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13129434 No.13129434 [Reply] [Original]

If you had a chance to beat up any philosopher in history, who would it be and why?

>> No.13129511

Diogenes for being a redditor smartass who thinks he is intelligent but is really the biggest pseud ever to exist.

>> No.13129518

Do Marx and Freud count as philosphers?

I'd pummel them.

>> No.13129552

This. Followed by The Rope.

>> No.13129558

I'll hold down Marx for you. I don't care as much about Freud

>> No.13129572 [DELETED] 
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id beat the fucken SHIT out of witty
tractatus my ass you pear shaped cuck

>> No.13129586

diogenes used to be "our guy"

>> No.13129596

I wanna smack bataille until his face is bleeding raw but he'd probably enjoy it

>> No.13129604

A psy-op conducted by redditors on this board

>> No.13129608

Challenging dogma is the opposite of reddit my man

>> No.13129621


>> No.13129668

I want to see if I could beat Socrates in a fight

>> No.13129673

Nietzsche, without mercy, until he breaks down in tears

>> No.13129707 [DELETED] 

Stfu oven-dodger

>> No.13129713

>thinks he can beat up an ancient greek war vet
You're in over your head, kid

>> No.13129715 [DELETED] 

i would obliterate (((voltaire))), if you could even call him a philosopher and not the brainlet charlatan libtard cuck degenerate he truly was

>> No.13129725

I think he count like a sophist. It will be not really that hard to beat Voltaire, the man who spit christianity but eventually converted (not a bad thing).

>> No.13129731

Our perception of a scholar, philosopher, teacher, etc etc is a weak old man who can’t stand on his own 2 legs, but back then they were all chads, Plato and Socrates were both veterans

>> No.13129744

>he thinks I'm a kike
i wish you were a philosopher so i could beat your ass

>> No.13129747
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Is THIS in your mind, Berkeley?

>> No.13129749

jordan peterson hehe...

>> No.13129750

You’re probably (((white))), aren’t you Ben Bernstein?

>> No.13129760

Rousseau because he was a fucking retard
I want to beat him until he realizes the error in his ways

>> No.13129766

>tfw a light in, around, or near someone's eye causes you to think of a "charging up" noise
really watched too much dragonball as a kid

>> No.13129770
File: 84 KB, 500x382, heeby_jeebies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sure am. and let's not forget, fellow white person, that the two of us are extremely privileged and should feel ashamed

brb, gonna go wash this pyramid brick dust off my fingers

>> No.13130461

seriously, I want to know just how strong he was. I honestly think of him as some kind of gorilla

>> No.13130504
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It would be John-Paul Sartre for giving up on Existentialism and becoming a Marxist. I'm not saying Existentialism is master race but I wanted to see where he could have taken it.

>> No.13130510
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It would depend when you fought him. If it was during his twilight years, then I could see it happening. Young Socrates would beat the fuck outta you otherwise.

>> No.13130514

nietzsche wished to shoot all anti-semites!

>> No.13130518

Hegel made me feel stupid while reading his Phenomenology so I wouldn't mind kicking his kraut ass.

>> No.13130520

Bachelard, for being the biggest dork in existence like holy fuck

>> No.13130588

you'll have to get through me first

>> No.13130591

>implying marxism and existentialism are mutually exclusive
>implying marxism isn't the logical next step for existentialism

>> No.13131611

Foucault. He is a coward and a liar.

>> No.13131621

Quite literally putting your ass on the line

>> No.13131629

It's been said, but Rousseau for being a fucking faggot

>> No.13131646

probably plato for having such a bad influence on philosophy for millenia to this day. or kant, just cause i also dislike his philosophy and is probably easier to break.

>> No.13131712

I want to beat the shit out of his faggy face

>> No.13131794

>doesn't like Plato or the pedantic goblin
I don't want to know who your patron philosopher is

>> No.13131846

prob neitzsche do he can cope more

>> No.13131849

stfu oven-dodger

>> No.13131888

lmao nice opinion you fucking faggot, the guy is literally anti-pseud incarnate and in fact would spend most of his free time BTFOing said pseuds

>> No.13132104

>implying marxism is anything but a regression

>> No.13132381

He'd probably kick your head in.

>> No.13133464

Ok Steven Pinker

>> No.13133468

Foucault would destroy you and then shit his pants from laughing too much

>> No.13133637

Jean-Francois Lyotard, then I'll tell him it was Jouissance and he secretly enjoyed it.
No, they're an economist and a psychologist respectively.

>> No.13133657

>Voltaire converted to Christianity
Who told you that? He was denied a Christian burial.

>> No.13133703

Does Camus count as a philosopher?
I want to mess his pretty boi face and see if he'll take his "dude, just be urself" philosophy seriously once he's too ugly to get laid

>> No.13133812

have sex

>> No.13133841

Fuck off Albert

>> No.13133994

Pick one.
>believing a HIV positive, book worm retard has even the slightest ability in a fight

>> No.13134035

You are what you eat

>> No.13134049

You know Greco-Roman?

>> No.13135814

Russell for sure.

>> No.13135848

>literally everyone must respond to plato
>kant is one of the best modern philosophers
>you want to beat kant up because you can’t understand him
fucking brainlets, i tell you

>> No.13135874

OP said philosopher, not retarded faggot shill.

>> No.13135881

Foucault would let you beat him and cumb while you did it.

>> No.13137032

Martin Luther.

>> No.13137056

I'd beat Aquinas's fatfuck ass beyond natural reason. "The saints are loving watching me kick the fuckin' sin out of you, pork roll."

>> No.13137061

Super based post.

>> No.13137343

Kant. He's an unpleasant little incel gremlin with unearned smugness and a hoighty-toighty attitude. I want to box that midget around the room and turn him black and purple.

>> No.13137408

Imagine freud ever practiced something as brainlet and dumpster fire tier as "philosophy"

>> No.13137444

this, absolutely fucking this

>> No.13137477

Jean-Paul Sartre but just because he was the embodiment of a little bitch both IRL and in his work

>> No.13137670

Plato just for the fact he acted like hot shit, but later on i would buy him a couple of beers and talk about life and his philosophical insights, a debate if you will

>> No.13137731

Locke, I would give him a most unreasonable beating.

>> No.13137781

Stirner. I agree with his philosophy but i still wanna beat the shit out of him. So i will. Because i want to.

>> No.13137813
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>not a single SARIMA model in the Capital