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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 23 KB, 640x427, college-degree-640x427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13147169 No.13147169 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.13147171

On my third year for english writing degree. Hopefully, i go to grad school.

>> No.13147172

I have a degree in getting whipped cream licked off my belly by your mom

>> No.13147173

I don't have a degree but I at least know how to fucking speak English.

>> No.13147179

It was an honest mistake, gtfo

>> No.13147182

Biochem degree, but I'm trying to do med.

>> No.13147186

I have a BSc in CS, but nothing really lit related

>> No.13147189

Mathematics PhD, just finished reading the canon, about to write my magnum opus.

>> No.13147238

BSc in Physics. Was doing postgrad but realised academia was a shitshow nightmare and now I'm a Teacher. It's basically the same thing except I'm lecturing at actual 16 year olds instead of 21 year olds who act like they're 16.

>> No.13147243

I'm currently doing my masters for teaching. Any advice? I'm feeling pretty bored by the whole prospect of not really learning anything new. I've got 1 and a half years to go but considering just dropping it and going back into academia of some sort.

>> No.13147247

Have a Bachelor's, basically wasted my time. Wish I could go back in time and change my choice.

>> No.13147252

I'm halfway through my honours in physics and i'm realizing this now rip.. the only thing i get joy from now is reading

>> No.13147255

I struggled with the same thing for a while, but then started to pursue learning through my interests outside of an institution. It's part of the reason I'm here.
When you've gone through nearly two decades of structured learning it can be hard to find the will to really dedicate yourself to learning new things on your own, but it can be done.

>> No.13147258

Pretty sure no one asked but I'm completing my Bachelors in electrical engineering in a week or so. And by the grace of God, i know I'm fucked.

>> No.13147264

I'm on my first placement atm. Maybe its just because of that but I feel like I really have limited time inbetween planning lessons and making different shit for the class to sit down in a relaxing setting to learn/read as much as I'd like to.

Maybe i'll stick with it a bit longer and see how it goes.

>> No.13147288

Yeah the placements can be pretty overwhelming. If you aren't enjoying the work itself it's probably not the way to go. I enjoy teaching so I don't feel so drained despite the hours involved.

>> No.13147418

BA in History. I was lazy so I graduated with a 3.1 gpa.

>> No.13147944

BA in English. I work in insurance now. Quitting soon because I want to shoot myself every weekday morning.

>> No.13147984

I'm guessing you're Aussie.

I finished my masters of teaching in mathematics last year. I have already quit the job as i cannot motivate myself with HS loser kids that don't care at all about mathematics. The amount of effort you have to go to to engage these kids is ridiculous and for what? So I can better their lives? It's cucked.

Oh and that's if you can even get a teaching gig. For subjects like English/hsie/pdhpe it's very difficult.

Anyway, I don't recommend teaching but if you do, work at a private college or one where they take their ATAR's seriously.

>> No.13148052

Yeah I'm Aussie mate.

My teaching areas are biology, chem & RE.

>The amount of effort you have to go to to engage these kids is ridiculous and for what?
That's pretty much my biggest gripe. Along with what else I mentioned.

I had in mind that I only wanted to work at a private school.. but that seems like it would be too picky and unrealistic.

I could teach math but I imagine it'd be more of the same. When I started the masters I had in mind i'd only teach for a few years then quit. But I don't think even that is feasible with what i've had so far. Plus all the teachers seem so 'fake' I can't quite describe it but it feels so hollow.

>> No.13148061

I dropped out

>> No.13148087

MD and PhD.

>> No.13148152

I'm halfway done with a Politics and Philosphy bachelor's but I know it's a waste of time and I have little to no motivation to complete it

>> No.13148172

Bachelor's in law and getting a master's in legal philosophy. I just shitpost about literature.

>> No.13148186

I have a BA in history, politics and languages. Taking a year off to read and write and then going for a masters in Philosophy.

>> No.13148206

bachelors in economics, doing my masters of civil engineering

did a few philosophy electives in my undergrad, by far the most interesting shit I've ever learnt

>> No.13148207

Bachelor's in law
Master's 1 in business/bank law

>> No.13148212

I sit at home and read on my kobo all day

>> No.13148282

Currently doing my PhD in chemistry. Will be a teacher, because academia sucks and I'm sick of it.

>> No.13148292

This is the stupidest post I've read on 4chan in at least three months. Congrats.

