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13137964 No.13137964 [Reply] [Original]

what's the most retarded book you've ever read?

>> No.13137973
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>> No.13137974

I don’t think I’ve ever read an objectively bad book, but I’m sure they exist.

>> No.13137975
File: 55 KB, 581x525, F856F703-0CAD-43AA-BC2E-8FA100C83FF4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Persuation Nation by George Saunders

>> No.13137977

The Bible

>> No.13137982


>> No.13138004

It's supposed to be non-fiction and someone is literally resurrecting.
The author is taking us for complete retards.

>> No.13138011

He said books you’ve read, not books you’ve been told a few stories from for pseud credit

>> No.13138051

your diary desu

>> No.13138083

I can't remember the title. It was by a guy who'd offed his wife, then shared photos of the crime scene via Facebook. /pol/ found his trove of self-published books on Amazon, about a dozen self-help/relationship counseling texts with these unwieldy titles like "How I Am the Only Man In Southern California Who Knows What Is Wrong With Your Wife and Why She Won't Cook Your Favorite Style of Pork Chops". I bought a Kindle version and reading it was like, I don't know, sharing a tour bus with Ray Stevens while he self-medicated with desomorphine and argued with Doctor Ruth.

I haven't felt the same since reading it.

>> No.13138186

A terrible portal fantasy book called The Practice Effect where the premise was it was a world where tools got stronger as they were used instead of breaking. Absolutely the stupidest shit. Terrible writing, too.

>> No.13138187

Based booklet

>> No.13138201

my diary desu. i'm hopeless. pls someone give me a gf.

>> No.13138202

Rape butterfly

>> No.13138214
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Not retarded but the junkie delirium gets old very quickly.

>> No.13138215

Get Fucked and Die. It's about a DMV worker who goes to the woods. He fucks a fat girl, his best friend is revealed to be comically closeted, and the "scientists" who warn of overfishing get dabbed on. Newsflash idiots, the oceans big, there's no way we'll run out of fish.

>> No.13138239
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A book about the ex-wife of one of our former presidents who got cucked by a young actress.

>> No.13138241
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I got a chick lit book (pic) from my country to see how it is.
God have mercy.
70% of the book is the female protagonist talking with herself and saying how hot her boss (who happens to be an warrior from Ireland who she dreams about everyday). The final is a ridiculous Deus ex machina and future marriage.

>> No.13138354

Ready Player One