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13105857 No.13105857 [Reply] [Original]

Is Trans-humanism the truth or is it a meme?

>> No.13105862

I like the idea of living as a god, what more do you need

>> No.13105867


>> No.13105871

Every single person who cares about trans-humanism is, somewhat ironically, a horrible human.

>> No.13106082

it will happen

>> No.13106107

It's just nu-after life

>> No.13106116

If you like being tortured forever it's a great idea

>> No.13106193
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It is the truth. However, we’ll never have access to it unless it is in a socialist or fascist system. Personally, I’d prefer a socialist system, but if I get to be an ebin space cyborg . . . fuck it I’ll where a swastika.

>> No.13106216

It's inevitable. Why should a mind be limited to the tiny circumfrence of the skull? Is the width of the birth canal the ultimate limit of cognition in the universe?

People don't really 'get' what transhumanism is. It's not eternal youth in a perfect body. It won't end there.

Transhumanism is when beings that used to be human take over the universe, directly converting mass into mind. Forget ideology, economics and humanity. It will be a race between unfathomably vast intellects as to who can expand fastest and furthest.

>> No.13106346
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It's a pseudo religious idea used by neoliberals and techies to ignore the ethical questions around technology.

>> No.13106842

you transhumans need to stop lying to yourselves and accept reality
people die, it's basic human biology
there are only two states: living and dead
sorry snowflakes

>> No.13107206

where do we draw the line between bioengineering and transhumanism?

>> No.13107240

Transhumanism is inevitable.

99% of people shitting on transhumanism are brainlet trashbins

>> No.13107296

>bro, what if we make yet wider gap between the poor and the rich
>bro, what if we just become immortal, so any ideas would become pointless from now on, pushing nihilism even further
>bro, what if we could alter our genes in terms of looks and intelligence, so anyone not willing to change would naturally go extinct

>> No.13107326

i feel like the only three possible outcomes for mankind are 1. embracing transhumanism and developing techniques to a somewhat sustainable world, 2. partial extintion and returning to a neoprimitivist way of life or 3. absolute mass extinction.
First one is the most enjoyable imo, but i don't think none of us will get to know the final outcome.

>> No.13107377

transhumanism is serf cope

>> No.13107423

it's actually impossible

>> No.13107452

Non sequiteurs

>> No.13107481

It's a Jew truth.

One that isn't good for you.

>> No.13107504
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Complete meme based on science fantasy.

>> No.13107532

>"youre wrong"
>says no more

>> No.13107615

They're just reasons why it's bad, not why it wouldn't happen.

>> No.13107701

i thought by shitting on it you meant they say its bad, i thought it was common sense it is inevitable

>> No.13107745

Deep brain stimulation, Brain computers, and Genetic Engineering are all real tho


>> No.13107813
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>Converting mass into mind
Matter is and always has been mind you big fuckin retard

>> No.13107845


>> No.13107992

Full dive VR
Life extension
Artificial Wombs
I don't think you need anything other than these for us to live like gods. Research will be then to preserve this brave new world and to spread it to other worlds.

>> No.13108000

Transhumanism is the death of humanity. Whether that's good or bad is up to you.

>> No.13108011

It already exists. Every time you write something down on a piece of paper to help remember you're extending your mind into the paper.

>> No.13108032

>It already exists. Every time you write something down on a piece of paper to help remember you're extending your mind into the paper.

triple e cog is not transhumanism

>> No.13108052

How does it feel being so retarded? I honestly can't imagine it.

>> No.13108165

Transhumanism: the belief or theory that the human race can evolve beyond its current physical and mental limitations, especially by means of science and technology.
Judt because you take it for granted doesn't mean it doesn't meet the definition. It's even more obvious with things like Google

Low iq swine

>> No.13108174


the use of technology is not synonymous with transhumanism.

