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/lit/ - Literature

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13131301 No.13131301 [Reply] [Original]

Handwriting Edition

What are you writing, /lit/?

This thread is about writing and writing related things.

Feel free to post samples of your writing but keep in mind that this is not /critique/ and no one here is obligated to critique anything you post. "Write what's on your mind"/blogposting belongs on /r9k/.

Previous thread:

>> No.13131314
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First for it's okay to write porn.

>> No.13131318 [DELETED] 
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follow-up on an old blog entry on this guy now that I got my hand on some of his writing

>> No.13131328

I'm working on a novel about a small band of pan American socialists with revolutionary pretensions travelling across the shattered continent in search of a place to realize their vision.
I'm trying to focus more on the people than on the politics.
I'm about 30k words in which is probably around 10 percent completed.

Ive also been working on a smaller project about a cheating ring in a high school chemistry class told in 5 sections of varying format that form a coherent story in any order, but the order would define how one experiences large sections of it. It sounds pretty dumb, and I'll concede that it probably is but If Im writing it to get into the habit of writing a lot more without butchering my other thing as well as to just enjoy the experiment. That has 9k words as of this morning.

>> No.13131376

I just want to make enough money with a pseudonym writing shitty fantasy/scifi/horror so I can write what I love and know won't make any cashmoney.

>> No.13131394

I've been writing long hand lately because I'm an easily distracted pleb who cant be trusted near a computer when I want to do anything productive. Long story short, I broke my hand a few years ago and I'm starting to get some serious cramps and aches in it and its starting to affect my work flow.

But that aside I've decided to take a break from my main project to work on a bunch of shitty short story ideas I have rolling around, mainly for practice. I'm even going to step out of my comfort area and write some comedy and horror.
You right.
That is the dream isn't it?

>> No.13131485

I like the new OP.

>> No.13131601

I'm writing a novel about a contemporary teenager who's pretentious, self righteous and Machiavellian approach to people result in him losing everything and learning nothing

>> No.13131617

>the shattered continent
What shattered it? What is the existing political climate like when the band sets out on their journey?

>I just want to make enough money with a pseudonym writing shitty fantasy/scifi/horror
You'll make more money writing good fantasy/scifi/horror. You also won't have to hide your shameful writing behind a pseudonym.

I broke my wrist three times. Third time lucky left me with something similar to what you have. Some things I have found to help with the discomfort would be to write at a pace where the hand and wrist remains relaxed without tensing up from trying to write as fast as possible and using a wrist brace.

I have found that the neatness of my handwriting can be a good way to gauge and set writing pace. I always try to maintain a relatively neat and legible standard. I even use correction tape to redo a word or letter written sloppily. I find the whole process of writing like this meditative and soothing, I try to make each letter, word, sentence and paragraph spark joy, to use KonMari terminology.

My handwriting could still use a lot of improvement but comparing it to some of my older writing from before I adopted this style I'm glad I decided to do it. It is considerably more pleasant to read and at the end of the day writing is meant to be read, even if only by the writer.

Thanks, it's my first time creating a general.

>> No.13131618

inb4 my diary

>> No.13131624

No, unfortunately the character still accomplishes more than I have

>> No.13131665

What do people write about?

>> No.13131720

The short answer is a protracted civil war with causes events and implications that vary by region and ideology. The break up of the union, the fall of the old world, the collapse was enough of a clusterfuck to breed myths around which identities further crystalized.
The political order varies by region. In the area where the story starts, it's a bunch of towns that dont really have the means to fight eachother and are generally cooperative, but arent interconnected enough to mount a common defense. A large section of the deep south falls under the control of a nominal federation that in practice is very reminiscent of the holy Roman empire. The areas within this patchwork range from city states to more proper nations that exercise central contr over large chunks of former US states. The mid Atlantic region where they end up is a series of those more proper nations locked in a balance of power atleast until some internal crisis in modern day maryland changes that.

>> No.13131855


Ah, I thought it was set in contemporary times but it sounds like it was set around the American Civil War era?

I know you said you want to focus more on the characters and less on the politics but the way I see it those two things would be very intertwined in a narrative like this, the politics affects and defines the people and visa versa. Perhaps you mean with the politics not being in the foreground of the storytelling as with characters talking directly about political theory, but more the background as how their reactions and choices reflect their underlying views?

Regarding those "revolutionary" pretensions, this is a pedantic point but usually revolution means overthrowing the government that the revolutionaries are subjects of. Being allowed to migrate by the current government but not being forced to would be more reminiscent of settlers while being expelled and forced to migrate more of refugees. I guess if this band settles in a governed area but then tries to overthrow that government it could count as revolutionary.

Either way, I think your idea has potential and some of the themes presented so far piques my interests.

>> No.13132287

There was nothing but emptyness in my mind. It was supposed to snow that day, but it was still too hot. When I got back to my desk I tried to dump some words on paper, yet they seemed to slip from my mind before giving me the chance to catch them, as if they were never really there. Was my head ever home to anything aside that nauseating mist that blinded my thoughts and made my eyes heavier?
"I'm just tired." I said to myself, "I just need a few moments." I spent the next thirty minutes looking out the window. It was supposed to snow that day, but it was still too hot.
"To hell with it. Why should I lose trying to do what I clearly can't when I could lose it playing videogames?" That was my intention: to enjoy the rest of the day before the hour I was supposed to meet my friends. I took a fresh drink from the fridge and sat comfortably; after a quick check of my e-mails I would have started having fun. As I expected, there was nothing really worth checking. I browsed some more. The next time I looked at the clock I realized two hours had already passed. Yet again, I failed to control myself. Yet again, I wasted my day, and it was too late to turn it around now.
"Tomorrow," I thought, "it will be different. I'll do better tomorrow."
The sun woke me up the day after; his rays sneaking past the curtains of my window. It was supposed to snow that day, but it was still too hot.
"It will surely snow tomorrow." I thought as I sat on my desk.

This is an unedited stream of thoughts that I used as excercise yesterday. I'll post it here to bump the thread mostly.

>> No.13132318
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I'd appreciate any and all writing feedback, but I'm also really interested in hearing interpretations of the plot so far. I obviously already know what's going on so I don't have a very good read on if I've given enough information to clue the reader in on what's happening
Thanks, friends

>> No.13132367

Read paragraph one. It was bad. Your opening trio of clauses don't work together at all, not least because the use of and implies that they're simultaneous. Bowed under the rush of air is inaccurate since the talons (at the very least) penetrate the water, sick-silver is poor, then the comma-linked sentence transition from the duo stealing off to the description of the winks is awkward and contradictory on too many levels (a contrast of peaceful and violent is poetic, but you do it in too many directions), flashes do not buzz and the off the scales sentence ending feel clumsy, the subsequent clarification sentence is hackeneyed and the meditation-bagel combo is just silly.

Go home.

>> No.13132459

What exactly about the first sentences implies simultaneity? Would you prefer if I stuck “and then” between every clause? Does “eats, shoot, and leaves” also sound like it’s describing three concurrent actions to you? What about “he took off his hat, undid his tie, and sat down on the couch”?
What exactly is “inaccurate” about the surface bowing? That’d be a pretty neat trick for a flying osprey with a 1.5 meter wingspan to get close enough to dip its claws in a lake without disturbing the surface of the water first at all
“Flashes do not buzz,” come on man

>> No.13132498

You have to abandon the neet diary for your own sake lad, even if its just exercise

>> No.13132530

I generally avoid it, but I was staring at the blank word page for too long and I decided to at least write a couple hundred words of literally anything.

>> No.13132567

how would you describe a skeleton in a coat /write/? without saying that it's a skeleton in a coat.

>> No.13132586

are you here for critique or to get smoke blown up your ass? there are other sites for that.

>> No.13132588

Why would I not say it's a skeleton in a coat? That seems the easiest way to explain the situation

>> No.13132615
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because I am so stupid that I needed to see this answer before actually aknowledging that it is the easiest way to describe it.
Mind you, I've been stuck on the description for the last month and I gave you the answer without realizing it myself. I can now be sure that I am an actual retard holy shit.

>> No.13132635

Regarding this thing, aside from its content or quality, is it noticeable that it's been translated? I am trying to understand how writing in a different language works

>> No.13132745

I started writing a dark novel about a man's self-destruction in the gay/tranny movement of the 2010s. As I work on it, it's becoming more clear that the novel would work better as a satire. Recently read Melville's the Confidence Man and am moving on the Dead Souls...so the allure of bright, idealistic, delusional characters is strong.

>> No.13133091

I'm dying to write something but I haven't been able to think of anything to write about for months. What do, /lit/?

>> No.13133316

>working happily
>read writer whose prose makes mine look like dogshit and t-bags my character development
>have a sad
what do?

>> No.13133331

>understand what makes his prose be better
>write using the newfound knowledge
>laugh at the thought that you are utilizing this other individual's work to increase your powerlevel
>turn the sad into happy

>> No.13133482
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It didn't read as smoothly as I think you'd like me to say. What this anon >>13132367 seems to touch on the issue. Your formatting is also inconsistent, what is with that indentation? If I had to rewrite your first sentence it would go like this:
>The surface bowed under the rush of air, quietly taking in the eight talons before erupting and giving way to a thrashing silver hull.

I think it flows better, but maybe that is just my personal style.

Also, wasn't a fan of having to read it from an image like that. If you are afraid of anons stealing your work, keep in mind modern OCR can trivially scrape text from images like that, I used to do it with photos of documents, a clean image like that should produce zero errors. Either pastebin, or if you want to keep control over formatting, something like google docs or exporting to PDF would work.

As far as critiquing critique goes, I don't have anything bad to say about the validity of the content, but your tone is a bit vindictive for no justifiable reason. Not a big deal, in all fairness that anon should be able to handle this level of tone, but you were more destructive than constructive in your criticism. At the very least provide some suggestions or improvements for the anon to work on, don't just break it all down and then leave on an insult.

That anon was a bit of a douche with his tone, but your reaction clearly showed you weren't prepared for "any and all feedback." You are going to need much thicker skin than that if you want to be able to make use of criticism in a place like 4chan.

Too hot.

I would agree, but only in so far as replacing it with a handwritted neet diary.

Seriously though don't listen to that fag, as long as you keep writing like that you will naturally gravitate away from it as your interests and muses lead you elsewhere, but in the mean time you get practice and can reflect on what you wrote. Besides, I think journalling or stream of thought writing like that is highly underrated.

Don't be so hard on yourself. Well, still be a bit hard, I'm not going to spout some self-esteem feel good crap, but every lesson learned through experience is learnt well. Don't shy away from it, embrace it and transcend it.

>is it noticeable that it's been translated
I didn't notice anything suggesting that, I think you did well translating.

>I started writing a dark novel about a man's self-destruction in the gay/tranny movement of the 2010s.
I have a family member that sounds like your protagonist, just less self-destructy.
>As I work on it, it's becoming more clear that the novel would work better as a satire.
I agree, something like that would work better as satire, we live in the clown world now after all. Would read/10.

>> No.13133544

Can you be more specific about what you want to write, or is that part of the problem, you just don't know? Fiction or non-fiction? Do you want to express your views or entertain?

Either way, I will always recommend starting a handwritten diary desu. That is how I got started more or less. I just started jotting down whatever was on my mind. At first it was just personal crap, but soon I started using it to keep notes on various story ideas as they popped in to my head. It was kind of just like taking that first step writing anything, as long as it allowed for expression, for something to go from just simmering in the back of your head to something real and on paper. The psychological effects of this is not to be underestimated.

What you could also try is to looking online for writing prompts and setting a word count limit on the exercise. Using and example from https://www.writersdigest.com/prompts
>A tornado is forming, and your character is in the absolute worst place they can be at the moment. Where are they? How do they handle the situation?
Write something that is between one and two thousands words on that prompt. It will force you to think about what to include and what not to include, what is important to the story, and what is not. With no limitations, there is nothing around which to base decisions of exclusion or discarding, which can lead one to get stuck in an ever expanding narrative with no end in sight.

>> No.13133626

it's so painful. but i love the pain.

>> No.13133635

Thanks anon, that's a good suggestion

>> No.13133684

>Either pastebin, or if you want to keep control over formatting, something like google docs or exporting to PDF would work.
To add to that, if you must post it in image form, don't make it pages arranged horizontally, format it as a scroll so that those reading can just, well, scroll down as they continue reading so that the image remains centered on the horizontal axis.

>> No.13134278

Even great writers don't just churn great prose out easily. They draft and redraft then they get feedback from alpha and beta readers and then they get a professional editor to look it over. Great prose takes a huge amount of time and effort.

>> No.13134669

>trop d'anisette a compliqué complexion anisotrope
>I'm not aloof, I'm aloft, I'm all air! I need you to stay grounded.
<<No OtORgO s0cOrrO, os soPLo c0Mo pOlvO>>

>> No.13134697

Currently writing a story about a guy who works in a factory where sex dolls are made, except the sex dolls are actually reconstructed human bodies (basically like Frankenstein's monster) to give clients the most realistic possible experience. Working here, the narrator also finds himself unable to have sex with his wife, because he can't stop thinking about the fact that people are just bags of guts. Whenever he feels sexual attraction to his wife or feels her skin, the pleasant feelings are subverted by thoughts of the blood, veins, muslces, etc. that are just below the surface. I am not well-read in the slightest; is this worth continuing, or is this a horse that has already been beaten to death by writers like e.g. Houellebecq?

>> No.13134836

at a summer camp an anxious, suicidal, depressed and degenerate counselor who is obviously a stand in for me tries to form a relationship with an impressionable young girl also there are drugs maybe a hidden stash of opioids or naturally occurring mushrooms, some themes familiar to lolita because my life has similar themes to lolita.
never did the summer camp thing but always looked cool. seems like a good setting, isolation, easy access to kids, a reason for the protag to interact with them.
partially my fantasy dealing with the depression of being a hopeless pedo/hebe who can never have what he wants, but should be realistic, thing not too simple and easy, why would a young girl find any interest in some 2X year old greasy dirtbag? obviously fiction you get to deal with those edge cases and unlikely scenarios, that's the fun and beauty of it, but you want it to be believable. part of it must be him doing his best to manipulate and groom her then, not simply her failing for him at first sight. i've lots of other ideas going on in it, but no point in divulging every detail here.

there needs be more 'underage' stories, i'm one of those people who read lolita and thought humbert was a relatable character.
i've not written anything in the last 6 years (other than suicide notes :^), this is more for myself but i hope some others in the various /write/s out there might enjoy the degeneracy and have something else they can relate to too

sounds like a cool starting point dude, i'm curious where it would actually go and what you'd really explore in it
but i like things like this, maybe near future where some gross idea is just kinda accepted, or do people not know they're actually really people? like that's something the few workers have to deal with knowing and keeping secret? or is the main character the one to discover it? for some reason my mind ran to the stupid idea of him refusing to fuck his wife as he's actually obsessed with the sex dolls, they're haunting him and he's disgusted by it but subconsciously he really wants them and bad end where he comes home and his wife has turned herself into one so he'll fuck her something about there;s still some piece of their mind trapped inside coma like sorry this is something different im on shit thats always my excuse fr being retarded

>> No.13134930
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The whole frankendoll thing seems a bit implausible in general unless the story is set in some kind of advanced future technology setting, it is very hard to keep biological matter like that from decomposing and chances are actual sex dolls or sex slaves would be more feasible.

It seems the story is about the character dealing with the somewhat traumatic realization that people are just flesh and bone, not the frankendoll factory per se. Unless you have specific reasons or use for that factory later in the story, it might make more sense to have the protagonist do some other line of work which induces the disillusionment. Some suggestions from the top of my head: working at a butchery, working as coronor, or perhaps even working as someone that cleans up human remains from accidents or murders.

Also look in to Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, it sounds like your protagonist is basically developing that condition and might give you some more references and material to flesh out your character.