>> No.13148572
File: 8 KB, 224x250, 1509348532477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does you
>you has a
>are you just shit out

>> No.13148811

>Getting a degree
What a waste. Dropping out of college was perhaps the best thing that ever happened to me. I got a real job with good benefits and now I can truly afford to go back to school and appreciate it more. You don't need a degree to make a living and raise a family. I'd argue that it is in fact a hindrance. You're saddle with heaps of debt that prevent you from buying a home and you're stuck throwing your money away between rent and student loans. All the while being unable to start saving for the future until your 30s.

>> No.13148828

I have a degree, but it’s not related to my interests. When I do discuss my interests it’s obvious to see that I lack any sort of formal training.

>> No.13148848

Was doing stats and econ
Taking a year off and planning to switch to English and philosophy
End goal would be becoming a prof at a uni
Is it realistic or worth the time/effort?

>> No.13148856

>Is it realistic or worth the time/effort?
Only if your goal is to date young students. Academia doesn't pay for shit.

>> No.13148955

What’s your job?

>> No.13148960

I work for a railroad.

>> No.13148983

Who the fuck doesn't have a degree in this century.

>> No.13148995

Gotta PhD in BS from FU

>> No.13149005
File: 72 KB, 1500x500, 8A68C03E-A1C2-4A98-AC9C-D309339F8DC7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13149015

The important part is in realizing he didn't solve it, he never changed it in the first place.

>> No.13149023


>> No.13149349

same :')

>> No.13149602

I have a PhD in English lit but I mostly braap-post.

>> No.13149838
File: 18 KB, 509x411, 1511301953619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm graduating with a BS in Computer Science next semester.
I took literally zero literature courses.

I took a film class that I really enjoyed. I wanted to take some more, but Florida charges you double tuition when you go over a certain number of credits so I couldn't afford to.
Same reason I didn't finish my Economics minor. Same reason I didn't take some literature courses out of personal interest.
Florida law basically makes you study your degree and nothing else. If you deviate even slightly, it will cost you thousands of dollars.

>> No.13150026

more people going to university than learning blue collar jobs, atleast in my country.
only brainlets follow the trends, if you are smart then you know that you have to be countercyclical or you will have tons of competition which will ruin everything good in your chosen trade

>> No.13150038

>implying people with degrees don't just shit out whatever they think

>> No.13150129

BS in Finance. Yeah, I'm a piece of shit, I know.

>> No.13150156

yes you are, and you probably sell insurance or do spreadsheets for shlomo instead of being the exploitative porky wolf of wall street you dreamed of being. Drone faggot, I'd piss in your face.

>> No.13150228

Double Bachelor's in Entomology and Ecology with the equivalent of an English major in credits (no degree bc school logistics)
Starting MFA for poetry in fall

>> No.13150249

I’m sure it’s less soul crushing than being an accountant.

>> No.13150327

BS Philosophy/Economics
MS Sociology

>> No.13150339

I like learning about religions a lot and I'm entering college next year. Would it be a complete meme to major in religious studies? It's practically all I read and I do read a fair bit of it. Not really interested academia though.

>> No.13150372

Bachelors in English Education

Master's in English

Starting a PhD in English in the fall.

>> No.13150383

I work in landscaping (xeriscape). Working indoors is damaging to the soul and character.

>> No.13150385

Going to be unemployed in 2 years.

>> No.13150397

Nah you're smart. These faggots all wasted their parents money on subjects that could have been learned independently. They'll be working dull office jobs as well, at least you will be reimbursed accordingly for your toil. Best of luck

>> No.13150965

My PhD will probably take longer than two years to complete, unless you're making a joke about me dropping out in which case I can just go teach high school students.

>> No.13150968

Yes. But with any major, if you do well enough in school and network you can find something. Use your resources.

>> No.13150969

I have a masters degree in philosophy

>> No.13150972

Masters in English Literature

>> No.13151350

BA in English Literature and Poetry studies from Rice.
Applying to MLS programs because I enjoy working at a Library. Scared because jobs are in decline, and that I’m wasting a lot of money instead of finding an entry-level job someplace. Though, really, I would be fine with doing anything if I could find love and get to read.

>> No.13151920

MA in philosophy as of right now.

>> No.13152020

.not if your parents pay for it up front ;)

>> No.13152026

finance degree. ask me about your retirement plan

>> No.13152097

About to do the same...

Can I ask why you are fucked?

>> No.13152251

I have six completed degrees and one failed degree

>> No.13152270

JD gang

>> No.13153779
