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13146981 No.13146981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> Be Bloomer
> Work at BestBuy as apple master
> Pay is shit, but got a dark souls bro who works in the department next door
> We drink and play mad vidia
> basically best friends
>One day he points out QT-3.14 who works in Auto tech department
> Damn she fine
> Short, blue hair, and a smile that could make anyone's day.
> Lest call her Bulma
> I'm not saying I have a type but she was my type
>Have bitch of a alcoholic girlfriend at the time so don't say hi
> Loiltytilldeath.mp3
> One day she's working in my department
> She's laughing with dark souls bro
> I join in conversation
> Spaghetti falling out of my pockets
> Find out she's dating an old coworker of mine who was an asshole
> But she's actually pretty cool
> A couple weeks go by and the three of us are all best friends
> We hang out, go drinking, play vidia and send each other memes
> weeks later dark souls bro is in a bad place
> Offer to let him couch surf
> a few days later the god off all snow storms hits
> Bluma lives an hour away from Best Buy and can't even get out of the parking lot due to snow
> Offer to let her couch surf too
> "Oh Anon that's so nice of you"
> Call alcoholic girlfriend to tell her that dark souls bro and Bulma will be couchsurfing
> She doesn't have issue with it
> Says she trusts me
> Tendypointspayingoff.gif
> We all drive back together
> Crash at my place eat waffles and play smash on my old 64, watch anime
> Fun times
> Knock on my door
> It's my alcoholic girlfriend
> She drove half an hour though the snow drunk believing I was cheating
> She yells at all of us dumps me on the spot and slams the door
> Feelsbadman
> Lock myself in my room dealing with the emotional trauma of a lost relationship
> Next morning Bulma gives me the biggest hug and thanks me for letting her stay even if it cost me my relationship
> We become closer friends
> She breaks up with her asshole boyfriend
> I start getting the feels.. bad

>> No.13146987

>be me
>shit my pants
>boss fires me on the spot
>get on the bus
>standing room only
>it would be a bad idea to sit anyways
>large black woman pressed against poopants
>she vomits on me
>get off bus
>waddle home
>make this thread
>some other anon posts a fake story about how I got shitted and vomitted on

>> No.13146989

> She starts crashing at my place on the regular
> A few days later and dark souls bro is moving
> We offer to help him move
> After the move she offers to drive me home
> Spaghetti falling out of pockets
> I tell her how I feel when we park
> She kisses me
> Best kiss I have ever had
> We start to date
> By second date she says "I love you anon"
> I had never had someone tell me that
> I feel happy for the first time in my life
> About a month goes by and she's basically living with me
> Bluma talks about getting married and having kids
> Never felt so happy
> Auto tech boss is asshole to bulma
> Bulma quits best buy and starts working at sheets
> See her less now
> Start texting her alot
> Never really get response texts from her but blame it on her work and her new crazy hours
> Give her an apple watch so she can see when I text her
> Still don't hear from her much
> She moves back in with her dad
> Says she wants to go back to school and he won't pay for it if she living with some dude
> I want to support her so I understand
> Barely hear from her at all
> Decide to man up
> Drive two hours to ask her dad to marry her
> "Anon are you sure?"
> "Never wanted anything more in my life sir"
> Buy custom engagement ring with lyric from our favorite song
> She's planning a trip to see her favorite YouTuber on tour
> Plan to propose then
> The drive down she doesn't talk much
> Feelsweirdman
> after the show she runs back to the hotel and locks herself in the bathroom crying all night.
> Can't figure out what's wrong with her
> We start driving home she puts her earbuds in and tunes me out while I'm driving
> She falls asleep
> I go through her Apple watch
> She's seeing another man
> And she tells him she loves him
> Drive home and crash on the couch
> She leaves to go back home the next morning
> Last time I saw her face
> We stop talking

