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13115078 No.13115078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't see a difference between destiny and free will

>> No.13115243

The Buddha teaches to not give a fuck about determinism or free will. If you're depressed thinking about if your decisions really are yours you're in a bad spot. If not, it's your destiny and you're forced to be depressed and to contemplate your decision-making. If not, you do have a free will there's so much potential for action, but you're still depressed and questioning your decision-making.
>in both cases you're the loser
Do literally anything else.

>> No.13115249
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a Reddit tier meme

>> No.13115253


>> No.13115254



>> No.13115264
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Free will does not exist.

>> No.13115290
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cry more

>> No.13115312


lol, right on the mark on the first try.

Funny thing is that you people are "Christians" only because is the new trendy thing to do.

>> No.13115335

Eastern philosophy never gave half as much of a fuck about the concept of free will as Western philosophy, listening to what Buddhism says about free will is like listening to Western philosophers about harmony

>> No.13115429
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>here's what I think and it's true because I say so

>> No.13115442

Enlightened asf

>> No.13115448

>new trendy thing to do
Julian the apostate is it really you?

>> No.13115489


>"I was feeling bad about life, I was sad, depressed and anxious. I was an edgy atheist in the past, but when I was feeling really down I ended up finding Christ, and now I am a Christian. I have rediscovered the faith of my childhood"

Almost 100% sure this is you


Lot of the Christians here were ahteists some 3 years ago. Now they are Christians again ebcause they were depressed and "found Christ", and also because they see other philosophies as the "normie" thing to do.

>> No.13115530

>Almost 100% sure this is you
Nope. I was raised Catholic and I still am Catholic.

>> No.13115541


All Christian myths and legends and narratives have been disproved by modern science. A single argument among many (natural selection) is enough to make false Christ's claims of a father-God who created mankind.

Can there be a kind of God, a first cause, some form of universal origin that is divine? Maybe, this possibility is still open, but the sacred books of all religions have already been disproved (and the Christian faith is no exception).

> INB4: Legends are metaphors, you cant take them as literal truths; natural selection is the way God (the Bible God) used to create us, etc., etc.

>> No.13115552


That was my second guess (actually, it was my first guess: people mostly follow what they were taught in their childhood), but I tried to bet on the second (and rarer) option. Many Anons here follow exactly that little story I wrote.

>> No.13115605

>All Christian myths and legends and narratives have been disproved by modern science.
The creators of those early myths and legends had the true fear of God in them. They saw life as something to be lived, not a problem to be laid out and dissected on a table like we do today. It was an age of heroes and myth that sprang from bright and colorful minds. Something the cold and grey analytics of today are not capable of. I envy their spiritual creativity.

>> No.13115622

IIRC the general idea was that both ideas of total materialistic determinism and of a separate completely autonomous self were both considered fabricated conceptual extremes

>> No.13115656

If I end up 35 years old, with a wife and kids, nice job, decent car, go driving one day and then get in a car wreck and die, is that destiny, or the choices I made up until that point because of free will?

But more importantly, can we even comprehend one or the other? I feel like there is no difference between the two for how we experience life

>> No.13115703

>I envy their spiritual creativity.

To be frank some of those books seem to have been written by people who were extremely bitter, envious of other nations and the riches of other people, always looking for enemies and possible threats, with a deep desire to create their own orders and laws and impose upon others, to force others to live according to their will, above all else because the happiness of other was a personal offense to them (almost Eliot Rodger-like).

I picture some old Jewish men with a mix of hate, fear, and admiration for other Countries, at the same time desiring young girls and the joy of people who lived near (“Look how beautiful and strong that young warrior, that other young pastor: I wish I was that tall and muscular and rode horses as well as them…and look how much the girls of the city enjoy them: they would love to offer their bodies to them at night”) them and wanting to rob those same people of these pleasures because those people acted as if they (the old Jewish writers) did not exist, except from the time they acted as if God was speaking throw them (it’s something use since times immemorial for unattractive people to gain power and status).