Sounds like a fictional autobiography. Good luck with that theme though, I doubt you will receive a warm response, but at the same time, writing it could be a good way to process things psychologically, which I'm going to take a guess from your writing style is something you could do with.

>for some reason my mind ran to the stupid idea of him refusing to fuck his wife as he's actually obsessed with the sex dolls, they're haunting him and he's disgusted by it but subconsciously he really wants them and bad end where he comes home and his wife has turned herself into one so he'll fuck her something about there;s still some piece of their mind trapped inside coma like
Actually not half bad ideas.

>im on shit
I haven't noticed.

>> No.13135521

You need to quit doing drugs.

>> No.13135528


At this time around, a movie that changed my life was Fight Club (1999) and The Matrix (1999). Back then internet was that accessible and youtube wasn’t popular, so people got their information from cable TV, which is owned by the Jewish syndicate.

Fight Club was the first movie that implanted in my mind the possibility of a counter culture. You mean, I don’t have to be a working wage slave and do something else with my life?

The Matrix taught me the possiblity that there is another dimension and everything could be a web of lies. These two movies made a huge impression on my young mind and taught me to question things and have a penchant for conspiracy theories. Ironically, later I learned that The Matrix franchise is owned by Jews.

>> No.13135531


I was 16 years old. Had my first telemarketing job, I lasted for 2 weeks. Taking the bus and getting home after work was dangerous because the neighborhood was full of poor black people who kept killing each other.

The telemarketing job was aweful. We sold tickets to people over the phone. Sure -- it’s a sale job. Imagine doing this for a living, jesus. I quit after 2 weeks.

>> No.13135535


I was 18 years old. I applied for a job at UPS, loading boxes from trucks. I lasted for a month. It was back breaking work for minimum pay. And it was dusty. Walking back home was dangerous because of poor black people in the neighborhood who insisted on killing each other.

Working at UPS is an eye opening experience. You had middle aged people working there. This is the working poor, the worker ants. I admire people who can grind out 5-10 years working in this dusty warehouse.

Back then, we didn’t have proper internet so I had to steal my neighbours AOL account. 56 kb/s internet is brutal. Youtube wasn’t even online back then. I remember going to the library to use the computer with internet.

In 2005, Youtube was just founded.

>> No.13135543

Someone needs to No Country for Old Men your forehead, my guy

>> No.13135547


That year, I met this chubby white girl at an anime convention. She just graduated high school. I came over to her house while her parents were gone and fucked her in the living room.

“You want to try without a condom?” she said. I took the condom off. Her pussy was so warm, wet and tight. I cummed all over her stomach after 4 strokes inside her.

Jessica is my first real girlfriend. I was 21 and she was 18. She lived in the middle of bum fuck nowhere with a redneck dad. I fucked her pussy good but always with a condom. In retrospect, I should had fucked her bare back and cum in her pussy during her safe days more often.

>> No.13135551

Nigger what did I just say.

>> No.13135555

I also fucked this 18 years old white girl I met an Anime “Halloween” dance. She came over and I brought her upstairs, where I fucked her in my sister’s room for 2 1/2 hours (in missionary position only)

I wore a condom. She was an average looking white girl, typical weeaboo. But she had nice big breasts ought. Because she lived very far, I didn’t get to fuck her a second time. I should had ought. She lived all the way north and had to take a train down to meet me.

>> No.13135559

I was 23 years old. It was winter and I was down to my last $5K. I used the money to do laser eye surgery, which is life changing because my vision was so bad. Without laser eyes surgery, I wouldn’t be able to do Muay Thai. And I looked very nerdy.

Spent a lot of time hanging out with 18 years old girls. Spent the time going to amusement park every single day because we had a season pass. We went there every day for 30 days. Wasted a lot of time doing nothing as a 23 years old.

I think I spent most of my time doing affiliate marketing with some success. Mostly with Click Bank and such.

I didn’t know it that time but playing poker is extremely difficult, especially when you don’t have the proper bankroll and experience. But I was young and dumb and didn’t know. It took me about 4-5 years to become a winning player.

I should had played online poker, read books, study more courses and have a mentor to become a winning player sooner. Or perhaps because my early 20s I was a retard and my brains wasn’t developed yet.

But I picked a career I loved and spent my 20s playing cards. It brought me alot of adventures and living the ideal lifestyle. I don’t regret it even ought playing cards has it’s ups and downs.

>> No.13135568

this is terrible advice

>> No.13135573

>been trying to write something about paranoia and perspective, still nothing.

>> No.13135580

I was 23 years old. I got inspired by a body builder on the Internet named “Zyzz” who was a nerd but lifted weight and got all the hot girls. That inspired me to lift weight seriously for the first time in my life.

(About a year later, Zyzz died in Thailand. He had heart problems because he abused steroids)

So I signed up for a local university gym and did my squats, bench press, overhead press, dips and dead lifts.

23 is when I turned my life arond, from a loser nerd to someone with potential. I had laser eye surgery that year and started lifting weight. It was a new beginning. My earlier years was spent playing video games, masturbating and browsing internet forums. I was living life unconsciously with no real inspiration.

>> No.13135588


Chad teenagers know how to dress well. I started dressing well when I was 23. I bought a new pair of shoes, jeans and a blazer. Girls would treat me differently because I had packed on muscles, dress nice, nice haircut. But it was all pretend because I was broke. But then again, most people in their early 20s are broke. It’s never too late to change your life around, regarldess of what age because time is going to pass by anyway.

>> No.13135600

One thing I was writing but stopped was about a bar and all it's patrons but the story, unless in dialogue, never went outside of the bar. I also started recently writing another story about a man trapped in a never ending 24/7 Mexican restaurant who goes crazy and works there. I was thinking I could combine the two some how. Maybe they are the 4am patrons of the Mexican place that are drunk after a show eating some enchiladas. Also maybe something mobydick/american psychoish where some chapters are just extreme details of the cooking process and history of specific dishes like mole.

>> No.13135615

I was 30 years old.

I went on 6 dates:

1. A 20 years old college girl (who came over my place to “study” but didn’t want to fuck. She’s cute ought)
2. 18 years old high school girl (that I fucked on the first date and later cum in her pussy)
3. A 19 years old college girl (that is my current girlfriend, she’s the cutest in looks and personality)
4. A 19 years old college girl (who likes KPOP, she’s short and not attractive, only met her once)
5. A 24 years old (very attractive and she likes talking to me but wouldn’t meet me often)
6. A 20 years old had feelings for me but didn’t like me being a “player” so she broke up with me (but she’s also not that attractive but she’s really smart)

>> No.13135617

I was 28 years old.

In February, I went to Japan again to meet the 33 years old MILF with an amazing ass (because she does yoga). In her younger years, she was a hostess – “but I wasn’t a hooker.” she claimed. She got pregnant by one of her customer and now he’s paying alimony the kid. ‘

I met a Korean 23 years old Korean girl in a hostel and immediately hit it off the first night. We went for drinks and I made out with her. Then we went back to the hostel washroom.

I told her to “come inside and watch me brush my teeth” before I kissed her and licked her nice cup C breasts. Then I put on a condom and fucked her in the washroom right there. We fucked so much, someone knocked on the door at 4:00 AM. Then we went back to the bunk bed. I put a bed sheet on the lower bunch for privacy then I fucked her some more without a condom on until 6:00 AM. She slept while I went for breakfast alone.

>> No.13135618
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>managed to write one rough draft at last.
>currently working on another one for self-publishing, has to be around 250-300 pages
>have an outline and half-page done
>It's a Post-apocalypse YA cyberpunk Urban fantasy novel.
>Never really wanted to write this, only writing it as a sorta jumping off point
>I actually wanted to write a Post-Apocalypse Military science fantasy novel,

Any advice to overcome this feeling?

>> No.13135623

Write what you want to.

>> No.13135627


I lived in a hostel for a bit, and had sex with this 22 years old Vietnamese girl, my first official fuck. We had sex a couple times before I met another girl.

Then I found an apartment. Met this random girl on a chatting app, she’s 23 I think. I fucked her the first night and she begged me to cum in her pussy … so I did. We fucked every day and she just lived in my apartment without going home. I thought she was a hooker.

I ended up being in a relationship with her until 2017. She has a butterface but her body is attractive. In retrospect, I should had broken up with her sooner instead of giving her money and use that money to buy bitcoin. I would be rich by now.

>> No.13135655

I went to Bangkok for the first time. I went to the red light district to see how it is. It was okay. An India guy approached me and sold me a fake Rolex. He asked for 2000 baht and I told him to go away. Eventually we settled down for 800 baht. Then I spent about 2000 baht on drinks at Cowboy Soi -- what a fucking waste of money. That’s my first and last lesson on spending money on whores. Could had used that 2000 baht on drinks and going clubbing or massages.

>> No.13135677

nothing wrong with that.

>> No.13135680 [DELETED] 

I cannot get myself away from this gigantic book in my head which is impossibly for someone like me to write. I should just find a way to haunt Thomas Pynchon's nightmares

>> No.13135683

Start by outlining it.

>> No.13135688

>>13135680 (typo)
I cannot get myself away from this gigantic book in my head which is impossible for someone like me to write. I should just find a way to haunt Thomas Pynchon's nightmares

>> No.13135697

I'm used to making excuses to pre-empt people being mean to me because I'm one of those pathetic types that get anxious from simply putting myself out there anonymously online.

Great post and suggestions for that guy, smart to cut thorough it and think about what he might really be trying to get at, however I'm guessing that part of the appeal of their idea for them are the more fantastical aspects of it, the body horror and sexual nature too (though not that they couldn't be achieved in other ways given your suggested occupations).

>fictional autobiography
Yes sometimes the ideas stray closer to fiction, sometimes to something more biographical. Ideas for other stories have merged in at points and then left perhaps for something else later. I have all sorts of scattered, inconsistent scenes written, maybe not any of it as it is now will 'make it in' but I slowly get closer to my 'goal'.

Ideally that would be nice, but I can't, as in I know I won't. I could cut back if I 'felt better' and didn't have such an aversion to being sober. It's just, I don't see a good reason to stop. My brain works in that way that, I don't understand how anyone who is prescribed medication doesn't abuse it. The problem is I can't really be convinced there is something wrong with my use, because my life wouldn't be improved without them because I don't care about things like a normal person. I'm too comfortable being a poor loser. I wish I could look at Zyzz and be inspired but I don't care about how I look or getting hot girls. I wish I could care. Some people just have the short straw, are wired poorly.

One day I'll get a shitty job, stay high and spend all my leisure time on the computer until I die because I just don't want more out of life. I wish I did. I don't have the potential or the capacity to be as happy as others.
My other problem is that my brain chooses homelessness or suicide over working at Mc Donald's, too much anxiety. I was homeless for a short period (I know things would be different over a long period of time) and it was fine, didn't stop me from doing what I enjoy (writing, music, video, games, internet because all ths shit is free if you already have a laptop). That's what I have to deal with, how much I don't care. I wish I did. Though to say I wish I did implies I must care somewhat, I mean it more in the way that, it looks as though I could live a more fulfilling and happier life if I did have more to care about. My potential for happiness could be higher if I cared about the things a normal person does.

I don't know. Maybe I'm wrong and this is just a warped perception coming from someone too deep in the midst of whatever issues they have to see the real problems. I'm sorry I ended up having this be mostly a blogpost but I've thought too much about it now to delete it.

>> No.13135709
File: 9 KB, 250x242, 1544245917321s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just tried to write an essay titled "On fluxing urbanization" got maybe a sentence past the first subtitle and I already sounded like a brainlet

>> No.13135793

I hate that I can only write on my phone. I don't really know why. Whenever I have a widescreen view in front of me I just can't focus on writing. Even with something like an iPad in landscape mode, I can't do shit. But on my phone, I'm all over it. What the fuck.

>> No.13135844

Similar story here. There is just a lot less pressure on a phone and it feels like I'm just writing down notes. On the laptop, there is the real deal, which is scary as fuck. Plus shitty multitasking on phone minimizes distraction potential.

>> No.13135898

Just relax and write what you feel like.

Jews are very cringe worthy people who keep getting kicked out of every country they try to be in because of their parasitic and subversive nature. Also they’re cheap as fuck. Around Jews, never relax.

There are nice black people and there are niggers. Never befriend a nigger.

If you care what people think of you, you’re guaranteed to never make it in life. What other people think is irrevelant. The only thing that matters is what you’re accomplishing in your life. Don’t be a cringe people pleaser.

>> No.13135908

In 2019, K-POP is very popular. It has breed a generation of retarded teenage Americans who are obsessed with South Korea. This is the power of media and the effects on your mind.

>> No.13135912

K-POP fans are cringe. Not people who casually listen but “hardcore fans” that follow K-POP news, call themselves “stans” and argue on the internet who is the best group and “she is my bias”.

Since they lead boring and insignificant lives, they use K-POP as an outlet to feel important: “fan wars”, YouTube comment posting, excessive obsession with their idols.

Your hardcore K-POP fan is like a Japanese dweeb: poor hygiene, physically unattractive, mild mental illness (in fact, many K-POP fans were former Japanese dweebs)

>> No.13135926

I doubt publishers will ever accept his novel.

>> No.13135930

Writing a piece of scifi for practice and Congo War from 1960s piece of historical fiction.

Anyway to improve your writing skills? Prose, punctuation and vocabulary?

>> No.13135931

Do a word problem with someone who knows your writing better than you? Write something about that in here too!

>> No.13135963

These threads strike me as the most elaborate type of data-mining. What interest do I have in truly divulging what I've been writing here? To put it here would be to cheapen it, to take out any crumb of holiness it might possess. I feel guilty about every minute I sped and every word I type into this diabolical hellsite. It's just that the accursed adolescent within me, and youth is most susceptible to satanic influences, finds this digital ghetto strangely encompassing.

And that's just what these dark holes of the internet are, ghettos. They are the foresaken corners where evil is allowed its own pestilent anarchy.

Truly, fuck me for posting here, fuck this website, fuck every bad habit and weakness that might infest the human soul; I was so better off before I posted here despite the cheap pleasure of being able to reach random people in the world. Something my journals or other unpublished writings do not provide.

Still nothing is quite like the eradication of individual identity in the total encompassing fold of the Anonymous. This phenomenon is on that has always fascinated me and which I believe secretly controls the world. It had done so throughout history, except only now has it found its digital apotheosis. For surely the internet, while built on tracking and following and surveillance, is also the profound and great Mask of civilization, in which it both hides and accentuates the most delicious brutalities of its cruel nature.

>> No.13135974

For reasons I'll never fully understand, I do, on an occasional occasion, make the effort to read material. When I do this, I'm able to see a world outside what the Internet tells one - which is usually just what they do. The truth is there is never any doubt that these guys, in their digital slumber, are in possession of far more powerful, and possibly better looking materials than most of us are. It's just that they choose to hide what they've found in their sleep by using cryptic language.

The dark hole that's now crawling across the internet like a gnat on a tree has taken over our entire culture and politics. It has spread to include everything from the White House to our most powerful universities and our very lives.

This place has been on life support because the mods don't want the users to see how much it's destroyed the world, how close they've come (and still came) to losing what was made for us and then how close that has been. There's a lot we could've done better because even with the tools in place on the site it was still not up to snuff. It has to be shut down.

The Anonymous, I would say, in its present form (not including its splashed off variants) has a degree of reality very reminiscent of the totalitarianism of Lenin, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Pol Pot and all that before them. One of the other things that struck me with this book and some of its other features was that, unlike those who follow the rules, I never find myself following them. I believe that these things are the true nature of life but I do not believe in following the rules or any rule.

>> No.13135976

I had begun dating this 21 years old Korean girl. Because I’m a sex addict, the relationship centered around me pounding her pussy (sometimes so hard that her pubes fell off). We fucked in the campus’s stairway, in some bathroom at a recreation center and in the hostel washroom.

