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13114751 No.13114751[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is r*ditt unironically place ruled by satan?

>> No.13114754

it's ran by US intelligence which is arguably worse than satan

>> No.13114756

maybe /b/ is more your style

>> No.13114759
File: 127 KB, 1106x1045, 6ED64A96-80AB-430B-AC3B-566BCBDBEBB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, probably

>> No.13114767
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Reminder that the sex organs have internal roles to play and that butchering the vasa deferentia results in a much higher chance of developing dementia.

>> No.13114787
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No more than anything else. Satan is inescapable, and must be resisted eternally.

>> No.13114797

>children are good keep breeding you guys make fun of people who dont want a financial and emotional burden that might end up being a failure or succumbing to existential dread of existing on a dying planet

yea those guys are hella lame! LMAO

>> No.13114812


Everyday I drift closer to National Bolshevism...

>> No.13114818

imagine irreversibly cuckolding your genes and bloodline for hedonistic pleasures
yup, thats gonna be definitely yikes for me

>> No.13114820

Having a kid right now is like if the Greeks were focused on founding colonies while the Persians invade. But no, I'm a bugman for wanting pertinence in impertinent times. That's how you solve catastrophes, you pour fuel on them! If only I'd have thought of that first.

>> No.13114827

>children are bad, good white goy... uh, guys, don't have them! oh, and don't mind tyrone and ahmed impregnating your women hehehe

>> No.13114828

two seconds in an already a veiled ramblings about invading "others" you're so predictable

>> No.13114854

While I agree it’s not right to give birth to a child as a slave, it’s not like there is much else of value in the material world to enslave yourself for. Slave masters everywhere.
Sex has maximal emotional and physical value when you are copulating to have a baby. Anybody who has raw dogged a womyn they love and nutted inside by “accident” knows what I mean

>> No.13114882

gay sex is more honest than hetero sex. at least we're honest with our intentions

>> No.13114903

Have all my upvotes sir! The only people I know having children are backwards evangelicals in Kentucky.

>> No.13114943

What's the point of a vasectomy?

>> No.13114946

Hi can you explain what brought you to that conclusion?

>> No.13114985

Hmm, that's interesting. Got any links for me to read?

>> No.13115017

Who is 4chan run by?

>> No.13115025

Silicon Valley nerds who adore David Foster Wallace

>> No.13115026



>> No.13115036
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These two legendary shits

>> No.13115079

>Lol just give up man

Good thing people like you dont breed on the off chance your shit attitude was inherited

>> No.13115091

Why the fuck are you hanging out in /r/childfree.
OP is a KEK alert lmao

>> No.13115120

the US and everything it produces it's ruled by Satan

>> No.13115139

It's more contagious than hereditary.

>> No.13115140

sex without any chance of pregnancy
only problem is you can't have a kid afterwards
which sucks

>> No.13115218

Reddit is a pile of trash. I checked the front page about a month ago: of the 50 top posts, 13 were about vaccines LMAO, THIRTEEN OUT OF FIFTY yet these brainwashed swines don't even realize reddit has turned into corporate central. Its actually frightening, the majority of the population has been completely neutered.

>> No.13115239

This, the only purpose of sex is to have children, and with that, before that should be marriage.

>> No.13115257

Or you can be a not monkeybrain and pull out.

>> No.13115261

I'd like children, but without a woman it's not happening.

>> No.13115278

were they antivacc or memes about antivacc

>> No.13115280

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.13115309

Do you have to ask???? Who has the money and power to coordinate raids on one of the most visited website in the world? "Antivaxxers"? They don't even exist, they were propped up to shield vaccine companies from criticism, and of course, humans being dumb, some of them eventually fell on each side, even if both 'sides' were originally 100% artificial.

>> No.13115317
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>he doesnt know about artificial wombs

>> No.13115323

>Impotence and consumerism
Name a more iconic duo. I'll wait.

>> No.13115328

What exactly are you saying my man, what are vaccine companies doing?

