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13147429 No.13147429 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/! I need some help looking for some books that's all about a younger guy dating an older woman. Do you guys know any good books of that kind for me to read?

>> No.13147438
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>> No.13147439

my big sister's diary desu

>> No.13147447

"In Praise of Older Women" Stephen Vizinczey
But it's not about only one woman, hehehe ;) ;)

>> No.13147472
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Holy Fuck! I've just read the summary of it on Amazon and it sounds interesting as hell! Thank you very much for this recommendation, Anon!

>> No.13147489

Radiguet, The Devil in the Flesh

>> No.13147650

Consider reading my diary, desu.

>> No.13147653

Montpelier Parade, a recent Irish novel.
Discovered here, in fact, surprisingly enough, and it is also quite surprisingly decent (well indecent in spots, but erh, you know what I mean)

>> No.13147661

Adolphe and Le Cahier Rouge

>> No.13147667

The Piano Teacher by Elfried Jelinek is real good

>> No.13147671
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mein neger!

>> No.13147686

it is the next 50 shades of grey, mature roasties and omega males will love it

>> No.13147690


>> No.13147891
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Surprised more of you degenerates haven't read this bad boy.

>Adolphe is a classic French novel by Benjamin Constant.
>It tells the story of an alienated young man, Adolphe, who falls in love with an older woman.
>Their illicit relationship serves to isolate them from their friends and from society at large.
>The book eschews all conventional descriptions of exteriors for the sake of detailed accounts of feelings and states of mind.

>> No.13147901

Go on over to /b/ and look for a straight shota thread. You're welcome.

>> No.13147904

Pretty much anything written by the French in the 19th century.

>> No.13147923
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>> No.13148047

death in venice

>> No.13148896


>> No.13150558

I'm writing one.

>> No.13150961

woody Allen wrote about this in a short story of his I read. it was probably his fetish or something. either way, it sucked.

>> No.13151519


>> No.13151530

The Wedding, Yann Queffelec

>> No.13151537

Anna Karenina although it's not really a big plot point.

>> No.13151550

It’s a bit more literary than that

>> No.13151617

post pic of sister's feet

>> No.13151974

If you read it and like it, make sure to create a thread about it.

>> No.13152108

What the hell was the publisher thinking here? Yeah stick Hitler on the cover, that'll pull it off the shelves in no time

>> No.13152141

>Der Führer: A Love Story

>> No.13152160 [DELETED] 

Good, good, you're not posting so much Butterfly :3

You are awesome, I'll be unbanned tomorrow after posting that picture that got you extremely horny yesterday baby :3

>> No.13152729


>> No.13152746

ok cool
now give a book with the same theme but with the genders reversed
bet you cant do that

>> No.13153900

i loved the scene with the countess

>> No.13154747

this is so good

>> No.13154849

tfw no mommy gf

>> No.13154877


>> No.13154907

Do anons know (good) porn books before the 50 shades craze? Were they cringy and unironically fanfiction like 50 shades, or they were better?

>> No.13155070

>mfw late 20s woman with a thing for barely legal guys and see this thread
I WILL marry a guy 10 years my junior and there is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.13155136

20 year old guy here my fetish is a women in her early 40s why do like younger guys ?

>> No.13155245

>look at me like a miracle of the universe
>fun to tease and play with
>sleepytimes together
>mostly qt

>> No.13155255

She couldn't get them because she slutted around with older guys who would do all the work

>> No.13155336

>thinking i can only fuck one guy at once
hoo boy

>> No.13155405
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>> No.13155420


>> No.13155678

Sons and Lovers
In Praise of the Stepmother

>> No.13155721

I know you just want to read them to jerk off so just go to >Lustybooks.com,it has hundreds of vintage porn milf novels.

>> No.13155867

i think OP wants something more highbrow

>> No.13155871

The synopsis reminds me of this

>> No.13155937

my diary desu

t. milf slayer

>> No.13156209

share one of your conquests

>> No.13156839

One of you make an /ss/ chart so ppl dont make these threads anymore

>> No.13157138


>> No.13157766
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Isn't there a great many instances of this kind of thing in Celtic mythology?

>> No.13158056


>> No.13158420

kay parker still in regular rotation