She’s a nerdy looking Korean girl but she had fake breasts (Cup C) that she bought herself at 21 years old. She’s insecure of the scars beneath her boobs.

She was my first Korean girlfriend. Back then, K-POP wasn’t popular and I wasn’t aware what Koreans were. She had silky skin that was more pale than a white person.

Because I was 23 and broke, for my birthday we took a bus to a casino. I gave her $5 to gamble at the slots and we ate a $30 meal at the casino (the noodles tasted bad).

She gave me a pair of white Jordan shoes. We went swimming in the hotel. I filmed fucking her and saved it on my hard disk. Unfortunately my hard disk failed and I never recovered the files.

One time, we had sex on her period. She offered to suck me off despite having a bloody penis. Oh ... okay.

>> No.13136064

I've made my main character and narrator an ex-Mormon, and I've passed off my lack of knowledge about the church as him having a shitty memory, but I've also gone and decided he's a microbiologist, which I also know nothing about. I see now why people write YA; pretending to know shit an adult would well enough to write about it is hard.

>> No.13136071

>Around Jews, never relax.
Joke's on me then, living among Jews and shit. Usually have to send my family on a holiday to get some time for peaceful writing but this year the mental block was still too strong. Being on final draft is way worse than the first, kids.

>If you care what people think of you, you’re guaranteed to never make it in life. What other people think is irrevelant.
All true but leaves out that your worst enemy is still you, and that isn't a battle one can win.

>> No.13136077

It's always nice to have a reference beyond professional writers. It's easier to find the mistakes you do when reading shit from other people.

>> No.13136080

Go read A Study in Scarlet. Doyle didn't know shit, but pulled it off.

>> No.13136129


>> No.13136263

For Mormonism just google all the stuff on their website.
Doctrines and Commandments, Book of Mormon.
>Theology different from Christianity
Three gods in a godhead. Preexisting souls. God has a wife that’s not Ashera. Do works with faith to become a god.
No caffeinated drinks. No smoking.

Microbiology is a bit harder. Writing a out clinical work is easier than writing about academic work. Doing either would require technical knowledge. You’d have to research more for clinical and be less creative, but be research less for academic buy be more creative.

>> No.13136383

I'm a bit tired but since I read all of this I figure it deserves a critique. I don't feel as aggressively as >>13132367 about the first paragraph, but it is awkwardly worded in several parts. "meditating on the scene" should be reworked or eliminated entirely, it may not be your intention but it seems to be directing the reader towards "their own meditation" on your words, which are both too brief and too disjointed to give themselves over to it, on top of the clumsiness of "meditating" contrasting with "finished his bagel", as the other anon said.

The way you draw out the next couple days in the house is interesting, charming in the vein of Don DeLillo. However, there's no impetus in the scene, and having a repeated image "strike" Oliver in the form of the osprey is dependent on the initial image being powerful for both the character and the reader. You should focus on a more powerful description, one way or the other, so that your image can continue to play itself out later through that sort of repetition. I also don't personally understand what you intend in the ending of what you've written, but that may be a case of missing context considering its your work-in-progress. Hope this helps.

>> No.13136413

I'm thinking about writing a fantasy story with fantasy races (kobolds and beastfolk, etc.) but no magic. Does that still count as fantasy if there's no magic or supernatural stuff at all?

>> No.13136424 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 712x2051, 1558169199577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a nine month pregnant Anne Frank and Peter van Pels find themselves lost in a land of deepest shade, comforting each other in the dark, reliant only on each other's light to lead the other into a world of insidious evil that threatens to swallow them whole, caught between a familiar tormenter and a new unknown almost demonic terror that leaves their hearts trembling with unimaginable fear

Would you like to know more?

>> No.13136482

Pretty sure it does. Redwall didn't have magic did it?

>> No.13136588

>Any advice to overcome this feeling?
For the sake of argument let's say it takes 3 months to write a novel.

Now imagine you only have 3 months left to live, and you can only write one novel. Pretend all your other non literature concerns are met and affairs are in order, you don't have any lingering existential conundrums or obligations left, the only thing left for you to do with the rest of your life do what you, and you alone, want. Is to write that last novel?

Don't worry about what others will think about the novel. Don't dwell on the novels you won't be able to write, you'll never be able to write all of them anyway. You will have to choose which ones you will work on, and which ones you won't.

This is the same, just reduced to one novel. This might help you to overcome that feeling.

"Whether you think you can or think you can, you're right." - Henry Ford

Yeah I know quotes like that are lame, but he still has a point. It's not impossible, I think you just don't want to put in the same hard work as every other author. You want the reward of having written an epic novel but don't want to pay the price every other great author has. They were talented sure, but they still worked harder on their writing than most authors ever will.

Instead of focusing on solutions, those first small steps one has to take to start any journey of a thousand miles, like the step this >>13135683 pointed out, you are focusing on the obstacles, reasons not to embark on that journey to begin with.

You simply have to decide for yourself if you really want it bad enough to do whatever it takes to get the job done. If you don't want it bad enough, I mean that bad enough to make the needed sacrifices, whatever they may be, then you should give up now and bury that dream because it will only come haunt you later in life.

If you are simply unsure of how to proceed from this point, look for "Sybervision - Neuropsychology of Self-Discipline" on thepiratebay. It's not about writing specifically, but the advice given can be applied to any goal. It should help you figure out what you need to do to take those next steps.

>> No.13136698
File: 91 KB, 800x965, silentloyalties.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the fact that you want to write that book is proof enough that you care about some things, just not the things society prescribes you should care about. You have something you want to say, and you might not be fully aware of what or why, but it's still there.

I'm very similar, I don't really care much for material things and I live pretty frugal lifestyle myself and mostly need very little to keep myself occupied. I also dislike being sober, but I can live without it and do have to admit that my brain just works faster and better while sober. I only use alcohol and cannabis though, coffee is the strongest stimulant I use.

I would suggest you don't view yourself as "wired poorly", this is only in relation to the norm, but the norm is not in itself a virtue. It does sound like you do care what society thinks of you, if only subconsciously. It is hard to escape that, we are hard-wired by evolution to care about what society thinks of us so that we can adjust and fit in to it better. Only sometimes we can't bring ourselves to fit in because deep down we have come to realize that society is not worth it. Pic related.

>I'm sorry I ended up having this be mostly a blogpost but I've thought too much about it now to delete it.
I would consider questions regarding the motivations behind writing to be on-topic for this /write/ general. At least you didn't write a dozen blogposts like that other faggot.

>I'm used to making excuses to pre-empt people being mean to me because I'm one of those pathetic types that get anxious from simply putting myself out there anonymously online.
I used to be like this, and I still see it in many people, society has beaten many down again and again to the point where they are conditioned to be apologetic, overly-considerate, agreeable and preemptively self-degrading out of habit from the constant social anxiety in order to appease the primal desire for social approval. The problem with this if it goes on for years and years, this behavior becomes so deeply ingrained and buried in the subconscious it ends up defining the person and becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The irony of course is you end up apologizing for what society has done to you, which is ridiculous. I think the things you want to write about is the part of you that has something to say to society and what you want to say can't be said in a nice way, so it conflicts with your conditioning, which is holding you back.

I feel like I could say more but also I'm probably just projecting, so that is my two cents.

Keep writing the good write.

>> No.13136783 [DELETED] 
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I've been writing longhand lately. Too easily distracted on computer and phone.
Nothing of real interest, though, mostly working through the feels. I suppose I should just call it a diary at this point, doh. It is what it is.

>> No.13136809
File: 335 KB, 958x595, 1545966288732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an indentation on my middle finger beside my nail from years of hard drawing
it hurts to grip a pencil because the pencil gets pushed almost against my nail

count yourselves lucky

>> No.13136834

write on pc

>> No.13136841

We all start out as brainlets, every great work you will read is not the first draft. Maybe start by just outlining, don't worry about prose or style, just get the core ideas out of your head and on paper or screen. Think of as the rough sketches used in storyboarding for movies or series, just rough outlines of the basic idea so you can take all these rough sketches and arrange them in a narrative or logical sequence to give you an overview of the piece as a whole

This is not intended for the final audience, only you really need to be able to understand it. It can help identify some early problems before you invest time and energy in polishing it, and once you have this framework or skeleton you can flesh it out.

It could just be the distractions. As always, I'll recommend writing on paper, especially since it lends itself well to turning off the internet.

Please keep /pol/ in /pol/.

Wrong thread and board.

>datamining muh brilliant ideas
You sound rather paranoid with an inflated ego. Trust me, no one is going to bother stealing your ideas or work. Maybe you just tell yourself that to avoid facing the criticism of other anons.
>edgy 4chan commentary
I think you are projecting a bit too much on to the rest of anonymous.
>secret anonymous society
I think you are conflating basic human nature with anonymous.
>surely the internet, while built on tracking and following and surveillance
Mass surveillance is a recent addition to the internet, it's not built on it.

This thread is about writing, while you mentioned that you don't seem to be interested in talking about writing, just your own unrelated tinfoil hat views.

You are not the center of the universe, stop thinking like everything is a conspiracy out to get you. There is no "we" or "them", there is just you being delusional. There are plenty of other places on 4chan where this kind of posting would be welcomed, but you aren't talking about writing at all. I don't even want to give you a (You) but I also don't want this thread to get shit up by off-topic posters like you any more than it already has. Please post about writing or go somewhere else.

>> No.13136866

I'm going to guess you already have tried it, but what about those rubber grips you can put on pencils or pens? You also have another hand, you still have the option of training motor skills for it. My right arm has been in a cast for more than 3 months of my life, I still brush my teeth with my left till this day out of habit since I simply had to learn to cope. Also, using your off-hand is a great way to stimulate neuro-genesis, so maybe instead of seeing it as a setback, see it as an opportunity.

And before you go and seek pity-me points, keep in mind that while my right arm is fine under most circumstances and I can negate the strain using simple tools and techniques, my right wrist can't handle very heavy weights. At the wrong angle, even 10kg can hurt enough to make it useless. I've had a situations before where I got an injury that lasted weeks just from lifting a few things that weighed about 25kg.

No use in feeling sorry for myself about it though, despite it being a handicap holding me back from many things I wanted to do in life.

>> No.13136908

>There are plenty of other places on 4chan where this kind of posting would be welcomed
That's the most polite "gtfo back to your contaminated board" I've seen in a while.


>> No.13137035

>These threads strike me as the most elaborate type of data-mining.
No one wants your light novel tier masturbation rag.

>> No.13137062

I write in a different hand position than I draw. Use those really liquid-ey gel pens too, so I can just drag it across the page with almost no pressure. You can retrain yourself to hold a pen in a new way, it just takes practice.

>> No.13137390
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Rewriting the novel draft again. Experimenting with working without music playing. Using Mishima's prose in Sea of Fertility for reference. Leave it to a homosexual to have such a good sense of aesthetics.

>> No.13137482

>Leave it to a homosexual to have such a good sense of aesthetics.

Isn't that the whole point of the symposium? That only by appreciating boys can you understand real beauty.

>> No.13137560

>That only by appreciating boys can you understand real beauty.
Well, perhaps you could tell me more about it, since you seem so experienced.
Also the way it seems, if I carry this style through my word count is going to balloon to 85-90k. First draft ended up at 60k and second reached 75k. Such fun. It's a lot less shitty now, though.

>> No.13137584

>if I carry this style through my word count is going to balloon to 85-90k. First draft ended up at 60k and second reached 75k.

In SF and fantasy 100k is basically a minimum. 90k would be fine unless you're writing YA.

>> No.13137715

It should be fine. It's just very slow progress.

>> No.13137732

Any progress is better than no progress. If you can write every day you will finish it.

>> No.13137966

Some fantasy races are implausible anatomically. Beastmen (minotaurs) don’t make sense because snouts (and other features about the bovine mouth and nose) are redundant when the organism has hands. Sentience requires meat-eating or other ways of getting large amounts of protein (beans). The existence of these kind of races imply a supernatural origin and thus make the piece fantastical rather than scifi. Most carnivorous/omnivorous mammals are good contenders for having a sentient descendant though, along with some birds and octopi.

>> No.13137969

Thanks for your thoughts. I kick myself for not thinking more reasonably like in your post. Ha, guess I'll have to admit the same as you.
Spent a bit too much time in my head before, or maybe up my ass. Poor mood. Little dramatic, spent a lot of time explaining how I don't care for someone who doesn't care.

>> No.13138078

As far as the sex dolls that are reconstructed bodies, there's Meathouse Man by GRRM (of all people). There's a whorehouse that the socially alienated main character visits where you can have sex with women who've had their brain surgically removed and replaced with a synthetic brain. It doesn't get into the nausea aspect of your idea, so I think your concept is worth exploring.

>> No.13138340

The protracted civil war is not the war between the states that occured in the middle of the 19th century. It was a much grander more multisided conflict that took place around today, and the book is set some decades after.

By focus less on politics and more on people, I recognize that they are connected a lot of the time, but they aren't always. There is a lot of life beyond that and part of what im exploring is the tension between the demands of personal life and the identification with their ideology as well as it's associated actions. And Im trying to not make readers feel lectured at, so you are right about them not sitting around and talking politics much because at the start of the story, they have a pretty established ideology and goal which is shown through things other than direct intra group chatter.

They are seeking a place in which they see both potential to upset the existing order, and a high payoff for doing so which is what makes them "revolutionary"

>> No.13138364
File: 61 KB, 700x516, man_in_the_arena.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sentience requires meat-eating or other ways of getting large amounts of protein (beans).
At the risk of derailing the thread, that statement is false. The human body only needs about 10% of its caloric intake to be from protein, which is considerably lower than what most people in developed countries today believe they need or consume.

I've had this argument dozens of times before, and I just rechecked my sources to refresh my memory, so please only respond if you actually know how to science and not just link news or blog articles or generic pop nutrition rhetoric.

t. nutrition science autism fag

I'm assuming that is meant as a response to >>13136841
It's a pleasure. It still seems like you might need some time to build confidence in yourself but honestly, never apologize for existing and don't let society determine your sense of worth to yourself. Humility is a good trait to have, but blind humility is just self-flagellation and you are just keeping yourself down.

Even if that work you are struggling with doesn't turn out as good as you'd hope, just remind yourself that after the effort you have put in, you will have grown, and for the next writing challenge you take on you will be more experienced, wiser and stronger. But you have to put the time in and the words on paper, just like a marathon runner has to run thousands of miles in preparation for every mile of the race that counts.

You have to spend your time in the arena. You have to fall so you can find the strength the get up. You might have to fall many times and get up many times to finally keep hold of it, but once you have found it, you carry it with you for the rest of your life.

>> No.13139001

/write/, all my character interactions are turning out extremely dull, stilted and unbelievable.

Ive written these characters interacting before, and what's more, ive done it well, but those were flash fiction writing promps. its not rolling over to my novel

>> No.13139532

Read Character and Viewpoint by OSC.

>> No.13139533

If the characters have interacted in an interesting way before then it might not be your writing, it might be the story. Or maybe you're putting too much emphasis on their interactions, which is stretching it out too much and making it mundane. Cant really say until I see a specific example though, those two are just the first things I look for when my characters start to feel wooden.

>> No.13139602

the story may be the problem, but writing something else isnt an option. im thinking if there's a second likely reason, its my mindset. Maybe if I try approaching scenes like writing promps, it may work out better

>> No.13139653

I have this problem occasionally and 99% of the time it's because the scene itself is boring.

>> No.13139881

>writing something else isnt an option

>> No.13139941

because this story is extremely important to me as a writer and as a person. the characters, setting, plot and character arcs are meant as a snapshot of my mind as much as they are a story. I will almost certainly write better things in my life, but ill never write anything more honest to myself

>> No.13140229

Maybe you should read the context of my post. I was talking about developing sentience, not maintaining it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5417583/#__sec3title
Tell me why this article is wrong.

