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File: 107 KB, 1267x887, pepe-is-caught-in-the-center-of-a-political-debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13136489 No.13136489 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw finally gave up my faith in god and jesus
>tfw finally am able to get serious about my philosophic investigations into being
>tfw finally enrolled in a university this fall and will be studying under a naturalist realist
>tfw finally feel like I'm genuinely learning about reality rather than coping

I just want to advise any of the anons here wasting their time on theology: don't.

five years of my life down the drain.

>> No.13136491

honestly when I grew out of my cringe trad cath/thomist phase I actually started learning and growing as a person

>> No.13136499

I really underestimated how much my theistic presuppositions were fucking with my thinking.

I feel like I'm breathing clean air now rather than the muddled mess that is theology. (I'm talking patristic fathers through the scholastics and on into contemporary guys. I've read them all, sadly.)

>> No.13136521

>natural realist

>> No.13136533
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Good luck paving the path the next stage of your life. Make sure to use your atheistic truths in order to motivate yourself to make this limited lifespan the absolute best that it can be, while you have the time to.

>> No.13136539


>> No.13136542

see >>13136539
You'll grow out of your scholastic phase eventually

>> No.13136544

>see your own post
Based retard telling other people how to develop and grow as people as if everyone believes what he does

>> No.13136545

nice bat, satan

>> No.13136546

the thing is i would love to drop the whole religion thing if it gave me clarity of thought. however i have empirically verified that i am much smarter on weeks i go to church , so god wants me to think hard and he helps me with it.

furthermore, of contemporaryish philosophers the only ones that appeal to me are iris murdoch and other non naturalists.

>> No.13136547


>> No.13136550

my thing is i am autistically obbssed with plato's metaphysics. i have adopted other views of reality but eventually the facade crumbles and it was plato all along. and the ontological good can so easily play the role of god. soooooooôœœ i dont know if i have a choice. i am at a secular uni now and feel very looked down upon but have written some theistic papers that get good feedback from atheists.

>> No.13136551

Stop making philosophy handmaiden to either theology or naturalism please. You've gone from one bad mentality to another one. Realism is good (anti-realism fucking sucks) but naturalism is so dogmatic and uncritical that modern scientific naturalist philosophy is basically the return of medieval scholasticism. Regardless, good on you, hope you have a good time with the university professor.

>> No.13136554

Is this a pasta? This is one of the gayest and most retarded things I've ever read.

>> No.13136558


>> No.13136559
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>n-no, /lit/ told me Catholicism was the final redpill, I can't possibly be wrong at all!

>> No.13136564


but you're still coping just in a different way
all of life is just a series of copes
everybody will move from one to another thinking things have changed each time
Theology, philosophy, science there are no answers or understanding just cope after cope after cope

>> No.13136565

the copeless dao is the eternal dao

>> No.13136569
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>>13136558 good evening
how's it

>> No.13136575


>> No.13136577

no if you look at the memeface I posted, you're the one who is angry

>> No.13136581

If you wojak meme face first you immidately lose the argument

>> No.13136585

Haha enjoy hell you pleb

>> No.13136593

Imagine being this much of a bugman

>> No.13136638

>Learning about reality
Pick one

>> No.13136646

Now you get to see these fucking retards for who they truly are: they have a long game in mind: they go into the search for faith with the objective of giving it up in the end in their """"""""search""""""""" for """"""""wisdom""""""""" and """"""""""scientific knowledge""""""""""""


>> No.13136723


>> No.13136726

>implying analytic philosophy isn't just atheist neoscholasticism

>> No.13136739

its good

>> No.13136767


>> No.13136775


>> No.13136792

You can give up on organized religion as much as you want but don’t Jesus
Not cool, dude

>> No.13136798

Jesus is long dead

>> No.13136802

Why should /lit/, a filthy horde of literary newfags, understand you?

>> No.13136808

>inappropriate use of soijak showing OPs hand as a run of the mill leftist who neurotically tries to appropriate insults in ways that dont make sense
reddit false flag confirmed, everyone go home

>> No.13136812

Explicate how it is inappropriate

>> No.13136813

See >>13136808

>> No.13136814

>heh, no U are the soidrinking bugmen!

>> No.13136816

That's not a good explanation at all
Could you try again?

>> No.13136819

>intentionally playing dumb
every time you faggots attempt this it looks as bad as the "Democrats are the REAL racists" boomers.

>> No.13136821

Can't you directly answer a question? Do you have ADHD? I just want to know why a silly reaction image isn't appropriate on this board

>> No.13136825
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>> No.13136826
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>> No.13136831

Now, in the exceedingly small image you aren't pretending to he daft and pretending to be shocked that you're being told about it; look at your image and where this exchange began and see if you can maybe figure out what is going on.

