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13154217 No.13154217 [Reply] [Original]

His book was a guide not a prop.

>> No.13154223

His book was a senile change of opinions.

>> No.13154225

Oooooy veeeeeeey

>> No.13154231

Very intellectual of you.

>> No.13154239

Martin Luther was a friend of the Jews and defended them from the Catholic church most of his life.

>> No.13154372

can we just honestly gas the jews for real this time?

>> No.13154374

just say the word

>> No.13154380
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>> No.13154385


>> No.13154391
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>> No.13154396


>> No.13154418


>> No.13154429


>> No.13154450

>tries to convert the Jews
>can't do it
>throws a tantrum and blames the Jews
Overall, it's a yikes from me

>> No.13154452


>> No.13154490

>no u

>> No.13154497

>Can't convert the jews
>Reads their source material (Talmud, Tanakh) to see if he can learn some ways to do so
>Writes: On the jews and their Lies

>> No.13154498


>> No.13154515

Can we talk about how Luther met a 12 year old autistic who he thought was a soulless mass of flesh possessed by the devil, and suggested that he be suffocated?

>> No.13154519

Fixes the autism. Don't see the problem.

>> No.13154536

Point is Luther was a retard, so don't take anything he said seriously. Antisemitism was a common trope throughout history with no basis in reality.

>> No.13154551

Martin Luther was a YUGE dumbass.

>> No.13154600

Autism is not a joke. Please delete your post.

>> No.13154804

>Antisemitism was a common trope throughout history with no basis in reality.
That's a lie with no basis in reality. If it works, jews get to ruin more people and their lives.

>> No.13154813

Opposing jews is a moral obligation because of baby torture. You cannot even use your religion to justify it, as even the atheist jews do it.

>> No.13154833

>Martin Jewther

>> No.13154846

>a common trope throughout history with no basis in reality.
That doesn't sound right to me.

Also the jews are 1.5% of the us population yet are a third of the richest 1%, and they also control the banks and the mainstream media, you don't even have to know history to hate jews.

>> No.13156325

>we transformed our religion from strictly judaism to a hybrid of jewish mythology and greco-roman sreucture and theology.
>now its time to become more like the jews, having a decentralized, structure and each person being in covenant with god directly

>> No.13156412

There is no such thing as an atheist jew

>> No.13156417

That's because they have higher IQ's, are more hard-working and ambitious than the regular population.
Also the claim that they control the banks and the mainstream media is a meme that has no basis in reality. Show me one study that proves that. Protip: you can't. Sure you can find anecdotal evidence or a random poster made by a /pol/tard, but you will never prove a jewish monopoly in the banks or in the media - becuase it doesn't exist!
The fuck are you talking about retard? What baby torture?
Tell me how jews ruin people or more significantly than average people do. Clearly you are just antisemitic.

>> No.13156422

52% of american jews don't believe in a god. Clearly you are wrong.

>> No.13156435

Try and convert into Judaism and see how immediate your connection to God is.

>> No.13156606

>never prove a jewish monopoly in the banks

During the 19th century, the Rothschild family possessed the largest private fortune in the world, as well as in modern world history.

>> No.13156650

Related question: are you actually retarded or just pretending to be? We're not fucking talking about what was happening two centuries ago, we're talking about today.

>> No.13156664

>a common trope throughout history with no basis in reality.
really makes you think

>> No.13156690

>Antisemitism was a common trope throughout history with no basis in reality.
I think you mean to say liking the jews was a 20th century western phenomena and it's winding down. Kind of like seances, or bell bottom jeans.

>> No.13156707

I've changed my mind on the Jews. I quite like them now. They're fairly nice people. Seem to have more sympathy than the average person. I'm not talking about immigrants. I'm talking about personal interactions.

>> No.13156715

>That's because they have higher IQ's, are more hard-working and ambitious than the regular population.
Even if this is 100% and true any sort of jewish nepotism, lobbying and general insidious influence is completely false and they are the actual chosen people, it doesn't mean anyone else has to put up with their shit. Nazis claim to be le master race and whites are supposedly going extinct and no one likes them. Its the same thing.

>> No.13156735

>sociopathic actual racists seem to have more sympathy
Keyword being seem. Car salesmen seem to have sympathy. Not that zoomer marxists would know anything about that lmao

>> No.13156738

You are no different from an SJW who whines about white privilege.

