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/lit/ - Literature

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13151792 No.13151792 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh God I need to read Husserl
>I know so little
>*buys $150 of books*
>I haven’t read Rescher or Brandom yet
>Or even much Whitehead for that matter
>So many things I need to learn and so little time
>I haven’t even read all of Shakespeares works yet...
>Or Blake. Or Milton. Or Burns. Or Wordsworth...
>*buys $100 more of books*
Does it ever end?

>> No.13151795

just open a bunch of pdfs, skim and then say to yourself 'this is probably bullshit anyway' then come back here and post a picture of whitehead or whoever with the text 'lol what a fucking retard'

>> No.13151848

>Does it ever end?
Accept this and take step by step

>> No.13151867
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>Wanting to read 20th century trash
I only stick to Pre-enlightenment philosophy.

>> No.13151883

Beautiful post

>> No.13151891

>Start collecting PDFs
>Buy more books than ever

>> No.13151924
File: 151 KB, 341x341, JPEG_20190420_235032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>haven't read and understood Hegel's philosophy
>haven't read and understood all the enlightenment philosophers such as Hume, Descartes & Kant - only a superficial knowledge
>haven't got a grasp on Catholicsm, calvinism or any major world religion
>haven't read and fully absorbed Shakespeare's complete works
>havent mastered a working knowledge of Plato and Aristotle
>haven't read and understood classical economics, neo classical economics, Chicago school, Marxism, and the implications of the financial crash
>haven't got a decent grip on mathematics past times tables
>haven't read the entirety of western canon yet
>haven't learned another language
>haven't watched he complete works of tarkovsky, Bergman Goddard, Pasolini
>haven't watched all the good anime
>haven't got a middle class uni gf
>haven't established a productive routine
>haven't developed a /fit/ body
>only around 70 yrs of cognisant lifespan to go

>> No.13151925

>buys book he doesn't read
what a retard.

>> No.13151930

Bruh. I wanted to all of that and more. It's so unrealistic

>> No.13151970

>haven't written a masterpiece yet
>haven't written a short story collection yet
>haven't published a poetry collection yet
>haven't got a comfy job as a literary critic or academic
>haven't made friends in the literary community to hang out, talk about literature and drink
>haven't traveled past your city, let alone your own state, never got further than a few miles out of home
>already in your mid 20s
Well brother, it's over for us...

>> No.13151983
File: 28 KB, 570x381, 76E4B97F-72B7-4B2D-B569-22A692DACC58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hay mucho que saber, y es poco el vivir, y no se vive si no se sabe

>> No.13152004

just play Pharaoh

>> No.13152036

Has /lit/ never heard of libraries? I know it requires leaving your moms basement but you can at least spend your NEETbucks elsewhere

>> No.13152062
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>Writer's write.

>> No.13152522

This but unironically