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/lit/ - Literature

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13126090 No.13126090 [Reply] [Original]

Write the book you last read, the book you're currently reading and a book you want to read, I'll start:

>The Gambler/Bobok/A Nasty Story: Dostoevsky
>A History of Western Philosophy: Bertrand Russell
>L'Homme Révolté: Albert Camus

>> No.13126574

I’ll bite. Let’s include a short synopsis about the last book we read to make this thread more interesting.

> Salem Possessed by Boyer and Nissinbaum
Read this for a history class. It’s my first historical novel. I enjoyed it, as it underpins the social forces that created the Salem witch trials. Lots of multigenerational financial woe. A quick and enjoyable read.
> Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann
> Dream of the Red Chamber by Cao Xueqin

>> No.13126623

OKay but i read mostly non fiction, pls no bully

>enemies: a history of the FBI, Tim wiener
>wretched of the earth, Frantz fanon
>revolutionary yiddishland, some jew

>> No.13126710

True a synopsis would be better.

The book I read was a short novel and two short stories, The Gambler is about a Russian tutor in Germany whose gambling addiction destroys him and affects his personal life, and he assumes if he gets what he desires he will be able to change his habits but when he discovers the girl he loves is in love with him his friend gives him a meagre amount and says he would give him more but tells him he knows he would squander it, and with the money he goes straight to the roulette tables. Bobok is a story about a downtrodden unsuccessful author who goes to a graveyard and listens to their conversations, and is taken aback by their degeneracy even in the grave. A Nasty Story is about a high ranking general with liberal views who goes to the wedding of his subordinate and ruins it and causes him much distress and hardship.

>> No.13126780

What do you think of Fanon? He seems based

>> No.13126820
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I notoriously start a million book and never get too far - what do

I guess I search for information and once I somewhat got an idea, I skip on to the next related thing. Consuming other media (youtube videos, say) on the same subject contributes - but I like the "speed up" and perspective. But I'm not sure if going deep instead of wide wouldn't be better

>> No.13126824

>Read - A Wizard of Earthsea, Ursula K. LeGuin
I needed to give my brain a rest after finishing uni, and this did the trick - nothing too magnificent, but a pretty comfy little story all things considered, and it's amazing how much newer fantasy stories straight-up stole from it (the magic school turns up in Harry Potter and Kingkiller Chronicles, the "true names" magic in Eragon).
>Reading - Malignant Velocities: Accelerationism and Capitalism, Benjamin Noys
I wanted to understand what the hell Nick Land is always going on about, and this looked like a decent explanation/critique - so far though, only the Introduction has really been helpful, Noys takes each chapter to look at a particular moment in history that was vaguely obsessed with "technological development", like the Italian Futurists and Stalin's five-year plans, but it doesn't really seem to link with the basic idea of "pushing capitalism to its extremes so it'll collapse". But I'm only about a third of the way through, maybe it all coalesces in the end.
>Want to read - The Book of Urizen, William Blake
I keep seeing this guy memed around on /lit/, and want to know what all his "prophecies" are about - I read the Songs of Innocence and Experience in high school, and remember liking them well enough, so this should be interesting. My copy has nice artwork, at least.

>> No.13127015

He definitely hates whitey and properly articulates why, if that’s your thing

>> No.13127053

I have the same problem. I want to read so many different things and it's hard to pick what to focus on.

>> No.13127061

Based, kill baguettes

>> No.13128047
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>Blood Meridian; or, The Evening Redness of the West by Cormac McCarthy
Moby-Dick in the desert.
>The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne
Moby-Dick except funny.
>Pierre; or, the Ambiguities by Herman Melville
Moby-Dick in idyll.