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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 102 KB, 785x594, EVOLUTION723575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13138512 No.13138512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


"Evolution is not scientific theory but a metaphisical research programme."

K. Popper

was he right?

>> No.13138516
File: 46 KB, 334x400, anglo_bertrand_russel_englishmen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x has y because its a trait acquired by evolution

>> No.13138534

What defines fitness? Survival! Who is the fittest? The one who survives!

Circular reasoning??

>> No.13138540

Explain currently existing maladaptations and adaptations without evolution.

>> No.13138554

It's an analytic statement you cretin. Maybe you should ponder on Newtons first law next and how it can be falsified.

>> No.13138555
File: 256 KB, 754x396, evolutionSCIENCE!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Circular reasoning??

yeah, or historiosophy. the entire "theory" is based on you being in the end of history position and know what is vestigial and what is "way of the future" to put it that way. anglo-hegelian unfalsifiable circlejerk.

>maladaptations and adaptations

natural selection that also perfectly fits into YEC btw.

>> No.13138561

Yes he is right.
Popper is part of the reason natural selection is unassailable in biology.

>> No.13138581
File: 128 KB, 1300x955, fingers mutatation or defect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's an analytic statement you cretin.

it looks to me like a semantic joke for some anglo gay orgy, a high brow meme of some kind.
tell me, is this a new mutation that will create a superrace or is it a bodily defect (based on a creationists standard(?) that humans should have 5 fingers)

>> No.13138583

>natural selection that also perfectly fits into YEC btw.

Geology, fossils, molecular clocks? Or how about just speed of natural selection?

>> No.13138603
File: 176 KB, 1300x1272, evolutionists hate this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>natural selection is unassailable in biology.

natural selection is a testable on observable phenomenon, but evolution=/=natural selection. NS is necesery for evolution to be true but not sufficient proof.

>Geology, fossils, molecular clocks? Or how about just speed of natural selection?

stop it, you said that natural selection is a proof for evolution. its necessery but not sufficient. NS proves evolution as much as it proves YEC.

>> No.13138628
File: 44 KB, 468x318, appendix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x has y because its a trait acquired by evolution
>what is the proof that it is aquired by evolutioin and not full blown YECrationist?
>because it has y

appendix was considdered vestigial up unti few years ago, guess we made a mistake when we removed uninflamed appendixes tee hee, now its an evolutionary adaptation, I FCK LOOOOOVE SCIENCE!!!!!


>> No.13138629

I'm not even religious in any way, and I agree. Evolution is such a bonkers theory. One day it will be looked on as a pathetic irrational superstition.

>> No.13138637

An adaptation is something that increases fitness. Fitness is the ability to produce offspring that can reproduce in turn. The extra finger is a mutation. Probably neutral or slightly harmful from natural selection perspective.
>humans should have five fingers
This is a weird statement. Why? How do you arrive at should?

>> No.13138644

>that natural selection is a proof for evolution

>> No.13138678


>Explain currently existing maladaptations and adaptations without evolution.

>An adaptation is something that increases fitness. Fitness is the ability to produce offspring that can reproduce in turn.

how do you test for that?

>Why? How do you arrive at should?

Leonardo da Vinci and Kent Hovinds theories that human is perfectly made.

>> No.13138696

>natural selection is a testable on observable phenomenon, but evolution=/=natural selection. NS is necesery for evolution to be true but not sufficient proof.
Yep, you need heredity and mutation for that.

>> No.13138704

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature

>> No.13138709

>Yep, you need heredity and mutation for that.

and proof that species mutate into each other of which there is non, look up esch coli longterm experiment, they produced total fluff of a proof even after 60k generation and still called it succefull by making post hoc hypothesises.

>> No.13138727

You are correct, it should be natural selection instead of evolution.

>how do you test for that?
Test for what?

>Leonardo da Vinci and Kent Hovinds theories that human is perfectly made.

I am not familiar with these, please do elaborate.

>> No.13138735

What is a species?

>> No.13138758
File: 9 KB, 180x256, IMG_0048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kent Hovind
This is actually embarassing, no wonder /sci/ shits on this board.

>> No.13138764

lmao jesus christ

>> No.13138767

>This is actually embarassing

based on what actually?

>> No.13138793

He was arrested for tax fraud, promotes young earth creationism, has a degree from the unaccredited Patriot University, has lied about his scientific experience, and he also committed mail fraud. Complete joke.

