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13135225 No.13135225 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books similar to pic related?

>> No.13135238

Napoleon Hill Think and Grow Rich

>> No.13135276

69 laws of power

>> No.13135281
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>> No.13135313
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A bad book? Any other self help book and whatever is on the overall bestsellers list on amazon.

>> No.13135358

My friend implements the techniques. I know he's read it but he doesn't know I've read it.

>> No.13135457
File: 41 KB, 240x360, mystery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mystery Method

>> No.13135527

This book helped me realize how autistic I acted most of the time and why I had a hard time socializing. I'm looking to read some more books that will help me in this area. If you're just here to shitpost fuck off to /b/ or something

>> No.13135532

Find an introduction to interpersonal communication textbook. As well as a communication theory textbook.

Pretty good shit on social/emotional contact with others in a more scientific and theory driven format. Meeting people stops being magical and becomes branching paths.

>> No.13135539

This book is literally just a list of common sense shit. If you need to be told to look somebody in the eyes when you're talking to them it's already over for you so don't bother

>> No.13135777

Damn bro you so savage you must be the coolest guy on all of 4channel!

>> No.13135928

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

>> No.13135935

Is there anything more pathetic than the incels who irrationally hate this book? If you get triggered by "don't criticize or condemn" or "be genuinely interested in the lives of other people" you are a useless faggot who needs to reevaluate oneself

>> No.13136022

Oh the irony really does write itself how the fuck does your pussy hole of a brain not have an aneurysm to detect a hint of hypocrisy in your criticism? Please ponder me this my dear fellow; if you wrote a shit post and no one was around to read its putrid content did it actually retard someone? Please don't reply to this it's a purely rhetorical question

>> No.13136023

being honest i think your post contradicts 'don't criticize or condemn' but I don't blame you because even the (apparently) divine Jesus who praised universal mercy seemed to get angry once or twice. It is nearly impossible to follow that advice but it does work well

>> No.13136048

The book is garbage for people who have been taught proper social etiquette.
The problem is most people think they know proper social etiquette.
A good portion of the population does not know proper social etiquette.
A good portion of the population has issues stemming from how they were raised/taught/interacted with others and have normalized strange behavior.
When people are weird and fucked up and believe their way to be right, they don't think they need this book.
This book is an easy way to get across to the uneducated basic principals of interpersonal communication theories in a way that sounds like grandpa telling you anecdotes.
It is good for what it is but people are fucking stupid in the most preposterous and self righteous ways where they think they are better than others, so much so, as to not need this book.

>> No.13136066
File: 28 KB, 280x317, le tipping hat fingers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proper social etiquette
cue the part where you reply with "exactly the kind of person i was talking about" because proper social etiquette must translate to "being a predictable faggot"

go on, mister social etiquette. surprise me with a reply i won't see coming.

>> No.13136093

I fully accept my social autism and i still don't need this pathetic book. My gnostic study of literature, extreme introversion, and a moderately attractive face ensure that I don't have to approach people to talk. When they do approach me, I'm literate enough to converse. When they don't, I am not uncomfortable, I simply embrace the memes.

>> No.13136096

I could beat both of those dudes asses and fuck their bitches because I'm not a sub 200 pound manlet who cares about aesthetics.

>> No.13136376
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Do you recommend any particular textbook? This subject pleases my autism

>> No.13136430

Yeah, recommend something. I actually bought a little textbook on interpersonal communication (used by people who study to be nurses, lol) but it wasn't really enough.
Isn't there something on how to interpret social contexts?

>> No.13136458

Get ye gone boomer

>> No.13136470

whew lad

>> No.13136474

This. If common sense is a revelation to you, seek help. This goes double for lobsterbois.

>> No.13136507

>go on, mister social etiquette. surprise me with a reply i won't see coming

The satrapy approves the election or postulation of the titular made by a chapter, or ratifies the presentation of a candidate made by the civil power. Neuropathologically, the common denominator is the degeneration of neuronal populations within the nigral dopaminergic system and mesial temporal regions, Lewy body formation, extensive neuritic degeneration, and spongiform vacuolization, quite independently of their quasi-insensate particularities. Unless, of course, you are titillated by such contrivances, in which case, there are modalities sufficient to your needs. Such needs, be they real or illusory, seem drawn by nostalgia and embellished memories of the Chakrabarti era, which lasted three generations under another alias. You, however, subsist on your own poop.

>> No.13136518

OP's pic is an ungodly mixture of weaponized autism and contagious sociopathy. avoid it and its readers at all costs, or else you too will become an autistic sociopath

>> No.13136532

Must agree. Its advice seems aimed at autists who are trying very hard to become sociopaths. Common-sense etiquette combined with Machiavellian intentions.

>> No.13136537

>Is there anything more pathetic than the incels who irrationally hate this book?
What about those incels who RATIONALLY hate this book?