>> No.13156749

White privilege is not only an implicit acknowlegment of white supremacy but a claim it doesn't matter and I headed you off at the pass here >>13156715

>> No.13156760

>it's another "white guys with mediocre unfulfilling lives blame the Jews" episode

>> No.13156779

>it's another "pretending people have ever liked the jews and they weren't unanimously despised by many captains of industry until the early 20th century" episode
Truman needs to browse better threads desu

>> No.13156787

>it's another every race on earth blames their problems on white guys episode

>> No.13156833

Nowhere did I pretend that Jews have not faced pervasive prejudice throughout history.
t. delusional white twentysomething who blames Jews as a coping mechanism

>> No.13156844

>Jews have not faced pervasive prejudice
Jews have not been disliked by basically everyone for how they act*

>> No.13156876

>That's because they have higher IQ's, are more hard-working and ambitious than the regular population.
Average Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is 102 at the highest. This whole smart Jew myth is hilarious. Like, where are all these smart fucking Jews? In any case, even if the average Jewish IQ were 120 AND they were more hard-working it STILL wouldn't explain their massive overrepresentation in media, academia, etc. It's just math. And to think that the Jews have the nerve to accuse whites of discrimination whenever they make up more than 50% of a group.

>> No.13156887

> GOY our IQ's are higher than yours.. you cannot win goy.. understand?
> OY VEY do not publish these findings about other ethnicities having a lower mean IQ than whites, ya hear me?

>> No.13156900

>faced pervasive prejudice throughout history
Here's where a person with at least average intelligence will ask "why?"

>> No.13156913

Success breeds jealousy. You people reslly need to get it out of your head that it's their fault.

>> No.13156917

I agree.

>> No.13156943

I have never ever seen someone blame the jews for their shitty life on this site, just people mentioning the evil things they do.

>> No.13156946

What are they successful at?

>> No.13156954

t. Hates white people

>> No.13156958

>prohibit Jews from participating in normal civic life and working in normal occupations
>forced to resort to usury to make a living
>wtf bro jews took all my money!!

>> No.13156959

Which, coincidentially, are all things white frustrated men complain about (as if they're the only people with trouble).

>> No.13156977

I'm a spic and I hate the jews get out of here

>> No.13156984

The "evil things" that Jews are supposedly doing are, to posters here, generally the things that make their lives shitty, e.g. sabotaging the white race with multiculturalism, feminism, etc.

>> No.13157005
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Why do you put "evil things" in quotes? Wouldn't sabotaging a race of people be an evil thing to do?

>> No.13157014

Because I do not believe that the Jews are sabotaging a race of people.

>> No.13157030
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>> No.13157041

>The fuck are you talking about retard? What baby torture?
Circumcision. Applies to Amerimutts and Muslims as well.

>> No.13157042

By charge what a retard you are! There were NUMEROUS false tropes throughout history, just as ridiculous as the antisemitic pseudotheories. Examples: miasma, demon possessions instead of mental illnesses, belief in gods, flat earth, hundreds of other unnamed superstitions that have have thrived for centuries, if not millennia. Educate yourself, because right now you're just making a fool of yourself.
You are not obliged to like jews, just like you're not obliged to like any other ethnic/religious group. But coming up with ridiculous, baseless, hateful conspiracy theories of them is just retarded.
Sure, you don't have to put up with anyone's shit. But attributing the ills of society to one ethnic group, majority of whose members have nothing to do with any of it is simply bigoted and retarded. Even the most hateful antisemites who have a grain of reason left admit that it's not just the jews. There is literally no evidence to support your ridiculous hypothesis. Claiming to be superior is not unique to jews. There are always an extremely small hateful minority in a racial/ethnic group: same with white people, black people, japanese people, i could go on and on... But arguments won't convince you, since you've already made up your mind, am I right? But sure, tell me to read Kevin Macdonald or some shit to deflect from the fact that you don't know shit what you're talking about. Just give up already or educate yourself.
If you had any intellectual interest at all and were not a dilletante like the majority of /lit/ seem to be, you would quickly notice the disproportionate amount of jews who have accomplished actually meaningful and wonderful things to scientific and other intellectual fields of studies. You strike me as a kind of a hillbilly. My advice to you is the same as I gave to the previous posters.
Your post literally does not make any sense. Publishing/restricting findings on race and IQ link has nothing to do with jews specifically. And the fact that jews have higher IQs is a scientific fact. No idea what you're trying to prove, or what your argument is. Jesus, is every antisemite as retarded as the posters in this board? This is so tiresome...

>> No.13157057

The destruction of a race of people is just a happy side effect of pushing degeneracy, multiculturalism, and division between the sexes.

>> No.13157086
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Opposing jews is just a political / moral standard where you oppose foreign conquerors.

>> No.13157088

Why are people filled with so mucy hatred?
Back in my /pol/ days I might have shoehorned Jews into my argument for sake of rhetoric and winning a few yous of replies, but I never felt the hatred people here have. Apathy, disinterest perhaps but not hate. Scapegoating but it was only to get at a larger point. You people make it seem personal. What the hell have they ever done to you?

