before. There’s no chance now of a recovery. No matter what sort of thing I do, no matter what I do, it’s sure to be a failure, just a final coating applied to my shame. That dream of going on bicycles to see a waterfall framed in summer leaves—it was not for the likes of me. All that can happen now is that one foul, humiliating sin will be piled on another, and my sufferings will become only the more acute. I want to die. I must die. Living itself is the source of sin.”

>> No.13157242

Jeez, lighten up eeyore.

>> No.13157283
File: 4 KB, 225x225, あなたの知らない太宰治.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>homosexual COPE
That was my thought on that. Mishima was way more fanny flustered than anyone. Dazai fought with plenty of other writers, no one else stalked him to a party. Mishima wanted Dazai's D and couldn't get it. Mishima went full notice me senpai and still got shut the fuck down.

>> No.13157312

I am starting to think that in the same way the women in dazais young life took advantage of the thing about dazai that he could not say no to giving away, is the same thing mishima also sought (lusted) after. But obviously dazai does not fuck men, so too bad for mishima. Would explain his jilted roasty bitterness

>> No.13157325

If you're a virgin you won't understand this book, because you wouldn't know that random pussy does nothing to fill the emptiness.

>> No.13157372
File: 20 KB, 320x276, que-13149575763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Dazai was 6'0 and extremely handsome, and also one of the most talked about contemporary authors of the time. Mishima was writhing in lust and jealousy.

>> No.13157376

Its the forehead and eyebrows

Its always the forehead and eyebrows

>> No.13157455

>Dazai isn't a loser
Have sex.

>> No.13157998
File: 152 KB, 800x1198, B0DA6115-E070-44DC-8027-53C9935AA1D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volcel, perhaps?

>> No.13158016

Most gay dudes I know look like white versions of him why do they all have the same forehead and eyebrows like that

>> No.13158089

You're a normalfag if that book resonates with you.

True Robot Tier:
Notes from The Underground
The Catcher in The Rye
Ham on Rye
Hunger (Knut Hamsun)
The Dwarf
Death on Credit
Thus spoke Zarathrustra

Failed Normalfag tier:
No Longer Human
Confessions of a Mask
Anything written by Houllebeq
Post Office
Journey To The end of The Night

Normalfag tier:
American Psycho
The Stranger
On The Road
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Fahrenheit 451

>> No.13159318


>> No.13159485


>> No.13159801

>Anything written by Houllebeq
For most of his books, I'd agree. However Extension of the Domain of the Struggle is pretty much /r9k/ in literary form

>> No.13160121

Anyone who read No Longer Human and thought the protagonist was a normalfag, is in fact a normalfag themselves. Why do I say that? Because Yozo possesses normalfag things and you can't understand why he isn't happy. If you just had the things he did (mainly a girlfriend and pussy) then you'd be happy. You aren't actually alienated from humanity, you just didn't get the normalfag accessories you wanted and you're upset about it. No Longer Human should help you understand that if you are truly disconnected from other humans, then ever getting the girlfriend you desire so much isn't going to make your life any better. There is something much more fundamentally wrong with you. But you don't get it, because you're a normalfag.

>> No.13160135

this desu

>> No.13160140

All that being said, I related to Catcher in the Rye more, due to the additional component of sexual dysfunction.

>> No.13160258

What I mean is, I can't even imagine something like sleeping with a prostitute. The thought of it makes me very sad. Yozo is alien to me in this sort of regard.

>> No.13160464

That makes them failed normalfags you rationalizing failed normalfag.

>> No.13160481

have you tried Having sex?

>> No.13160484

A failed normalfag is still a normalfag. What makes them tick is the same thing. The only difference is the lack of success in getting it.

>> No.13160513
File: 37 KB, 306x475, blue_bamboo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try reading some of Dazai's other books as well. His stories are more varied that you would think based on NLH.

Self Portraits is a very good collection too.

>> No.13160527

I wonder how much of that stuff in No Longer Human about Yozo's stupid cartoons, etc. was an analogy to Dazai's previous writings.

>> No.13160531

A failed normalfag is dysfunctional in some way, their underlying drives and perspective on life are just normal.

A whiny normalfag is functional and was either a masterfully manipulative sociopath from youth (it's not this one) or has slight abnormality that upsets them despite overall similarity allowing them to fit in.

