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13111644 No.13111644 [Reply] [Original]

why are people so unwilling to take the gnosis pill?

>> No.13111651

It's too based for most people. They're enslaved to their religions with ridiculous dogmas that try and fail to explain the most important theological question of all.

>> No.13111652

That being?

>> No.13111660
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because animals are based

>> No.13111662
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The problem of evil, obviously

>> No.13111674


>> No.13111682 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13111685

How do you know Satan isn't misleading you?

>> No.13111698
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Scientism == Gnosticism

>> No.13111703 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.13111708

Uh. Is he famous for saying “god isn’t really dead tho”?

>> No.13111727

>hurr durr

>Rudolf Steiner met Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche when he was working on the famous Weimar Edition of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's works then in preparation under commission from the Archduchess Sophie of Saxony. She subsequently asked him to arrange the Nietzsche library and even admitted him to her ailing brother's presence. He spent several weeks in the Nietzsche Archives in Naumberg fulfilling Förster-Nietzsche's request. He also edited and wrote introductions to the works of Jean Paul Richter and Arthur Schopenhauer. Further, he was acquainted with Eduard von Hartmann and dedicated a book to him.

>> No.13111737

Ah. Okay, but why post him here with the shooped eyes?

>> No.13111739

Becuse it’s a giant LARP.

>> No.13111743

Suggestions on books to learn more about gnosism?

>> No.13111759

you are so unlikeable. if you were anonymous I would never know it.

>> No.13111771
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Seriously just fucking kill yourself, you are ugly, fat, stupid and no one loves you. Everything you post is garbage that makes the world just a little bit less bearable.

>> No.13111776

All religion is a LARP even atheism

>> No.13111782
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>screeching attention whores

Will someone give this anon a rec >>13111743

>> No.13111787

He overcame Nietzsche like Nietzsche did Schopenhauer and Wagner
>It must not be the case in the future, that men are thus economically differentiated, as it were, to such an extreme degree that they will not learn from each other. Because that would mean that there would gradually spread over Asia a certain Ethos, such as one finds advocated in the fire-sounding words of Rabindranath Tagore. In Central Europe there would sp read in another form — that which certain Nietzsche-fops have already advocated — a certain “Beyond-ness” of good and evil, a certain Aestheticism, even in moral ideas. We see here the triumphant march of this Aestheticising making itself felt, especially towards the end of the 19th century. And then the merely utilitarian standpoint would pour out over the West, cleverness in the utilitarian standpoint, a caricature of the Spiritual element from the utilitarian standpoint, etc., etc.
>Michael teaches how recognition can be made to-day if men are willing to listen to him. For the Michael schooling has worked on and still to-day it is possible for men to draw near it. Then it teaches how Ahriman himself as an author has made attempts — first attempts of a deeply shattering, deeply tragic character — working, of course, through a human being. Nietzsche's Anti-Christ, his Ecce Homo, his autobiography, and the annotations in The Will to Power — those most brilliant chapters of modern authorship with their often devilish content — Ahriman was their writer, exercising his sovereignty over that which in letters on the Earth can be made subject to his dominion through the art of printing! Ahriman has already begun to appear as an author and his work will continue. On Earth in the future alertness will be necessary in order that not all the productions of authorship shall be deemed of the same calibre. Works written by men will appear, but some individuals at least must be aware that a Being is training himself to become one of the most brilliant authors in the immediate future: that Being is Ahriman! Human hands will write the works, but Ahriman will be the author. As once the Evangelists of old were inspired by super-sensible Beings and wrote down their works through this inspiration, so will the works of Ahriman be penned by men.

>> No.13111798
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>> No.13111814

Esoteric Science, Rudolf Steiner

>> No.13111838

you’re a brainlet

>> No.13111848

i want to make a kid

>> No.13111850
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>Implying you have read every book pertaining to religious texts on religion about religion pertaining to this epoch and the epoch before you and anyone your age was born
Reddit, is, the, other, fucking, way, you, brainlet, retard

>> No.13111879

Kant proved intellectual intuition is impossible

>> No.13112076

it looks interesting, but then when i see tons of hollywood and mtv types that are "into" it, it makes me think it's all either bs, or completely real but in the evil way.
better to be a boring normie than lose your soul just to be edgy.

>> No.13112127

Can’t take anyone who died a virgin seriously.

>> No.13112183
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because it's retarded

>> No.13112309

It's the original protestants so who not only did what to have a special reading of the Bible but wanted to have extra text in it.
The gnostics have been addressed in the early days of Christianity so no need to dig it back up.

>> No.13112334

how so

>> No.13112336

Its shit

>> No.13112451

Read these books together:

The corpus Hermeticum
The chymical wedding of Christian - Rosenkreutz
Superstring theory vol 1
String theory vol 2

>> No.13112466

It limits God

>> No.13112469

because magic doesn't real

>> No.13112473

i like her more than i like you :)

>> No.13112474
File: 33 KB, 333x499, 51eXRyo+TQL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_ (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This edition of the Nag Hammadi Library

>> No.13112475

>raging on a tripfag just cause you're a newshitter

>> No.13112563
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Because I'm a fedora and STEMmer who just by chance has a /lit taste.

