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File: 74 KB, 567x720, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13127003 No.13127003 [Reply] [Original]

Any defences of peadophilic rape, aside from Ev?

>> No.13128020


>> No.13128033

psychoanalytic interpretations of Lolita written after 1950

>> No.13128071


Any specific one? Could you give me a quick rundown?

>> No.13128133
File: 50 KB, 510x154, davies_review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i haven't read them thoroughly enough to give an honest recommendation. from what i understand, though, Robertson Davies' review was the one that really rocked the boat. pic related contains a few of his comments

also, here's a link to the full text:

>> No.13128187

Both of you have been reported to the FBI. You're welcome.

>> No.13128203
File: 92 KB, 696x448, stephanie_madams_on_lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz no. now i have to move again

>> No.13128238

I miss the anon who was in love with Lolita and kept making threads about her everyday

>> No.13128281

again? Have you been raping kids?

>> No.13128299
File: 38 KB, 643x416, jeffrey_masson_on_lolita.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if he's up for parole soon

>> No.13128328

Disgusting, vile scum of the earth. I hope you the most painful death. Kill yourselves and never post on this board again.

>> No.13128358



>> No.13128377

Because you want to rape kids. Kill yourself.

>> No.13128422


Why do you not? Serious queue.

>> No.13128440

go and be a moralfag somewhere else

>> No.13128473

>all this phony fucking morality
they welcomed it, faggot. you probably would tooooo

>> No.13128578
File: 143 KB, 600x600, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If pedophilic rape is defensible, shouldn't rape also be as a whole? In what sort of moral framework, is it okay to force a child into sexual acts, but not a grown woman? I don't understand why you needed to out yourself as a potential predator, wtf

>> No.13129405 [DELETED] 

I mean yeah morality is subjective and you can follow any value system you want, but that means I can follow a morality of hanging pedophiles, which most of society agrees with. How's it feel being ostracized pedos?

>> No.13129424

Can't think of any yourself huh?

>> No.13129451 [DELETED] 

maybe on a /b rekt thread theres a shitload of abortions on there today because of Miss

>> No.13129469

The definition of a poor reader. And this guy reviews books as a profession? Absolute shit

>> No.13129515
File: 168 KB, 900x750, MV5BYmYyMmIwNzgtMGY2YS00OGJkLWJjYzUtZjVjZDE3NDg5MjIwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTc4MzI2NQ@@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they fell for it hook, line, and sinker

>> No.13129726
File: 254 KB, 378x367, DE7665BD-2D31-49BA-B5D2-04A1C17DC768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don’t know who Robertson Davies was, I take it.

>> No.13129939

thank god no one responded to that piece of shit

>> No.13129985

the fuck is an Ev?

>> No.13129996

i also would like to know this

>> No.13130001


It was a joke. Evola did (apparently) defend rape, though.

>> No.13130007

oh, right. except he liked rape because it was "an expression of the male spirit" or some shit -- not because he explicitly liked the idea of women suffering

basically the lesson here is to never cite evola in anything or bring him up in casual conversation unless you're planning to retire early

>> No.13130021

let this thread die, dont post

>> No.13130048
File: 178 KB, 1400x2079, Alice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not exactly a defense, but a less condemnatory view of the humdrum pedophile

>> No.13130065

nigga did you actually read this? he lopped off a child's head because she wouldn't be quiet. how the fuck is that not condemnatory?