>> No.13160556

>A failed normalfag is dysfunctional in some way, their underlying drives and perspective on life are just normal.
>their underlying drives and perspective on life are just normal.
In other words they are a normalfag.
>A whiny normalfag is functional and was either a masterfully manipulative sociopath from youth (it's not this one) or has slight abnormality that upsets them despite overall similarity allowing them to fit in.
You'd have to be a normalfag to think that being able to fit in is a good thing if it only brings you misery.

>> No.13160586

>In other words they are a normalfag.
Not really. You can be insane while still wanting normal things.

>a good thing
You're the only one making value judgement in this conversation. Emotional social thinking that assumes everyone must be trying to manipulate others by talking about moral systems as if they objectively exist is a normalfag trait, btw.

>> No.13160643

100% this. seething incels here are just failed normies. if you have all the trappings of normalfagdom and you're still miserable, THAT is what makes the difference. the only people allowed to wallow in misery are people who CAN get jobs, CAN get laid, CAN pass as normies, and simply despise all of it anyway.

failed normies are just as disgusting as normalfags.

>> No.13160666

Sometimes I wonder if I could pass as a normalfag. I can hold down a job (I have to or I'd have no money), but as for anything beyond that, I haven't made any attempt in years, nor do I want to.

>> No.13160677

>a whiny normalfag instantly demonstrates their inability to comprehend how underlying differences can disrupt the foundations of surface level function because their foundations are so normal
your assumption that the only reason to be unhappy is failing at achieving normalfaggotry is pretty telling

>> No.13160696

Good post desu

>> No.13160761

I was saying the exact opposite but you need a minimum 80 IQ to read an internet post I guess.

>> No.13160768

i love treats

>> No.13160788

>the only people who have legitimate reasons for being miserable are functioning normalfags who are unhappy about it
>ignoring the possibility of a non-normalfag who is unhappy for reasons other than not being a normalfag
>thinks happiness revolves around normalfaggotry, either not having it or being dissatisfied with it
you're also retarded like a normalfag

>> No.13160792

>tfw you realize chad is actually the true non-normalfag

>> No.13160800

Only normalfags care about being happy.

>> No.13160809

this book is overrated as fuck

>> No.13160821

A thousand plateaus

>> No.13160824

True. The Catcher in the Rye is better. No Longer Human is still good though.

>> No.13160851

Have sex.

>> No.13160857

Both Notes from the underground and No Longer Human are my favorites, Nausea would be too but it drags along too much, it has too many inecessary things to be on the same level.

American psycho in the other hand, although not as rich, and far more ornamental, deserves to be near these tittles in grace

not sure why you guys have to turn it into a virginity vs no virginity issue

>> No.13160885

>not sure why you guys have to turn it into a virginity vs no virginity issue
It's a deep concern for normalfags unable to have sex.

>> No.13160916
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I absolutely despise people who only read in an attempt to read about themselves. The incredible amount of narcissism this must require is beyond my understanding. I can't imagine reading something and then having a fit of anger the moment that the main character stops resembling me.

>> No.13160948
File: 95 KB, 768x768, FC80FA10-2135-47B6-B23B-97EEEE7B560F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute retard. Its not about the book resembling the reader but the stigma associated with the book leads
to certain expectations, especially on this site and whats been said about the book. Also, fucking a bunch of suicidal girls and crying about it is pathetic compared to some of the doomer shit in the /lit/ canon, but its not that, thats the issue. Its the fact that the prose banal and the writing overall is a C+ the only reason people seem to enjoy this book is the emptiness reached by all this engagement in lust and all the self-conscious awareness Dazai has. This book makes you feel the tight conceited feeling that Dazai had due to the expectations and restriction of showing an emotional character in the East. Dazai was a dam about to burst in the terrible situation he was in, the only way to loosen up the skim tightening feeling was writing, and thats what we got

>> No.13161001

Tbf I care more about ideas about my existence that I just haven't thought of myself than I care about ideas about the existence of differently-abled minority transsexuals. If the insights of differently-abled minority transsexuals help me understand the general world that's fine and still might be as relevant to my existence as books about people like me. But when books are just about the feelings of differently-abled minority transsexuals because normalfags want to empathize with a wide array of hip group identities I will never interact with I don't care and don't think that's unreasonable.