>> No.13140336

I feel as though i have a decent grasp on the subject i am writing, however i don't believe I have a good enough understanding of the English language to properly express my thoughts. I'm an 18 year old from the us, our school's really are terrible....

>> No.13140579
File: 103 KB, 750x1137, 198ddd14f7f408a9f62042232032cdda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I'm just so riddled with anxiety that I won't be good enough. The first two chapters are revised, though I guess I'll need another round or five so it's useless to say that. Nothing to do but keep writing I guess.

>> No.13141538

Don't waste too much time revising this early on. You may be polishing scenes that will eventually be cut anyway. Focus on finishing a rough draft, then go back and polish.

>> No.13141549

Read The Language of Fiction: A Writer’s Stylebook by Brian Shawver. It will show you how to improve your writing and grammar and it's specifically aimed at novelists, unlike most grammar books.

>> No.13141860

thank you for the advice, frens

>> No.13142713

draft is already finished though.

>> No.13142830

been trying to write some cyberpunk crime type stuff after watching both Bladerunner movies.
Its about a hitman who gains sexual pleasure from killing
Ive been wanting to read some books like neuromancer and altered carbon for more inspiration, are there any other cyberpunk books worth reading?

>> No.13142919

>Maybe you should read the context of my post. I was talking about developing sentience, not maintaining it.
I was a tad drunk when I posted that and wanted to preempt any vegan vs carnist "debating", so apologies for my tone.

>Tell me why this article is wrong.
I'm still studying it in detail but it is an interesting read so far. It will take some time to work through the whole article thoroughly. I might have identified some possible flaws, but I don't want to speak too soon.

Regardless, I'm not going to argue that meat consumption didn't play a role in human evolution and hence brain size since the science is pretty clear that humans and proto-humans have always consumed meat to some degree or another, even if only as insects in fruit. Exactly to what extent it contributed to increased brain size when compared to other factors is something I'm still skeptical of given the biases on all sides on this topic.

I think I will try to write a treatise on that paper as I work through it as a writing exercise, this is /write/ after all and this topic relates to some of my non-fiction ambitions as well.

>> No.13143188

>Why should I lose trying to do what I clearly can't when I could lose it playing videogames?
Lose time? Waste time?
>I took a fresh drink from the fridge
Cold drink? What kind of drink is it?
>after a quick check of my e-mails I would have started having fun.
You would have, but you didn't, or did? "After a quick check of my e-mails the fun began."

>> No.13143648

REEEEE... writing my novel. Long story short decide that it would be more symbolic if I wrote these few chapters as a play. Finish novel. Gonna let this sit for a few months then go back to it. Let me pick up Ulysess it's been on my wanting to read list. THEN I GET TO EPISODE 15

>> No.13143791

I think im going to fall off the wagon /write/. everything im producing is awful and im not getting better. ive managed to keep my daily writing up for three weeks now, and it suck to lose my momentum, but it hurts writing something so awful

>> No.13144133

Thanks anon.

>> No.13144139

You'll be fine, as long as you didn't write another section as a catechism ... did you?

>> No.13144187

Its very difficult to see improvement when you're doing that, but the more you have the more potential for feeback there is.
It can't be that bad. Post a sample.

>> No.13144346

How do you guys deal with irony in your writing? It feels as if saying anything sincere is cringe, and that i have to mask eevery sentence with 3 or 4 lays of self aware irony for the feeling to wash off. At the moment i'm writing a story about a humble man turned dictator and i could never write modern day Macbeth, because it's too sincere. My dictator is a fortnite gamer, and there's tons of reference to drumpf and other similar stuff.

>> No.13144576

>My dictator is a fortnite gamer, and there's tons of reference to drumpf and other similar stuff.
Who tf would even want to read that cringy zoomer bullshit?

>> No.13144609

>It feels as if saying anything sincere is cringe
That's because you don't actually believe that what you're saying is important and that it's important that you say it.

>> No.13144632

People read Gravity's Rainbow and other boomer bullshit...
I guess you're right, i have no serious convictions whatsoever. But there is a way out of this, right? I mean, le postmodern ironic novel is over, and it's our duty to replace it.

>> No.13144804

Bro you are a mad man haha write your book.

>> No.13144887

Sarcastic posts like this deeply upset me.

>> No.13144999

Help me /write/
I want to write a story taking place in a another world set in the medieval (or around that) era. Problem is, It's done and done right? How many of these even exist? I'm not looking to get published but I don't want to write just for myself I would like to write something that other people will read. I'm planning on adding elements taken from mythology from all around the world and adding twists to those elements. But even this is done and done right? I know I won't write something original but I don't want it to be a pure and simple disgusting clone of someone else's work. Fuck, it feels like I'm trying to build a miniature egg but instead of making the core first I'm building the shell and fucking myself over.
Recently I got this cool idea that I could use to either create some kind of lore for the main story (that I haven't even thought of yet yes i'm retarded) or even a begining. It could even be used to end the story. So I wrote this idea down on a piece of paper and everytime I think about it, I imagine new things or get inspired by something someone tells me or something I read. I write down those ideas and questions so I can work on it later. For now, I like it but I know it's fucking cliche. In fact it's so fucking cliche that I don't even want to keep writing down ideas. No matter how good they sound. If there is something I hate it's cliches. And no my goal is not to "subvert expectations". And yes for now the idea would be prophecy-apocalypse-save-the-world but I haven't really decided yet, another option would be having the "apocalypse" take place in the background while the main cast (or the MC, I haven't even thought that yet) is struggling to solve some normal or semi-normal problems. The background apocalypse could also kickstart the MC(s) story or end it. Sorry, this sounds like venting (actually it is sorry) forgive me /write/

>> No.13145024
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I haven't written anything of substance for nearly a year now

>> No.13145072

Does anyone here knows a software like Scrivener but free? I want to try one of these fancy word processors with outlining and plot creator features, but i don't have the money to pay for Scrivener.

>> No.13145098

Just write what you want to man, stop worrying about cliches and trying to be the "neva ben dun befoah" guy. You say you know you're not going to be original, but I dont think you actually appreciate how rare originality truly is. Just write. Seriously. Tell your story, fuck everyone else and theirs. Dont angst and procrastinate, write a good story and people will read it, full stop.

>> No.13145211

you're procrastinating. the best authors who ever lived wrote with pen and paper.

>> No.13145231

You're absolutely right it's just that I couldn't get past the idea that if it's not at least a bit original or uncommon or rare then it's not interesting to read or even write about.
>I dont think you actually appreciate how rare originality truly is.
Well, thinking about it, you're right. Even some of the things I read in books or saw in tv shows or movies and thought were original are actually simply inspired from existing things but with a twist. Thank you anon. For a moment there, I forgot what writing was all about.

>> No.13145389
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>finding my own writing comfy as I complete the third draft
Very good sign. Chapters 3 and 4 (of 20) will be finished revisions today. My shit was weakest in the beginning and got stronger as it goes on, so I'll hopefully make faster progress. Work work work... Are you working hard, /write/?

>> No.13145491

A scifi fantasy. If you know what 40k is, that's basically how I look at combining the two genres. What I'm writing is less of a satirical view on fascism in a cosmic war, and more along the lines of being alone in the universe where several groups of people go off to live on surrounding worlds and develop separately from the homeworld. None of which is based in our own universe. Heavy themes of isolation, mixed with the fear of the unknown and how people react to others who wish to fight against the stagnant nature in which they live, and how some of those who go against the flow are sometimes misled. idk I just want it to be something that people might take seriously, but I know that's probably asking a lot. I'll just write what I like and cross my fingers.

>> No.13145659

what if i like writing but dislike reading?

>> No.13145670

This is exactly me.
But then, if you're writing in a certain genre, how would you be able to produce good content without reading what the big shots of that genre made?

>> No.13145676

i have no idea friend, which's why i've been only writing my diary desu for the past few months

>> No.13145700

But then again, what did the big shots read to even become big shots? Who came first, chicken or egg?

>> No.13145724

someone pulled a story about a god or something out of their ass and that eventually became oral tradition, which became written text, which in turn, inspired many writers.

>> No.13145751

We're all hacks but at least we're all in it together.
To answer the original question
>what if i like writing but dislike reading?
It only matters if you have no knowledge whatsoever on the things you want to write about. If you were a drug addict and want to write about a drug addict overcoming his addiction you won't need to read books. It honestly depends on who you are and what you're writing

>> No.13145776

the 'write from experience' thing scares me. how i'll be able to write about, let's say, love? i literally never held hands with a girl. i never even romantically locked eyes with a woman. love is such a quintessential part of human nature i feel like a hack never adressing it, especially adressing love in our times.

>> No.13145798

I am in the exact same situation.
Like I said, it all depends on who you are and what you're writing. Never experienced love? Read about it. Experienced love? Generalize your experience to what everybody should perceive. Did it turn out good? No? Read more about it and explore different angles. And really all this work isn't always necessary. You don't need to know ALL about love to write a believable romantical relationship right?

>> No.13145809

>You don't need to know ALL about love to write a believable romantical relationship right?
i hope so, and i hope this also holds for everything else that i never experienced. in the end, we're all hacks who are going to be forgotten in history, not even mentioned as footnotes, but hey at least we're trying, right?

>> No.13145871

>i hope this also holds for everything else that i never experienced

I think this is the perfect moment for me to admit to you all that I'm a virgin. Let's say I want to write a sex scene to show the newfound passion between two characters after a traumatic event (let's say love between these works like this for this one brief moment in their life). How do I go about this since I've never had sex? Should I read erotic novels? Should I go see an escort and ask for the "hot passionate love making" option? No. I simply write "and then they shagged passionately". I believe what I said earlier is true for literally everything.

>in the end, we're all hacks who are going to be forgotten in history, not even mentioned as footnotes, but hey at least we're trying, right?

If you're looking for fame you've chosen the wrong hobby. I think most famous writers are famous because their work is taught in school at a young age (more or less) not because they were interesting. The rest of the famous writers are those that got adaptations, movie deals, cartoon deals or whatever. Ask normies in the street to name you writers. How many of them will NOT start their list with either writers they learned about in school or with writers who got some kid of adaptation for their work? But then again this is my opinion not a fact. And you're right, at least we're trying and we're all in it together.

>> No.13146218

I used to be like this.
But then I actually read a book and realized I actually do enjoy it

>> No.13146249

Cultural appropriation was invented by bored upper middle class white kids who have too much time on their hands. Because they have no real suffering living a bored suburban life, they must invent imaginary problems.

Since American mutts don’t have any real culture of their own, they must borrow other cultures to feel a sense of identity. And then they coin the term “cultural appropriation” to make a problem out of a non-problem.

If you take a look at SJWs, you can see that they’re social rejects. The losers of society need a cause to feel important (a cause gives them attention from others)

Personally, I don’t care about social justice warriors, I don’t talk to them, I don’t know what they’re up to. Sometimes I see them serving me coffee at Starbucks.

>> No.13146533
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>put my crap up on Royal Road
>get a review with a 2k word chapter
>meanwhile there are people with 90k words and 30 chapters written with no community response

Does this mean I wrote something appealing or did I just get lucky to receive a review that early?

>> No.13146807

>If you were a drug addict and want to write about a drug addict overcoming his addiction you won't need to read books
If you want to write something that's above a third grade reading level, this is wrong. Sure, you'll know how it feels, but it'll read like a military report and be boring as shit. I've seen many people turn otherwise interesting experiences or novel ideas into boring crap simply because they had garbage vocabularies, no sense of pacing, and zero narrative skill. Experience is great, but nothing is going to replace learning how to put good, solid prose on paper.
>simply write "and then they shagged passionately".
It would be better to not write anything than to sour a poignant moment with "and then they had sex." I will always be a proponent of the "fade to black" method except in specific circumstances. 90% of stories do not need explicit sex scenes and even general ones like "and then they fugged" add nothing at best and actually hurt a real moment at worst. Using your example, the focus should be on the tension, the buildup, and the release of the passion. I would make the climax(lel) of the scene be the first kiss and then move on.

Now that I think of it I've only ever written an explicit sex scene once, aside from smut of course, and it was to show that the character was losing it. It was pretty edgy now that I think about it, and I'm not convinced that it was necessary. This is all my personal opinion, of course, and I can't say that I've ever tossed a book out or disregarded one because of gratuitous depictions of sex. I just prefer the focus stay on the story.
This isn't the "write what's on your mind" thread. They're calling those Stream of Consciousness threads now >>13140019

>> No.13146863
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Writing a fantasy story set in an emerging iron age city-state about two priests who go on a journey and get into some heavy stuff. Conspiracy, violence, mysticism, the supernatural, it's got a little bit of every thing. Had a break through the other day and I'm really getting some meat on the bones finally.

Which brings me to the part where I'd like to thank the anon who posted the throwaway writing prompt "what would your character do in a tornado?" last thread. I've been struggling with the opening of my story for almost a month
now, and the tornado just clicks beautifully. It ties a lot if stuff together and sets the stage for the main plot to occur. So thank you, advice anon, you've actually helped me start writing my first novel.

Aside from that though, who else here writes things out on paper? Where do you write? Pic related is mine though I really like to go out and sit on the patio at night as well. It's an old, beat to crap desk and chair, but I think its comfy.

>> No.13146881

ditch the soda and start drinking water

>> No.13146900

The cup has water in it. I drink 2 cans a day, water the rest of the time.

>> No.13147017
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I've been considering a story idea that basically boils down to fantasy Napoleonic Wars between a newly formed coastal empire in the west and an older, more established emirate in the east.
I've been trying to think of ways to differentiate the two factions that don't play too heavily into historical/cultural stereotypes. I don't want the emirate to basically just be the Ottoman Empire 2.0, or the coastal empire to end up as a reskinned Prussia/UK/France hybrid.

>> No.13147033

If you're going to base things off of historic nations, start researching the cultures you want to emulate in depth. Find some of the weird stuff that they get up to and put it up front and expand on it. Throw in some customs and whatnot from similar cultures, maybe a wildcard just for kicks. You can very quickly make a historic nation into something entirely foreign with enough digging; most people only have an extremely vague impression of foreign cultures, especially historical ones.

What's your story about?

>> No.13147035
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SAMPLE (plz r8)
You see in the past few years, not only had it become popular to give young girls heroin, but also medically advisable. Even now there was a massive outcry to fully mandate the use of heroin to girls under the age of 15. Since it had been proven scientifically that heroin was a miracle drug, capable of performing any medical task. Of course, its recommended mixing treatments of illness with prayer and faith in Jesus Christ. You would have to be an imbecile not to. In fact, this method of prayer and heroin had become so popular that hospitals around the world were starting to close down, there simply was no need anymore. Instead, privet wellness companies opened up to the sick and dying. An ill person would schedule an appointment for a time of year they thought they might get sick. Once you show up the corporation generously provides you with all the heroin you need. Nuns are known to work day and night praying for the sick. It was so kind of these capitalist nuns to provide such care or the women of Earth. Just as they provide heroin and prayer, they also provided the scientific tests that proved it worked. And should anyone die at a wellness center, it was simply known that God had chosen them to join him in the new Jerusalem.

>> No.13147051
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>> No.13147082

>smile on his face that seemed to stretch from one end of his face
maybe change this, "from one end to the other" might just be fine, "seemed to stretch from cheek to cheek with no regard" etc.

>looked like a potato sack full of sticks painted to look
maybe use could use something different here, like resemble

>> No.13147094

yes, just noticed the repetition of "face", thank you. solid advice all around

honestly I just want to make a character out of the concept of eye-raping someone

>> No.13147147

>my on the spot opinion about anon's question completely destroyed in one post

N-no mo-more I yield

>> No.13147413
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Is plotting out the dates and manoeuvres of the military campaign that's the central backdrop to my story going too far? I started trying to outline the plot but without something concrete to anchor the events in it felt a little disjointed and arbitrary. I ended up deciding that without a clear picture of what was going on in the wider world I wouldn't be able to keep the main story connected to the subplots.