>> No.13157097
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Where do you see this?

>> No.13157105

>If you had any intellectual interest at all and were not a dilletante like the majority of /lit/ seem to be, you would quickly notice the disproportionate amount of jews who have accomplished actually meaningful and wonderful things to scientific and other intellectual fields of studies. You strike me as a kind of a hillbilly. My advice to you is the same as I gave to the previous posters.
Uh, not really. In literature they are not notable except a few 20th century novelists and some philosophers. In science the perception is skewed because America let in a few high profile Jewish scientists. Of course, if Jews are disproportionately and discriminatorily given access to elite circles, they will achieve more, but the actual achievement will be considerably less than what it would be if the Jews did not exist.

>> No.13157117

It's not personal, it's global.

>> No.13157132

They murdered my Tsar.

>> No.13157160

>posting a comic made by a literal neonazi

>> No.13157170

This is the problem with Moldbug types. They repeatedly tell us 'the entire progressive mindset is lies and delusion, race is real, democracy is terrible, etc.' but then on the subject of Jews they suddenly agree 100% with Harvard instead of the very people they were citing a second ago as the reactionary luminaries of times past.

Kind of shooting yourself in the foot to promote complete mistrust in progressive authority and not expect people to start questioning the jq. Even Moldbug's old acolytes like Spandrell have become increasingly aware of Jewish influence, though they still subsume it within the hypercalvinist or whatever movement, which is somewhat defensible, a society of reactionary men would not allow anything like the Jewish 20th century intellectuals to exist in the first place. It's more accurate to see certain groups of Jews as having made alliances with certain influential groups in Europe, beginning very early on.They have not been the instigating agent nor a mere parasite on what was already decaying, but one force among many exerting their collective will. Most Jewish groups of importance in history are not even fully Jewish, and comprise of course a small percentage of the Jewish population in the countries in question, for example the banking powers in the 19th century were something like half jewish, half gentile, but this doesn't mean that they had no original agency in the creation of these social conditions. The Bolsheviks are another obvious example. History not being a science or experiment you can't say Jews were 'necessary' or 'sufficient' to any of these episodes, but they were clearly playing a role, just as nobody has a problem admitting the Jewish role in say modern physics.

What is clear is that any history of the West that doesn't account for the influence of Jews, except in the most whitewashed ridiculous narrative of their being a noble and persecuted race that only contributed positively, is not going to have the full picture, they have simply played too important a role in too many parts of history. 200 years together from the bit I skimmed of the Russian text seems to be a relatively good sort of approach to this issue as it played out in Russia. The issue is massively complicated by the same factors that make analyzing the role of progressives in recent history so difficult- their influence in academia, the press, and popular culture, ie. everything that shapes our worldview and basic suppositions.

So the only people writing these kinds of texts tend to be extremely out there because, having abandoned most mainstream historical and social theory, they kind of invent their theories as they will. I mean people like MacDonald, Jones, or Tanstaafl obviously. there is probably something of value in their work but they are all operating on different (weakly supported) assumptions. really until academia is replaced with something that cares about truth there will be no progress, so probably never.

>> No.13157178

I've never read kevin macdonalds book. I do however know about walter benjamin, the frankists, franz joseph molitor, sabbatai zevi and literally BIBLICAL history. Nobody has ever liked jews and their insidious influence can be traced back to literally occultism for centuries. All of the modern day run of the mill atheists seem to genuinely think thats how this works. It doesn't seem that way at all
>literally every single influential person in history was LARPing/doesn't actually believe what they said they do
This is a troll argument.

>> No.13157192

/pol/ types absolutely need to have something to scapegoat. They have no way of critical thinking that doesn't involve blaming someone for their problems

>> No.13157198

Moldbug believes basically exactly what you said, viz. there is not much that is inherently Jewish about progressivism, but due to various historical/cultural/whatever circumstances, many very powerful Jewish groups have been great allies of progressivism. From this point of view, to point out the Jewish role in democracy and leftism is about as interesting as pointing out the French or Anglo role.

>> No.13157200
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Stop obsessing over people with Jewish heritage.

>> No.13157216

Yes, because he thought of jews as lost sheeple alienated from the church by the catholics.
As soon as he realized that they had no intention to convert he began to hate them.

>> No.13157218
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The point stands. It could have been drawn by a ghetto nigger, and the point would still stand.

>> No.13157232

The moment jews stop obsessing over themselves and torturing their babies to sate the jewish ego, that will happen naturally.

