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File: 377 KB, 1240x1043, pledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13140138 No.13140138[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where does the S.W.E.A.T. pledge rank among other such important documents like the Magna Carta, US Constitution, 10 Commandments, etc.?

>> No.13140159

below dog shit
kill yourself

>> No.13140163

Toilet paper

>> No.13140175
File: 61 KB, 407x767, 09585F1C-CD80-4745-8EFC-3C3EC23738F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13140205

>>13140175 what did it say before 'the poor'?

>> No.13140218
File: 738 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20190504-202609_Google Play Music.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the G.O.Y.I.M. pledge. I have am the highest I can go at my job before management with no skills and I'm not even reliable, telling 20 and 30 year line workers to do it again while I ride the maximum call out policy. I'm going to get the company to send me to school and pay for my land while Bob and Sue work the floor like they have since before I was born.

>> No.13140248


>> No.13140289

>>13140248 lol i see

>> No.13140292

Kek of course it did

>> No.13140348

Le smug boomer face

>> No.13140365

His naivete infuriates me. The pledge is a manifesto on how to be a doormat to your boss.

>> No.13140381

Paid shill, he's on /tv/ too. Fuck off on the opera singer you road in on.

>> No.13140384

>implying that's not intentional
Look at his smug face. The fucker knows exactly what he's doing. He's a fucking boomer who had it all easy and now laughs in the face of despair. "haha son just give'em a firm handshake. i paid for my college with this Donalds job i got in the 78' summer haha"

>> No.13140400


Right at the boomer bottom.

>> No.13140421
File: 26 KB, 511x428, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks up who "Kristijan Bralo" is
>Author of mostly porn addiction self-help books

>> No.13140424

all of that is obvious, commonly held, and lived on a daily basis by nearly everyone on the planet, whether they acknowledge it or not.

work harder faggot, settle for less, and remember if anything goes dick up it was because someone slept in. this place is a 100% meritocracy. coming from a millionaire who watches other people work on a tv show and makes public appearances dressed as a blue collar worker.

>> No.13140426

Le smug boomer post

>> No.13140432


this is more of a fantasy than people claim communism is

>> No.13140445
File: 73 KB, 675x601, boomer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are cancerous. Even though my life is hell I'm glad I'm not an empty vapid boomer mowing his lawn and listening to Rush Limbaugh.

>> No.13140459

I understand work can give life some meaning, indeed a good deal of it, but where did this glorification of labor for labor's sake come from? how did this idea take root in only in america?

>> No.13140478


Because Americans are mentally retarded slaves.

>> No.13140700

Inherent value of labor is a christcuck concept that predates america, basically because idle hands are the devils plaything. Jews viewed labor as a curse, sort of like the pain in childbirth, but Christians take all the hardships of their lot in life as a blessing, as it's the slave castes cope religion.

>> No.13140870

One must imagine Sisyphus with a smile.

>> No.13140885

maybe because america is a cultural and historical wasteland, and all the people who came to it were in search of money and shallow materialistic pursuits, "muh american dream". the ones who didn't come in search of money, were avoiding wars and famine, and ended up hating america (90% of immigrants went back to their country, like the italians). only the materialistic scum stayed, which's why america is such a degenerate trash

>> No.13140910

Capitalism works best when the proles honestly believe they are lucky to be enslaved, or that devoting their lives to a profit margin somehow legitimises them morally or purifies their character.

>> No.13141534
File: 151 KB, 663x715, Revelry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Near the top for boomers, near the bottom for millennials.

>> No.13141586

Mike Rowe is a television presenter who's never worked blue collar job in his life. He's a multi-millionaire.

>> No.13142387

I agreed with you. more or less, right up until the "100% meritocracy" thing.

>> No.13142420

Sure, but drop the America thing. Nature > nuture
Empty point
Empty point
I guess if you're fine being a wageslave, it doesn't hurt to do your job well. Otherwise, who cares
Valid point
Valid point
Eh, so-so. Rolling over and accepting a dick in your ass is pretty cucked, but I also think envy and resentment are stupid. There's a happy middle I think
Even if people weren't born equal (which they are not), the second bit can still apply. So, empty point
What a waste of paper. His face is a joke too.

>> No.13142426

Based and Marxpilled

>> No.13142429
File: 33 KB, 580x722, 1556244162685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you wish you were kiddo. Face it. You're jealous becaude we were more competent and less whiny then you.

>> No.13142436

>is akin to calling a slave ungrateful
This is absolutely correct. A whiny slave is ungrateful.

>> No.13142438
File: 200 KB, 568x638, caa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I believe I have won the greatest lottery of all time. [...] I live in America. Above all things, I am grateful.
>I believe that I am the product of my choices - not my circumstances.

>> No.13142440

Who's this redneck faggot?

>> No.13142549

>be a well-off tv host with a degree in communications that never in his life worked a blue collar job
>be a spokesman for living the wageslave life

>> No.13142569

Look at all these faggot zoomers getting stressed because an older man who has lived and actual life not in front of a computer dare suggests that you get off your ass and work for a living.