I figured I'd ask for input before I actually started doing it.

To be clear, the main character is the general in charge of this military campaign and it requires a significant amount of his attention (although it's more of an engine driving the plot rather than the plot itself).

Bonus points to anyone who knows what world this calendar is from.

>> No.13147453 [DELETED] 
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>A scifi fantasy.
Science Fantasy, or scifa, is the term you are looking for.
>idk I just want it to be something that people might take seriously, but I know that's probably asking a lot.
It sounds like you are more concerned with the themes and that the scifa setting is the just backdrop and/or vehicle to explore those themes. In which case that is how you should write it, in a way where the setting itself doesn't take the center stage but only serves to help flesh out what you really want to tackle in your writing.

Nothing wrong with only journaling, but journaling is meant for yourself, not others. If you want to write stuff for other people then reading is only avoidable in theory. Even if you are an exception in this regard, reading is still going to make you a better writer than you are right now regardless.

Writing is meant to be read, hence reading is inseparable from writing.

You could also write about your experience of not knowing what those feelings of love are like. That is an experience that people that know love don't have. One man's shit is another man's fertilizer.

It means your story doesn't take as long as others to read and hence is less of an investment for reviewers to review. I'm going to guess you wrote a touhou fanfic, which if it is the case also means you have an existing audience already interested in your subject matter.

>So thank you, advice anon, you've actually helped me start writing my first novel.
I'm very happy to hear that, sometimes I wonder if I'm just projecting useless drivel since I try to put myself in the shoes of the other anons and think of what advice I'd give myself in that situation.

>It's an old, beat to crap desk and chair, but I think its comfy.
Get on my level, pleb, pic related. Jokes aside, that's my frugal(temporary) setup. I made that Writing Angle Desk Simulator(TM) out of a cardboard box, masking tape and a bit of glue. I use it when I switch off the internet/distractions for comfier long writing sessions.

I don't think so, I think it can be very useful to have something like that. Of course one can take it too far and get stuck in the quagmire of world building, but as long as you are aware of that before you start you should be able to figure out to what level of detail to plot out these events and when to tone it down.

>> No.13147459

get a smooth writing fountain pen, you won't look back.

>> No.13147563
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>A scifi fantasy.
Science Fantasy, or scifa, is the term you are looking for.
>idk I just want it to be something that people might take seriously, but I know that's probably asking a lot.
It sounds like you are more concerned with the themes and that the scifa setting is the just backdrop and/or vehicle to explore those themes. In which case that is how you should write it, in a way where the setting itself doesn't take the center stage but only serves to help flesh out what you really want to tackle in your writing.

Nothing wrong with only journaling, but journaling is meant for yourself, not others. If you want to write stuff for other people then reading is only avoidable in theory. Even if you are an exception in this regard, reading is still going to make you a better writer than you are right now regardless.

Writing is meant to be read, hence reading is inseparable from writing.

You could also write about your experience of not knowing what those feelings of love are like. That is an experience that people that know love don't have. One man's shit is another man's fertilizer.

It means your story doesn't take as long as others to read and hence is less of an investment for reviewers to review. I'm going to guess you wrote a touhou fanfic, which if it is the case also means you have an existing audience already interested in your subject matter.

>So thank you, advice anon, you've actually helped me start writing my first novel.
I'm very happy to hear that, sometimes I wonder if I'm just projecting useless drivel since I try to put myself in the shoes of the other anons and think of what advice I'd give myself in that situation.

>It's an old, beat to crap desk and chair, but I think its comfy.
Get on my level, pleb, pic related. Jokes aside, that's my frugal(temporary) setup. I made that Writing Angle Desk Simulator(TM) out of a cardboard box, masking tape and a bit of glue. I use it when I switch off the internet/distractions for comfier long writing sessions.

I don't think so, I think it can be very useful to have something like that. Of course one can take it too far and get stuck in the quagmire of world building, but as long as you are aware of that before you start you should be able to figure out to what level of detail to plot out these events and when to tone it down.

>> No.13147846

>i literally never held hands with a girl. i never even romantically locked eyes with a woman.
We live in a society where a girl will have sex with a guy for a burrito and his netflix account and you turbo virgins can't manage to get laid?

>> No.13147869

Sh-shut up life is hard. Besides he's probably a virgin by choice (just like me)

>> No.13147898
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That anon was talking about romantic love, not sex.

His virginity is just a symptom, not a cause. Him losing his virginity to some ugly skank that would be willing to have sex with him for a burrito and a netflix account is going to make things worse, not better.

I think you take many things for granted.

>> No.13147973

I just finished plotting out my story and started writing yesterday, and will share a pic of page one when I get home, but here is the basic plot outline for my book:

Jack Pershing comes from a family of war heroes and veterans and he wants to make his family and the empire proud. To accomplish this he rushes into the military straight out of high school to join the Combat Walker Corps (its mechs, I like mechs, dont question it) but after a series of tragedies and misfortunes he learns that the life he was promised was a lie and that war is hell (even when set over 100 years in the future).

There is a lot more nuance and details I can get into, if there is interest and I will share a picture of the little that I have written so far when I get home from work.

>> No.13147977

In your opinion, what is the ideal length for chapters to be posted on Royal Road? I'm currently writing a military science fiction series that I want to post there once I've written enough chapters to give myself a buffer.

>> No.13148081

A deathly skull perched upon the bare human structure, the bones hidden under a mac [or whatever type of coat]

>> No.13148496

Striking a male in the testicles provides exhilarating and socially-conscious catharsis, bestowing upon the kicker or puncher an electric satisfaction, a palpable zest for life earned upon the collision of shoe to crotch, whether delivered gracelessly, expertly, even tentatively, maybe hesitating in mid-air and kicking their dangling male bits with a considerably less momentous motion but still with abundant kinetic energy enough to nearly eject the male upwards by his own reflexive protective leap, these sorts of displays long delighting the discrete parlors of upper class nouveau riche American princesses who made “ball-kicking,” “The Sport,” or “Ladies Cricket,” a highly sought-after festivity for the past century or so. European elite were known to inflict all manner of male genital torture, up to and including forced piercings, soundings, burning with silver nitrate or brulee torches, but the forms of pure pugilism and punting, done repeatedly over several well-catered hours, are uniquely American. Among American elite women, ball-kicking festivities are central to whichever special occasion is being celebrated, with no expenses spared for stylistically ornamental stages constructed in the center or forefront of the venue. While European women indulge in carnal violence and brutality with characteristic discretion, exacting their abuse privately with only themselves and the male subject hidden in traditional dungeons or exclusive hotel rooms, their American counterparts make status-waving spectacles of The Sport, competing with yet more towering and luminous parade floats, thematic styles applied to the males’ uniforms, even the design of their snaking and winding queues, the final staircase up to ball-kicking stage, even the scale and genres of fireworks ignited upon the each successful strike, these and vastly many more details make the ceremonial American ball-kicking traditions almost impenetrably complex, being so interwoven in the shifting alliances of voracious elite sex goddesses, dynastic successions, economic upheavals and national ascents and declines.

>> No.13148504

Quantities of recruited and surreptitiously acquired males are not always instructive, however, some hostesses distinguishing themselves by selecting specific groups highlighting notable traits amongst the males as one might admire a sacrificial lamb’s wool. Maybe invited by a so-connected colleague, or responding to a personal ad in an elite newsletter, or sometimes acquired “from the wild,” by highly esteemed curators, the males at these events rarely know one another, but they were often connected by profession or class or background. The only characteristic that could ever relinquish a male from serving in a ball-kicking ceremony was if it was discovered that he derived any sort of pleasure from those modes of abuse. Clutching their crumpled clothing to their punished crotches, the males have family attorneys spring upon them with iron clad legal agreements to dissuade dissemination of these hallowed traditions, for as discrete and strange as they seem to outsiders, much hinges upon them. One of the grand-nieces of Henry Ford is said to have commissioned Tuscan mink boots through which several electrodes lurked just beneath the fluffy furry vamps. Ample coils of electric cable spindling behind her, she strutted so electrically shod to the stoic line of hook-hung and masked men, each with their legs shackled apart to an obtuse angle to improve accuracy and so put at ease any elite women hesitant about taking to the lofty stage and making a good show of the host’s generous supply of males. And while the electrodes work spectacularly, relinquishing from each male the most forelorn and sorrowful howls of pain, sufferings that caused more than one sauced socialite to faint, the stench of singed mink fur largely evacuated the prominent auditorium purchased for the day’s event, the following day’s gossip insistent upon a porcine smell from electrically cauterized scrotal flesh, a level of carnage and variety of violence received as brutish and less than womanly. Ford’s grand niece would remain sidelined for much of the subsequent ten years as memories of the gruesome event remained foremost in influential circles of American women.

>> No.13148937

>We live in a society where a girl will have sex with a guy for a burrito and his netflix account
Not only having sex with women like that is not even worth it, but that type of stuff is reserved to CHADs. Not for ugly virgins.

>> No.13149180

The main plot is about a princess who's angling to seize the western throne. She decides that if she wants her bid to be taken seriously she'll need some accomplishments under her belt, so she purchases an officer's commission in the army and sets out to win glory in what she thinks will be a quick, easy war.
She then gets in way over her head and has to either learn how to become a leader of men or die ignominiously on the battlefield.

>> No.13149337

I’m working on a 100 page novella
Style is odd, just tried to be creative, might be shit.
Hoping at least some fringe publisher will be interested.

>> No.13149531

>(its mechs, I like mechs, dont question it)
I like mechs too.

>but after a series of tragedies and misfortunes he learns that the life he was promised was a lie and that war is hell
Unfortunately that theme has been done to death.

>There is a lot more nuance and details I can get into
If "war is hell" is the central theme or one of them then you might still have a hard time unless you have a fresh take on it.

>if there is interest and I will share a picture of the little that I have written so far when I get home from work.
Sure, I'll give it a read.

With that said, just because something's been done before doesn't mean you shouldn't write it. The experience gained from writing something like that should be worth it alone and it should still appeal to fans of the genre who like that kind of thing.

I only heard of RR a few weeks ago in one of the earlier threads, never used it. I checked it out earlier, can't say it appeals to me. It's very... redditish... too politically correct for my tastes. It also seems like reviews on RR are the equivalent of karma on reddit.

Generally I think chapters should be as long as they need to be to tell the part of the story they way the author intended, so chapter lengths on RR should be the same as for any other work.

I'm still working on my critiquing chops but feel free to critique my critique:

Many of the sentence are too long and should be broken up in to smaller sentences. Using your first sentence as an example:
Striking a male in the testicles provides exhilarating and socially-conscious catharsis. It bestows upon the kicker or puncher an electric satisfaction, a palpable zest for life earned upon the collision of shoe to crotch. Whether delivered gracelessly, expertly, or even tentatively – hesitating mid-kick yet still delivering enough force to their dangling male bits to propel the male upwards with his own protective leap reflex – these sorts of displays have long delighted the discrete parlors of upper class nouveau riche American princesses who made “ball-kicking,” “The Sport,” or “Ladies Cricket,” a highly sought-after festivity for the past century or so.

It would also help readability to use more paragraphs. For example, the next sentence that starts with "European elite were known..." would be good, and likewise with "While European women..."

Not much to go on but sounds like it could be entertaining if handled well.

In order to hit a level target you have to aim high.

>> No.13149535

how the hell do you go from working on that to high schoolers retarding around?

>> No.13149576

Are there any recommendations as to reading materials or educational tools when it comes to learning to write?

Any suggestions from brainlet pleb tier all the way up to galaxy brained /lit/ patrician level would be appreciated.

I don't have lofty goals. I'd just like to be able to write one or two pieces of genre fiction I can feel an ounce of satisfaction from, perhaps within the next decade or so. Mostly I'd just like to make sure I have a good understanding of how to improve, so that I can learn from my mistakes at an optimal rate.

>> No.13149717
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This chart is from the /lit/ wiki in the sticky. While it was a bit hidden and requires manual searching, you should still check such sources first. I've only read Stephen King's On Writing from that list, can recommend it but don't know how it stacks up to the others on the chart.

>> No.13149740

Thanks. I gave the wiki a glance but I didn't find this.

>> No.13150350

How do you keep writing knowning that your writing is absolutely terrible and pathetic?

>> No.13150411

This question comes up a lot. I've also had similar doubts and came here venting. Thank god the people here always know what to say to keep you going.

You says that your writing is terrible and pathetic well then practice. Take a look at >>13149717. Read some of the books there, might help you progress. Don't give up anon, It takes time. Keep practicing.

>> No.13151072

Those sound pretty cool, especially the chemistry class one. How is that coming along so far?

>> No.13151294

Good premise y/n?

The war just ended inconclusively

The protagonist joins his father, a diplomat, in a 1000-man mission to the enemy capital to sign a peace treaty and secure the release of all war prisoners and hostages. They have also been ordered to negotiate with their own stragglers and convince them to surrender (several regiments remain surrounded inside enemy territory, holding key strongholds and border passes)

He is given a list of nobles and officers who went missing during the campaign and told to track them down by interviewing prisoners and such, and a visa to move through enemy territory unhidered.

As the negotiations drag on he discovers the campaign was poorly managed and slowly learns what really happened during the final battle.

>> No.13151525

>Good premise y/n?
I think so, yes.

That bit about negotiating their own stragglers to surrender, why negotiate surrender for them and not withdrawal or ceasefire? Surrendering should just give the enemy more hostages to negotiate with and free up troops which will only give the enemy more leverage in negotiations.

>> No.13151533

i'm gonna write the WW2 Iliad

>> No.13151645

>not writing the WW2 Odyssey

>> No.13151686

only if i were to write a postmodern ironic parody of the odyssey, with an argentinian german descent who left his country to fight for hitler, only to lose, and now struggles to avoid postwar nazi persecution and come back home.
but seriously, it'll be the iliad and it'll show a viewpoint of the ww2 that hasn't been explored, because i'm writing through the point of view of a country which had minimum, if any, influence on WW2

>> No.13151693

Which country?

>> No.13152723

would you guys read a book about nascar/stock racing? i think i want to write about that

>> No.13152737

the next LoTR like every other twenty-something who picked up Game of Thrones in the past decade

>> No.13153000

Simply about nascar/stock racing? No.
You'll need to give me a bit more information if you want a yes, some kinda hook.

>> No.13153284

well a story about a nascar/stock car driver and their struggles with the sport and culture around it

>> No.13153351
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I have a problem.

>Act 1
Main character gets kidnapped by evil monster army to be a slave. Ends up slave to the big bad chief and decides to try and bring them down from the inside.
>Act 2
By the end, he gets turned into a monster himself.
>Act 3
Begins Act 3 now leading the big bad monster army, but doesn't particularly want to rape and kill humans. But he can't go back to live with humans even though he could now leave, because he's a monster. He also can't just lead his monster army in the opposite direction because they won't follow. And the humans are coming to kill him, so he needs to survive that too.

My vague idea is that he tries to reform the big bad monster army into not being so bad while also bringing down the corrupt human aristocracy and liberating the peasantry (through war obviously), ushering in an era of jolly cooperation where the monsters form the soldiers of the Empire, meaning no more peasants dying in wars, and also use their monster strength to help out with agriculture/construction/whatever. My problem is connecting his dilemma to this 'solution' in a realistic way. Or, alternatively, and I increasingly think this is more desirable, I need a better idea for Act 3.

Things to bear in mind (I can't change these, it's part of the setting I'm writing in)
>the monsters are incredibly monstrous. the real deal. malevolent beings of chaos and evil
>the main character hates the monsters and wants them all to die. his original plan was to betray them all to their deaths and he'd still do it in a heartbeat if it wouldn't lead to his own certain death now that he can't rejoin human society
>however, the main character has a few monster friends who aren't as monstrous which could potentially be a source for optimism for him
>the humans all absolutely hate the monsters and want them all to die, even down to the peasants
>the main character is still fundamentally sympathetic to humans, but he is bitter that he has been outcast by them now that he is a monster
>the main character comes from the peasantry and is bitter about aristocracy
>I want the main character to keep his humanity and not just start murderkilling everything

So. Any ideas?