>> No.13138807
File: 62 KB, 900x900, kent_hovind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was arrested for tax fraud, promotes young earth creationism, has a degree from the unaccredited Patriot University, has lied about his scientific experience, and he also committed mail fraud.

kool story bro, now prove to me is there a smth to Kent Hovinds theories or is evolution actually falsifiable, because it looks to me like an exercise in semantics?

>> No.13138813

The fact that the literature board is a bastion of anti-intellectualism on 4chan is depressing. Sage.

>> No.13138826

>cite 1 failed experiment
>ignores all the rest of overwhelming scientific data supporting evolution
Also, of course species turn into another. There is a common ancestor, some of the members evolve into a subspecies by the principles of heredity and mutation over differential reproductive success. Sorry but you reply like you know nothing about evolution.

>> No.13138845

>bastion of anti-intellectualism

go go run away from anti-intellectualism run run run run forrest run into the security!!!!!

>>cite 1 failed experiment

so you admit that esch coli was a TOTAL FLOP and that they phised for post hocs?

>> No.13138846

Natural selection has been shown in laboratory settings using microbes. Bacteria reproduce at an exponential rate and with rapid generational turnover, so you can measure evolution in them at rapid speed.

Superbugs and new pathogens are evolving and showing up all the time. Not to mention selective breeding of dogs and other domesticated animals is an obvious corollary of natural selection. Except instead of leaving the selection to environmental change and pressures, it's people who decide.

>> No.13138857

lol bro now it's clear ur trolling
4/10 you made me reply.

>> No.13138876

Indeed, the recent vogue of historicism might be regarded as merely part of the vogue of evolutionism—a philosophy that owes its influence largely to the somewhat sensational clash between a brilliant scientific hypothesis concerning the history of the various species of animals and plants on earth, and an older metaphysical theory which, incidentally, happened to be part of an established religious belief.

What we call the evolutionary hypothesis is an explanation of a host of biological and paleontological observations—for instance, of certain similarities between various species and genera—by the assumption of common ancestry of related forms.

. . . I see in modern Darwinism the most successful explanation of the relevant facts. [Popper, 1957, p. 106; emphasis added]

There exists no law of evolution, only the historical fact that plants and animals change, or more precisely, that they have changed. [Popper, 1963b, p. 340; emphasis added]

I have always been extremely interested in the theory of evolution and very ready to accept evolution as a fact. [Popper, 1976, p. 167; emphasis added]

The Mendelian underpinning of modern Darwinism has been well tested and so has the theory of evolution which says that all terrestrial life has evolved from a few primitive unicellular organisms, possibly even from one single organism. [Popper, 1978, p. 344; emphasis added]

polite sage for clarifying your misquote

>> No.13138893

To further clairfy, the actual quote says
>I have come to the conclusion that Darwinism is not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical research programme—a possible framework for testable scientific theories. [Popper, 1976, p. 168]
>. . . because I intend to argue that the theory of natural selection is not a testable scientific theory, but a metaphysical research programme; . . . [Popper, 1976, p. 151]
But wait there's more!
>The fact that the theory of natural selection is difficult to test has led some people, anti-Darwinists and even some great Darwinists, to claim that it is a tautology. . . . I mention this problem because I too belong among the culprits. Influenced by what these authorities say, I have in the past described the theory as "almost tautological," and I have tried to explain how the theory of natural selection could be untestable (as is a tautology) and yet of great scientific interest. My solution was that the doctrine of natural selection is a most successful metaphysical research programme. . . . [Popper, 1978, p. 344]
>I have changed my mind about the testability and logical status of the theory of natural selection; and I am glad to have an opportunity to make a recantation. . . . [p. 345]
>The theory of natural selection may be so formulated that it is far from tautological. In this case it is not only testable, but it turns out to be not strictly universally true. There seem to be exceptions, as with so many biological theories; and considering the random character of the variations on which natural selection operates, the occurrence of exceptions is not surprising. [p. 346]

>> No.13138896
File: 164 KB, 1024x576, science_TM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol bro now it's clear ur trolling
>4/10 you made me reply.


>> No.13138907

>this thread

That's gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

>> No.13138912

>Natural selection has been shown in laboratory settings using microbes
Bacteria reproducing is not natural selection.
>Superbugs and new pathogens are evolving and showing up all the time. Not to mention selective breeding of dogs and other domesticated animals is an obvious corollary of natural selection
Artificial selection is not natural selection

Hey as a corollary to this whole thing, have any of you guys ever noticed that the same arguments are repeated again and again on here? I mean, in all honesty, it seems to be a problem with the actual interface. Other people in philosophical/theological threads have noted this as well. The same arguments are made, almost deterministically, again and again.