>> No.13108371

Technology is what separates transhumanism from transcendentalism

>> No.13108434

how is it ironic, the whole point is that regular old humans suck

>> No.13108584

compared to what

>> No.13108873
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This world

>> No.13108889

>DAE think existence hard??? XDD

>> No.13108891


the idea that transhumanism is just transcendentalism + technology is fucking absurd. i'd ask if you've even read any transcendentalists but the answer is already clear.

>> No.13108892

I don't feel the same way, I think most humans suck but there are great men out there. Transhumanism is giving shitty people a cheaty way to be better, and I don't like that.

>> No.13108900

1 happens regardless of system
2 achieving a timeless perspective may give better insights than just plain nihilism
>not willing to change
so we should just force people to become immortal?

>> No.13108928

I read some of walden and I am in the middle of Kant
>bro go meditate in the woods and be with nature

>> No.13108953


not even fucking close to enough, no wonder you think transhumanism is just repackaged transcendentalism.

this board is 18+ by the way

>> No.13108998

Yea dude, you're too smart for me so fuck off

>> No.13109075
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Look at him, the human.
Let me ask you one thing, is he different than an animal? Vulnerable, manipulable, imprisoned and miserable
He has not transcended to the final form, let's laugh at him like humans laugh at monkeys in the zoo.

>> No.13109185

Approached with nihilistic dread, the transhumanist finds solace in the idea that, through technology, their life can become meaningful. They believe in a technological escape from what they believe to to be the life of an animal savage. So, they choose to progress technology, expecting for a singularity or for a true escape to become possible. Little do they know that this escape is truly science fiction, a fiction built not by philosophers or scientists, but instead by self-propagating businesses. Constantly burdened by the propaganda of advertisement, the transhumanist loses their agency in implanted beliefs. "Buy this new car, it is well designed, and certainly better than the functional model that you currently possess." "Get this haircut, it truly reflects the progress that society exhibits." "We had a team of 40 engineers design this pillow, you should buy it! You'll be the Steve Jobs of pillows!" The transhumanist fails to realize that their beliefs are designed by others, for the very reason to sucumb to trivial material goods. The transhumanist is nothing more than a consumer with a vain and slavish ideology.

>> No.13109191

3 is in term of your appearance and traits in your genes, not a word about immortality

>> No.13109214

Not if I design and control the technology

>> No.13109221

God is in his heaven. All is right with the world.

>> No.13109232

Transhumanism isn't just living forever. Death is good for the ecosystem. I think transhumanists would want to work on everything else first before they destroy themselves with living forever unconcious being fed all their chemical needs by AI.

>> No.13109255
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If white people dont crash and burn us all for their spooks sake, we may make it. Making it, we will inevitably self-evolve in one way or another, or many others. It will/would be an exciting time to be alive, and face the prospect of near immortality.
I think we’d also face melding two or more into one as much as procreating.
Well have to put aging off in order to explore space. RAMA is more realistic than Star Trek

>> No.13109256

Accelerationist (Right Wing) transhumanist here.
The very first thing to do is to ensure the immortality superhumans.

>> No.13109260

>Accelerationist (Right Wing) transhumanist here.

this is an 18+ board.

>> No.13109261

Not till white supremacy dies, please

>> No.13109265

This can easily turn into a dystopia. Why not first get gene editing, and edit all humans to be good. Then you don't have to worry about dystopians, except by AI or aliens.

>> No.13109266
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It's slowly coming (nanomachines: https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2018/05/14.htm, SAI: https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2018/07/10.htm or genetic modified humans: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/612997/the-crispr-twins-had-their-brains-altered/ and rejuvination: https://www.futuretimeline.net/blog/2016/12/17.htm))
There a lot of bullshit, especially by people who want to sell you stuff, but transhumanism is becoming more and more true. It could even be argued that we today are already transhumans to a minor degree and in the future this degree will increase until we get nanoborgs in a century or so.

>> No.13109272
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I'm gonna built a road ad you can't stop it =^)

>> No.13109290

You may say, it is impossible for a man to become like the Machine. And I would reply, that only the smallest mind strives to comprehend its limits.

