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/lit/ - Literature

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1312378 No.1312378 [Reply] [Original]

Dear /lit/,

today, after reading it nearly 9 months, I finished Gravity´s Rainbow. Needless to say, I didn´t get it. Obviously there was enough in it to keep me going, some fun dialogues. Once in a while an interesting idea or a creative combination of various concepts. The sexual content probably was on the edge for its time, but has no shocking value any longer (after you've seen /b/ once). The author knows his stuff, that's for sure (as an engineer myself I could really appreciate the technical puns), but still, I expected more.

tl;dr you tricked another one into reading an unreadable book which isn't really special

>> No.1312392

Just because you didn't like it doesn't mean you got "tricked". Other people got more out of it than you did. Maybe it was 2deep4u, or maybe you just have different taste from the people who recommended it. I'm sure that some people lie about liking GR to appear intelligent, but there are plenty of others who genuinely regard it as one of their favourite books.

>> No.1312421

There are numerous facets to a novel, themes, language, plot, characters, many books play with some of these more than others, just because you mightt not be able to make sense of something like Finnegan's wake's plot, for example, it doesnt mean that it is worthless. the great gatsby has shit content but is written very good, etc.

>> No.1312607

Yes, all literature that you don't understand must be the product of an emperor's-new-clothes conspiracy by pretentious eggheads.

Not that I understood Gravity's Rainbow all that well...