>> No.13115393
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The mysterious millionaire and technology guru named Fourrest Channelstein

>> No.13115400

>oh shit agent wilson we've been found out! commence datamining

not a chance CIA nigger

>> No.13115417

>However, it is unclear if there is a causal relationship

>> No.13115516

>dude! just pull out every time it's easy!


>> No.13115536

he literally castrated himself voluntary, with the only difference being keeping the ballsack

>> No.13115548

That's a big difference

>> No.13115610

for you

>> No.13115634

>THE MAN hasn't let us cut randomly selected male's genitals apart

>> No.13115637

If you don't reproduce you are an organismal failure

>> No.13115644

It actually is

>> No.13115650

not /lit/ related

/r/books is better than what /lit/ has become

>> No.13115783

Have sex

>> No.13115788


>> No.13115803
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>> No.13115821

So why do you guys defend natalism so much? When you >muh legacy post and care about a future that isn't certain is that you or your ATCG pairs talking?

>> No.13115830

>t. Agent Glow-In-The-Dark

>> No.13115836

fpbp, also rare case of butterfly not being completely retarded

>> No.13115846
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>African migrants
>Texas border bridge

>> No.13115888
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>antivaxxers don't exist
>they were invented to protect pharmaceutical companies from the nonexistent antivaxxers
>therefore vaccines are bad!

>> No.13115948

oh so it must be true

>> No.13115964

People who constantly talk about antivaxxers are more annoying and dangerous to society than antivaxxers

>> No.13115976

>muh perfect knowledge

>> No.13115982

>muh genes
ah so we care about fucking science all of a sudden now do we

>> No.13115983

wait a minute, what happens to the ejaculate building up in the testes?

>> No.13115990

He's still having sex unlike 99% of this thread

>> No.13115999
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>the real problem is the people who get mad about the problem!

>> No.13116005

god i fucking hate reactionaries

>> No.13116015

When has the left ever cared about "science"? They believe life begins the the moonlight first hits the face of a fully grown infant and after spending 4 decades trying and failing to find "the gay gene" now men and women don't exist.

>> No.13116016

The good thing is that you've found a way to feel smug and superior to both

>> No.13116022


>> No.13116028

t. reactionary

>> No.13116029

>muh feels

>> No.13116038

Peak reactionism. You're obviously fuming mad and irrational

>> No.13116039
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>I cant have kids now
>think of my career!!

>> No.13116040

look dude if you want to fuck with your testicles don't the feels of anyone who finds that information compelling stop you

>> No.13116048

t. reactionary

>> No.13116059

The good thing is you've found a way to feel smug and superior to people you're scared might be feeling smug and superior to you.

>> No.13116061

t. seething reactionary

>> No.13116064

Did I hit a nerve?

>> No.13116065

t. reactionary

>> No.13116068

You are the one whose nerves have been hit.

>> No.13116072

My only problem is online fags annoying me 2bh

>> No.13116075

>n-no u

>> No.13116082

>being this reactionary

>> No.13116083

You are the one who is stuttering.

>> No.13116088

t. reactionary

>> No.13116097

Stop shitposting, incel

>> No.13116103

t. reactionary

>> No.13116113

personally, it would have been a wiser choice to leave the door open if you change your mind, you never know. There is no immediate benefit to sterilizing yourself, except for the cuck in OP's post

>> No.13116124
File: 1.37 MB, 720x480, paul.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>men neutering themselves
>women crushing their babies to death in the womb while they kick and wriggle
>children are becoming "drag queens" and encouraged to become gays and trannies
>60% of people are on soul-neutralization pills and think this is normal, and never give one thought to what the pills actually do (tip: because nobody knows, especially not the people who research, develop, or prescribe them)
>children are forced to take soul-neutralization pills before they can even decide how they feel about it
>% of sexless frustrated men is probably 50%
>% of young women who are complete whores is probably 85%
>IQ dropping
>attention span dropping
>90% of the top 100 music singles are rap songs
>children are given tablets and start watching algorithmically selected autoplaying filth with ads from birth

>> No.13116138

>soul-neutralization pills
what are those

>> No.13116143

Prescription drugs in general, maybe he's talking about anxiety medication or anti-psycotics specifically

>> No.13116151


>> No.13116152

By definition yes. Almost any like based economy is friendship with the World and therefore enmity with God.