>> No.13109296
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There is none, if you use tech to augment yourself, you are following transhuman ideas.

>> No.13109298

If you were the one in control of the technology, you would not be a transhumanist, you would be a mercantile king. You would control them through false belief.

>> No.13109305

>>bro, what if we make yet wider gap between the poor and the rich
If you are one of the top 10% of the world, you are mostly fine out. Transhumanism doesn't cost that much - those two chinese gene modded babies costed around a hundred dollar.
>bro, what if we just become immortal, so any ideas would become pointless from now on, pushing nihilism even further
Why, if there is nothing but what we do, let us do good, forever.
>bro, what if we could alter our genes in terms of looks and intelligence, so anyone not willing to change would naturally go extinct
Amish still survive

>> No.13109313

Shoot every transhumanist on sight

>> No.13109330

Depends on the tech, genetic engineering is easy to utilize thanks to CRISPR but I fear you will fast get marked as a bioterrorists. Nanomachines, cybernetics and artificial intelligences are harder to built your own but with upcoming nanfabricator even that's possible. I just fear that big research group can deliver better products than little groups, the little groups may have success thanks to being more radical.

>> No.13109340

>shoots trans-humanist
>bullet ricochets of sub dermal body armour
>opens fingers and launchers mini nukes at aggressors
>upgraded molar tooth automatically dispenses potassium iodide

>> No.13109341

Look up computer hacker culture in the 60s and 70s

>> No.13109381

Shouldn't it be "principius" instead of "principium"?

>> No.13109412

Have you read Nick and Guattari kid?

>> No.13109419


>> No.13109806


A human worrying about transhumanism is kinda like a single cell organism worrying about becoming a dinosaur. They would hold little debates about whether they should or shouldn't become multicellular. As if they had a choice. You don't gotta stress out about it little guy! You just worry about being the best little single cell organism you can be! Find a state of being that is acceptable to you!

>> No.13109846
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>> No.13109885
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Technology is going to be increasingly designed to suit society's needs over the individuals'. Trans-humanists like to imagine technology as a source of liberation, however they ignore the fact that technology is controlled by an elite who would much rather create technology that serves their own interests over the average persons.

>> No.13109913

Please explain. The verb is "est", and principius is first declension, isn't it?
"fire is the principle of all things", principle should be like the subject (nominative case).

>> No.13109918

That's why cyberpunk exists.

>> No.13110000

transhumanism is just the latest trend to sell eugenics to normalfags. ever since nazi germany fucked everything up, eugenics has been an icky touchy subject (for good reason) but remains naturally the unilateral goal of every psychopath """elite""" on earth so they need some way to dress up their genocidal fantasies as cool and hip and totally not dystopian and its 21st century incarnation is "transhumanism" because CIA-entrained materialist bugpeople have no problem with purging genetic undesirables when its at the hands of pseudo progressive silicon valley tech daddy sociopaths

>> No.13110016

want some dressing for that word salad?

>> No.13110022

Quads of truth. Also, nihilism and egoism seeping into every facet of society is related to this. It encourages people to become sociopaths themselves, so long as they obey their masters

>> No.13110138

>However, we’ll never have access to it unless it is in a socialist or fascist system.
Why do you think it so?

>> No.13110173

When the transhumans are in middle school they will learn all about how the stomach is "the powerhouse" of the human.

>> No.13110187

you say that like that's a bad thing. besides, this is perfectly comprehensible and whether or not you agree with it, I'd be worried if you didn't understand it

>> No.13110203

The elites don't have any inner discipline to mantain societal wide control over transhuman tech. It onky needs one idiot that wants to make more money and sells stuff on a lower prize. Happened to steam, car, electricity and computers. The world is a very chaotic place and nobody really has a clue whats going on

>> No.13110223

How is transhumanism like eugenics? Eugenicists want to remove "undesirables", which is clearly evil since you are exercising power to take away other people's freedom. Transhumanists want to work on themselves, extending their lives and improving their own biology. Wheree does purging undesirables come into that at all?