Sometimes when you critical of a certain mentality or world view you’ll hit upon a certain ‘trope’ which is apparently ‘true’ no matter how you look at it, simply because repeated again and again.

You see what I’m trying to figure out here is if it’s a natural flaw in the interface or something a little more sinister. :3

>> No.13138927

Falsifiability is a completely broken theory that no one in philosophy of science takes seriously. Only stem dullards and amateur atheists trying to dunk on others like it.

For only one reason falsifiability is broken, consider that there has never been a single scientific theory that has not in some respect been falsified during its lifetime. Scientific theories are born and die falsified, and if falsification is to be taken seriously as a solution to the demarcation of science and pseudoscience, there is no such thing as science.

>> No.13138949
File: 1.34 MB, 2550x3063, popper_headache.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>consider that there has never been a single scientific theory that has not in some respect been falsified during its lifetime.

that means they were falsifiable from the start.

>Scientific theories are born and die falsified, and if falsification is to be taken seriously as a solution to the demarcation of science and pseudoscience, there is no such thing as science.

Wait a sec, when was evolution even close to being falsified?

>> No.13138955

>he thinks ideas and books are a place for long-drawn out personal ad hominem attacks

>> No.13138974

>brainlets trying to sound intelligent
falsifiability is a human concept and has no effect on whether something is true or not. Why is this garbage on /lit/? Do we even have mods?

>> No.13138988

>that means they were falsifiable from the start.
That means falsifiability is not a useful concept to distinguish between any scientific theories that ever have or ever will exist, which is the only point of falsifiability in the first place.
>Wait a sec, when was evolution even close to being falsified?
Pick your poison from amongst any of the testable failings of the theory in its lifetime.

This is not even to mention theory-ladenness or the non-existence of crucial experiments

>> No.13139020

>creationists on /lit/
I thought this was the smart board

>> No.13139034

>Wait a sec, when was evolution even close to being falsified?
That would actually be really simple. Just have a species that have exactly 0 traits that would allow it to thrive in its environment and yet it somehow does. Natural selection isn't a theory as much as it an observation, though.

>> No.13139044

The quote is from a book. You know, literature. :3

>> No.13139048
File: 328 KB, 1484x1113, science1523183862188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That means falsifiability is not a useful concept to distinguish between any scientific theorie

Or that proves that all good theories have been falsified?

>Pick your poison from amongst any of the testable failings of the theory in its lifetime.

I see none. Esch coli longterm exp can fail with 60k gence, it disproved nothing about evolution bacuse it can show proof after 100k gens or 10 000k gens which perfectly fits with guidng hand of evolution.

>>creationists on /lit/
>I thought this was the smart board


>> No.13139069

It isn't. It just have a lot of clowns and neomystics that think that writing in flowery language and reading some half-forgotten nutjob makes them smart.

>> No.13139088

damn dude no need to get so angry. I'm dont even know science

>> No.13139112

>I see none. Esch coli longterm exp can fail with 60k gence, it disproved nothing about evolution bacuse it can show proof after 100k gens or 10 000k gens which perfectly fits with guidng hand of evolution.
You understand that the only thing that evolution would say is that the bacteria population with traits that make them have an edge on their environment would achieve greater reproductive sucess, right? The time that they take to developt said traits isn't actually important.

>> No.13139175

Karl Popper was wrong about almost everything. And he hated Plato. Enough said.

>> No.13139254

>arrested for tax fraud
>promotes young earth creationism
>has a degree from the unaccredited Patriot University
fuck accredited transgender jew dominated university synagogues. based
>has lied about his scientific experience
who cares. based.
>committed mail fraud
based af. Can you now tell me why I shouldn't subscribe to the theories of whoever this guy is?

>> No.13139256
File: 22 KB, 250x338, 60CBD365-212D-4FF0-8EAD-4AC82815382C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these niggas don’t know that popper was btfo ages ago

>> No.13139261

If I jog half an hour every day for a month, my lung capacity will be higher. Is that evolution too?