>> No.13161021

How the fuck did you make a thread about Dazai into shit about trannies

>> No.13161026

I like being able to read about things I similarly struggle with, as it helps me understand it better. But that's not my sole criterion for enjoying a book and I would not cease to read something simply because I found it unrelatable. That being said, I do think that No Longer Human is somewhat misadvertised on this board, and people get the impression that it's about being a virgin loser, when it's about something quite different. I can understand being frustrated at reading something that you thought would provide some insight into your own problems and finding that your own problems aren't even present in the text.

>> No.13161029

I didn't enjoy that book too much. I do like depressive literature (i.e. Notes From Underground), but I felt too unconnected with Dazai's semi-authobiographical character. I enjoyed the first part of the book (the childhood), but then it just spirals into the main character attempting (and failing) to kill himself--which I found too pathetic. Considering that the Dazai was using this novel as a thinly-veiled retrospective of his own life, it just felt surface level in thought. I do like his daughter's, Tsushima, novels though.

>> No.13161046

Well he did try to kill himself multiple times and failed (not counting the last attempt). E.g. the double suicide attempt where only women died happened in real life.

>> No.13161065

The banal prose, as you put it, to me communicates the meaning of the book even more than the actual words. That's what depression feels like, a hollow void, no motivation, no creativity, nothing. Depression is nothingness that swallows you whole. So when I was reading it, that's what I got from his writing, a man consumed by depression so deeply that you can feel it in his writing

Was it an intentional choice, or was it just a natural consequence of the author's state of mind? Who's to say. I understand why some people would be displeased with the lack of flowery language, but to me that is a core part of the experience. In that way it reminds me of The Stranger. Detached and difficult to identify with

>> No.13161084

>I do like his daughter's, Tsushima, novels though.
Haven't read them. They any good?

>> No.13161109

I think so. Read Territory of Light. I think it got recently translated. She also has a collection of short stories called The Shooting Gallery

>> No.13161116

It's very simple: if you've had sex, you're a normalfag. A denial of this fact is just a normalfag snowflake woe is me cope for being called out as a whiny LARPer.

>> No.13161118

I know about Dazai's life, which is why I mentioned twice that the novel is semi-authobiographical. I'm aware that the events in the novel (including his suicide pact mistresses) are based on his own expierience

>> No.13161125


Incels BTFOd

>> No.13161133

Ironically, that is shit incels say

>> No.13161161

How do you even help people like this? If he was honest how he felt towards the beginning of his childhood would it have all been avoided? Do you just med them up and hope for the best? Hes so destructive to himself and everyone and is incredibly convincing. He cant cope with an ideology or god, his only somewhat cope seemed to be drinking and that didnt work out so well either. And just putting him in a bin doesnt seem realistic. Be happy many of you never gotten to his point desu I know I am

>> No.13161227

I read this while kicking heroin and the withdrawals heightened the literary experience.

10/10 would recommend. I think I'll read 120 Days of Sodom by candlelight after locking myself in an involuntary orgy brothel next.

I've made a name for this revolutionary experience of immersive literature consumption. I call it X-TREME reading.

>> No.13161290

He just needed a girlfr-- uh, I mean he just needed to get lai-- uh, I mean he just needed to be himse-- uh, I mean he just needed to exercise. Yeah, that's the one. I don't think he exercised in the book so that would have done the trick.

>> No.13161380

He needed someone who understood him and would reach out to him, even past his lashing-out and putting on arrogant airs, to give him a headpat.

Society at the time expected certain things of men. Provide a stable financial life for your wife and kids, be responsible, never show emotional weakness, never show pain, etc. That is what destroyed him--feeling like a failure for being unable to meet those standards.

>> No.13161402

Wait I gotta grab a plate

>> No.13161526

Hmm... I'm not really in a position to make a counterargument, but this feels simplistic and wrong to me. That's certainly not what I got out of the book. If you wanted to make it about standards I think he felt he failed the standard of being human altogether, not simply of failing to be an acceptable man.

>> No.13161581

Actually, going off drugs/alcohol would have done wonders... he stopped when he was with his last girl and was almost happy but then Horiki came and fucked it up by reminding him of the woman he'd left behind.

>> No.13161640

That was a very tastefully written NTR scene though

>> No.13162501

Not really. Modern life inspired Mishima to epicly end his own life as a form of protest, which is bad ass