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/lit/ - Literature

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13139013 No.13139013[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the chess the most /lit/ game?

>> No.13139030


>> No.13139035
File: 88 KB, 1000x563, 1556514950111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it doesn't even namedrop Hegel

>> No.13139038

Chad go player vs virgin grandmaster

>> No.13139041

How can a solved game be /lit/?

>> No.13139043

if u r any good let us play together, i'm not that great but i wanna learn

>> No.13139047
File: 185 KB, 1348x840, png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most /lit/ game is Go.

>> No.13139049

I never remember this in the game

>> No.13139058

Sure, here's the link https://lichess.org/fXLNdnXU

But I haven't played for a few months

>> No.13139064

Go is also a solved game, faggots.

>> No.13139068

Chess is a bit disappointing as creativity subsides for sheer memorization. It would rather be Go, or if you'll be charitable, a very simple game which does not take itself seriously, and consists only in simple fun.

>> No.13139076


>> No.13139084

Playing Wilhelm Tell with a revolver is arguably the most /lit/

>> No.13139086
File: 654 KB, 1125x2001, 84A99C72-63AC-414F-A547-193D79B96BA7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting game so far boys

>> No.13139094
File: 123 KB, 710x512, chess_wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you don't play the Sicilian and the Ruy Lopez

>> No.13139104

Low brow is easily the best of the four. Coleslaw? C’mon.

>> No.13139111

No it is Magic the Gathering, but only the paper version and modern rules.

>> No.13139124

>Go is also a solved game, faggots.
Dude Go is only weakly solved and only for like a 7x7 board.
But chess is still the most patrician game.

>> No.13139130
File: 756 KB, 1920x2560, 91evnF2DXVL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the glass bead game is the most /lit/ game and you know this by the patrician headwear of its players

>> No.13139137

Magnus Carlsen here

>> No.13139160

are you a neandertaler?

>> No.13139185
File: 610 KB, 1024x549, m1j7obgiiuhf3kmsn7sr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, that would be Artificial Academy 2.

>> No.13139196

chess is romanticism
go is modernism

>> No.13139205

I have wasted so much time on this fucking game. Like I could hve been reading or doing something productive. You know, socializing, anything.
No. I choose to rage out at losing in this fucking game. Because that's what it is, it's just fucking GAMING. Nothing highbrow to it.
Jesus christ Einstein was right about this. And I can't stop I'm addicted.

>> No.13139212

>chess is romanticism
>go is modernism
Thus chess is better

>> No.13139214

what caliber of girls you get

>> No.13139222


>> No.13139234

>Causes: P.T.A.
Paul Thomas Anderson?

>> No.13139236

I got disappointed in chess when I found out you could get better than 99.99% of people by just reading a couple of books and practising the moves there.

>> No.13139248

>coleslaw is low brow
get the fuck outta here

>> No.13139257


Any caliber I want ;)

>> No.13139258

R u lying.

>> No.13139262

No backgammon is.

>> No.13139263

You can learn how to build a fully functional nuclear reactor by yourself just by reading a few books. Try doing it.

>> No.13139273

Your point being?

>> No.13139276

If you read too much about chess the government is going to fucking merc you bro

>> No.13139280

top or bottom?

>> No.13139282

Jesus man, it couldn't be any more straightforward. It's a lot harder than it looks.

>> No.13139284
File: 67 KB, 550x414, mp,550x550,matte,ffffff,t.3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my mind that game is reserved for drunk middle-aged men who don't have the brains to play chess or even some card game.
>muh dice

>> No.13139298


>> No.13139301

Of course not!!

Top with men, bottom with women ;)

>> No.13139303

jack in the box can be the most literary or the most retarded if you get the right people

>> No.13139311

Alright now someone play with me https://lichess.org/fXLNdnXU#1

>> No.13139314


>> No.13139318

you need a new link senpai

>> No.13139325

Blacks or Whites?

>> No.13139329

t. lowbrows
t. highbrow

>> No.13139332

You're confused and you should reread my post.
It's hard to be some champion, but with a minimum amount of work and practise (literally a couple of books describing strategies) you're going to be better than 99.99% of people (who didn't put that amount of work into it).

>it's like building a nuclear reactor
Give me a break.