>> No.13139285
File: 113 KB, 700x500, feyerabend2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>arrested for tax fraud
>>promotes young earth creationism
>>has a degree from the unaccredited Patriot University
>fuck accredited transgender jew dominated university synagogues. based
>>has lied about his scientific experience
>who cares. based.
>>committed mail fraud
>based af. Can you now tell me why I shouldn't subscribe to the theories of whoever this guy is?

science is an anti-intellectual cult.

>> No.13139297

It would be just a biological trait. If, however, it was analysed to see whatever or not the trait would result in a reproductive advantage to the population that have it, then it would be part of the evolutionary field.

>> No.13139309


>> No.13139327

At what point in the theory does /lit/ check out and say it's nonsense?
>A population has some inherent genetic diversity
>Better-adapted individuals whose slight diversity gives them an advantage have more reproductive success
>The next generation is still diverse but slightly skewed in the direction of the previous one's successful adaptation
>Over many many generations this results in characteristic changes as the species adapts
Where is the bullshit? Someone please tell me what part of this is wrong.

>> No.13139334

What about macro-evolution?

>> No.13139340

no scientists read philosophy of science at all (and that's a good thing).

>> No.13139346

Imagine getting fisted by her

>> No.13139349

I remember a few years ago /lit/ took anti-science, anti-evolution etc. stances because muh scientism or something, now we're just at "British man bad".

>> No.13139351

Say you separate the population at the beginning and place them in two different environments.
The rest of the process will affect them differently because the selection isn't selecting for the same things, so after many many generations, they will end up noticably different. If they're too different, they won't be able to breed with each other, and now you have two species instead of one.

>> No.13139353

Nowhere. It's just hard for people who are used to philosophers pulling ideas out of thin air to wrap their heads around evidence derived from observation.

>> No.13139357

It is just what >>13139327 said, but more intense/longer to the point that it result in a population that couldn't reproduce with the how it was in the beginning.

>> No.13139356

american "christians" are a virus that do as much damage to logic and reason as they do to christianity

>> No.13139488

Amerifat christcucks usually don't think at all. the worst you get are some televangelists doing "christian science" Gaytheist liberals worshiping scientism because they think it makes them smart are a much bigger threat to logic and reason.

>> No.13139517
File: 127 KB, 634x698, science1544899535127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amerifat christcucks usually don't think at all. the worst you get are some televangelists doing "christian science" Gaytheist liberals worshiping scientism because they think it makes them smart are a much bigger threat to logic and reason.


>> No.13139534

He's not even wrong. Evolution is not a scientific theory because you can't make any sort of predictions with it. Evolution is a history.

>> No.13139539

>Evolution is a history.

Its no different than Hegels or Spenglers historiosophy, just lamer.

>> No.13139676

brainlets cant even comprehend deep time
everything has to be in a human timescale

>> No.13139707

>In his encyclical Humani generis (1950), my predecessor Pius XII has already affirmed that there is no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of the faith regarding man and his vocation, provided that we do not lose sight of certain fixed points. ... Today, more than a half-century after the appearance of that encyclical, some new findings lead us toward the recognition of evolution as more than a hypothesis. In fact it is remarkable that this theory has had progressively greater influence on the spirit of researchers, following a series of discoveries in different scholarly disciplines. The convergence in the results of these independent studies—which was neither planned nor sought—constitutes in itself a significant argument in favor of the theory.
- Pope John Paul II (1996)

Even the catholic church saw that shit 1,000,000 light years away and caved in. Anyone denying evolution on this board is a brainlet contrarian troll.

>> No.13139717
File: 1.26 MB, 1596x1870, pope francis42103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Even the catholic church

this is very telling

>> No.13139721

What in nature limits one species from giving rise to a new one by proceesses of evolution?
If one gene can be changed by natural selection, then all can. If all genes can change in time, then new species are possible to reach as well.

>> No.13139727
File: 83 KB, 580x586, science_values3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If one gene can be changed by natural selection, then all can.

OK, Im done. Enough abyss staring for today.

>> No.13139731

that isn't what defines fitness you moron. Fitness is defined by ones suitability to the environment in which it lives (not strictly geological). One that is better suited, therefore, has higher fitness, it is not simply "i kill you, therefore Im fitter".

>> No.13139737

Shut the fuck up brainlet. I can predict that genetic drift in isolated populations will change the allele frequency of those populations and result in divergent evolution if put under different selective pressures.
Last year's Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for a scientist using directed evolution of enzymes. How can that happen if it's not predicted?

