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/lit/ - Literature

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13153380 No.13153380 [Reply] [Original]

are self-insert characters inherently bad?

>> No.13153388
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>> No.13153392

No. All people are three dimension characters, so if done right it should work. I think the fiction-suit device is much more interesting though,

Also Samwell Tarly and Tyrion Lannister are admitted by GRRM to be self-inserts (Tyrion is who he wants to be, Sam is who he is)

>> No.13153412

lots of good literature is "self-insert" characters. but not in the way you mean, which is as a chess piece with super powers in genre fic.

>> No.13153451

Why is she so ugly?

>> No.13153519

No, Mary Sues are bad and agenda waving is tactless though. Fiction should be immersive first and foremost.

>> No.13153536

If I see one more game of thrones picture I'm going to kill myself. That's what you want, you'll all be happy, its the only way I can be a good person. You think I'm evil, you think I'm evil because of my race or the things I think, the games I play, my major. Because I'm white, because I'm a male, because I'm a Republican, because I'm in a STEM degree and think that AI should outlaw the racist HUMAN-ities. Because I disagree with you, you want me to die and you believe my death would be good. I'm afraid to actually do anything on this website lest I be targeted by your kill squads. Lest I be harassed by and destroyed by you people. I see how all the things you say so I know everything I say is true and that I should kill myself. I was up all night last night, sometimes punching myself in the head and screaming because I'm reading the things liberals and leftists say and I thought they were going to have total disorder in the streets and that I was going to die. I know you want me to die. I can prove it. I have over 5000 captured images proving it, don't bother to argue. I'm a Republican, I'm white, I'm male, and I know that feeling as though I have hardships is evil because of that. I can't take joy in any of my accomplishments because every time I do I'm reminded by the liberals that I don't deserve them and that I'm evil and celebrating any accomplishment in STEM is evil. I'm going to kill myself because that's exactly what you want and will make you happy and I will teach you a lesson when the whole world learns about it. I have a Glock and can drive home at any time and end it instantaneously. Pills are for cowards and I don't want to take someone else's liver for my worthless existence. I was told that if I was ever upset over the things people said then I deserved to be and they must've been talking about me and that if I was afraid of being killed then I should be because I must be a Nazi but everytime I see liberal comments there's like a third person thought that says that they want to kill me and I can't control it I can't control the anger or emotional response I feel I don't want to die I don't want to die. I have to assume they're talking about me because I must always be on the lookout for sin so that I never do anything wrong. The only moral thing to do is to end my own life.

>> No.13153557 [SPOILER] 
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You seem kind of angry, why don't you just get a life instead of being butthurt about a shitty adaptation?
The idea that there are "non" self-insert characters is wrong, every character can be a self-insert character as long as the reader is pathetic enough to self insert.
The only intentional self insert characters like mary sues and such tend to be bad but not because of the self insertion but because they often are written by idiots.

>> No.13153602

what is the difference between good self insert and bad one?

>> No.13153615

fetal alcoholism

>> No.13153760

they arent inherently bad, but they tend to be boring

>> No.13153768

A bad self insert character is generally presented as flawless and better than the other characters, while a good self insert (especially Dante) is used for the author to explicitly reflect on their own flaws and struggles.

>> No.13154295

If Germ wrote about Hot Pie being a pathetic draft dodger then that would be a good self insert

>> No.13154307
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just chill bro

>> No.13154318
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