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13110601 No.13110601[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

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Take the philosophy test

Others tell you which philosopher you're most like

pic related are my stats

>> No.13110666
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>> No.13110671
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Why did janny delete the previous thread?

>> No.13110736
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>> No.13110787
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>> No.13111034

I am a monotheist
50 50 on all but

>> No.13111052
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>> No.13111064

>I would rather be in a sexual relationship without intimacy than be in an intimate relationship without sex.
sex is intimate
>A world without colour is far darker than a world without order.
colour is order.
>The ends usually justify the means.
meme categorical imperative question, but fails because it doesn't apply it to a moral dilemma. Putting bread in the toaster as a means will justify the end of making toast.
>I would rather live a life of personal pleasure than settle down and have children.
having children is a personal pleasure
>My mental wellbeing is more important to me than material possessions.
mental wellbeing is a material possession
>I prefer friendships that help me grow as a person as opposed to ones that are exciting.
that which is exciting is new, that which is new helps you grow. These two are the same thing, not opposites like the retard who made this thinks.
>I will usually put my family, my community or my people above my own personal goals.
those are personal goals
>The world of ideas is superior to the physical world.
world of ideas is physical
>We can never perceive true reality.
as opposed to fake reality? lol

the final distinctions are supposed to be opposites, so I guess I'll tear those down as well.
>Materialism vs. Spirituality
What about material with spirit?
>egoism vs. altruism
What if your egoistic will is to help others?
>idealism vs. pragmatism
all pragmatism is idealism
>rationalism vs. romanticism
the rational romanticize rationalism, and the romanticists rationalize romanticism. The two are nowhere near being opposites.

And why are half the questions fucking "be wealthy/famous or be moral/happy"? What a shitty quiz. It is to be expected that discord trannies collecting data wouldn't realize categories are much more complex (because they don't exist at all, they are just a framework employed by pseudointellectuals after the fact, and are therefore a complete mess). Even though people will fall for it because they want to fit into a group and be validated.

>> No.13111068
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>> No.13111115
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I honestly thought I would score a lot higher on idealism

>> No.13111122
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>> No.13111150
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>> No.13111193
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I always get different results from times to times. Most of the questions i think myself "i don't fucking care, just let people be" "wants to be emotional? just be it. rational? just be it" "that's personal choice, i can't answear for everyone" "this question can mean a bunch of things, some i agree, some i disagree"
For exemple: the morals questions are really hard, well morals can mean not getting naked in public or dating same gender (conforming witg traditions) or not punching people in the face and killing others (justice), i'm incapable of aswearing such questions with such polisemic word.

Anyway, dichotomy is always garbage
I only took the test for fun but this is purely mbtishit, iqshit, zodiacshit, buzzfeed quizzes shit, all pseudo science, at least this one does not claim to be science such as iq garbage and mbti crap

>> No.13111201
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>> No.13111237

There was times that i got almost 80%-90% idealism, asceticism, nihilism, romanticism and skepticism. I think the current winners were always the most predominant such as:
The first one is always a mess because the questions are a mess

The questions about pleasure are literally not my business, just let people be, brah.
Some of them took as egoism are just questions about anulling yourself, unrealistic. Some of them are just about "hey, maybe i shouldn't stay in this room that everybody is punching me"
The test: yep, that's egoism for me

>> No.13111268
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>> No.13111303

PLUS: i never understood the times that i get more spiritualism if the description is:

"Metaphysical Axis: How you view reality.
Materialism: All of reality is physical and material.
Spiritualism: Some of reality transcends the physical and material."
Wtf? I'm not "spiritualist" AT ALL. It seems that some questions about materialit are about economy mixed with universe, literally wtf

"Societal Axis: Your attitude toward society.
Egoism: The individual is most important.
Altruism: The community is most important."
Yeah, but we can't deny the individuals uniqueness, queerness and diversity

"Decision-making Axis: How you approach decision-making and your actions.
Idealism: The underlying principles are most important.
Pragmatism: The results are most important."
I'm 99% with idealism

