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13152707 No.13152707 [Reply] [Original]

Has there been one good fantasy novel written in the last 20 years?

>> No.13152712


>> No.13152807

Yes, plenty.

>> No.13152821

No, none.

>> No.13152898


>> No.13152903

>ASOIAF isn't good now because the tv show is popular

>> No.13152908

it's not that good. it's only fun to read because it's popular and people talk about it.

>> No.13152962

A Game of Thrones came out 23 years ago

>> No.13152988

Yes but it wasn't written in English and nobody will read it until after the author is dead.

>> No.13153035


Tell us the name of the book.

>> No.13153156

It existed before the show. It was popular and groundbreaking before the show. It was good before anyone read it. It's not good because it's popular, it's popular because it's good. It's a meme right now but you're a buffoon if you're really can't recognize why at the very leastwhy the first three books in ASOIAF are literary achievements.

A Storm of Swords is better anyway and came out 19 years ago.

>> No.13153180

If I change the question to in the last 18 years will you shut up about ASOIAF?

>> No.13153922

>A Storm of Swords is better anyway
Why did it peak with that book? Everything afterwards was a steaming pile of shit

>> No.13154508

Because the plot ballooned out of control and the focus shifted away from the characters that readers gave a shit about to newly introduced characters no one gives a shit about, also further ballooning the plot.

>> No.13154530

This is also the reason the show had to change so many things, because the last two books are not adaptable, and even if they were, they would make terrible television. Unfortunately the changes weren't good enough.

>> No.13154956
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>> No.13154975

Yes. Luckily, they weren't written in the humongous anglo*d "language" so your dirty money-grabbing hands can never defile them.

>> No.13155106
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Yes, very Borgesian

>> No.13155165

>"In truth, there are not a hundred masterpieces of modern fantasy, any more than there a hundred masterpieces of science fiction."[8] "[A]t least some of the novels I have selected are masterpieces of modern literature, full of beauty and wonder. The others are craftsmanlike entertainments which I happily commend to you for your enjoyment."[9]]

even the guy who literally wrote the book on fantasy novels thinks the genre is garbage lol

>> No.13155189

Black Leopard Red Wolf

>> No.13155194

>the monomyth hero is a fascist notion
Based goodreads reviews

>> No.13155197
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>> No.13155222

Huge brainlet take.
Period is 1946-1987, and only examines works written in english.
That would mean an average of 2.43 masterpieces per year, all under the scope of a single (brainlet) language.
Find me any genre to ever reach those numbers and then we might be able to discuss the quote as an indictment of fantasy's intrinsic quality.

>> No.13155242

Left-wing fantasy fans really expose their shit taste when they praise Michael Moorcock, even though he is an awful author, just because he was an anarcho-communist who hated Tolkien.

>> No.13155299

If you read the quote he's saying that most of the novels in his 100 best aren't masterpieces.

>> No.13155363

If you read my post you'll see you missed the point.

>> No.13155423

I read your post, and you don't have one.

>> No.13155610

It's only groundbreaking if you are a brainlet that only reads shit fantasy like Wheel of Time and Belgariad

>> No.13155743

wtf i love fascism now

>> No.13155754
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>> No.13156118

I loved wheel of time. Why do you think its shit?

>> No.13157123

>anime poster
Immediately stopped reading, no point in reading something I know is already wrong

>> No.13157128

>Has there been one good fantasy novel written

>> No.13158390

nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.

>> No.13158398 [DELETED] 

This is, objectively speaking, an absolute shit mentality :3

>> No.13158407


objectively maybe but you don't consume things based on their objective good. I think butter tastes like shit, that's subjective, but i'm still going to make decisions based on the fact that I think it's bad.

>> No.13158440

Regions of Passion

>> No.13158639

Is that Gaspar Noe?

>> No.13158658


>> No.13158731
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>heroism is fascist
>muh misogyny
>why isn't there more gay rape???!?

otherwise it''s kind of true, but this poster clearly has hangups of his own. he fails to realize that a sex-filled soap opera without any real thought behind it IS exactly what most people want, and he's made bank serving the lowest common denominator.

>> No.13159494

There are no good fantasy novels period. A genre for plebs.