>b-b-but muh robot automated labour future I was promised waaaah waaaah waaaah

>> No.13142574

who are you quoting

>> No.13142580

>older man who has lived and actual life not in front of a computer
Yeah, he lived his life in front of a camera.

>> No.13142584


It ranks in the obsequious, pathetic, pussy boy faggot tier.

>> No.13142590

Have you ever actually worked a 16 hour day on a set? I thought not you candy ass boy hooker.

>> No.13142611


10 is a gaze into the boomer brain

Imagine being such an unabashed dumb cunt and thinking that circumstance doesn't dominate you. Yeah dude, go be born in some wasteland shithole country or with a 70IQ and see how far you go lmao. Or even just be born to a psychotic parent that abuses you.


>> No.13142625

>10 is a gaze into the boomer brain
It is thoroughly moderne and genealogically a product of Renaissance Humanism.

>> No.13142638

It was all birth lottery.

>> No.13142643

Clearly none of you faggots have ever held an actual job.

99% of people see work as prison and full of pride and self-pity--you cunts are exactly the same as every "wage-slave" you have so much contempt for. It is absolutely plebeian not to do the things in the OP as a bare minimum. Anyone who comes to their job and does it without resentment is a rarity and a hero to everyone around him. I bet you faggots mentally complain every time a worker doesn't look happy to be at their job--or worse, you feel sorry for them and build up a pompous fury over the state of "society". All fantasy and no responsibility.


>> No.13142654

>the status quo is acceptable
Uncle Ted would like a word

>> No.13142679

what status quo?

>> No.13142694

Whatever exists now. I can't really explain why it exists since it makes no sense. Not really sure why people still defend it, though

>> No.13142698

who defends it?

>> No.13142710

Whoever typed
>all fantasy and no responsibility

>> No.13142722

how does it follow from working without complaining that one is "accepting the status quo"?

>> No.13142726

Somewhere below cuck fanfiction.

The frog ruins it. Also who gives a shit about morals.

>> No.13142728

Big talk coming from someone who probably still lives at his mum's house

>> No.13142735

Why would someone complain if they had no complaints? If you see a problem, say it or fix it. If you don't see a problem, don't say anything. Do you really not see it? I agree that if you enjoy/accept your work, you have no reason to complain as you bring that suffering on yourself. Even so, by accepting such work (which is invariably a product of the status quo), you accept said status quo.

>> No.13142740

>Bootlicker NPC raging at the questioning of defined parameters and master-servant relations, 2019, colourized by .CSS

>> No.13142757

again, what is this mythical status quo? what is a shoemaker in the 16th century "accepting" besides the fact that he must work for others in order to be able to demand anything in return? what grand "status quo" is a 21st century unskilled laborer wholeheartedly affirming by delivering appliances to people who need them to cook, clean, and store things?

>> No.13142773

Like I said, I can't explain it because it doesn't make sense. Why people bend over and let others fuck their ass doesn't make sense to me. If all you care about is getting your next paycheck, then that is the status quo I guess. It's the sum of all parts that directly and indirectly influence your life. Both the shoemaker and unskilled laborer are accepting their lowly position because they see no problem, or see a problem but can't/won't fix it

>> No.13142791

A 16th century shoemaker was most likely self-employed. Someone of their position nowadays is most likely employed by someone else, someone who most likely does not participate in any productive way or even oversee the process. Even worse, many are in literal workshops, paid pennies for the hundred dollar product they stich together.

>> No.13142818

you're drawing conclusions that aren't merited. what is inherently wrong with shoe-making or delivering? these are ancient and necessary professions which we could not do without. why is it inherently degrading to perform these services for others or to make a career out of it? why do you characterize them as people who are not taking responsibility for the problem, so-called, of this status quo?

>someone who most likely does not participate in any productive way or even oversee the process
this is not always the case. often times the managers do more of the grunt work, alongside their other responsibilities, with less complaining than the lower employees

>paid pennies for the hundred dollar product they stich together
labor isn't the only expense for the seller, nor does the laborer's contract with the employer have anything to do with the profit.

>> No.13142825

You sound like one of those broken down boomers who’ve worked the same retail customer service job since the 90’s and never moved up because you aren’t very competent and you lack what little respectability is required to be a supervisor so you prettily narc on the teens—who, by the way, start at about a dollar less an hour—who don’t take the job as seriously as you think they should.

>> No.13142831

>necessary professions
>we could not do without
Oh man. Please, PLEASE give me some proof of this.
It's not degrading if that's all you're capable of.
They are simply accepting their position in life. That is fine, but it is accepting the status quo. If you have a problem with the status quo, you will likely take issue with such people because they maintain the system. I hate using these words, but oh well I guess

>> No.13142832

look OP, boomers just dont want to acknowledge determinism in any form. this bootstraps thing is a meme. its a distinctly american habit to believe entirely in free will and overcoming circumstances.

>> No.13142844

I hate this type of gay Socratic bullshit, you know exactly what he means, you’re just trying to devolve the convo into word games

>> No.13142858

That isn't even socratic. He's just a materialist sophist NPC

>> No.13142868

>why is it inherently degrading to perform these services for others or to make a career out of it?
Absolutely nothing. If they freely choose to do so, which is unlikely for most workers who have no choices beyond work or death.

