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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 39 KB, 360x389, 1290459895784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1313331 No.1313331 [Reply] [Original]

>Voice of a generation

>played hentai in front of a live audience

>Lyrical wordsmith

>Recent album is AOTY

>5 amazing and unique albums

>Great rapper >Even greater producer




>Alpha as fuck

>Not afraid to speak his mind

>Pushing Hip-hop beyond it's boundaries

Is there anything this young man can't do?

>> No.1313336

>still a nigger.

>> No.1313339

Be /lit/ related apparently.

>> No.1313340
File: 24 KB, 240x300, notamused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be white.

>> No.1313343


He has some good music and makes some good points but rarely do I find his stuff "deep".

>> No.1313385

/mu/ is that way <-------

>> No.1313388

> Implying it's not that way ------->

>> No.1313391


>> No.1313395

that's dumb, on this page (which OP would be reading), /mu/ is that way ---->

>> No.1313397

It's still just more rap. A genre that needs to die.

>> No.1313399


bullshit. when you give board directions you go by the header and footer list

>> No.1313400

> Implying it's not that way at the bottom of this page ------->

>> No.1313402

>fuck critics, you can kiss my whole asshole, if you don't like my lyrics you can press fast forward

>> No.1313404

Jesus christ I'm arguing about the location of /mu/ on a Friday night.
Back to /r9k/.

>> No.1313408


>Kanye, thread, post Jay Z lyrics
>Post lyrics from ultra-mainstream song to defend the genre, appear to be an entry-level cunt

>> No.1313415

yeah because rock is good music good the fuck outta here i bet you listen to slayer or some silly ass screamo band

>oh look at me i listen to boring underground artists who pretend their deep look at me i'm real hip hop hurrr

>> No.1313418

you probably listen to classic rock or something, don't you?

>> No.1313420

>call someone an entry level cunt, appear to be a filthy hipster

Arguing for Kanye with obscure lyrics is retarded

>> No.1313430


sure is faggot in here

>> No.1313447
File: 18 KB, 401x417, eddiemurphyreactionimage33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lyrical wordsmith

>Don't try to treat me like I ain't famous My apologies, are you into astrology Cause I'm, I'm tryin to make it to Uranus


>> No.1313466


Welcome to 4chan, you obviously haven't been here long enough to remember that the site used frames by default. So whenever someone made an off-topic thread, it must have been because they clicked the wrong link to the left. Certainly, no one here is ungentlemanly enough to purposely make a misleading thread when the boards are so clearly labeled; this thread must have been an accident! The poor originator must not know where he is, and so, by my enlightened virtue, I direct him.

>> No.1313469

/mu/ is that way <------

Kanye is a nigger, and you are all niggers too.

>> No.1313470

>Great rapper


>> No.1313477

I see, sir. However I must point out that this is 2010 and not whenever the frames were defaulted, so by making an obscure frame reference it sort of falls flat on everybody who hasn't been here for half of their life.

>> No.1313506

Dont mind me.
Just being better than you will ever be.

>> No.1313512

Yes, unfortunately referencing old things tend to go over people's heads. Ironically we all consider ourselves appreciators of literature, and some of the best literature references old things. I hope that someone out there understands my reference and can revel in sharing my meaning.

Otherwise, I could just have easily said, "OP needs to fuck himself with twenty rakes, and take a salt bath for posting this thread here", but that would be uncouth of me, even if we consider OP's innate overabundance of faggotry.

>> No.1313520

MBDTF is cringeworthy.

>> No.1313523

write like Tao Lin

>> No.1313529

I cheerfully agree

>> No.1313533


I thought you people here at /lit/ were supposed to be smart. Turns out you guys don't know shit.

>> No.1313549


I also don't know the various subgenres of loose feces, it's because it's not worth knowing