>> No.13136838
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Small chance* obviously

>> No.13136839

see >>13136825

>> No.13136843

Okay man have fun being insufferable and pretending to be a ignorant retard for dishonest means and being shocked when you get told exactly what you're intentionally doing.

>> No.13136848

This. You're low IQ if you believed in God in your teenage years. Even lower IQ to think atheism is an act of intellectual enlightenment. OP is an absolute brainlet who feared going to college for fear of being brainwashed, which meant his faith was knowingly untenable in the first place. He just was an imbecile. I was an atheist most of my life and my only interest on theology began after my education, postgraduate level. OP further makes himself an imbecile by making education and Christianity a mutually exclusive delimma which is extremely ironic considering priests level of education is well beyond the pseud tier undergraduate track OP is on. He's just a brainlet. Atheism or religion can't fix that.

>> No.13136915

because anon... i am a literary newfag

>> No.13136920
File: 224 KB, 736x1002, F2EEBD7E-C1FB-4641-B10B-E5B1B2C17FC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to have an orientation toward faith in god and jesus
>tfw God is always tied to a philosophic investigation of being
>tfw even enrolling in a university study program must explain exactly where I fall on a in regards to faith and God (i.e) naturalist realist
>tfw there is no escape because even the “escape” always already takes God unto account

If you want to keep fooling yourself I suggest you make it a point rn to never read Derrida

>> No.13136971
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What you actually have a problem with is dogma. This is why I developed my own religion based on my interpretation of the bible, substituting group church events for private mystical rituals, and a close proximity to God.
You see, the church is quite dead, with people practicing religion out of obligation and cultural expectations, it is expected to hear and feel nothing. If you hear answers, you are labeled as insane. What I would suggest instead is to look, and try to understand what God is with your intellect, faith and eventually gnosis (here I'm using the term in it's literal meaning, with no relation to gnosticism). Although even before that, the first step would be to cleanse yourself of sin, all the way deep down to your motivations of why you are doing it.

>> No.13137000

>/lit/ user calling someone else insufferable

>> No.13137025

Low IQ.

>> No.13137028


>> No.13137443

Giving up on the ol J.C. is like hitting yourself very hard in the balls with a giant hammer. And yet people do it all the time

>> No.13137616

Yeah naturalism is usually a litmus for lightweight thinkers

>> No.13137700

>giving up faith
>going to university to study
Are you joking? Who are you laughing at? What were you thinking? You can only learn by yourself, and outside is full of demagogues.

>> No.13137702

I genuinly dislike most thiests as i have doubts in their faith. Its just an extra for them, an aesthetic without significant existential meaning.

>> No.13137728


But Jesus is THE Philosopher.

>> No.13137742

Alright, could you give me a summary of his philosophy? No proverbs or direct quotations without any explanation, please.

>> No.13137761

Most people never get past the cope

>> No.13137766

and you have? why is it that people on 4chan talk so tough but in the end are profoundly disappointing

>> No.13137770

No that's Aristotle

>> No.13137835


Dialectical Monism.

>> No.13137847
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What an absolute retard you are

>> No.13137865

That still sounds like coping but with extra steps.

>> No.13137873

Bugmen are the atheist kind, though. Muh science muh Richard Dawkins. Those types.

>> No.13137876

not the ones on here
there's a growing hive of "trad" numales, just look at peterson and 4chan

>> No.13137879

All the soulless Chinese bug people are atheist

>> No.13137897

Bugmen refers to city dwelling consumerist drones who jizz their pants over marvel movies and new iphones and $6 coffees etc not someone who is kind of faggy or you don't like

>> No.13137907
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You perfectly described every atheist

>> No.13137918

I know that I'm just clarifying for our resident "no-u"dditors. It probably won't stop them though.

>> No.13137925

Bugmen can be Christian, have you never been to a southern college?

>> No.13137934
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Good luck OP. I'll be waiting for when you come back.

>> No.13137943
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>> No.13137957

I'm not op, you should be able to infer that because op just enrolled in college, so he wouldn't know much about those things. Why are you threatened by his statement and acting like an abusive parent? Let the kid figure out his own life.

>> No.13137959

Good for you OP!

>> No.13137976


>> No.13137992

but anon, pretending to be a christian is the chinese weaving forum's current main trend. you'll miss out on all the larping and all those threads grabbing screencaps from r*ddit/tw*tter/whatever and going ATHEISM BAD TRADITION GOOD I TRADITION I GOOD

>> No.13138003

Another soul doomed to fatalistic philosophy. I pray for your soul. I fell out of faith and my walk in the world of philosophy ruined me. If you attempt to follow multiple, even seperately at different points in your life, you'll eventually develop symptoms not unlike schizophrenia. Your brain will cloud with muddled philosophical thinking and eventually you won't know which thoughts are even yours. It ruined me because not even knowing which path to walk, religious, nonreligious, philosophical, nihilistic, made everything else in life seem pointless. I failed to pursue a job or education and would eventually go on to get kicked out of my house. I still haven't found a job or education and managed to stick with it. I spent my last paycheck on booze and weed and now I'll probably need to try and get into a homeless shelter because I'm living in my car. Don't enter the world of philosophy because it will drive you insane. Keep your faith in God.