>> No.13157248

Who are you talking about specifically when you say this? I never hear Jewish people talking about anything really. Just /pol/ whining

>> No.13157253

OR! If you're reasonable, you would blame the people who did something wrong not the entire ethnic group you utter fucking moron lmao

>> No.13157285

The other ones are willing meat shields. Likely to do with their cultist upbringing, inbreeding and heavy trauma intentionally created and replicated with circumcision.

Well, if /pol/ is the only place in the world that opposes baby torture, they are better than the rest of the world.

>> No.13157302

Btw, I should add that circumcision demolishes all victimhood narratives. If you can't care about your own suffering, and self-perpetuate it, defend it and require it to be legal for you to even be in a country - why should anybody else bother?

>> No.13157307

Vacate this board

>> No.13157314

>70% of jews are atheists, fully willing to give up on God, G-d, Satan / whatever
Seems like something people do these days.
>Circumcision is still near-Universal
So baby torture must remain, no matter what?

>> No.13157329

No. The bar for humanity isn't very high right now, all I have to do is be better than /pol/, oppose baby torture etc. - and I reach a relative moral supremacy. Now, it's not quite enough for me as I have real standards to be met as well.
It's kinda shocking, really - to see how fall humanity has fallen.

>> No.13157541

Scientific and social advancements, finance, academics, the list goes on.
You really need to be in denial to not see they contribute more to society than whiney men in their 20's.

>> No.13157562

Quit moralizing, it looks really desperate

>> No.13157583

887 here
The argument is that whites and east asians have a higher IQ than their fellow American countrymen. Is it really that difficult to read?

>> No.13157587

Get this nazi trash out of here

>> No.13157649

Doesn't matter what it looks like. What it is is a very potent attack on subhumans.

>> No.13157655

Meant for >>13157562

>> No.13157693


>> No.13157732

Where to cop?

>> No.13157761

When a smarmy lefty does it maybe but circumcision is pretty wrong.

>> No.13157833

>people unironically bitching some webcoming is MADE BE LE NAZI
>on 4chan
/lit/ is a newfag college now (And Why That's a Good Thing!)

>> No.13157835

ethnicity is just a spook. being born with some distant Mediterranean ancestry doesn't mean you are part of a hivemind to rule the world

>> No.13157841

4chan shouldn't objectively be about being edgy for edgy sake. You already have multiple boards to do that, you don't have to shit up another

>> No.13157849

>evolution doesn't exist
Let me guess, the earth is flat right?or do you think aboriginals are human beings but 3 species of chimps live near each other across a river and only fuck sometimes? Either we're basically divine or we're not. Fucking pick one.

>> No.13157870

>if I don't like what you have to day you're just trying to be le edgy!
kill yourself you braindead newfaggot retard. Stop pretending it's some mystery that people who believe or say controversial things have ended up on an anonymous, lax website for 15 years. You're actually pretending to be retarded, but not "trolling", and it's pathetic. Again kill yourself.

>> No.13157875

Yeah it's just socially made up distinctions by humans. It's not written up in stone how you should act if you are a monkey or what it even means to be a monkey

>> No.13157889
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Wew, there is no reason to be this upset. I'm sorry for getting you so heated

>> No.13157896

>denying biology
Okay cletus. Don't you have some witches to burn?

>> No.13157898

These are the people who throw around the word "prejudice"

>> No.13157900


>> No.13157915

Nice attempt to re-muddy the waters but reminder this retard thinks that evolution is just something "people done made up hyuck hyuck hyuck". Go fuck your slaves, Jim-bob.

>> No.13157959

It's sociology. Ideas aren't biological

>> No.13157964

lol cope

>> No.13157973

The point of contention being the agency of the Jewish people to create and influence social conditions rather than just play the roles given to them by Europeans. Analyzing Jewish contribution to progressivism(it is not just progressivism by the way, Jews have played a role in all sorts of places) in the same way one would Anglo or French is exactly the point.

>> No.13157997

Not an argument

>> No.13158004

Coming to 4chan as a Jewish person is weird. I've never even thought of it as an identity or a way of thinking yet apparently everything I do has to do with subverting culture or some shit. I 'm just trying to go about my life just like everyone else, I don't go to any secret meetings about changing culture or anything

>> No.13158013

>le balding canadian catchphrase
Back to >>>/pol/ you go

>> No.13158020

Still not an argument for why race isn't a social construct

>> No.13158065

Yeah sure Billy-Joe, evolution is fake and earth is flat. My pee paw weren't no black feller! Get the fuck out of here you dipshit redneck

>> No.13158076

It's not a social construct because you can measure the genetic distance between people. There is a corresponding social construct that is imperfectly aligned to the real genetic differences.

>> No.13158589

Even wiki covers it:

>> No.13158625

>thread is about Martin Luther
>only posts pertaining to current events, please

>> No.13158687

Strawman argument.