"Sensuality Axis: How you approach your indulgences.
Hedonism: Pleasure is intrinsically good and should be desired.
Asceticism: Abstinence from pleasure in order to discover meaning is most important."
Literally i couldn't care less, not my bussiness, totally personal

"Meaning Axis: Whether you believe in objective meaning.
Nihilism: Neither meaning nor morality are objective.
Moralism: Morality and meaning are objective - to some extent."
Again, morals are really tricky and polisemic

"Values Axis: What you value most.
Rationalism: Intellect and logic.
Romanticism: Passions and the heart."
Up to the individual, but i guess 50%-50% is fine. Also don't mix me valuing art with me hating on science, both are equally valuable

"Epistemology Axis: Your attitude towards knowledge.
Skepticism: We can never truly know anything for sure.
Absolutism: There are objective truths that can also be understood."
Yeah, tricky and delicate

>> No.13111308
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>> No.13111347
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wanna be friends :)

>> No.13111366
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Yep, good old existentialism

>> No.13111367

I answered like 10 and got bored so fuck this

>> No.13111462

holy based

>> No.13111488

You seem like a good person anon

>> No.13111504
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>Romanticist master race

In my experience, those who prioritize being correct over being kind are rarely either. Scientific progress only exists to make people's lives a little easier, forgoing all civility for the sake of advancement is a waste of fucking technology

>> No.13111620
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These questions would've been easier to answer with more context. Especially the last one (if they're all the same)
Something along the lines of helping those in society in need or something like that. I was thinking yeah, but only if they contribute back as well, or have fallen on hard times. I'm not gonna help the wasted pothead who beats his wife but I'd be fine with helping the family who's kid has a disability.

>> No.13111695

these threads are for retards and anyone who takes the test is one too. This is the equivalent of taking a buzzfeed test and sharing it on twitter.

Get the fuck off this board your just stat padding your weak personalities

>> No.13111715
File: 48 KB, 490x662, dichotomytests phil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13111796
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>> No.13111824

im sorry youre so angry about something so insignificant, man.

>> No.13111840
File: 189 KB, 720x1138, Screenshot_2018-12-01-11-19-44-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some questions have weird wording imo, but I feel like this is pretty accurate.

>> No.13111844

Also recommendations pls.

>> No.13111900


>> No.13111908
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>> No.13111921
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>> No.13112302
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>> No.13112535
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>> No.13112546

I took this test once before. It's a pseud test with pseud dichotomies for pseud non-philosophers. It's not very good. But then, none of these tests are. I hate all of them. Political tests, MBTI, etc. They're all based on false dichotomies, terrible categories, and have zero real nuance.

>> No.13112746
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>> No.13112768
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>> No.13112804
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>> No.13112806
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>> No.13112851
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>> No.13113344

Chill bro, most people here are just doing it for fun. It's not like anyone believes that if one was a cake, one would be a carrot cake, it's just for fun. You should be mad at IQfags, MBTIfags and Zodiacfags, those are the ones that believes in pseudo science

>> No.13113517
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>> No.13114377
File: 412 KB, 611x1125, 405B8C8E-02EE-4196-A9BF-AE85FFD3D03E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of these questions are trash. It is easy for rich people to support poorer family members. Self-interest can mean not being selfish, so it’s a meaningless term without context. You can have both wealth and love and it is easier to find love when wealthy.

>> No.13114385
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>> No.13114456

Being kind is the correct path

>> No.13114590
File: 74 KB, 542x889, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost everything in the middle oops

>> No.13115497

this test and their political one suck ass

10-11 questions for 7 binary categories where each answer moves you 5-10 points

>> No.13115535

why does the test state "#thankyoupewdiepie" at the start page?

I thought this was serious, not full-on cuckoldry

>> No.13115563

the questions were too retarded for me to finish the "test"

I suspect this was a "test" that was actually designed by your common or garden post2016/lit/ spastic

>> No.13115632

>philosophy test
most of it was politics

>dichotomy test
most of it was false dichotomies

>> No.13116149



>> No.13116561


>> No.13116719

Yeah, this website is pretty bullshit.

>> No.13117471

I gave up a turd of the way in