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13125395 No.13125395 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about the Globohomo Agenda?

>> No.13125400

My diary desu

t. midwit Jew who created the whole conspiracy in his shower and goyim are so dumb they still think he's a world controlling mastermind

>> No.13125414

The globohomo agenda has nothing to do with homosexuality and everything to do with transhumanism.

All of it is incremental attacks on the sanctity of the body to normalize transhumanism. I can elaborate for hours, if you wish.

>> No.13125431

What you refer to as the "Globohomo Agenda" is nothing but another manifestation of capitalism.

>> No.13125445

Imagine the smell. Disgusting

>> No.13125448

The Fourth World War, by Marcos the Zapatista

>It is about homogenizing, of making everyone equal, and of hegemonizing a lifestyle. It is global life. Its greatest diversion should be the computer, its work should be the computer, its value as a human being should be the number of credit cards, one's purchasing capacity, one's productive capacity. The case of the teachers is quite clear. The one who has the most knowledge or who is the wisest is no longer valuable. Now the one who produces the most research is valuable, and that is how his salary, his grants, his place in the university, are decided.

Globohomo stands for global homogenization

>> No.13125451

Well they sure look like man at least

>> No.13125454

Isn't this exactly what someone pushing the globohomo agenda would want you to think, no? Isn't this what institutions like the CIA would want you to believe? That everything is a symptom of capitalism? Then why has the CIA been the most productive agency of the last 50 years; if they gathered all the intelligence in the world, then surely they would know that capitalism stears the ship and certainly not institutions, right? Why would they bother spending an infinite amount of ressources in pretty much all the countries on earth if it weren't the case? Who else but the CIA has gathered all the data in the world? What you are saying is that Foucault is 100% wrong and that power dynamics don't exist? Do you have an idea why the CIA would sponsor every psychologist, behaviorist, psychiatrist, cybernetic researcher, AI prophet from the 50s onwards? Is Aldous Huxley wrong on every level? Why do they STILL do it if capitalism takes 100% of the shots?

>> No.13125455

the cia is not nearly as clever/powerful/rich as you think

>> No.13125458

post moar

>> No.13125462

The CIA is nothing but a powerful tool for banks and financiers to further their global grip with

>> No.13125469

I did not know, but my point still stands. Global homogenization IS a push towards transhumanism. Global homogenization implies the destruction of the christian and muslim worlds, understood to be the number one obstacle to the implementation of 'progress' - and most importantly; transhumanism.

Once you understand that transhumanism is the end goal; EVERYTHING makes sense. The /pol/ phenomenon, the rise of neutered marxism in the US, the politicization of the youth, homosexuality, transexuality, liberalism, christians vs muslims, identity politics, scientism etc..

>> No.13125482

It is the Yankee imposing reconstruction on the planet, following in the wake of the Briitish Empire. Read Heidegger if you are really interested in fully understanding, Maududi if you want practical approaches to resistence.

>> No.13125485

you are an utter brainlet. have you read more than a dozen books?

>> No.13125488

Do not take 'CIA' as face value, we lack the words to express the workings of today's liberal institutions, unfortunately. Read Foucault.

But nonetheless, you are downplaying the role of the CIA hard. Has the CIA not been sponsoring EVERY psychologist, behaviorist, psychiatrist, cybernetic researcher, AI prophet from the 50s onwards? That, you cannot refute since it is absolutely true. From Huxley to Grof, to Kurzweil, all of them are on the CIA payroll (directly or indirectly, through CIA sponsored universities) Anyways, if the only answer you can muster is "it's not the CIA" you won't be taken seriously for long, as it is a crucial, pivotal perspective to adopt into in order to comprehend the globalized world.

>The CIA is nothing but a powerful tool for banks and financiers to further their global grip with
Yes, so the most powerful tool of subversion in the world. But like I said, and will reiterate for as long as necessary, do not think of the CIA as a monolithic enterprise, they themselves have moved away from this type of structure to that of a chemical reagent. The CIA is whatever you want it to be, either a catch phrase for insidious liberal institutions (of the western world) or the CIA itself.

There are no CIA agents, only reagents.

>> No.13125502

shut your ass, moron. I have genius IQ, come from a wealthy family, I've lived in many countries, studied at an actual elite school as a youngling. I started reading the canon at 8. Your parents did not even read you bedtime stories, you were doomed to be a failure from the very start. DO NOT insult my intelligence. If you don't comprehend my point then leave, simple as. And I also couldn't care less if I sound pretentious, insofar as only plebs and lower class swine will ever feel threatened by 'pretentiousness'. I can guarantee you that I'm, at the very least, 10x more well read than you sorry peasant ass. Either bathe in the mainstream narrative of your existence of ever perpetuating mediocrity, or read my posts and move forward. or simply ignore me, I don't care.

>> No.13125525 [DELETED] 

Dust your dragon dildos, faggot

>> No.13125529

is this pasta?

>> No.13125532

The CIA obviously has engaged in widespread social engineering but this has lead to various unintended consequences for them and for everyone. They have power but they don't have a crystal ball.

>> No.13125543

wrong, CIA have the time machine.

>> No.13125550

I'd believe it. The amount of people pushing the idea that men and women have only surface-level sexual differences (or at the least deny there should be separations based off of it) has skyrocketed as of late, and transhumanism basically plies for a world in which those kinds of differences are null and void.

>> No.13125551

Can you recommend something specific from Maududi? He was prolific.

