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13113101 No.13113101 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy a meme or no? Hauntology seems like the same thing as a Spook or Phantasm but of capitalism's late stages. Seems like he crtiqued everythign rather than prescribing to a certain group, and ironically enough hes kinda taboo in Accelerationist circles because after the stagnation of capital Hauntology has essentially become its definition itself were on repeat of lost futures with no progression.

so is he a meme or the stirner of this generation

>> No.13113136

Hauntology is Derrida's if I'm not mistaken
He's more of a pop culture fanatic than a theorist

>> No.13113241

He's great, his recent surge in popularity is testament to that. If you take a look around his K-Punk blog you'll find some really fantastic pieces, which are relatively accessible. He's very much a thinker who critiques cultural studies from within.

If you're going to read anything by him he has an essay called "Escaping The Vampire's Castle" or something to that effect -- its outstanding. I'd also recommend his essay "Marxist Supernanny" and his comments on Disneyland when he went there in 2005 IIRC.

You're right about Hauntology being a theory of Derrida's too. The strength of Fisher OP is that he translates people like Derrida and Lacan into readable accessible prose without reducing their arguments inordinately.

>> No.13114441
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Agreed with basically everything you said. Exiting the Vampire's Castle was so poignant and on the nose that the reaction to it (which the essay itself predicts and warns about) got him so cancelled that it basically killed him.

Capitalist Realism is short and very accessible at only around 95 pages. It's probably the best way to jump into Fisher's work and critical theory if you're new to it.

>> No.13114453
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Mark Fisher is like modern socrates, with discord trannies playing the role of the city of athens.