>> No.13116177

okay I'll leave you to seethe over it

>> No.13116189

You stupid cretin. Ejaculate is made in the prostate. You still cum after a vasectomy, just without sperm cells.

>> No.13116199

>hah i proved that he doesn't have absolute knowledge and that the threshold for belief is subjective

>> No.13116234

thats because its not butterfly

>> No.13116267

t. reactionary

>> No.13116296

god im glad ive never told anyone about my teen depression

>> No.13116321

>bro it's on wikipedia it's got to be true


>> No.13116331

>changing your argument from the information not absolutely implying what was inferred to the information not being reliable in the first place

>> No.13116333
File: 327 KB, 736x916, MIshima.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a financial and emotional burden that might end up being a failure or succumbing to existential dread of existing on a dying planet

I can agree with this but when the option is to spend your life playing videogames and living as a pathetic hedonist I feel nothing but contempt. A least be honest, embrace the void and kill yourself. Living as a pet cucked by corporations is sad.

>> No.13116349

lol have sex

>> No.13116408

I haven't been around much lately, so I'm a bit out of the loop. You're telling me that the butterfly ITT isn't the lesbian communist butterfly who lives in the UK?

>> No.13116414


>> No.13117172

tfw i will never look like a greek statue


>> No.13117221
File: 115 KB, 819x665, 1557823264607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's real
I thought it was just a joke. I can't believe this dumb meme scenario actually happened.

>> No.13117339

I love and hate The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. It gives me a bittersweet sense of nostalgia for the high school experience that I never had...;_;

>> No.13117412

me and my brother

>> No.13117415

based butterfly imitator

maybe I should start imitating butterfly as a "fuck you" to that fruitcake

>> No.13117448

based, open your border wh*toid

>> No.13117478
File: 71 KB, 384x313, shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't have kids you'll just be replaced by immigrants

>> No.13117494

>>women crushing their babies to death in the womb while they kick and wriggle
how come women never did this with rapebabies created by invaders?

>> No.13117525

"Responsible men can become more deeply convinced of the truth of the doctrine laid down by the Church on this issue if they reflect on the consequences of methods and plans for artificial birth control. Let them first consider how easily this course of action could open wide the way for marital infidelity and a general lowering of moral standards. Not much experience is needed to be fully aware of human weakness and to understand that human beings—and especially the young, who are so exposed to temptation—need incentives to keep the moral law, and it is an evil thing to make it easy for them to break that law. Another effect that gives cause for alarm is that a man who grows accustomed to the use of contraceptive methods may forget the reverence due to a woman, and, disregarding her physical and emotional equilibrium, reduce her to being a mere instrument for the satisfaction of his own desires, no longer considering her as his partner whom he should surround with care and affection."

>> No.13117538

I used to think like childfree community when I was younger but now the older i get the more I want children.

>> No.13117541

So what happens to the sperm cells they just die in that tube? Where does the waste go?

>> No.13117568

99% of /lit/ would not make good parents, if they ever reproduced at all...

>> No.13117585

shut up american.

>> No.13117603

Sperm dies in them with no where to go aside from the epididymis which becomes chronically enlarged. While it can turnaround, it's inefficient and was never meant to be this soley stored up there. Sperm is just a minute portion of the ejaculate as the other poster said but it's enough to cause chronic pain and swelling. You're dealing with NPC bugmen who just want to fuck all day and they really aren't attuned to pain. Inflamation is present in virtually all patients having underwent the procedure. I would never have the procedure done and view it as barbaric and without medical purpose.

>> No.13117614

t. Imbecile that doesn't understand how experiments work and the difficulties of experimental design for such and appeals to ignorance as means to validate his hypothesis and deny the other.

>> No.13117625

You can go back to fit now.