>> No.13110224

Transhumanism goes beyond eugenics, if we take a look at transhuman endavour then it's clear to see that at first the disabled get its boons thanks to cybernetics. A cyberarm to those who lost it and with genetic engineering one can cure a genetic diseases, augment one's health and intelligence. Nobody is getting murdered or sterilized.

>> No.13110235

>implying transhumanism is just about overcoming death
abolishing embarrassing comments like yours is a big goal too

>> No.13110245
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This is what is going on

>> No.13110260 [DELETED] 

lol human

>> No.13110300

Yes, but worrying about the future and worrying about mortality and worrying about our legacy in the universe is a very human thing to do. At least for some people. Some really bored people crave a certain type of dread and a certain type if intellectual stimulation that can only be achieved through fantastical intellectual pursuits. It is essential that they worry about transhumanism in order to be the best little human they can be.

>> No.13110332

Because people blame all their problems on capitalism and not the festering corruption in our government and corporations and the useful idiots that enable them.

>> No.13110637

What do you mean by "better"? Smarter? Is raw intelligence really the only measure of a man? Isn't his moral character more important? Can you really "download" moral character? I think practicing morality will never be something you can cheat. Even an omnicient being is still lower than a worm in my eyes if it treats others poorly.

>> No.13111093

Really thought /lit/ would be more intelligent than to believe in another false progress ideology.
There's going to be transhumanism like there will be flying cars or space travel. All it will produce is some freaks akin to plastic surgery disasters.

>> No.13111136

>the commie is a transhumanist
how surprising

>> No.13111145

Transhumanism is a childish idea

>> No.13111146

maybe not for another 30 years but it's inevitable. It could be hooking your brain into the internet/technology or genetic engineering, but there's no reason to believe it's impossible, and not exactly where our society is headed.

There are already cripsr babies, and people who can speak using electrodes in their brain. The fact you cant discern what's scientifically plausible and have to rely on Star Wars and the Jetsons to inform you of the future is all on you

>> No.13111550


>> No.13111632

Funny how you're pretending to be so smart but you've put forward nothing at all, relegating yourself to tearing down my (superior) ideas so you can pretend to be the Smartest

>> No.13112758
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But is it desirable in any way?

>> No.13112792
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We have argued and warred amongst ourselves about the notion of a deity for as long as we can remember.

The Bickering will end when we create a true God

>> No.13112803

Quintessential anime post

>> No.13112863

>let's do good forever
if you live forever you'll inevitably will do every possible action. That includes the bad and the good

>> No.13112972

Sure, better health to immortality, augmented intelligence will be a boon.

>> No.13112985

what is "the good", if

>> No.13113044
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It is, Transhumanists are hipster retards though for thinking you can actually implement even 1% of it without starting eugenic wars. All they want is gadgets, no suffering and, god forbid, paying any price for it. Accelerationism and Nietzschean doctrine are the only Transhumanist options out there.

>> No.13113063

Stupid pipe-dream of myopic autistics. "Imagine being able to create a consciousness from nothing," they say, somehow failing to realize that thousands of women do this every day. No, this is not a political statement, I am not attempting to mitigate the general stupidity of women, only pointing out the inherent problem with the transhumanist position: if we can replicate consciousness through inorganic material, why would we not focus instead on augmenting ourselves to the point of immanent self-augmentation? If the template already exists, why spend the time and resources re-inventing the human body in silicon and plastic? I suspect that they conflate intelligence with consciousness.

>> No.13113071
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>and edit all humans to be good
You lost me there lad

>> No.13113091
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That is Transhumanism as well. It does not define how you augment yourself. In all likelihood it has already started with the limiting gene-editing we are doing now. I mean, how can you stop it if every group/tribe/nation/consortium has huge advantages following it and similarly huge disadvantages for not going that way. Obviously genetic diseases are the first target, but can you imagine what a society with even a relatively low mean IQ of 140 would be like ? I sure can't, but I can easily imagine how they would kick normie ass.