>> No.13125597
File: 376 KB, 593x402, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 3.13.49 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Audience, Bless 'Em (1959)
The Medium is the Message
YEAR 1999 AD
Satanic Cults and Ritual Crime [VHS] [1990]

>> No.13125612
File: 428 KB, 616x345, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 3.15.04 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CIA, and secret services in general, are not all powerful supergeniuses but morons, frauds and nepotism cases

>But this crazed witch hunt didn't harm MI5 at all. Quite the opposite - because together the spies and the journalists created an image in the public imagination of a dark world full of hidden treachery. The spy world became a fascinating other universe that was full of layer upon layer of deception, where the men who inhabited it spent their time trying to penetrate through the circles of falsehood to the inner sanctum of truth.

>It was an image that was powerfully helped by John Le Carre's novels - and his anti-hero George Smiley. Le Carre's novels were a clever piece of PR - because they appeared to be more gritty and realistic than the glamourised James Bond image.

>But it was just another layer of deception - because Smiley and his search for a hidden mole expressed powerfully the paranoid and unfounded fantasies of the dissident MI5 agents.

>But it was a world that was all made-up. Le Carre - who had himself been a spy - admitted this, and described what the true reality of the spy world was:

>"For a while you wondered whether the fools were pretending to be fools as some kind of deception, or whether there was a real efficient service somewhere else.

>Later in my fiction, I invented one

>But alas the reality was the mediocrity. Ex-colonial policemen mingling with failed academics, failed lawyers, failed missionaries and failed debutantes gave our canteen the amorphous quality of an Old School outing on the Orient express. Everyone seemed to smell of failure."


>> No.13125645

>They have power but they don't have a crystal ball.
They don't have the skill or finesse, either. They've buggered up every op they've ever put together.

>> No.13125863

youre a big institution

>> No.13125883
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>DO NOT insult my intelligence.
>comma splice on first line
Thanks for outing yourself as a seething brainlet. Come back when you can rite gud.

>> No.13125890

Cosmopolitanism by Kwame Appiah

>> No.13125929

subscribe to jays analysis for 4,99 a month!

>> No.13126005

Anything by E Michael Jones

>> No.13126559

This is pretty accurate. Moldbug also had pretty good takes on the nature of liberalism's unsecured power necessitating an alliance of the high with the low against the center.

>> No.13126635

>life is never as exciting as you imagine it to be; always disappointing
whats new

>> No.13126654

I thought we were all the same, why is them being black celebratory?

The left want to separate us along racial lines more than ever.

>> No.13126964

Why the fuck does the one second from the left have her sleeve insignia upside down?

>> No.13127048

The CIA is actually awful at intelligence gathering. They mostly just subvert other countries instead, or indeed even the US itself. It's like a cross between Giygas and Slaanesh, it doesn't understand the form of its own attack yet pushes the "liberation" agenda regardless.

>> No.13127085 [DELETED] 

globohomo means the biggest gay

>> No.13127935
File: 186 KB, 365x382, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 10.47.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


1:35 its ronnie reagan!

Motion picture studies of Ronald Reagan reveal characteristic patterns of facial tones and musculature associated with homoerotic behavior. The continuing tension of buccal sphincters and the recessive tongue role tally with earlier studies of facial rigidity (cf., Adolf Hitler, Nixon). Slow-motion cine films of campaign speeches exercised a marked erotic effect upon an audience of spastic children. Even with mature adults the verbal material was found to have a minimal effect, as demonstrated by substitution of an edited tape giving diametrically opposed opinions…

THE CONCEPTUAL ROLE OF REAGAN. Fragments of Reagan’s cinetized postures were used in the construction of model psychodramas in which the Reagan-figure played the role of husband, doctor, insurance salesman, marriage counselor, etc.

The failure of these roles to express any meaning reveals the nonfunctional character of Reagan. Reagan’s success therefore indicates society’s periodic need to re-conceptualize its political leaders. Reagan thus appears as a series of posture concepts, basic equations which reformulate the roles of aggression and anality. Reagan’s personality. The profound anality of the Presidential contender may be expected to dominate the United States in the coming years. By contrast the late JFK remained the prototype of the oral subject, usually conceived in pre-pubertal terms. In further studies sadistic psychopaths were given the task of devising sex fantasies involving Reagan. Results confirm the probability of Presidential figures being perceived primarily in genital terms; the face of LB Johnson is clearly genital in significant appearance–the nasal prepuce, scrotal jaw, etc. Faces were seen as either circumcised (JFK, Khrushchev) or uncircumcised (LBJ, Adenauer). In assembly-kit tests Reagan’s face was uniformly perceived as a penile erection. Patients were encouraged to devise the optimum sex-death of Ronald Reagan.


>> No.13127980

It is now

>> No.13128014
File: 511 KB, 703x466, Screen Shot 2019-05-16 at 11.01.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The latest, hottest prop for House Democrats is a rather unexpected one: A cardboard cutout of former president Ronald Reagan. The Republican has been accompanying some Democratic congressmembers for the last few days, ever since an aide to Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer bought the thing online for $30.

>Blumenauer brought the Gipper along when he argued for a 15-cent raise on the federal gas tax, Chris Moody reports, because such taxes also went up while the godfather of the modern GOP was in office. The next day, Reagan reportedly stood next to Representative Luis Gutiérrez as a supporter of immigration reform. (Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986.)

>The staffer responsible for this impulse buy, Patrick Malone, told CNN that the GOP tends to forget how much of what they oppose actually happened under the former president, and that the Dems don’t intend to stop using him. “We’re not going to put him in deep storage,” he said.


>> No.13128354

>le schizoanalysis

>> No.13129307

Anything and everything by Sam Francis. Of course he's out of print now.

>> No.13129320 [DELETED] 

what does trump's face resemble?