>> No.13153428

You're absolutely right. I've thought about this in the past(not trying to say your suggestion weighs little merit in my eye) and I need to focus on the vehicle for my themes. I've already established thousands of words for lore, and I was even toying with the idea of making my own language. I really like dune, and I feel like Frank Hurbert's take on writing lore was a little rushed or narrow-sighted(Even though I feel like what he established was great in terms of imagination). I also really like "dark enlightenment", and most of my themes were going to revolve around that.

would it be weird if I attempted to create a massive world for my story? How would I be able to keep my themes from getting lost?

>> No.13153429

>not trying to say your suggestion weighs little merit in my eye
It does tho

>> No.13153667

You will probably face a lot of competition to stand out in that genre, especially if your goal is to imitate a specific work instead of innovating within the genre. Still, it is better to write something rather than nothing, and usually while writing one thing you discover something else to write about, even something new and fresh, so I say go for it.

The nascar/stock racing theme itself most likely won't appeal to readers here, but that doesn't factor in how it and the characters are handled or if you can provide unique and deep insight or perspective to nascar culture and issues that outsiders like myself with naive preconceptions about it lack.

I have a few suggestions but I don't have the time right now do go in to it, I'll post a proper response later.

>not trying to say your suggestion weighs little merit in my eye
Don't worry about that, it's your story at the end of the day, my feedback isn't meant to dictate to you how you should write it. From the start it is given with the mindset of "here is what I think, take from it what you want, or leave it if it doesn't suit you or I don't miss the mark."

Using Tolkien's The Hobbit as an example, while that book is written in a very vast and established world, that book itself only touches on small parts of that world and backstory. The book doesn't need everything from the backstory to tell its story, it can stand on its own and only provides world building as needed. But with that said, knowing the backstory does provide more depth to The Hobbit. The Silmarillion on the other hand is more world building than character centric story, it reads more like a history book than a novel. So that, and the other works by Tolkien on the LOTRverse, can be used as a reference point on how theme and world building are used in different capacities in different books, and could help provide some insight.

>> No.13153673

>or I don't miss the mark
or I miss the mark*

>> No.13154961

Nah, I'd have zero interest in it but anon, there is a market for dinosaur erotica. If you're passionate about the shit, write about it. At the very worst it'll be an enjoyable writing exercise.

Given the info about monsters reform sounds too fucking outlandish. Why are they the way they are? What makes his monster buddies go against their nature?

Using them as an army against aristocracy sounds good but after that I don't see how they would accept their new role unless their malevolence is somewhat adjusted/justified. You can always go with a tragic ending about a failed reform attempt from both sides ... which would be a too big of a contrast with your original plan, so yeah.

>> No.13154988

Ah and forgot to add. Maybe he could manipulate the mosters into acting more benevolent based on their values; if there is something that drives them beyond rape and pillage.

>> No.13155465
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>Given the info about monsters reform sounds too fucking outlandish. Why are they the way they are?
They're mutated humans created by the dark energy that flows through the world. They hate humans and humans hate them - partly it's because the fact that they are the product of the dark energy makes them hateful, partly it's because they're resentful of humans because humans are generally successful at keeping the monsters under their boot, and partly it's because they've both been killing each other for such a long time that killing each other is what they do.

Reform does indeed sound too outlandish and I did always intend for it to largely fail (the main character would keep the monsters in line with brutal discipline but the monsters themselves would never actually change and it would all fall apart in a few months) but even failed reform sounds outlandish to me now. I feel like even starting reform could never work, and anyone who thinks it could be done would just come across as incredibly stupid rather than merely optimistic.

>What makes his monster buddies go against their nature?
Nothing, his buddies are just as bad as the rest but he doesn't wholly hate them because they've all gone through some shit together and his buddies at least are loyal and follow orders so he can mostly keep them under control.

>Using them as an army against aristocracy sounds good but after that I don't see how they would accept their new role unless their malevolence is somewhat adjusted/justified. You can always go with a tragic ending about a failed reform attempt from both sides ... which would be a too big of a contrast with your original plan, so yeah.
Based on what you just said here maybe I'll abandon the reform entirely and just have the main character using them as an army of revenge. He goes on a suicide mission to exterminate the aristocracy, fully intending to get all his monsters killed along the way, without bothering to plan for reform. Doesn't solve the "how does the main character end up surviving" dilemma because without his monster army bodyguard the humans will kill him, but I'll work on that.

Mainly I want to be able to write scenes of monster-human interaction, so I need monsters and humans sharing the same space without killing each other.

My current plan is that he sells it as "don't kill the humans because they're now our slaves and will make us weapons, just leave them alone" when the monsters conquer a village, rather than the usual rape and pillage.

>> No.13155521

Like the Mongols sate the monsters by raping and pillaging resisting fiefs/cities. Like the Romans build roads and camps everywhere to suppress the population continually. Like the Manchu create a racial upper class of warriors that keep on conquering new lands and opening new opportunities to rape and pillage. Like the Lombards award lands to monsters to buy permanent loyalty and secure them a NEET-style livelihood. Like the Spanish encourage taking wives with the humans to create a mixed race that socially and peacefully integrates monsters.

After a few centuries the realm will be fully mixed and the war between humans and monsters in the realm ends. Main Character’s fears of rejection by civilization is posthumously quelled. Like 1900’s Latin America monstermen rebels attempting democracy, communism, ancapism, theocracy, etc succeed or fail.

>> No.13155727

I got 10k words in, but some IRL stuff came up on friday and I've been busy for the past few days. I think next week I'll have time to get back to it.
I'm not going to work on my main project until I've either finished the first draft of the chemistry class project or scrapped it.

I planned out all of the events before I started, so I never find myself pacing around thinking "what should happen here?" instead of telling the god damn story
I have different ideas. I actually have this problem where I'll be working on something and I'll keep daydreaming about how awesome something else will be. Part of the reason for the chemistry class story was to try to correct that, but if I finish the draft and it ends up being worth editing instead of just tossing, I think that might have the opposite effect.

>> No.13155764

How do I write faster while maintaining a decent level of quality? I usually agonize over every word, but I wanted to see if I could write something without overthinking things. I wrote this in about ten minutes. It's not very good.

A wave of greenery met him as he entered the cloister. It was almost dazzling in its splendour, a far cry from the grey brick walls of the monastery. A canopy of leaves overhung a lone bench in the middle of the enclosure. The sun seemed to find its way through the branches above, and swirling oval patterns embedded themselves on the ground.

He walked up to the bench and sat down. His eyes were becoming accustomed to the verdant bloom around him. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The noise of the birds above was amplified in his mind. His thoughts now quietened themselves. They had been swirling around his mind ever since that meeting. His breathing was steady and his heart no longer racing.

>> No.13155821

One really good peice of writing advice that i've heard is to avoid "be" and all of its conjugations whenever possible. You can't always avoid it, but consiously trying to generally leads to much more thought being put in to whatever you write.

>> No.13155830

It gets easier the more you practice. Nobody starts out being able to speedpaint - nobody starts out being able to 'speedwrite' either.

Just focus on getting your first draft out and go back and edit it later. It might even be easier, if you really can't get over your desire for perfect prose on the first try, to abandon even trying to write prose. For example.

-character is sitting at his desk working on group assignment in dorm room (describe)
--character feels annoyed at groupmates because they're not pulling their weight (introspection/exposition)
-character decides to give up and do something mindless so that he can stop thinking about how annoyed he is
-character pulls out plastic model kit to put together
-someone knocks on his door and interrupts him
-he feels very annoyed at them and when he opens the door he is rude and abrasive to them
etc. etc.

I don't do this myself anymore but if you are really, really struggling to make any progress because you're hung up on your prose then completely abandoning the pretence of writing might help you get more down. Then you can go back and fix it up.

>> No.13155837

>"don't kill the humans because they're now our slaves"
Sounds a tad too rational to work after a long time of hatred. Though I guess one could justify it after brutal disciplining of some monsters who didn't get the memo.

Isn't that just an elaborate "don't use a passive voice"?

>> No.13155938

Why the hell would you ever want to write shitty fiction? It would sever you better to attempt to write good fiction to hone your craft. Then when you finally do write what you want to write you will have good experience.

>> No.13156042
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I'm trying to write a first person story, but it has been almost a decade since I wrote anything that wasn't an essay so I've come asking for advice. Specifically, on the use of 'you' in a first person narrative. Let's say I have the following sentence:

>Nothing like having your phone loudly remind you to buy hemmorhoid cream in the middle of the store.

Is this acceptable within first person? If it matters, this would be a hypothetical situation being presented within the MC's thoughts.

>> No.13156075

I always try and avoid 'you'.

Try instead: Nothing like having my phone loudly remind me to buy haemorrhoid cream in the middle of the store.

You can generally work around it pretty elegantly.

>> No.13156085

What I figured. Problem with this particular sentence is that its not a recount of his personal experiences so using 'my' or 'I' doesnt quite fit. But, Ill figure it out. Thanks for confirming anon.

>> No.13156105

How about
>Nothing like being reminded to buy hmmorhoid cream by a loud phone in the middle of the/a (can't choose sorry) store

>> No.13156150

That could work.

>> No.13156189

how old are you?

>> No.13156266

Thanks anon. I get caught up on the prose and hardly ever finish writing anything. I'll try your method next time.

>> No.13156308

I just started writing and I'm trying to exercise my prose and be coherent. I usually write poetry and I do it by hand most of the time, but it's kind of tedious to do it for sonething longer.

This one is a really short story/excersise I wrote of an average American man.

>> No.13156567

Why do you ask?

>> No.13156578

You're not a bad writer. There's some very good imagery and turns of phrase here. The actual grammar and sentence construction and all that stuff is fine. However, your prose feels overwrought, and this only worsens the feeling that your writing is making much ado about nothing. The character's conflict, feelings, and actions are not clear.

If I were to rewrite your story I'd tackle it as follows:
>God, not another fucking day. My alarm is going off. I hate that alarm. BEEP BEEP BEEP, it says to me. Every morning. BEEP BEEP BEEP YOU'RE STILL ALIVE MOTHERFUCKER, HOW DOES IT FEEL?
>It feels terrible.
>Four minutes later I'm wiping cold water over my face amongst the cool Italian revival stylings of my eyewateringly modern bathroom. It doesn't make me feel better, but at least it makes me feel awake. I shrug on my shirt and tie (also Italian style). Bright red tie, of course, to go with my plain white shirt, because I'm the very model of a corporate dicksucker down to the anxiety meds in my vanity cabinet and the collapsing relationship with my unfaithful (but smoking hot) on-again off-again girlfriend. Two days ago we had a massive fight. Two days from now I'll probably be nailing her in this very apartment after we stumble home drunk and drugged up from some penthouse party. It won't make me feel better, but at least it'll make me feel alive.
>I try to channel that alpha-male confidence of an upcoming fuck as I trot out the door - late, as usual - and slide into my car. I'm going to need it. Today is the day that I get my big break. I sell boats for a living: little 28 foot centre consoles at the moment, designed as tenders to service superyachts and their owners as diveboats and chaseabouts. There's a cool $100,000 profit in each one, so I only have to sell two a year to justify my salary to my boss. Today, if I do a good job, I'm gonna sell 40.
etc. etc.

As you can see, the tone is very different. That's a matter of taste, obviously. However, you can see how my writing is a lot clearer about what the character is doing and feeling, and it also sets up two conflicts straight away. Firstly, this character is unhappy with life and his relationships. Secondly, this character is under pressure to pull off a big sales deal. It also reveals a lot about him - he's well paid, he's got problems, he's a "soulless" suit, he's a young man (probably) trying to climb the ladder. We also have a bit of a strange contradiction (I didn't really explore it but if I were rewriting this I would) between the fact that he doesn't like the prospect of another day, yet seems pretty motivated to hit his personal career goals. Weird? Is his career not making him happy yet he's pursuing it anyway? That would probably resonate with a lot of readers.

I'm not saying you should write what I just wrote - I'm just trying to demonstrate what I mean by clarity. This is on the far other end of the scale to you.

>> No.13156717

>So much neat cheese spilled over my bed, but not enough time to clean eat all.
I don't know what the fuck this is but I keep reading it and laughing. Nice.

>> No.13156893

If I make it clearer can I keep my try hard prose?
I do love the pictures that bloom in my head when I read them, but yes I think I need to make a plot for all of it to have weight.

>> No.13156904

Neat cheese sounds like nietzsche and it makes laugh

>> No.13156910

There is a reason for that. One of the goals of the delegation is determining the order in which certain nobles and their sons died, because it controls where the titles go. If the sons died first, the title goes sideways, if the father died first, it goes downwards to the grandsons. By getting rid of the straggler regiments they can remove troublesome eyewitness from the picture

>> No.13157017

That still doesn't make a whole lot of sense. If they're still fighting and effectively "off the reservation", why not have them declared Renegades and have them be free game? Soldiers aren't going to surrender themselves to the machinations of the enemy, especially if they're dug in at key points like you're saying. Then you could have the MC figure out exactly why they've been declared outlaws and it reveals the conspiracy.

>> No.13157078

Not gonna make it.

I'd argue that being widely well-read is more important than having read everything all the big names of a subgenre have done.

>> No.13157234

Hey stars, you look exhausted.
Same as me.
Looked in a few different shops for a bike light
but they were all small fiddly things,
USB rechargeable?
Fell to my bed when I got home.
Stars don't fall down,
you hug the sky as tight as those
Sennheiser HD 205s squeezed my head,
bought them off amazon.
Went to the doctor saying my jaw hurt,
he said go to the dentist,
thought they only did teeth.

>> No.13157240 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13157267

Reads like something your average 4channer would write. It's not legit her, r-right?

>> No.13157274

the secret is that kaur is from here

>> No.13157464

I had an idea for a story/book today, was wondering if you guys think it could be made into something good.

It would essentially be a western set around 100 years in the future on Mars. Planet is still a red desert but it's got a breathable atmosphere thanks to large water-splitting hydrogen reactors, or at least large bubbled off areas with oxygen. It's at the very beginning of the colonization stage, so theres still the same kind of lawlessness you get in the wild west. The costs of colonization are still very high, so there's little incentive to start a colony without some kind of return on investment. As such, there are a few national colonies for research purposes, but most of the action would take place in private, corporate sponsored mining facilities (maybe gold, maybe water, maybe something made up, tbd) and the surrounding "company towns" built to house the workforce. The main character would be a private chief of security/"sheriff" stand-in investigating the recent bombing of one of his corporation's mining facilities, probably carried out by a sabotage team hired by a rival corporation. So you kinda get one part western, one part realistic/low sci fi, and one part corporate espionage thriller.

Think its workable as a setting?

>> No.13157708

I want to write about a homeless character set in the current year. Anything I can read for good inspiration on the subject?

>> No.13157746

>Anything I can read
Nigger go walk the fuck around any major city you stupid pussy.

>> No.13157830

This sounds like it could be good so long as your prose is good. Give it a shot, anon!

>> No.13157928

>browse both recently released and most read this week in any given genre on goodreads
>95% of it is chick-lit
What is this? Is there any hope?

>> No.13157963
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Just finished the first chapter of my story and figured Id post it here for criticism. 12 pages, sci-fi/horror. My main worry is that theres too much world building or that I got too verbose with it. Comments are enabled if youd prefer to use those, thanks in advance to any who take the time to read.