Multicellularity was evolved from uni-cellular organisms multiple times once using yeast and the other using algae. It was predicted that this sort of mechanism (response to predation) was involved in the evolution of multicellularity

>> No.13139749

Go back to fucking your retarded wife, JF. Nobody cares.

>> No.13139763

that is macro evolution. micro-evolution is understanding why specific loci mutate across individual to individual and so on, this kind of population wide form of evolution is as typically macro as it gets.

>> No.13139777

Ignore them, none of them actually know anything about evolution and are just making moronic intuitive critiques.

Why the hostility buddy im not really hearing your argument here.

>> No.13140101

sorry i didnt know that survival is not a factor in the theory of evolution

>> No.13140132

>the second law of thermodynamics does not apply to living beings
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.13140303
File: 17 KB, 236x240, 1557552553999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Evolution is a denial of the natural metaphysical order. To say that the lesser can be the origin of the greater is to ultimately deny the nature of the manifested universe, and create nothing less than a satanic inversion. No matter how much of one substance or characteristic is accumulated, insofar as it remains all on the same plane, it will have no transcendent value to go beyond that which is inherent in its own particular manifestation.

>> No.13140324

>earth is a closed system
>organisms are closed systems

>> No.13140490

Obviously it is, but it is not what defines fitness. Survival of the fittest is not the same principle as marvel villians make it out to be.

>> No.13140549

what garbage. In what way is a single celled organism lesser than a mammal? you are applying some erroneous moral objectivism to a natural process without any justification, pure dogma.

>> No.13140657

fuck off libtard

>> No.13140664

All of evolutions observations are more accurately portrayed in a devolutionist theory anyway.

>> No.13140679

Not being able to breed isn't the criteria for separate species.

>> No.13140682

Anglo lies have turned a general darwinism into the religion of modernism.

>> No.13140790

cringe + bluepilled

>> No.13140800


>Unironically thinking evolution is wrong

If you this you're mentally ill and shoukd be shot.

>> No.13140816

that journo made that up and had to apologize.

>> No.13140834

Natural selection is a concept which could be arrived at logically though. No observation is necessary.

>> No.13141024

Circular readoning is the only truth.

>> No.13141256
File: 145 KB, 750x667, Burning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am biochemist. Come to /lit/ for first time expecting well-read, intelligent individuals having at least occasional shots at productive discussion.
Find this shit.

>> No.13141329

Oh christ haha imagine being this person

>> No.13141342

There aren't many scientific theories in the soft sciences that are as well grounded and clearly accurate as evolution. If you doubt it you are either very uneducated or a complete retard

>> No.13141349

Evolution is always going to be a theory no matter what you do :3

It hasn't actually done anything beneficial anyway. All of the medicinal or technological gains have been from observed artificial selection.

The theory of evolution, meanwhile, has helped pave the way for eugenics, social Darwinism, etc etc. Things that make the world more aggressive and worse. :3

>> No.13141375

Trust me, this thread is the most appalling ball of wool I've seen here, and is also evidently of at least 50% /pol/ manufacture, so it's not representative.

>> No.13141401

>Bacteria reproducing is not natural selection.
>Artificial selection is not natural selection
The mechanics are the same

>> No.13141418

Probably samefag regardless


Look up epigenetics btw

>> No.13141440

based post
imagine discrediting someone because of "muh tax fraud" like oh no how dare he cheat the largest criminal organization on earth, the IRS? lmaooo cucks

>> No.13141691

epigenetics aren't mutually exclusive to evolution
your brain is tiny
those aren't the same people, one of them is me

>> No.13141695

>having a smart board
maybe if this board existed in 2006 but it wasnt even around til 2010 and this place was dumb as fuck by then

>> No.13141771

>anti-evolutionists still exist in the Year of Our Lord 2019
humanity is fucking wild, imagine being this delusional