>> No.13138084

I never said I was threatened by his statement, and to infer that seems dubious at best.

>> No.13138109

next step: look for fedora hats on ebay.

>> No.13138153

You're gonna continue to throw more years of your life down the drain by studying philosophy at University.

>> No.13138181

Or at Spencers Gifts

>> No.13138185

Good, OP. Wallow in your atheism, fight God until at last you will hate Him so much, that you'll understand how you can't live without Him.

>> No.13138253
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>op thinks he will discover hidden truth and not just become another depressed nihilist with no purpose but fulfilling basic needs

>> No.13138313

now that nothing is a sin, what will you do ?

>> No.13138521

Good advice for dum dums with no constitution, not everybody can investigate being and themselves deeply and keep their balance

>> No.13138772


>> No.13138785

This is too similar to what I've been going through this week. Wondering if I should just get over it; 5 years of struggling, too.

>> No.13138823

Dumb frogposter

>> No.13138880

Beauty, Harmony and Order in the universe? I see none.

The significance of awareness? An inexplicable coincidence.

Deeper explanations? I am satisfied with "just because."

I do fancy myself reason and wisdom.

>> No.13138903

sounds like you're retarded and used faith as cope more than anything else
you'll likely fall into another hole of nothingness soon enough

>> No.13139426

I want to enroll into physics at 22. Also wasted 4 years of my life but on economics.

>> No.13139455


>> No.13139474

>Beauty, Harmony and Order in the universe?
>The significance of awareness?
>Deeper explanations?
No see, that's the thing: theology obscures all of these things. It makes them overblown and mystifies them.

Inquiry free from theist assumptions and ideas of god will allow you a much clearer picture of what is going on. "god" might be the most obfuscating agent ever perpetrated.

>> No.13139484

once you get deep enough into the theory it loses it's mystique, and any research you do into the big unsolved territory is a gigantic gamble and will probably uncover nothing - it loses all excitement, all you might get enjoyment from is a job well done, creating something complex etc. but with no real purpose

physics is just wankery, go into engineering

>> No.13139505

>"god" might be the most obfuscating agent ever perpetrated.
nice try satan, but your lies will not turn me away from the Logos

>> No.13139569

God hasn't been the Logos in any real sense for 2000 years

>> No.13139618


>> No.13139619

can someone pray for me please, not religious I just like the attention

>> No.13140821

Cause that's life it's all a front

>> No.13140905

many of the greatest philosophers were theists, and many of those theologians
a belief in a higher power and inquiries into reality are not mutually exclusive, and often overlap

>> No.13141112

most of those guys weren't alive in times where there were viable alternatives to theistic beliefs. It was just a given that god existed so obviously their paradigms were constructed around it.

guarantee that 99% of those guys wouldn't be theists if they were alive today and knew what we know now.

>> No.13141441

>naturalist realist
>genuinely learning about reality

lol, 5 years of philosophy you'll feel more lost than you are now

>> No.13141462

He rose again

>> No.13141467

no he didn't

>> No.13141471

You realize by posting this you have become a /lit/ user?
also please return to /tv/ or /v/
Even with as pretentious as it was, lit used to be a good board

>> No.13141485

He did and he lives on to this very day in heaven and in my own heart

>> No.13141493

not in my heart

>> No.13141494

>no viable alternatives to theistic beliefs
you really are a fucking retard arent you.
>buhhhh i live in the 16th century guess i gotta believe in god??
are you one of these sociopaths who think that people only do things to have an effect on other people?

>> No.13141498

>religious spirituality and naturalism are mutually exclusive
>the only theology that exists is Christianity
You've gained nothing but another dogma. Science is literally just trying to measure and understand the mechanisms of the material world created by God. It's like an npc in a video game figuring out the code that holds their reality in place and then claiming the code wrote itself

>> No.13141518

youre going to be shocked when you discover university isnt about learning at all, the lecturers dont give a shit and you wont take anything useful out of the experience

>> No.13141677

No that's Plato

>> No.13142200
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nice one retard
finished a 4 year degree and basically this

>> No.13142204

OP is a midwit and will never amount to greatness.

>> No.13142226 [DELETED] 

>atheists actually belive atheism was never a thing until the 1700s
Fucking hell educate yourself.

>> No.13142232 [DELETED] 
File: 1.53 MB, 1440x803, 1556928222377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking taking a physics course and believing in a higher power are mutually exclsuive.

>> No.13142243 [DELETED] 

What theistic presuppositions were hampering you?

>> No.13142249 [DELETED] 

Beauty is inherently mystical