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/lit/ - Literature

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1311853 No.1311853 [Reply] [Original]

Thanksgiving is usually a family shitstorm...but this year...this year was a bit different.

I started A Clockwork Orange a few days ago and its sitting on my table beside my bed. Today I ended up having long conversations about it with both my father and grandfather throughout the day. It turns out my family reads more than what I originally thought.

Does your family read, /lit/?

>> No.1311863

My dad read LOTR and Greek myths to me as a child. That progressed to reading the Illiad and Odyssey, Epic of Gilgamesh, (all the major ancient epic poems) together.

So, from learning to read with those, I progressed to novels and so on, and my dad always helped me and discussed with me.

We still share books now, of contemporary stuff, discuss, and he appreciates my starting of my own poetry.

>> No.1311867

>>read book
>>Hey Mom, what did you think of this book
>>"Oh, i read it like twenty years ago"
>>What's your opinion on insert central theme or character
>>"Don't remember"

>> No.1311871

I posted about my aunt and uncle bringing their ipads to Thanksgiving dinner a couple of pages back - naturally I went snooping through their libraries and it looks like Franzen has the 45-year-old white people who work for universities and take cooking classes demographic on lock

>> No.1311876

my father used to, but, and I quote, "everything good was already written, I can't seem to find a book that doesn't give me the 'been there done that' feeling"
and it does seems like he read every book I ever read.

my mother reads allot of new-age crap and some serious Buddhist texts from time to time.

>> No.1311890

my sister was /lit/ before I had /lit/

The derisive eyeroll she gave me when I said Consider the Lobster was really annoying but I was getting into Bukowski lately was a living, breathing >mfw you're a faggot .jpg

>> No.1311893

This happens to me too, but its sadder.
"Oh i read that book/watched that film 30 years ago, i can't really remember it tough, its from the time i tried to be an intelectual"
She had to start working as soon as she finished highschool to support her family. After, she had to support her sons, and now she is just old and tired. Im trying to get her to study psychology like she allways wanted, but she tried once and she feels unconforable since she has 55 years.

>> No.1311897

>to appear intelectual

>> No.1311907

I can't relate to most of the people in my extended family, so instead of sitting down and watching TV, I opted to read a book. I finished a few chapters of Dune when my aunt walked in and inquired as to what I was reading. She told me she hadn't read Dune but had heard good things of it. Later, my cousin caught me reading and recommended me 1984. She said she enjoyed reading it when she was back in highschool and explained how it was 'totally freaky.'

That's about it. The two people I expected least to be readers actually were.

>> No.1311934

My dad used to be a big fan of Dylan Thomas, Jack London, Pablo Neruda and Howard Zinn. Now that he's older all he reads is Lincoln biographies.

I'm pretty sure all my mom reads is celebrity memoirs, True Blood novels and Jodi Picoult.

>> No.1311948

My dad read chapters of Lord of the Flies to me when I would go see him as a kid, eventually gave me his edition. I have it on my nightstand.

My step dad got me into Tolkien

My grandma introduced me to Chandler and Hammiet, two of my favorite authors.

I never met him, but apparently my grat-grandpa was heavily into Lovecraft and Dunsany. One day, my grandma saw me reading one of Lovecraft books and told me about this. Also a big D&D player and pot smoker. I bet we would have gotten along pretty well.

>> No.1311969


LOL! Enjoy your entry level literature (if you can call it that). Come back to /lit/ when you finish high school.

>> No.1311981 [DELETED] 

Nope. My dad could probably count on one hand how many books he's read in his life, my mom reads about 2-3 ghost-written romance novels a yearn, my siblings watch TV or play video games all day, and I'm pretty sure my grandma isn't even completely literate.

I honestly have no clue where I got my love of reading from

>> No.1311984

Nope. My dad could count on one hand how many books he's read in his life (I have to proofread all his emails for him; it's brutal sometimes.), my mom reads about 2-3 ghost-written romance novels a year, my siblings watch TV or play video games all day, and I'm pretty sure my grandma isn't even completely literate.

I honestly have no clue where I got my love of reading from

>> No.1312000


Get a load of this guy.

>> No.1312014

My mom reads the most of my family. But it's mostly Oprah-Book-Clubcore. She recently read the entire Twilight series and described it as the worst thing she's ever read.

>> No.1312020

the one exception where censorship actually proved beneficial to a book. that last chapter made me half laugh half rage at the guy's stupidity.
"raping and killing is just a part of adolescence"
"sociopathy is something you grow out of"

>> No.1312306
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> mfw When my mom is a Russian Lit Major
> mfw When my grandmom is a French Lit Major.
> mfw When my uncle bought me a copy of Catcher for my 13th birthday and it's his wifes favorite book.

>> No.1312314


>> No.1312316


Haha, holy shit.

>> No.1312369

My dad doesn't read any, but he still has a bunch of chemistry and physics textbooks from college.

My mom, on the other hand, has a bookshelf full of Twain and Steinbeck and Dickens and that stuff, but most of the time I see her reading Nicholas Sparks and John Grisham.

>> No.1312406

Oh my god.....you mean your grandma has head of one of the most famous sci-fi novels ever?
And your cousin reads super popular book 1984 in high school because it was required reading?

Damn, you've got some family thats mega underground readers.

>> No.1312408


>> No.1312410
File: 29 KB, 600x540, Girugameshguy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Epic of Gilgamesh