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/lit/ - Literature

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13144626 No.13144626 [Reply] [Original]

>be a good writer
>If I knew I wouldn't be on this board

The riches best-selling authors wouldn't even be considered the best writers among their college class. Nevertheless, they still pump out books that sell like popcorn on a movie theatre.

What attributes must one have to be a Stephen King, George RR Martin type of author.

>> No.13144645

Cater to a niche audience of devoted readers

>> No.13144994

How does one find such audience? For example, how did George RR Martin find an audience for a fantasy re-telling of the war of the roses?

>> No.13145010

it's a publisher's/agent's job to help you find that audience. If you're looking for some secret technique to write in a marketable way you're not gonna find it.

>> No.13145016

It's basically just luck. I think Martin wrote his shit and it went unnoticed for like 20 years before it got picked up by HBO.

>> No.13145019

become dedicated to writing something with an audience and improve your craftsmanship with every work. most renowned writers composed their best works after actively writing similar material for years.

>> No.13145021

Apparently, reading more than you write.

>> No.13145028

Not Garth Marenghi

>> No.13145033

>Be born to a wealthy family
>Be insanely lucky
Pick one. The quality of your writing really doesn't matter, assuming you can writing anything at all. If you're insanely lucky you'll get the right stuff into the right hands at the right time. It'll be a long, hard road, but eventually you'll prove yourself and start to get more lucrative opportunities.
If your family is wealthy you can use their connections/money to secure an agent and prepurchase ten thousand copies of your novel to instantly cheat it to the top of the best sellers list. Once you've made it to the best sellers list you'll get some shelf space and start to get a little juice on your own. Eventually, you'll have an independent career.

>> No.13145057
File: 51 KB, 620x775, me, DFW, the most depressed man whomstever lived.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trust me bro, your're just bitter, I had a really rough life OK? this "born to a wealthy family" is like, so untrue duder. i was born to what many call a "wealthy" family, but truth be told it was pretty chill and pretty average. parents raked in over 300k in todays dollars. the frusturation you feel over "rent", or "not having a car to go places" is just excuses man, like dude, I trust me, I had it worse. look how street I am even *snorts and laughs*. how dare you say their wealth and connections made me successful and not my own talent.