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File: 1.84 MB, 4944x7416, Anti-Tech Revolution Robots and Drones Hell web.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13141208 No.13141208 [Reply] [Original]

This book so so based. I unironically feel like I've looked into the mind of God.

>> No.13141210

Search the archive for blindpill threads and you'll find something similar

>> No.13141213

Don't shill yourself on a slow board, it's embarrassing.

>> No.13141216

what is a "blind pill"?

>> No.13141223

"shill yourself" lol

>> No.13141302

I'm not a schizophrenic autistic incel so Ted does nothing for me

>> No.13141347
File: 80 KB, 599x445, 93AB3C9F-6DC6-4700-94B1-A3BF2FC572D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*shit yourself, BRAP BRAP

>> No.13141352
File: 357 KB, 1278x700, 39E7118E-51D4-4CA0-BFCA-0FCAD154BEB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you have a low IQ?

>> No.13141357

no ;)

>> No.13141359
File: 375 KB, 621x628, 1555803297567.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are u still using whatever device you posted this from then? why are u still using the internet?

>> No.13141428

"n-nn no, I-iI'm s-smart. I don't like autistic Ted, I watch Rick and morty..."

>> No.13141433

I'd you read it you'd know Ted advocates using tech for the purpose of getting the revolution going

>> No.13141484

low IQ alert. sucker for propaganda alert.

>> No.13141561
File: 102 KB, 814x578, mister-gotcha-4-9faefa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13143171

I read Pynchon too and there's nothing wrong with Rick and Morty... :)

>> No.13143177

This. Lead by example kek like wtf dude don't use your enemies weapons against them haha wtf?

>> No.13143181

this book has been getting shilled hard recently (And That’s A Good Thing)

>> No.13143187

>technology is useful but also bad?

wow megamind

>> No.13143194

Useful =! Beneficial
Bombs are useful for killing people

>> No.13143206

Yeah but in this case it is :)

>> No.13143212

Killing technocrats with bombs is beneficial to everyone. I agree

>> No.13143217

No it isn't

>> No.13143219

I disagree.

>> No.13143225

Yeah well you're retarded

>> No.13143227

I disagree.

>> No.13143240

Technology is too "good" for our own good.
And it being "good" makes it unstable.

>> No.13143263

You would

>> No.13143272
File: 124 KB, 763x908, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ted diagnoses the problem very well. However, I don't think there is a solution. We've already wrecked biodiversity, forested down nearly entire countries (see Britain and parts of western Europe), and created a society that has been heavily dependent upon technology for the past 3 generations more or less, so much so that a life without it is borderline incomprehensible to the cumbrain consumerist of today. It's best just to get some rural property, try and be relatively self-sufficient, and have a stable family to instill these values in. It is completely unrealistic to have an anti-tech revolution when the world can't even revolt towards the materialistic socialism it is so predisposed towards.
Also I dislike how uncommitted Ted is to anything metaphysical. The role of man in nature at its most profound level ultimately comes down to a question of metaphysics. I would happily see him write something either atheistic or religious, I just want him to have some sort of take on it rather than constantly saying "regardless of one's religious beliefs" when prefacing like half the things he writes.

>> No.13143278


>> No.13143282


>> No.13143285


>> No.13143289

Mycelium will fix it

>> No.13143296

how assblasted are you rn? Just a question

>> No.13143308

All you did was say I'm retarded for disagreeing with the idea that bombing technocrats is not beneficial.

>> No.13143316
File: 52 KB, 704x528, 28338e73858621d63bd557065ce1a3056703a4f8ea675d721ad2388fd79c9bcb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain in more detail please. Don't think Mycelium will do anything do help the water levels rising for the next thousand years, the greenhouse gases trapped in the atmosphere, and the plastic accumulations in every corner of the planet

>> No.13143338

Dude just grow mushrooms under water haha wtf

>> No.13143344

Not him but yes you're retarded

>> No.13143360

The plastic will be solved easily enough, there's already bacteria breaking nondegradable plastics apart. Water levels are going to cause a lot of problems but not extinction level

>> No.13143367

actually, fungal agents are being used to break down plastics, drastically improve water retention, and help sink carbon through mycorrhyzal networks

>> No.13143404

How is the applicable in urban environments where the biosphere has been wrecked? Mushrooms won't do much for New York for example, or will they? Am I incorrect?