>> No.13113108

>accelerating into nothingness and abusing our freedom of choice because some retards thought it would be good idea to alter our genes by technology
i want to get off mr bones wild ride

>> No.13113135

Then all you're saying is we'll get better at fiddling with our own evolutionary processes, which we've been doing unintentionally for thousands of years already.

>> No.13113138
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There is no choice. In biology this is called an unstable equilibrium. Basically a new option arrives and whoever does not take it will have so many handicaps that they effectively annihilate themselves because they can't compete.

>> No.13113145
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Yes, but there is a significant probability we will get better by a few powers of ten in one single step. Increasing intelligence by only a few points in IQ obviously has the potential for a chain reaction.

>> No.13113199

Transhumanism has diverse interests; genetic engineering, nanomachines, artificial intelligence and cybernetics.

>> No.13113752
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>> No.13114511 [DELETED] 


>> No.13114522

posthumanism > transhumanism

>> No.13115190


>> No.13115229

>tfw i connect to the 4chan mind collective

>> No.13115295
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>> No.13116285

Exhuman is best

>> No.13117447


>> No.13117486

we can't even agree on what good is

>> No.13117623

When I die my digital copy is going to be a dragon

>> No.13118586
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It's coming but not too soon, it will take some decades to really manifest itself.

>> No.13118620

High time for Butlerian Jihad

>> No.13118680
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Deviant and disruptive grandchildren of secular humanist, transhumanists--a variegated band that gathers under the flag of Ray Kurzweil's Singularity--are convinced that death is a prejudice to be done away with. In this respect they are not unlike traditional social democrats, according to whom all problems have a solution, as long as a reasonable amount of time is given to resolve them. And here already the the waters of thought divide. Gödel's major discovery was to show that certain problems can never be resolved. The crucial point is to identify what these problems are. The fact that arithmetic was the first among all of them can also be seen as an indication that these were questions of fundamental importance. And nothing is more fundamental than death.

But transhumanists are not frightened off. They believe they hold a card that is valid for every game: technology, along with credulity. For them, everything is a matter of implementing more than of thinking. This is the mirage they head toward, impatient, lugubrious, and blithe. A mirage obliquely connected to those, in antiquity, who wanted to transform spiritual achievements into as many powers.

Transhumanist though lacking any sense of the Divine feel the cute attraction toward what was promised by religion and its various manifestations. And it was always the promise of some kind of salvation. But this can no longer be contained in a ritual form: it has to be palpable. A pitiful error-- to manipulate the invisible. Which becomes elusive and slips away.
With the emergence of transhumanist secularists have revealed what had always been their purpose: not to abandon religion but to absorb it, using it for their own ends. This was always their occult plan, which can now be openly expressed, thanks to technology. Previously the means were lacking

>> No.13118724

In my experience transhumanist see themselves lesa as Singularitians (Ray Kurzweil and co are the more radical outlooks thus media darlings), and are more moderate and wiah to bring a ethical element into human enhancements and artificial intelligence ala Ander Sandberg. It's also a way diverse movement, from libertarian to the Chinese.

>> No.13118727

materialists get the rope

>> No.13118731

>white people will be the ones to destroy civilization
Oh flutterbutter, you sure do know how to tell a good joke!

>> No.13118743


>> No.13118844

Egoist Transhumanism is the only unspooked way to view the world. Scratch that, Egoist Posthumanism is it.

>> No.13119598
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>> No.13120993 [DELETED] 


>> No.13122148


>> No.13122779

Deaf people don't like their cochlear implants. Maybe, ask these people for their thoughts about cybernetics before assuming retard.

>> No.13122799

The prostethics crowd is far worse than the transgender crowd. Absolute unrepentant liars & traitors to the human species.

>> No.13122838

Go back to lesswrong roko-cuck

>> No.13122854


>> No.13122866
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*blocks your path*

>> No.13122891

what the hell do you mean by 'the truth'? Like, it's the right way of thought or that it is going to happen?