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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 630x495, AwesomeLibrary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1313896 No.1313896 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say for the sake of argument, you're a billionaire. Money is no object, and you're designing your dream home.

What's in your library /lit/? What cool things would you stick in there? What books would be a must?

>> No.1313898

a kindle and a comfy chair

>> No.1313900


>> No.1313904

Well if money is no object, then I suppose a Sony reader

>> No.1313912

why so 4chan, /lit/ ? You KNOW you can be an independent nation

>> No.1313918

The daily edition I assume?

>> No.1313919

I'd build some sort of cool layout and put lots of comfy couches and chairs for reading or chilling, with books lining the walls. Make it a little hideaway I can go to to read books. I'd prefer a window nook area with a view of a nice garden.

>> No.1313920

your mom

>> No.1313929

An 8 foot cube with e-ink trition screens on all walls, with a chaise longue in the middle and a remote control

>> No.1313933


>> No.1313943

Basically just a giant ereader in the form of a small room

>> No.1313950

Probably just a big square with a second floor walkway above and shelves all the way around. In the center would be a square of four leather couches for reading/relaxing.

As for the books themselves, I'm not sure. Probably complete collection of every author I've ever read or ever shown interest in, massive encyclopedia and other reference collections, and complete collections of favorite magazines.

Damn, that sounds awesome. I hope I win the lottery.

>> No.1314011
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>> No.1314042
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>> No.1314062
File: 172 KB, 1250x750, 1287974280020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have the library equivalent of the Batcave

>> No.1314068


>> No.1314073

antique leather bound only.

>> No.1314076

This isn't real right? It's a shoop right?

>> No.1314082

I would research how to preserve books for as long as possible then build the appropriate designed building.

>> No.1314085

I could never read in such large rooms. It's so distracting. Why not just go outside? I like place I read inside to be at least somewhat cozy.

>> No.1314088

Does it count as a shoop if its just an artificially generated picture with no real photoshopping necessary.

>> No.1314101

A statue of myself looking triumphant and menacing.


>> No.1314179
File: 21 KB, 468x192, biblioch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of these.

>> No.1314209
File: 18 KB, 363x260, caveBookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1314214


>> No.1314227
File: 146 KB, 375x500, book-door.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every library should have one.

>> No.1314242

My library would just be a small room (about 10 ft by 10 ft) with about 1,000 books that I would enjoy from time to time. I'd also have a few comfy armchairs for the family, but nothing too fancy.

>> No.1314245

God you're a tacky motherfucker.

My library? First editions, first editions everywhere. I really like the aesthetic of the OP pic but I'd substitute the WICKED GAY science shit with some romantic era paintings and a more classic design overall.

>> No.1314252

>Money not an object.
The only correct answer is all of them. All of the books.

>> No.1314255

A nice place, in the opening between a bunch of incredibly tall trees in the woods.

>> No.1314292

Dude, the library in OP's pic is owned by an actual billionaire.

Some of the books are bound with RUBIES.

That big silver ball? That's from the movie Die Another Day.

That Egyptian bust? That's an actual Egyptian artifact.

He's got a Sputnik, an instruction manual for the Saturn V Rocket, a 1665 Bills of Mortality chronicle of London (you can track plague fatalities by week), and a framed napkin from 1943 on which Franklin D. Roosevelt outlined his plan to win World War II.

>> No.1314301


And yet somehow, shockingly, against all odds, a book is still a book and words are just words and all that shit should be destroyed and recycled. Society holds on to old shit too much

>> No.1314336
File: 99 KB, 468x351, 2378428376_d0874d6002_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1314338

$1Bn? Fuck books, I'm cloning dinosaurs.

>> No.1314359

There's nothing spectacular that I can think of outside of original copies and drafts.I haven't read a billion dollars worth of books.

>> No.1314361

best answer ever.

>> No.1314362

1. Gonna be honest, a lot of those shelves are going to be filled with comic books instead of books.

2. Spiral staircase/bookshelf.

3. Comfy ass leather chairs.

4. You gotta have a globe in a library. Perhaps the kind that open to reveal a hidden mini-bar.

5. There would have to be a computer cataloging system for all the books.

>> No.1314373

Download everything ever published that's been transcribed to a digital format, gzip it, toss it onto one economy-size hard drive. Use the space and money saved to build an Escherian library.

>> No.1314378

Think "Bodleian Library". Yeah.
The entire western canon (encompassing all subject material), an authentic old location, 19th century or older, same with the shelves. Nice old slightly dusty, creased leather couches. Ideally a gothic church or something/
Maybe just put a little bedroom/bathroom/toilet/kitchen in a corner, and that's my home.
OH yeah.

>> No.1314379


>Sasha Grey

>> No.1314453

My library would look exactly like the library in Beauty & the Beast, I don't care how childish that is.

>> No.1314735
File: 99 KB, 500x403, FScott.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No more fucking paperbacks for me! Only the classiest of hardcovers would be in my library. I'd probably have complete works by all my favorite authors and such.

>> No.1314754

i wanna be a billionaaaaire so freakin baaad

>> No.1314757

This door would lead to a room where I masturbate. I would call it the Masturbatorium.

>> No.1314820


>> No.1314917

My library is full of books recovered from the great Library at Alexandria, traded in secret through generations by shadowy illuminati and templars and ancient greek Plato cults. Every week I have to fight off some assassin or dark aberration of nature using knowledge gleaned from the venerable texts, all as I work towards my goal of resurrecting my beautiful bride Hypatia, who has been turned to solid gold by eldritch alchemists from the deep.

>> No.1314930

I would use that money to construct...


>> No.1315037

>>resurrecting my beautiful bride Hypatia

All that work, and she doesn't put out.

>> No.1315052


>> No.1315053

There would be a big fountain grotto made out of obsidian. I would spend all day lying naked on the polished slabs of rock listening to the sounds of running water and reading in the dim light.

Some day...

>> No.1315061

Yeah but maybe also some sick fucking recording of whales making noises too.

>> No.1315067


>> No.1315068

i would give all my billions to charity but keep enough so i dont have to work.

>> No.1315069


To each his own. Me, I'm a junkie for the sound of falling water.

>> No.1315072


Oh, come on. Dare to fantasize a little.

>> No.1315075

given the sheer amount of food needed to keep your mass stable i don't think you could afford giving away so much dough (slang for money and something you stuff your face with)

>> No.1315081

oh fuck....oh golly...oh shit that's good/.

>> No.1315121

A TempurPedic® litter with a coed team of 4 naked hardbodies to carry me around the room. Books? First-edition hardcovers of: [1] A Dictionary of the English Language by Samuel Johnson, 1755; [2] Life of Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. by James Boswell, Esq., 1791; [3] the 10-volume official biography of Abraham Lincoln by his private secretaries, John George Nicolay & John Hay, 1890-94; [4] The Note-Books of Samuel Butler, (1835-1902); [5] Dialogues of Alfred North Whitehead, ed. by Lucien Price, music critic of The Boston Globe, 1953.

>> No.1315130

you're on /lit/ more than me, loser.

>> No.1315138

I would hire a team of scientists, mathematicians, publishers to create the library of babel. and then kidnap people and put them in there.

>> No.1315142

no im not. i think there are a lot of people calling you fat here (because you are)

>> No.1315205

Then you genetically engineer a human/bull hybrid, and let it loose with an axe on the library, telling it the other people inside are it's food?

>> No.1315631

>What cool things would you stick in there?

My penis.