>> No.13141805

The lack of clarity in this thread is disturbing. Okay what’s evolution. It is change in allele frequencies over time. (Make necessary additions for epigenetics if you wish). It’s not natural selection as genetic drift is evolution too. There is no macroevolution, it’s a heuristic for idiots. It’s all just microevolution.
Natural selection is hard to put to words in an accurate sense. The alleles which tend to increase their frequency more over time, have a larger frequency after some time than the ones that don’t. This is not a tautology, not circular logic. It’s an analytic statement, if any of you niggers had actually read Popper you would know what I am talking about. It is unfalsifiable yes. Does it mean evolutionary theory is unfalsifiable? No. You cannot falsify Newton’s first law. But you can easily falsify his theory of gravity.
A final consideration we need to make is the classic omnis cellula e cellula. Every living thing comes from their immediate ancestor, and the same applies to the immediate ancestor and onwards from it. Note that I am not talking about biogenesis here, this principle only applies after life appears.
These phenomena are not some teleological forces or principles guiding change on this planet. In a sense, they don’t even exist. They are the necessary characteristics resulting from the fundamental structure and physiology of living things. Thus, evolutionary theory is not proved by some historical artefacts. Do not confuse the history of the theory with its present form. The undeniable evidence for it comes from the operations of living organism today. The allele frequencies change. In a manner that can hardly be called random.

>inb4 muh speciation
Species are another heuristic for idiots. There are no species. There are only living cells. Species are a completely artificial tool for humans to classify organisms. There is no meaningful definition for a species. Not one that could be consistently applied to all living things.

>> No.13141990
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, scienceTM_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Unironically thinking evolution is wrong

it cant be wrong, its entirely unfalsifiable.

>Am biochemist. Come to /lit/ for first time expecting well-read, intelligent individuals having at least occasional shots at productive discussion.

I recommend searching for like minded minds on r/science or r/progressivism.

>Okay what’s evolution. It is change in allele frequencies over time.

this is a bad definition, YEC believe in allele change over time as well. Ill let you figure out why and then we might have a convo.

>Species are another heuristic for idiots. There are no species.

Lets just run into semantics guys, what do words even mean? pottery!

>> No.13142004

Well, give me a definition for a species and we can talk.

>> No.13142022
File: 15 KB, 294x313, hurrr1416313784606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, give me a definition for a species and we can talk.

Im sorry but word definition is such a simple heuristic term and I cant use a "definition" to describe species.

>> No.13142027

Well I guess we can't talk about speciation then.

>> No.13142034

>Well I guess we can't talk about speciation then.

but we can actually. Darwin talked about it as well as enitre modern evolutionary theory despite the fact that you cant "define" it precisely - species (no matter how sloppy you define that social construct) should change into each other, as long as that isnt demonstrated, evolutionary proof is based on semantical manipulation of the word "natural selection".

>> No.13142069

If you can't talk about what you want to see, how can I show you the evidence you want? Apparently the readily demonstrable effects of allele frequency changes are not satisfactory in your mind to prove this "speciation" you talk about. Why not?

>> No.13142090

>If you can't talk about what you want to see, how can I show you the evidence you want?

I want to see >>13142034
>species (no matter how sloppy you define that social construct) should change into each other

not profane natural selection >>13142069
>allele frequency changes

why isnt there any sign of that kind of proof? Why didnt esch coli longterm exp produced any new trait in esch coli but just selected for already existing ones?

>> No.13142112

Footfags absolutely BTFO

>> No.13142171

>species (no matter how sloppy you define that social construct) should change into each other
And we have witnessed this several times, in plants as well as animals.

>> No.13142223


> Why can't I observe million-years long processes in my limited lifetime or proof of such process which is not a static snap of said process but the process itself (which spans along eons)?

That's how retarded you sound. Of COURSE we can't observe new species suddenly appearing because said process is incredibly long, but we have proof of said processes going on such as the astonishingly high number of very different marsupial species, which are not found in any other place in the planet and whose common characteristics can be traced back to a common ancestor.

The amount of evolutionary proof is beyond ridiculous, and not a single person with serious scientifical education would be as bluntly ignorant.

>> No.13142230

But that's false, we can and we have. It just doesn't happen often because of how long it typically takes but there are plenty of examples of new species arising.

>> No.13142315

>Of COURSE we can't observe new species suddenly appearing because said process is incredibly long

that means I cant falsify any of your claim, how convinient for you!

>> No.13142503

Also K. Popper

"I have changed my mind about the testability and logical status of the theory of natural selection, and I am glad to have the opportunity to make a recantation." [Popper1978].

>> No.13142513


>> No.13142523

How are planets formed then eh buddy?

>> No.13142565
File: 6 KB, 196x196, feyerabend_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I have changed my mind about the testability and logical status of the theory of natural selection, and I am glad to have the opportunity to make a recantation." [Popper1978].

poor guy cucked hard to save his academic career, it sounds like one of those recantations before cameras hostages make. lifelong academics are such pleb intellectuals and mostly total pussies.

>human mice
t. Feyerabend