>> No.13146996

Nobody cares this isn't your blog

>> No.13146998

> Start using prescription painkillers but it's not enough
> Start using heroin to deal with the pain
> Still not enough
> Try to move on and date new people but see her in everyone I date
> Start drinking heavy
> Start smoking heavy
> Quit Best Buy and get night shift job at factory
> Takethisjobandshoveit.mp3
> Start listening to only depressing 80s music
> Send Bulma apology letter before Christmas
> Get reply almost instantly
>"Anon how dare you, never speak to me again"
> Try to kill myself
> Fail because pathetic faggot
> Call dark souls bro for support hes got his own shit to deal with
>And really doesn't care
> Fall out of touch with all gaming buddies
because of crazy hours
> Dark souls bro gets GF and crazy school hours
>no longer has time to hang.
> Stop vidia in general
> Stop sleeping
> Plan another suicide attempt a year after last saw Bulma
> Start browsing 4chan to find purpose
> Come across Doomer threads
> Threads of people just like me who have given up on life
Myfacewhen I realize I have become a doomer

>> No.13146999

In a way I'm jealous of how carefree you are, on the other hand I think you are cringy manchild .
You should fuck off nonetheless

>> No.13147008

>>> Short, blue hair, and a smile that could make anyone's day.
If you can't identify CLEAR red flags as blue painted hair, you deserve everything that happens to You.
Haven't even read beyond this point but I fucking know how it ends.

>> No.13147012

>> Damn she fine
>> Short, blue hair, and a smile that could make anyone's day.
kek, that's omega male's dream girl

>> No.13147015

Not your blog. No-one cares.

>> No.13147016

based and shit/vomitpilled

>> No.13147018

You zoomers are just too much.
Go away will ya ?

>> No.13147020

Why did you apologize to her? For what? She cheated on you.

Also don’t go after white trash bitches. Get an education or a better job and clean yourself up dude.

>> No.13147025

letting one dumb slut ruin your life, god anon your are so fucking weak. she was barely dating you and your going full Hammett of this shit. stop being such a faggot

>> No.13147027
File: 1.76 MB, 2612x2434, IMG_20190520_085402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here friend wipe your tiers

>> No.13147487
File: 1.54 MB, 1343x751, Sneed's feed and seed full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13147530

Man, pussy isn't supposed to make you sad

>> No.13147538

Good idea anon. Nothing like a good old fashioned sneed post to cheer up the doomers.

Golly, we should do this more often!

>> No.13147543


>> No.13147552

Don't tell the jannies!

>> No.13147568

Root of all problems revealed only 3 points in. Stop playing video games, you're not a child anymore.

>> No.13147708

>Let's call her Bulma

It was at this moment I realized I was dealing with an autist, and I stopped reading

>> No.13147716

I love how these zoomers write these failed dating experience reports like trip reports on Erowid or DMTnexus where their anonymity is like secret agent tier.

>> No.13147739

Two issues, anon.
1) You were never a bloomer in the first place, you just never found yourself in such a bad situation. Bloomer recognizes the bad, but sees beyond it, which you don't do. You are weak, and nothing you told us points toward depression and suicide as a logical conclusion. Get a fucking grip, read some Spinoza or Plato to get your mind off this. Ask for some bloomer literature recommendations, at least.

Which brings me to the second issue I have with this thread:

2) Come the fuck on, man, it is a literature board, you don't even come for any advice like "give me some books for this feel". Don't do that, please, you look pathetic.

>> No.13147740
File: 35 KB, 193x460, Bulma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ribbon makes her the perfect gamur gf.

>> No.13147760

What I don't get is the apology bit? Like did you really feel so overwhelmed by your pain that you felt like you did something wrong or because you never contacted her again? I won't say man up or so, but try to have a clearer approach to matters especially when other people are involved. Unless you are actively doing any harm or so whenever someone is hurt "by you" it's 99% of the time due to their own inner conflicts. It might not lead to a life without suffering, but it helps in coping and trying to move on from trauma.