>> No.13142875

i'm not sure why you need proof. without moving goods from one place to another (delivery) how is society going to function? as for shoes, am I to presume that where you are people do not wear them?

what you're talking about is a kind of "settling"--I settle for this wage, I settle for this type of work, and so forth. yet, in my experience, the only people who settle are the ones who, like you, see certain types of work as lowly, unacceptable, etc and are resentful of even the bare minimum they have to perform. those who do not settle, happily do whatever is before them and more, which is why they subsequently inherit more responsibility

why must i be a materialist? this is what i am trying to understand about you fellows--apparently i cannot be a shoemaker necessarily being an atheist

>> No.13142898

Based boomer. Don't listen to these dumb kiddies

>> No.13142904

how many people do you know who have a choice apart from work or death? in fact, we do not even have a choice between these--everyone who works also must die. is it not man's lot to toil and labor upon the earth all the day's of his life? who are the privileged few exempt from this?

>> No.13142910

You said they are necessary and that "we" could not do without them. What you were referring to was society/civilization/the status quo. I know this, and yet you reinforced it here. You absolutely can live without shoes, or, get this, make your own. Only complex and hierarchical societies require transportation and moved goods.
I already said that those who are happy with their work and do not view it as "settling" have no reason to complain. But if you think everyone who is a shoemaker or generic laborer is un-equipped to do higher tasks, then we fundamentally have different views about human nature. Not saying every lowly laborer is able to do higher tasks, but some certainly are and may or may not "complain" about it.
And the original issue was about accepting the status quo, i.e. the circumstances of your condition. I'm challenging the notion that every worker ought to be grateful and with stoic acceptance of things that can't be changed, accept their position in life without ever feeling the need to critique what's going on from their perspective

>> No.13142920

>how many people do you know who have a choice apart from work or death?
Any richfag. Also most people in civilised countries with a decent social security.

>everyone who works also must die
Jesus. Does autism have no limits?

>> No.13142933

Anyone that works for a living is a materialist. Anyone that lives for a living is an idealist

>> No.13142936

ok, let's discuss these workers who ought to be ungrateful and not stoically accept the status quo, as you say.

some workers, in your view, should be grateful, presumably because they ought to take what they can get, seeing as how they are not capable of taking on more responsibility. who is giving it to them? you speak as if they were at the mercy of the status quo, merely feeding off of it--yet some, those who can afford to be ungrateful, ought to criticize this status quo, presumably with heartfelt compassion towards those who suffer under it but must be grateful since it is all that they can get. now, my question, eternally, has been this: what are this privileged, ungrateful few actually criticizing? most likely, it is that for which they can afford to be ungrateful--but why are they criticizing it if they do not have to suffer under it?

>> No.13142943

I don't know, mate. I'd consider myself a materialist but I couldn't care less about work, unless we count writing.

>> No.13142953

Are you writing for the sake of money or because you love money? Former is materialism, latter is idealism

>> No.13142957

Sorry. Let me try again.
Are you writing because for the sake of money, or because you love writing? Former is materialism, latter is idealism

>> No.13142960

>Have you ever actually worked a 16 hour day on a set? I thought not you candy ass boy hooker.
Actually I worked on tv sets for several years. The crew is doing all the work, the actors/hosts are pampered fucks who stay with the make-up/hair chicks and only come on set when they're needed. Fuck off.

>> No.13142961

what other choice do richfags have that is not available to us mortals?

>lives for a living
you'll have to unpack this one for me i confess it is too obscure for my understanding. apparently there are these two modes of living, one of which is not living (by principle of exclude middle), is this correct?

>> No.13142971

Work sucks under any system, shovelling shit is shovelling shit.

>> No.13142979

Ah, you assume those who criticize do not have to suffer. It is true, upper class individuals who were born without responsibility do not have to suffer, and often do critique the system from their removed position. There are others who are under the influence of the status quo who also critique it from their perspective. In both cases, those critiquing (I think) want something better for everyone, although there are certainly those who want something only better for themselves.
For example, I am glad some people working night shifts at McDonald's can be content, happy, whatever. But, having done similar work, I have to look at the whole of what's happening and say, "you know, I think there might be something better."
And to think I don't "suffer" because I try to remove myself from these tendrils is pretty funny, if that's what you're trying to say. I don't trumpet my suffering, but this modus operandi is draining on me, and I do my best to think about solutions to problems I see. If you don't see problems, don't worry about it. You're lucky. But, on the flip side, if I try to enact a change and by some miracle succeed, tough shit for everyone else if they don't like it.

>> No.13142981

please stop shilling this phony on a literature board

>> No.13142982

Nah, I don't really care about money as long there is enough for me to exist in peace but materialism goes beyond it. Even purely economical materialism. I still like having and buying "stuff" and don't write out of some meme ideals. It's simply the most pleasant activity I found to occupy myself during the little time we have left.

>> No.13142984

I'm saying define "living" by something other than working. If you define living as working, you're a materialist. If you define living as say, being a soldier for soldering's sake, that's idealist

>> No.13143027
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