>> No.13139352

Now you're saying if you read a book you're going to be better than 99% of the people who didn't read a book, where before you said you would be better than 99% of people period. I don't care dude, this is stupid. It's always stupid with you goofy fuckheads.

>> No.13139381
File: 189 KB, 712x1024, boonanza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No pic related is

>> No.13139384

99.99% of people in the real world have NEVER read a book about chess, retard.

>> No.13139386

how does it feel being the GM?

>> No.13139407

I can make anything work! hee-hee

it feels not much different than being any other level
I still must work hard to defeat my opponents!

>> No.13139410


>> No.13139419

No the most lit game is philosophical rap battle.

>> No.13139439

The most /lit/ game is /lit/ itself.

>> No.13139440

no its fortnite :3

>> No.13139441


>> No.13139491

>Go is a solved game
You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about

>> No.13139504

I was the one just playing you. What's your rating?

>> No.13139507


>> No.13139511

wtf I'm like 1000 lel.
Play me again

>> No.13139520

No. Pharaoh (1999) is.

>> No.13139523

wanna play 960 (shuffled starting position)?

>> No.13139535

Never heard of it but ok

>> No.13139536

I think the most /lit/ are "Choose your own adventure" books.

>> No.13139537


>> No.13139661

I have no idea wtf I'm doing with those rules lmao

>> No.13139677

thought I was gonna lose the first game
phewed hard when you blundered the queen

>> No.13139688

how long have you been playing?

>> No.13139691

riichi mahjong
honestly it's not but i still wanted to make a post about it

>> No.13139695

Based and beanpilled

>> No.13139697

12 years holy shit where did the time go

>> No.13139740

Lmao Bobby Fischer is the ultimate /pol/tard before /pol/, dude hates the Jews too

>> No.13139758

he thought america should be given back to the indians and rejected being called anti-semite because he had nothing against arabs

>> No.13139811

Chess is not solved. Not even Othello is solved, only on 4x4 and 6x6.

>> No.13139824

this is library.

>> No.13139866


play me fuks

>> No.13140030

Parent Teacher Association

>> No.13140034

Post-Traumatic Autism

>> No.13140191

I wonder how many people on /lit/ play Melee.

>> No.13140366

na8 prob leads to mate

>> No.13140412
File: 549 KB, 2104x1548, shogi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only /lit/ game is pic related.

>> No.13140555


>> No.13140575

Black Queen to f3 checkmate

>> No.13140581

It's white to move, and Qf3 isn't mate

>> No.13140585

no, football (soccer) is

>> No.13140589

Qxb8+ Kxb8 Ra8+ Kc7 Rc8#

>> No.13140628
File: 97 KB, 692x644, A127954A-9D50-4675-9443-14186B40D002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah i see, very nice very nice

pic related is a favorite game of mine, its white to move and although its not the best move played its certainly a bold one!

ill link the game after

>> No.13140630
File: 49 KB, 500x489, 1554681806163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13140646

No u

>> No.13140666

guys, have an idea, post three(or more) of your favorite writers and then link on the game

>> No.13140725

Is it e4 ?

The position seems pretty tough to crack for white, but the rook and queen placement make me want to open up the centre.

>> No.13141001


>> No.13141039

>What's the most /lit/ game?
>Is this /lit/ approved?
What is it with people posting this sort of garbage? In case you didn't realize, lit is short for literature, and chess has absolutely fuck all to do with literature. Unless of course you are referring to a book about chess, but this isn't that case. You decided to post some vacuous nonsense without providing anything on your own part.

>> No.13141052

What is the most Hegelian opening?

>> No.13141082

The most /lit/ game is The Glass Bead Game.

>> No.13141126
File: 8 KB, 561x114, AC1E2798-89F9-4043-949A-2F9E40B28FA4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13141855

The King's Gambit, because it gives attacking chances to both players thus involving lots of dialectics

>> No.13141881
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (9).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go is the most /lit/

>> No.13141887

Stop trying to force /lit/ as an identity

>> No.13142095


Surprised nobody has mentioned Eschaton.

>> No.13142435

Prose golf. Reverse hangman. Bullet Scrabble. Haft Schrodinger chess. Wordcross. Verbal algebra.

>> No.13142488


>> No.13143072
File: 41 KB, 171x266, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is a solved game