>> No.13143507

>more technology good
I disagree. I'd say it's on you to show the benefits of technology but I already know what you'd post so it's not worth either of our time

>> No.13143701

Technology itself isn't the problem. Obsessing with innovation for the sake of it (although it's not really, if you read Jung) is not.

>> No.13144141

Nope. Tech definitely is the problem. It is fundamentally beyond prediction and control, and it artificially speeds up a process of competition among competing self-propagating systems to the point of destruction. This is the point that is argued.

>> No.13144149

>It is completely unrealistic to have an anti-tech revolution when the world can't even revolt towards the materialistic socialism it is so predisposed towards.
You should really read ted's "Anti-Tech Revolution" It addresses all of this. Revolution against technology far, far easier than it would first appear and it's fundamentally different from prior revolutions.

>> No.13144229

please stop advertising here god dammit

>> No.13144800

>Any Anti-Tech people
It's depressing that such idiotic people exist.

>> No.13144810

Leave your house right now and go live in a shed if you hate technology so bad. In fact, give up on the internet too while you're at it.

>> No.13144875

It would be ironic if this had an ebook.

>> No.13145040


>> No.13145753

Human society is fucked, but nature will recover in time.
>It's best just to get some rural property, try and be relatively self-sufficient, and have a stable family to instill these values in
I agree, John Michael Greer writes about this.
>Also I dislike how uncommitted Ted is to anything metaphysical
The guy is a top IQ autist and fucked in the head, no matter how much we like his writings, that side is blocked for him.

>> No.13145792
File: 133 KB, 529x749, kusanagi-motoko-full1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you guys want a good book about technology, check Life 3.0, there is also a free audiobook on youtube

Its pretty nice and have some cyberpunk feelings.

Be ready to have your brains a 4th layer, the digital layer.

>> No.13145795

I read the PDF lol

>> No.13145826
File: 24 KB, 640x350, 2f1d17a09d9c08ef3817d70c8408cd13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 100% pro-tech

>> No.13145886

>John Michael Greer
could you recommend a book of his to me?

>> No.13145910

I've yet to read him lol
I've read people recommend Collapse Now and Avoid the Rush, it's about that very topic.

>> No.13146745

>The guy is a top IQ autist and fucked in the head, no matter how much we like his writings, that side is blocked for him.
lol. great line of bullshit. that side is "blocked" lol sure buddy... everyone has a psycho problem if they kill (except when its the military or the police or done in a way that industrial society approves ;) )

>> No.13146764

This idea of the mycorrhyzal networks, or bactieria etc. is an example of biotech geo-engineering. there are fundamental, massive problems with this whole approach.

For every technological fix, the fix brings its own unforeseen consequences, and expands and interacts with the web of society and the biosphere over time in ways tat are fundamentally impossible to predict and control.

Furthermore, the more techno-solutions, the more the safety of the biosphere is DEPENDENT on technological solutions. When civilization breaks down, the natural processes will have ceased to function, and the entire earth system will go haywire.

Also, with your techno-solutions, the pressure is relieved (temporarily) on the environment, so that the incentive for human social systems to change their behavior is reduced, so competing social systems ramp up their negative behavior to negate the techno-fix to begin with.

>> No.13146765
File: 1.51 MB, 1000x1500, Anti-Tech Revolution_3b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

low IQ post.

>> No.13148263

No bro, you're the very first anti-tech person to visit this board, ever!

>> No.13148436

in this whole thread there are two responses that dont reek of low iq.
Ted has savant level iq and he was subject to having his viewpoints crushed and crushed again in the "mk ultra" experiments. What he says is true and very thought through, there are no easily obser flaws in his logic and the responses in this thread written by pro-tech people are evidence for it.
>muh singularity will fix this
The solution of having more technological advancement to fix the damage of technological advancement (which is unrealistic btw) will be useless, because the political leaders never unite under one great cause and the wheel will not be steered into one direction by everyone.
It is idealistic to think that once we have the technology to fix everything, everyone will unite and fix everything.

>> No.13148475

>Anxiety and depression
Existed for millennia before modern technology. Read Ecclesiastes.
The USSR, a socialist state, developed technology. Clearly technology and capitalism don't imply each other.