>> No.13158006

As someone who also has a scat fetish--i wouldn't write about it. some of that despair was pretty dank but it's too my diary desu

>> No.13158032

places where homeless people talk and might post their accounts, like some subreddits and threads on chans

pretty easy to get immersed in it though :^) sleep in old clothes (wear and tear a bonus) and don't wash for a bit (don't need to be too gross though, lots of homeless people wash themselves and change clothes), pack some essentials nothing you don't mind getting stolen too much (a phone is fine lots of homeless have em just make sure it's not too good) then start walking about those areas they hang out. Have your story ready, your girlfriend kicked you out for some other man, lost your shitty job, no family, whatever you wanna go with.

I was in this position except I had at least 120lb of stuff on me like an idiot. 15 minutes after I left, on my second rest a lady just comes up to me, asks me what's going on, then offers this white boy the opportunity to stay with their motley dark skinned drug doing crew for as long as I need in some shitty house they inhabited and did their business in. Some places have friendly, helpful homeless communities, some don't I guess. The time I spent in that house, with many people coming and going (mostly smoking noids) I heard a lot of stories. Often when they got on it they would talk about the good ol' days, their past, times cops had harassed them, their childhood and how they ended up here, opinions on the news coming from the radio, how court had gone, where they got their dogs, all sorts, strange stuff, how do people live like this, some have been doing it for decades, a whole other world and struggle out there. There's a lot of different kinds of homeless, many simply aren't out on the streets all day and sleeping at bus stops. Many slip in and out of it their whole lives and continue to live around it.
Anyway, could be a valuable position to find yourself in, just hope you meet the good kind, not the kind that might simply be out to take advantage of you. Mine even fed me, only a few weeks though, I'm by no means experienced or really know much about it. These people could never leave it as easily as I did, they wanted the best for me though. They're mired in it, all they know. I was just a tourist, don't let them find that out though.

>> No.13158033

Too my diary? Think I get it, but not sure exactly what that means.

Also, dont have a scat fetish. Just know its technical name. Can probably figure out something else to put there if its too much though.

>> No.13158346

I know I already posted this, but this is the only place where I can get criticized
Is it too try hard? I'm trying for it to be a bit over the top, but at least enjoyable


>> No.13158356

Why can I never seem to write anything? Whenever I put words to paper, it sounds so boring and uninspired. Is it because I'm so apathetic about everything?

>> No.13158359

I'm not going to go hang out with some fucking stoner homeless bitches just to write this shitty story, thanks

>> No.13158364 [DELETED] 

Wrong thread, ignore.

>> No.13158387

If you aren't willing to SUFFER for your art then what are you even DOING here?
Everyone else in this FUCKING thread are willing to DIE to see their story told, come back when you've had SEX kid.

>> No.13158417

I support this.
>important enough to make a post about
>important enough to spend 6 months+ writing
>not important enough to leave your fucking basement and go for a walk
Get lost.

>> No.13158434

Maybe its just me, but the flow is all over the place. Its feels jerky and disjointed, sentences just placed one after the other with little or no connection between them. I feel like Im reading an abstract painting, and maybe thats a point but it makes it difficult to follow.

Thats not to say some of the imagery isnt interesting, I especially liked the callback to a mosquito when the bike came up.

>> No.13158477

Why is everything I write so god damned campy?

>> No.13158585

/write/ I'm here to complain. Russian writers wrote stories set in russia about crazy russians, japs wrote shit set in beautiful japan full of rich cultural artifacts, english guys wrote about old money gentlemen and rose gardens and tea time. What's a burger writer to do? The culture and history of this country is pure fucking TRASH. If I write about somewhere else it's either "inauthentic" or "cultural appropriation" or, plain and frank, it's just damned hard to write when you don't have it all right in front of you. There's nothing of beauty here. There's obese eatpigs on mobility scooters huffing from one walmart to the next. I like ancient/early historical settings and this nation didn't even exist then. Pick a writer with rich, descriptive narrative. He may as well have taken a photograph of where he lived. What do I do when where I live is a artificial cesspool, a giant parking lot of retardation and mindless NPC retardation? I'd rather kill myself than write about this shit.

>> No.13158596

I wanted to make it like a day in the mind of schizo, but still i want for it to make sense

>> No.13158616

I liked it anon, the monitor and maggot parts felt really long tho. Also the first 2 paragraphs feel a bit messy. But overall was a fun read. I enjoyed it anon

>> No.13158624

Also if you could give me you opinion of mine i would appreciate it.

>> No.13158725

Trim down and tighten up? Fair enough, was worried that it may have gotten too wordy while trying to explain things.

Initial impression is >>13158434 but let me sit down at my computer and expand on that some more.

>> No.13158728
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I know I'm probably going to get laughed at for this, but I'm writing a novel that used to be based on Polandballs and the internet, but now it's a Kafkaesque clusterfuck with Eva Angels and I only have 1.5 chapters done now.

>> No.13158775

dunno what you're complaining about, you've just explained how you've got an amazing amount of cool shit to pontificate on
you've answered your own question again, take a fucking photograph of the cesspool around you
i don't understand your obsession with beauty, how much have you read? not every author takes pictures of beauty. if you're so hung up on it then make it beautiful yourself

>> No.13158915

Like I said, flow is the biggest thing that bugs me about your story. The story definitely comes off as a bit schizophrenic, which is a plus if you were trying to depict the mind of a schizo. But, most people reading it will likely just get confused and stop. I'm not sure how much experience you have with schizophrenic people but I had a friend who was schizophrenic and we would talk about the different voices in her head. The notable ones that I remember was a small shy one that would often get bullied by the 'bad' voice in her head. There was a couple others besides but they weren't as interesting as those two.

I bring that up because true schizophrenia is often just that, auditory hallucinations presenting as voices inside your head. She had some pretty crazy visual hallucinations too, including one where she thought she had killed her girlfriend, but usually it was just the voices. I might try changing it to something of that style, with the voices chiming in and talking over him/other people in his life, interacting with each other without his consent. Potentially even conspiring to make him do things.

Anyway, just a thought. If you want to get a rough idea of what I mean by making it flow better, here's what I would change in the first paragraph:
>The sudden transition of a whisper into a scream forces my eyes open. With sleep still tugging on the corners of my mind I shut off my alarm and shamble towards the bathroom. Will I dare to look upon my gray visage within the mirror? No, I knew that wasn’t an option anymore. A harsh slap of cold water washes the night from my face but leaves the sensation of looking at the sun upon my eyes. As I turn back towards my room a wrinkled white shirt left to hang on the bathroom door extends its arm, a red tie in its hands. I take its offering before stepping back into the gallows of my room. The queen-sized bed laying atop a dirty floor still reminds me of winter nights snuggled against the warmness of her body. Five winters have passed since I last felt her warmth, yet I still miss her shadow dancing on the shower curtain. It seems that no matter how hard I scrub; I can’t wash her essence off my flesh. On the right side, her side, of the bed rests a pile of books and some painkillers, a daily medication that’s grown too weak for my constant headaches. Without the dulling sensation they provide my skull is left open for the voices of wise men to drill into, despite their inability to penetrate it’s silly and average exterior.
Like I said, I do enjoy some of the imagery but it feels too schizophrenic as it stands. Also, I left out the part about the cheese cause I have no idea what you mean with that one.

>> No.13158960

hate what i've written. thinking about switching to a different genre, there's a certain book i'm in awe of and i want to write not-that in my own way. i'm just so pissed at myself, what i've written isn't good and i just can't make it good. i feel like i'm going crazy.

>> No.13158973

dude the cheese is the best bit

>> No.13158985

why was >>13157240 deleted?

>> No.13158990

This all seems like straw-man crap, who are they talking to? Who are the male writers writing the stuff they're criticizing?? Wait this must be for tv/film, but it still makes very little sense

>> No.13159014

it's mostly criticizing shitty pop sf/f writers who actually are that bad. if you told me that only 10% of male published fantasy authors had fucked more than one woman in their lives, I would believe you entirely

>> No.13159024

I guess there is stuff that bad out there, I just don't read or look at it for that reason.

>> No.13159031

tumblr is especially good at reading awful shit and recognizing its awfulness but never actually seeking out better literature, it's fascinating. They also do this with tv/movies.

>> No.13159032

Write something about a hefty fella having to get the last toy in K-Mart while having to simultaneously take on brap-hogs, tweakers and other chunky men with his 38 revolver

>> No.13159153

Hey /write/. So my family actually has a pretty interesting backstory of how my grandparents met and their hometown, which has now fallen to ruin. They both died recently, so I can't ask them, but i remember quite vividly all the stories they told me. I have a bad relationship with my family, they're extremely dysfunctional. It's a large family with tons of scandals, abuse, repressed hatred, and other drama. In a way it all stemmed from the deficiencies of my grandparents.

Is it a bad idea to write this? This kind of story sells really well. I'll have to take artistic liberties, but I've written the opening and it has potential. However, it's extremely painful for me to write about this. If my family found out I'd be...well, I've already moved to the other side of the country and cut almost all contact, but there would be enormous grief about airing the dirty laundry. Thing is they're honest to god all nuts, it's nuttier than any family drama on tv by far. Is this a bad idea? I'd be happy if I never had to speak to any of them again. I've been watching this mess in silent horror my entire life, and in my mind it's organized into a story. I'd be placing myself as a kind of distanced narrator. I don't know how to handle the time skips between my grandparents as teenagers and the other points in time of my parents and my cousins. It's really, honest to god really god damned fucked up, all of it, it's a gigantic mess. But it would sell. I know it would sell, and not only do I need the money, but I'd like to get this off my chest and vindicate myself. There's no familial love in it, there was never any, it's just a kind of slowly unfolding horror. Lies, cruelty, etc. But it's marketable.

>> No.13159161

A lot of that stuff like the post about how to properly write girls working out is hotter than the "wrong" way to do it.

>> No.13159238

Thanks anon, this really helped me out. I thought about putting voices, but i think it's pretty edgy as it is. I haven't had much experience with schizo, but I have had several panic attacks. That's the feeling I wanted to convey with all that imagery while driving.

>> No.13159259
File: 2.15 MB, 1666x1756, 1536059737584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any armchair generals out there?

Rate my military campaign.

This all takes place over the course of ~3 months (Nachexen - Jahrdrung - Pflugzeit). The first map is the bad guys' unopposed romp through this poor backwater area, and the second map is the human counterattack.

The first map is 37 days of marching/battle (out of 74 days between 8 Nachexen and 17 Pflugzeit) leaving exactly 37 days of "rest" for feasting, celebrations, whatever (I didn't intend it to be an exactly even split, it just worked out that way). Following this first campaigning, the bad guys step off on 17 Pflugzeit to march on Wolfenburg, leaving behind a small garrison to guard the North. They run into the humans marching up from the South on the way which leads to a tussle in Dassel when the bad guys go for an assault (they initially were going to defend and wait for the humans to assault, but the humans captured one of the big bad's minions and he had to attack to get the minion back) at the same time that the Northern army arrives at Ferlangen on 31 Pflugzeit.

Just interested in thoughts. Anything you guys can think of that might happen to spice this up a bit?

>> No.13159325

write it, if not for anyone else, yourself

>> No.13159328

So how do you niggas and niggrettes actually write convincing emotional/sad scenes?

From what I got, channeling own experiences, avoiding overused phrases/situations and not wording emotions are the basics; but being a super happy, cheerful fuck with a positive outlook makes the former damn hard.

None of my experiences hits hard enough anymore and all feel like an abstract and distant joke now; and using experiences from people I know/read about feels fake as fuck, and still missed the raw nerve feels I'm going for; besides my brain still finds positives, no matter how horrible the stuff was; so at best I can distract it for a bit and go into full melodrama which doesn't survive a revision.

Not even an armchair general, but it appears generally fine for my Rome TW adjusted eyes. Maybe include the terrain a bit more into the campaign. The forests and hills should be able to offers some change from the linearity; especially when the bad guys are forced to act against the initial plan.
Depending on the bad guys army size, leaving some men for a worst case scenario in Roezfels doesn't seem like a bad call either.

>> No.13159338

Sounds like you need some distance first or it'll turn into some revenge manuscript, that only works if you family is rich and famous.
Also you underestimate just how shitty many families are, that's not enough to sell well.

>> No.13159385

Take a break my man. You keep smashing your head into that wall and you'll get to the point where you'll stop writing. Take a few days and meditate on what you want to change, then start to work on the "how".

>> No.13159477

What is the best way to cultivate skill in writing? I understand that reading and actually writing are important but I was wondering if there’s any exercises or methods that you’ve found helpful?

>> No.13159489

Failure to plan is planning to fail.

>> No.13159496


>> No.13159499

I assume you mean planning out what you want to write?

>> No.13159503

Women working out irl IS hot, I dunno what that woman was on about.

>> No.13159517
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I never used to bother with it and everything I wrote was shit and never got finished.

Now I've plotted out almost my entire novel, complete with maps and timelines, and it's amazing how much it helps you add depth and complexity to your ideas. You see connections and plothooks that you hadn't even thought of. It's also kept me way more motivated to stick with this particular project, and I'm going to have nailed down the ending soon and be ready to start the scene-by-scene breakdown. Once that's done I'll be able to write the whole thing, beginning to end, in one pass. And, because I know exactly what happens and when and why, it's going to fly past. At least that's been my experience with the shorter stuff that I've written after planning.

"Pants"ing (to use a despised redditism) is not a real method. It is people who are too lazy to plan and too stupid to realise that writing eight drafts because you kept changing shit is not a good use of your time.

>> No.13159542

john gardner's writing on planning is actually really useful-- if a plot is planned from the start it's because it is about explaining what the author already knows, while writing organically from a "seed" is more about exploring what the author doesn't know. Obviously, one is much harder than the other

>> No.13159546

Just call it gardening then.

Also it doesn't have anything to do with laziness. I sperged out about world building and maps too, had a timeline reaching back 70 years and went far enough to create histories for fictional companies that get mentioned twice or so.

But when it came to the actual story, I just sat down and wrote it down only with couple conflicting ideas about where it will go, that mostly got dismissed in the end. Had dreams of crucial plot developments when I was somewhere near the second last chapter of the novel too. It's just a lot more enjoyable that way and you won't get forced into planned development from the outline that doesn't quite work in the detailed situation your characters are in. Leaves more room for the characters to think outside the box too.

And sure, obviously it needed a lot editing in the end but what novel doesn't go over a few drafts?

>> No.13159547

I also want to warn you against planning out too much. Everyone is different, I find too much planning boring. I want to be surprised by my own story sometimes, a choice a character might make after I'm been writing them a while and getting to know them better. I think planning too much you risk closing yourself off to some opportunities.
Personally I think >>13159517
>because I know exactly what happens and when and why, it's going to fly past
sounds like ass and I wouldn't enjoy writing like this at all. Depends what you're writing too I guess, if I have the an idea that lends itself more to this kind of planning sometime I'll experiment with it and see how it goes.

>> No.13159552

>cutting out all distraction
This one is the hardest. Either by making it a habit over time or cutting cold turkey or using apps or other self-made rewards can all help overcome this. Because part of the difficulty of writing is just sitting down to do it. We live in an age of constant entertainment. It's absurd that I'm wasting my time typing this when I should either be: sleeping, working, being productive, or fucking around somewhere else on the internet where it doesn't take this much effort for something that won't get a (you)
>comfort and tools
Having the right tools for the job is a good idea, of course. Computer, typewriter, pen. Whatever. You'll have a preferred method. The real issue is context. What is surrounding you? Is your chair comfortable and workable? Is your desk clear? Is there light? A window? Did you decide to go out to a coffee shop or a bar and write there as a change of pace? Your mind is a wild sea, and your conscious mind is only a boat navigating it. Know the external stimuli you are going to put yourself in.
As the other anon said about planning. Writing is great. Notes of ideas are awesome. But if you don't have something laid out before hand, you are likely going to write yourself into a corner or give up. We aren't all Stephen Kings where it just comes to us in a coked up fervor and it'll resolve sometime. We have to be deliberate in our actions and the use of our time. Just like this post itself, I had the idea of bullet points, but I didn't actually write out all the bullet points. So I'm either gonna not cover everything fully, or I'll putter out and give up, because I didn't plan my post.
>writing prompts
Is your difficulty starting anything? Perhaps go find a book of writing prompts or go to the subreddit and farm some internet points. There is an idea, and write something about it. This is for the people who believe they have something to say but don't know how to say it.

