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13106836 No.13106836 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the greatest sci-fi novel ever written.

>> No.13106849

ok what was your favorite story ?
The canceller and priest are the best right ?
You have betrayal planet genocide, super alien parasite martyrdom, great emotion.

>> No.13106851

Consul is a based
Kassad is a Shrike
Silenus is a madman comma absolute
Ummon is a dank meme
Lamia is annoying
Keats is a fag
The last two books are shiiiiiit

>> No.13106856
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>Endymion books were bad!

>> No.13106857

I like this book, OP!

>> No.13106861
File: 31 KB, 420x704, Childhood's End - Clarke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13106866

self-insert fantasy with waifu jesus

>> No.13106878

>childhoods end
Clarke was uniroincally a pedo btw

>> No.13106886
File: 135 KB, 306x512, God_Emperor_of_Dune_Cover_Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never read Hyperion. But I'm certain that no book could top this series.

>> No.13106894

Is it worth it

>> No.13106896

Yes, yes, YES.

>> No.13106946
File: 244 KB, 1600x763, red mars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supreme champion coming through.

>> No.13106954

If Hyperion is the best science fiction has to offer, then science fiction is a weak genre. The only good stories were Priest and Scholar.

>> No.13106955

It's unfair to call it a good series when 50% of it is just filler you have to wade through to get to the end. I personally have never read the last book because I couldn't finish book three. Book one is good, book four might be good, but the middle books are painful to read. It's good as a standalone novel, that's for sure, but as a series it’s quality falters.

>> No.13106969

Hyperion shits all over Dune. I can't comment on Emprah of Dune since I was done with the series after Messiah

>> No.13106975

Shit was made up, breh. Do you even Wikipedia?

>> No.13106985

So you're saying, Clarke ended some childhoods.

>> No.13107212


I remember I read Dune and Messiah a few years ago but I'm forgetting some bigger and smaller details since I never got round to reading Children or God Emperor, worth just re-reading from the start again or can I just dive straight into the third and fourth book?

>> No.13107330

The Consul seems disgusted with the jew. Did I get that right?

>> No.13107368

Absolutely. Make sure you don't read anything after God Emperor though

>> No.13107372

Consul is absolutely based and redpilled.

>> No.13107381

>Laughs in Catholic
Like babies. All of you.

>> No.13107384

>ywn hunt alien dinos on a world with no other humans then go back to your private spaceship, sip whisky and listen to classical music


>> No.13107388
File: 17 KB, 257x387, Booknewsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.13107406

Hot and original opinion

>> No.13107455
File: 8 KB, 155x155, realy thinkung.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never finished Hyperion because the story of the girl who aged backwards filled me with a very deep dread

Loved the priest's story though

>> No.13107487

I've read the whole cycle about 4 times. I like it less and less every time, but it's sheer rereadability is still a testament to it's depth.

>> No.13107681

I don't care if he was a mass murderer or even a tr*nny. The book was good.

>> No.13107693

I dropped it on the same story though, it was so fucking boring.

>> No.13107789

shit was not the good man.

>> No.13108046

written by a self acclaimed left socialist... no thanks

>> No.13108057

Literal drooling retardation tier fiction.

>> No.13108069

Capitalism can’t get us to Mars. There’s no money for it.

>> No.13108084

Good; I don't want to go to Mars.

>> No.13108105

Yea it's pretty terrible, half the fist book becomes shit tier political bullshit instead of the hard sci fi it started with.

>> No.13108137

have sex

>> No.13108156
File: 27 KB, 400x400, gatecrashers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beg to differ, little one.

>> No.13108157

Leftists look at Mars and see another planet they can ruin with tranny social justice shit. I say leave Mars alone.

>> No.13108533

God, fuck off

>> No.13109499

Funny thing about calling the latter books filler:

I'm on book 5 and so far the only part that seemed like filler to me was Paul and Jessica's journey through the desert in the first book. Frank seems to always have some experience or idea to convey. Even if it is subtle/implicit it is still there. Besides the part from the first book already mentioned, I have yet to read a passage and think "wtf was the point of that". His ideas at times are admittedly autistic (for me, any reference that he makes to the French language is pretty cringe-tier).

>> No.13109507

Terribly overrated

>> No.13109510

Each book will makes references to previous events but Herbert always makes sure to explain these references so you don't have to start over

>> No.13109696


>> No.13109712

>tfw no genki rule 63 jesus gf

>> No.13109744
File: 39 KB, 200x326, 25C601D8-02E9-490E-9EE1-3FC25A7A8365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh I wish. It’s been weeks already. I need more willing friends

>the DNC are leftists

>> No.13109939

This is true, which is why it upsets people. They want to reap the benefits of space flight without having to invest a dime of their own money into it, so they pretend that it's a realistic expectation that some mega-capitalist investor will do all the funding for us. The richest man on earth has 100b dollars. The US government spends about 2,000b dollars every year. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the latter is more suited to fund a huge R&D project, especially when you consider that governments don't have to directly recoup their investments, as they can consider GDP growth (or even the betterment of the people's lives) to be a return on investment. The US government just spent 1.5 trillion on a fighter plane. When, in the history of man, has a private enterprise invested anywhere near that amount of money on anything? It has never happened, and it never will happen. It's not just that the government is better suited to fund space exploration, they're the only people capable of it. Nobody is going to invest 1.5 trillion on a Mars mission, or asteroid mining, or anything else, even if it ends up bettering society in the long run. The simple fact of the matter is, if you want to go to Mars, you’re going to have to pay for it. When a group of people want to fund something for the betterment of society, but none of them individually have enough money to pay for it, so they decided to form a group that will manage the project, and agree to all donate a small amount of money each so that the project can be completed, they have just begun the process of founding a government. When that government is democratically elected, it should continue to fund projects that the people want. Under such a government, in theory, doubling your taxes would mean doubling social projects that benefit the people. You’d see the roads get better, as the road maintenance people have more money, and the schools would get better, and the police would get better, in a proper democracy, you’d be able to see your tax dollars at work.


>> No.13109942

I think the problem Americans have with socialism/taxation is not with the idea itself, it’s that their government is a deeply corrupt anti-democratic borderline mafia organisation that has long ago abandoned the façade of serving the people’s best interests. If they want to spend $1,500,000,000,000 of your money on a fighter plane, they’re going to do it, whether you asked for it or not. That’s the problem with the idea of the American government funding space flight. It isn’t that it’s a bad idea fundamentally, it’s that the US government can’t be trusted to do such a thing. But that’s a problem with the US government, not the idea of taxation itself. Taxation to fund massive R&D projects has worked before. The Manhattan project might have only received funding to defeat the japs, but it did succeed it reaching its goal, and the space race might’ve only been to beat the commies, but it did succeed in bringing us space flight. Governments are not only capable of managing such projects, they’re the only people who ever have.

tldr; KSR had to make the basic assumption that the US government would one day get off its ass and do something, because otherwise there never would’ve been a Mars mission, and there wouldn’t be a book to write. That doesn’t make the book some evil socialist propaganda piece, it just means KSR hasn’t abandoned the concept of government yet.