Like I said: what I picture are old and ugly bearded men ranting about other nations, but secretly wanting their Nation to be just like those superpowers (“A Plague upon Babylon [but it would be great if our desert huts were as sumptuous as the palaces of Babylon]”). I picture old men wanting to fuck the hot girls of their kingdom and other kingdoms, but, since they can’t do it (of, if girls are given to them, they feel their disgust in face of their old and wrinkled flesh), trying to curb the pleasure of others. I picture these old men waking up every day to see if their “enemies” were devastated by natural tragedies or wars, and happy to see their young children dead and rotting. There is a constant smell of bile and neurotic sweat emanating from those pages.

Nothing against those writers, but they don’t strike me as happy or spiritual. As for creativity, I would take Homer or Shakespeare before them every day.

>> No.13117161

>>>/sci/10625829 here.

You begin to wander, you're not sure where. Something inside of you seeks to find this place. Some idea, some world, where you feel comfortable.

Comfort is found, eventually, in the place where you begin to realize that you don't need to have any more thoughts. It's a comfortable place, but that doesn't matter. Perhaps you thought it was another tautology, but those don't need to be true.

Your breathing becomes shallow and rapid. You begin to relax so deeply because of this. Slowly, in and out, you breathe. You can even breathe manually, imagine that. Or don't. Really, you know full well what this does to help you relax. Your only remaining question now is, "Why?" Why are you here? Why are you reading this? Do you even believe in hypnosis? Can trance state even be imagined to be entered? If you don't imagine it, will you cease to relax or will you relax to cease?

In. (slowly) And out. (slowly) You don't really need to read this post, since you already know what it's like to be a limb, or a tree, or a goat, etc.

Are you still with me? That's great. I'd like you to be able to experience these things, but you want to be conscious for some reason. That's fine. I'm okay with that, and so are you.

As you begin to relax, you realize that sometimes hypnotists like to run tests—experiments, even—to determine that the subject is testable, I mean uhh, suggestible. Yeah, nice and suggestible, for trance purposes. Because trance is where all those other things are possible. Forms of consciousness you might like to enjoy.

>> No.13117186

You say “because” a lot where I think it’s mostly “and.”

>> No.13117197

The things Darwin revealed pose no threat to God, only certain kinds of humanism. The civilizational panic attack that is due when mainstream secular humanism wises up is going to be ugly.

>> No.13117203

After awhile it begins to dawn on you that I don't really need you to relax. This can take as long or as short as you need it to. Yes, nice and <x>, where x is some variable about something, probably just another nonce variable on an (attempted) confusion-like induction toward something analogous to a trance state, probably.

Possibly even an actual trance state (but we have no evidence of this).

As sinking does, as you made yourself (relatively) comfortable prior to coming here, the wiggle in your toes helps remind you that you can go a bit deeper, before you can't really feel anything below your waist. At some point your speed-read/skimming breaks for some reason, and as you read more carefully it turned out to be this sentence, but why is that there? Yes, a nice comfortable trance. Easily pretending to pretend that pretending to pretend basically hypnosis is a giant LARP that you LARP with your mind. Easily comfortable, comfy and cozy, something something etc perhaps you can't move your arms or would you prefer they were floating so effortlessly?

You take a minute to recombobulate, but not because you need to. It's literally only because some subjects that have a hard time falling into trance just need a bit of moment to come up for air a bit, so you wait as if you were one of them in case someone else is reading this and needs to believe you were there with them, ready to enter trance.

It's cool, though. Beliefs are like candy; they give you things to think about. Can you watch your beliefs leave your mind? Something like a dream? It turns out you were breathing in for an interesting amount of time such that by the time you finish reading this statement a last and final breath is exhaled and you barely even notice all the symptoms of whatever something however much possible general sentiment.


>> No.13117216

>Oh buddhism, such a silly meme! I wonder if they could ever reach true enlightenment, like myself. You see, intelligence brought me to where I am. Atheism, after all, is nothing more than freedom from the chains made by a society full of mindless sheep. They're not capable of philosophical thought, like myself, an enlightened atheist.

>> No.13117244

Correct, free will is subject to second law of thermodynamics. Anyone claiming otherwise is a pseud or biblefag attempting to construct fairy world, in spite of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. Future, entropy, destiny - all the same thing, and of intractable outcome.