>> No.13159569

>fine tuning and editing
We all know that editing is important. But other than some spelling changes and capitalization we forgot in haste, what else do we do? Well, we make things simpler. We make things more complex. We change and manipulate our words until they are polished turds that depict and explain exactly what we meant originally. Do you have some writing already? Take any paragraph of it. Do you not have any writing? Take a paragraph of anyone else. Then start editing it. Take out all the "that"s and "of"s. Tear down the shackles of overly obtuse wording and flowery language that bolsters not the point thine atempteth to make. Make it concise. Once that is done, build it up once again, this time with purpose of meaning, not of expression. “So avoid using the word ‘very’ because it’s lazy. A man is not very tired, he is exhausted. Don’t use very sad, use morose. Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women - and, in that endeavor, laziness will not do. It also won’t do in your essays.”
>keep writing
Something that creates cognitive dissonance with the previous point would be that of finishing. Editing is good, but editing forever until dawn for the rest of your life will never complete a project. I'd go look up the video of Ira Glass speaking about "The Gap." It discusses our perceived quality of others work versus our own, and the solution to fill that gap of skill is to do a lot of work. Keep writing. Keep struggling. Keep learning new things that make you uncomfortable. It is that sea of unease that creates stronger work. It may not seem it now, but even the smut writer gets better by his 20th book. It may not be in quality, but it will most definitely be in efficiency.
>read a fuck ton
But read with intent. Read books you not only want to emulate, but books about how to emulate books you want to emulate. Read critique, and ancient literature, and history, and cheesy scifi. You may know what good writing is, and see it as something to get to, but your question shows you don't know how to get there. Looking at shitty books may help. To understand and dissect a bad book for why it is bad can be just like understanding why 3 of the 4 answer choices in a multiple choice question are wrong. Knowing what is right is only half the battle, you must also know what to avoid. The pitfalls and tropes of man rear their heads without even whispering they are coming.

>> No.13159571


I appreciate all the advice. I’m a mix of “pantsing” and planning, I plan all the hard beats and events but I take a lax approach to getting from one to the other. When I plan, I go deep. There are details written that will never make it into the book and only serve to ensure certain elements are written in a coherent and consistent way.

This is a big issue too, having too many distractions. The internet is a poison. You go on to do research and you end up wasting time on YouTube. I manage to focus most of the time.

What I’m really trying to work on is the quality of the writing, and working over arching themes into a work without spelling it out explicitly.

>> No.13159573

>Your mind is a wild sea, and your conscious mind is only a boat navigating it.
(this is a sincere post)

>> No.13159716

Is there a list of completed works by /write/?
After all this time some people must have things they're proud of finishing, even published somewhere?

>> No.13159719

if anyone's published they sure as fuck won't admit any connection between themselves and this place

>> No.13159776

“Happy to share this essay I wrote. Wrote for the purpose of its sharing… after being written. Some writing is fixed onto where it is written.
The writing succeeds at being writing. In that, it is successful. In itself, it does contain some form of accomplishment regarding that doer of it.”


>> No.13159839

Girl I know had her parents pay some thousands of dollars to see her book published.
Some YA Witch stuff. I read the first page. It was bad, and poorly written.
I feel bad for her. She finished high school, you would think she had others read her book first, why wasn't it better?
I feel bad because she believed in it, and probably still doesn't know, that the friends and family she gifted it think it bad too.

>> No.13160003

All what time? These threads have only been around for a month or so if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.13160008

That's what happens when you're too confident or naive and the people who love you don't have any balls. Don't tell her the truth unless you're sure the others will back you on this or you might become an outcast in your own social circle.

>> No.13160015

Am I crazy or has this general not been around for years? Surely /write/ has existed as long as /lit/ itself?

>> No.13160061

You're thinking of /crit/ I think. These are relatively new

>> No.13160115

It worked for the guy who wrote Eragon, Bieber and the friday, friday chick. She'll grow up and realize it was premature. Doesn't sound like a big deal.

>> No.13160117

This is the first page of my novel about a young man and his journey of self-improvement.

I had never considered myself a true man. I had seen true men, I had admired true men, but never had I been one myself. Do not think that this was my intention, do not judge me for the falsehood that was my manhood. Do not scrutinise my failure, do not shut the door, do not leave me in the shivering cold like some pariah. I am not a leper, to be treated with contempt and hatred. I am a man, a man that has overcome the greatest of impediments, a champion, come to tell his tale, in hope of helping those who need it. I seek no sympathy, nor pity derived succour. This is not the tale of my ignorance, nor that of whom ever inflicted me with that deep corruption of the manly soul. This is the tale of a rebirth, of revelation and most importantly, rejuvenation.

Before I recite my journey from weasel to wolf, I must first establish the life of the weasel, the young, emasculated boy of a bookish and bashful disposition.

To describe with the most exact accuracy, my state of physical well-being as a weasel would be a young man of eighteen, middling height, with an ill complexion and a body of the solitary soul, never daring to venture from the isolated realm consisting of an amalgamation of books and constant nervousness, a nervousness consonant with a mind that masked its own unwavering cowardice with that profuse facade of the nonchalant philosopher, with little care for the vast wilderness that was public life and society of the land he called home.

My family was a motley bag of various characters, all of which contributed to my early ignorance and also to my eventual rejuvenation to a state of higher being. I have always loved my family, perhaps too much. Can one love those who gave him life too much? Maybe not, maybe sons should dedicate their lives to the glorification of their forefathers, and seek the destruction of those who wish otherwise.

My paternal family were neither grand nor impecunious. A family of opportunists and profiteers. This same opportunism combined with their ever growing profits allowed them a life of luxury and the wealth to purchase a great education for their son, this son grew to be my father. I was not proud of my father’s family, nor their mercantile ways, but for a man to speak with disrespect of those who enabled his existence is a behaviour deserving of the greatest censure. My father however did not inherit my grandfather's sagacious nature nor his fortunate habits, instead he was the son of his mother, and her family of social-climbers, marrying into my paternal ancestry only through my grandfather's youthful naivete. My father was like my grandmother, and I like my father, an unfortunate outcome, made all the more unfortunate by my mother’s ever glorious presence, reminding me of what I could have been.

>> No.13160648
File: 493 KB, 2692x1515, rebecca-black-interview-rolling-stone-efe8de08-08a8-4215-8ed4-5358e2280829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the friday, friday chick.
Rebecca Black. She didn't turn out too bad desu.
Really over-wrought. You need to go back and cut a lot and slim the entire thing down. It's not particularly engaging right now, but I'm not holding that against you. The first paragraph did make me roll my eyes though, simply because of how purple the prose is.
>Do not scrutinise my failure, do not shut the door, do not leave me in the shivering cold like some pariah. I am not a leper, to be treated with contempt and hatred.
This entire bit just made me think "Oh my God, get on with it."

>> No.13160737

>being a super happy, cheerful fuck with a positive outlook
Why are you even writing? What would provoke a happy, well adjusted person to try writing? Go draft some hollywood romcom scripts or something.
this. if I ever get published I'll come here to smugpost but only anonymously
Rich "people" are subhuman morons, news at 11.

>> No.13160775
File: 265 KB, 750x190, book top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rebecca Black
She was smart enough to realise that she was a meme and made the most of it. If you can laugh at yourself, a lot of people will forgive past foolishness. Or you can continue to take yourself super seriously and end up with pic related...

>> No.13160822


>> No.13160894

someone start a new one so i can post what i've been working on without the thread getting pruned midway

>> No.13160968

You ever tried roleplaying? Pretend that youre a sad sack of shit and write what they would think. Half of emotion is just convincing yourself that thats how you feel so if you get into the mind of someone sad then youll be half way there.

Also, try watching or thinking of things that you find legitimately sad. Use the feeling you get from that and imagine its however much worse you need it to be.

>> No.13161103

What do you guys think of the professional writing scene? Is the poverty worth it? You can do it well enough with a part time job but a fulltime just kills your soul too much.

>> No.13161249

Full time or part time, any job that you dont like will kill your soul. I work full time and, while I just started seriously writing again, I have no problems working full time and writing. It helps that I like my job and that Im able to spend some of my time at work writing as well though. I wouldnt ever count on the money I would make from writing being any serious contribution to my income, not unless I became a serious best seller.

I write cause I have a story I wanna tell, not because Im counting on making any real money. Seems like the best mindset to me.

>> No.13161391

>Why are you even writing?
Started out as an average, appropriately sad fuck trying to escape the misery, no worries. Writing was probably the biggest contributor to the transformation. It's comforting as fuck when you have something that no one can take away, no matter what happens. There is a sort of detachment for observation too; how am I supposed to get stressed over a breakup or having no money to buy food for the next four days when all the stuff are experiences and potential sources of inspiration. It's just now I feel like a screen with brightness calibrated too high.

For this thing specifically roleplaying feels either like I'm doing a parody or it gets sabotaged by my instinct to look for a way out or at least some upside, I just can't hold on to the feeling of powerlessness or hopelessness or emptiness, or general unfairness for long enough to disappear in the character and the thinking necessary to stay inside. And sure, I could pull of something blatant as sadness when a loved one dies but the subtler stuff just doesn't feel right. Say, the sadness one would feel when seeing some starved/abused/bullied child or even smaller shit like the crush throwing away some heartfelt gift. On these it feels like I'm either swinging too much to melodrama or doing it too subtle which comes of as too cold.

Now one obvious conclusion could be that I'm a just a shitty writer, which is likely; but I rarely found examples of a sad scenes (specially about subtler stuff) that worked for me from the pro's either unless aided by music, which is basically cheating. Even for my own thoughts I need musical support to slip past the brain barrier, and then the focus switches too fast from the thoughts and feelings to the music.

From all the things I tried, only good ol' vodka seems to work, just not reliable enough since it leads to a more positive outlook nine out of ten times too.

Don't think anyone really passionate about writing thinks twice about the monetary aspects. It's too close to a lottery. Even getting a novel published is unlikely to pay the bills for long.
Also while a fulltime job is draining as fuck, it adds a sense of desperation and drive; doubt it's sustainable for too long if you hate every second of it but shorter <1y gigs can be helpful to step the fuck up, despite the time they consume.

>> No.13161493

Honestly, Im not someone that many things effect either. Truthfully, Im almost always in a neutral contentedness that I rarely rouse from. Even if something does make me tear up, or feel any emotion at all, it passes very quickly.

Go for a temporary explanation of the sadness, a heavy heart hidden behind the facade of a smile as your crush tells you youre a great friend. The pity mixed with despair at seeing someone less fortunate struggling to survive, knowing that you could provide help but never taking action. A tear welling up whenever you think of a dead family member, your chest a mixture of warm reminiscence and cold reality.

You dont have to drag it out, you just have to make what theyre feeling apparent. If its something that should stick with them then just have them be reminded of it in similar things and supress their sense of humor a bit. If theyre supposed to be depressed, remember that depressed people sleep a lot and tend to spend their time alone, turning down offers to hang out with people even though it would probably cheer them up. Preferring to wallow and ruminate in their home.

>> No.13161502
File: 962 KB, 1500x981, Progression_Louis_Wain_IllustrationChronicles_1500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much does the quality of your writing actually play into getting your first book published? If you're confident in your abilities, what's the best way to get things out there? I'm very familiar with the "it's who you know" system and have always hated it.

My current conditions are very flexible, and it's not necessary to support myself with writing. I've spent the past several years as a filmmaker, but I want to return to a form of expression where I don't have to rely on 50 other people just to achieve one product.

>> No.13161628

Basically what this anon >>13161249 said. I worked as a freelance copywriter/editor for a year, and while it was fun it didn't really pay much and after a while the thrill of telling people "I'm a professional writer" gets a bit boring when you can't afford to do anything. So I managed to get a full time job as a copywriter for a small company that paid pretty decently, but it was 9-5, plus hours in traffic. I still managed to sneak some time to write my own stuff and still look like I was working, but that work got boring as hell pretty fast and left me with pretty much no free time except weekends. I did manage to get some good writing done though, just because you learn to appreciate the time you have. You waste it less.

Honestly, if I were you, I'd just get a job. You can put your income into going to writer's festivals, groups, actually living and experiencing stuff in life. Or get a rich friend to finance you. Patreon might help with that.

>> No.13161662

It's a combination of luck, networking, and quality of writing. You've got to be lucky enough to have your manuscript land on the desk on someone who is going to appreciate your work and give you that first chance you need. That's where networking comes in handy. If you're already in a creative field, you might already know people who can give you that little boost up you need to get started.

>> No.13161894

what do mothers talk about with their mothers?

>> No.13161985

I don't think you are apathetic about your writing based on your post. It could be that you are just hyper critical of yourself, holding your writing to an unrealistic standard.

Perhaps share some of what you have written?

It's a reflection of your state of mind? I've noticed that my state of mind/mood/worldview influences everything I write. Becoming more self-aware can deliberately trying to write in a different style could help. For example, take a sentence or paragraph and rewrite it by identifying the exact words and expressions that are campy and rephrasing them. It might be slow at first, but once you get the hang of it it should become easier and more natural over time with practice.

That certainly is an interesting combination. I'm not very familiar with Polandballs or Eva so I can't really provide anything more constructive.

They want to control what men find hot because left to their own minds men don't find them hot.

Screencapping this, really solid breakdown and general advice.

You might have better luck making a thread asking for recommendations.

>> No.13162091

>the kids
>the things mom does wrong with her kids
>wider family stuff (guy related to grannies sister has problem with his marriage, mom is supposed to talk to them both)
>today I did random thing X and met random person Y
>something about the family and kids of random person Y
>back to teh kids
>when they will meet again
>back to complaining about parenting
Would be a start.

>> No.13162146

started a group on fb
>implying we can discuss literature
I'm very alone

>> No.13162191

>having facebook

No thanks pal

>> No.13162531

Like dude. For reals.
Haha, I never thought my posts would be quality enough for a screen cap. Thanks.

>> No.13162678

Beautiful map , looks like Warhammer

>> No.13162981

>There was a muffled chuckle from Bob, a quiet preamble for his coming words. “Guess it was a shitty idea to trust your friend, eh?” Audible groans echoed Bob’s pun, each complaint acting as fuel for his chuckle, feeding it until he broke out into full laughter.

Hows this sound? Still feels a little weird to me.

>> No.13163366
File: 108 KB, 500x700, 1556384976680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Work nighttime security. I will continue to preach that it's the most /lit/ job in existence, especially for writers.
>work 3 days a week, 12 hour shifts
>work a lot construction site and factory depending on the day
>arrive as workers are leaving, leave when they arrive
>only thing I have to do is watch a gate and patrol once every hour
>read, plan, and write the rest of the time
My output has increased by a magnitude of at least ten, and I'm learning and growing at a pace I didn't think possible. Plus I get 4 days off (where I deliver pizza part time and spend time with my daughter and wife) that work as an excellent reset period. I rarely work during those 4 days, but I come up with a ton of ideas and have a chance to truly consider and meditate on what I'm writing. Take the security pill bros, especially if you're single. Make your work pay you to become a better writer.

>> No.13163475

Another option from a different anon: IT. Most IT jobs will have you monitoring and responding to problems. Therell be times where youre busy all day but, at least at my job, I get ~4 hours of down time a day. If youre working IT for a company theres basically nothing to do once everything is setup, you just gotta wait for it to break or for new equipment to come in.

Alternatively, by dad works for a large power company and his job is to just sit and watch the grid for 12 hours a day, 3-4 days a week, and coordinate if something breaks. Otherwise, he just sits and waits.

>> No.13163638

>being able to switch from job mode to writer mode while at work
Absolute madman.