>> No.13112744
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The Hans Jonas one.

>describing yourself with abstract words.
You're not a smart one.

>> No.13112761

define gnosis pill

>> No.13112805

Because its poison.

>> No.13112811

Orthodox and Catholic Christianity solve the problem of evil first things first.
Gnosticism can only autistically screech

>> No.13112827

Real world = bad
Fantasy acausal realm with no suffering and eternal bliss = good

>> No.13112838

>Orthodox and Catholic Christianity solve the problem of evil first things first.
Imagine actually falling for their mental gymnastics.

>> No.13112843
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yes this >>13112474 and pic related are good. also here's some online resources http://www.earlychristianwritings.com/gnostics.html

>> No.13112855

oh, ignore the Elaine Pagels recs that that link gives btw. Pagels is a hack fraud

>> No.13112856
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>Orthodox and Catholic Christianity solve the problem of evil

>> No.13112860

That pic ain't funny

>> No.13112864

Yes they do completelly and totaly. Book of Job, St Augustine on sin, hundreds of books. More advanced on the problem than anyone else is was or will ever be.
Gnostics can't even cope.

>> No.13112868

>Book of Job

>> No.13112880

>nervous laughter in lieu of argument
Thank You Lord for having granted me another victory on the heretics that disgrace Your Name and Your Kingdom. May they know redemption and reach the Light of your Presence. Amen.

>> No.13112887

>names books instead of making an argument
>presumes to chastise others for making non-arguments

>> No.13112891
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>points to the most embarrassingly retarded OT story he could find

>> No.13112894

very based anon right here

>> No.13112902

This thread is more retarded than gnosis threads on /x/.

>> No.13112908

The arguments presented are Well known and have been for centuries.
You can either try to disprove them (You can't: you've been trying since the enlightment and failed miserably each and every time, each time more humiliatingly) OR You can seeeeeeeeethe, """laugh""", do anything but to distract people from the obvious fact that You are retarded.
You elected the second option and now try the most tired card of all: the false fucking equivalence.
Thank You again oh Lord for this victory.

>> No.13112924
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>The arguments presented

>> No.13112931

The fundamental question: How can the creator God be good, if I do not have a girlfriend?

>> No.13112937

Some were made as eunuchs for the kingdom of God

>> No.13112946

Yes the arguments presented. Go read the fucking book of Job and do your own home work on one of the fundational books of western civilization brainlet.
God is good in part Because he won't just give a gf to an autist like You. Can You imagine the suffering of that poor hypotetical girl?

>> No.13112960
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Already read your jew book. It doesn't solve shit and only makes you look like a simpleton for believing it does.

>> No.13112967

You probably could have presented the arguments yourself in this amount of time. I'm beginning to think that you don't understand them.

>> No.13112999

I don't know

>> No.13113052

>your jew book
Genetic fallacy. Ignored.
Fair enought.
God doesn't 1) allow evil for those that deserve it 2) allow evil to test people 3) allow evil to those that sin as punishment. 4) God doesn't simply allow the "appearence" of evil while everything that happens is actually Good.
Rather God operates saying:

“Who has a claim against me that I must pay?
Everything under heaven belongs to me.” Job 41:11

The point is pretty clear, and there's no such thing as a problem of Evil in Christianity.

>> No.13113400

imagine being that woman who got abducted and trapped in a wooden coffin for seven years in America, only being let out one hour a day to be force fed and tortured. Imagine being under any circumstance of torture that are deliberately drawn out, slowly inserting needles into someone's pupils after removing their eyelids so they can't even stop looking. People forcibly restrained and denied all sensory input or bodily autonomy until they eventuallg break to the point of insanity, but still aren't given the mercy of death. People who contract parasites that slowly hatch and begin to eat the body from within, often in the head or brain keeping the victim awake at night frol the sound of their flesh being eaten. Men evil enough to rape a newborn, killing it in the process. All of this occurs in a world under god's dominion, and the roof of human pain seems to have no upper limit. I dread to think what sadists will do if longevity research is successful. All of this can occur as long as someone can physically overpower someone else and stop them from escaping. And anon on /lit/ says you can't say this is wrong because God is God and you're not.

>> No.13113432

Imagine having no argument but fucking strawman.
What's next? A kid drowned in the mediterranean trying to reach Europe illegaly so all Italians are racists If They don't accept all 150 milions north africans in their country?

>> No.13113441

Seems more like you're God is evil anon.

>> No.13113450

Seems more You're fucking crazy.

>> No.13113540
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Absolutely everything is larping. When you study or contemplate some object or idea, it is only larping to have those properties. And the contemplation is just a larp by you. You are larping and everything around you is larping, universe is one big larp, that larps for the sake of larping.

>> No.13113544

gnosis is an experience not a body of literature

>> No.13113560

Lmao you believe in Iron Age fairy tales and you're calling him crazy?

>> No.13113570
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>A short freedom into human inquiry