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1310388 No.1310388 [Reply] [Original]

itt: we pretend there is a Melee/Brawl-style game

except with characters from classic /lit/erature. post your favourite characters to play as, whether you think Beowulf is overpowered, and who the hell would use Werter, anyway?

>> No.1310392

Frankenstein's monster ftw

>> No.1310395

Yossarian for superior evasion
Milady de Winter for sneaky attacks
Pennywise the Clown for mindgames
Ignacius J. Reilly for trolling

>> No.1310397

> Beowulf
> overpowered

just because you suck and can't use him right, doesn't mean he's overpowered.

>> No.1310398

Rodya Rasklonikov has one badass axe.

>> No.1310400
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>just because you suck and can't use him right, doesn't mean he's overpowered.

>> No.1310404
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Algernon from importance of being earnest as a top hat sporting, monacle wearing eccentric character.

Robert Langdon

>> No.1310405

Emma Bovary is so useless, I mean, what the hell can you even do to your opponent by drinking poison?

Wanda is more useful, especially with her Furs perk.

>> No.1310408

So who else unlocked the secret characters? I'm telling you, guys, that Jesus guy is fucking weak, but has some cool-looking attacks.

>> No.1310410

WTF?! Do you have to unlock Bartleby first or something? Every time I go to pick him he just says "I would prefer not to".

>> No.1310411


Yeah, waterwalking is fun, but almost no maps have that, and that desert level you have to clear for Jesus sucks. Not worth it.

>> No.1310412


If we're talking about secret characters, I prefer Poseidon's attacks personally. Odin is pretty rad though, but his Spear weapon takes a while to cool off.

>> No.1310417


how do you unlock Poseidon? I got Zeus and Hades, but no idea how to go about that one.

he certainly looks GAR though.

>> No.1310418

Captain Ahab all day everyday

>> No.1310423

Nerf Dorian Grey, he can't be killed >_<

>> No.1310424


On the Titanomachy level for Zeus, play 20 matches and then beat Kronos in a fight.

>> No.1310426


have you tried attacking the picture of him that appears sometimes?

>> No.1310432

Silly me, of course you need to attack the picture, thanks for the hint.

Does anyone know if Watson can be unlocked? He seems to appear sometimes to helpd Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.1310442

if you play 59 matches as Shelrock, you unlock one where you can play as Watson, and after beating that, he becomes available from the main screen

his controls take a while to get used to, but imho he's worth it

>> No.1310449

If only McMurphy had a bit more speed, he'd be unstoppable.

>> No.1310452

friend wants to duel me. he mostly plays as Mr. Darcy. who should I choose?

>> No.1310454


Which Watson, though? The silly, comedic, fat "I SAY YOU CHAPS" Watson? Or the serious canonical Watson? I unlocked both, FYI.

>> No.1310457

Merseault is pretty awesome for one on one matches.

>> No.1310459


uhhhh serious one? I had no idea you get a silly one, too.

>> No.1310461


Ulisses is pretty badass

>> No.1310468

Does anyone have tips for playing as Gregor Samsa?

>> No.1310474


I like playing as him on maps with ceilings/platforms, awesome to sneak up on others that way.

watch out for fruit though.

>> No.1310484

Supposedly, if you play enough matches as Edmond Dantes, you unlock a pretty awesome character called the Count, but the prospect of playing that many matches with him is a bit dreadful.

>> No.1310501

Oh come on, no love for the women? Madame Bovary sucks, true, but Miss Marple can be badass, and Ophelia is adorable.

>> No.1310535


yeah, Ophelia's got a nice design, but she's kinda prone to Confusion :/

>> No.1310543


shouldn't be a problem unless you're in a level with a lot of water. that flower-tossing attack is badass, too

>> No.1310566
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Amelia Bedelia here to kick fucking ass

>> No.1310577

Anna Karenina is pretty tough yo, but steam attacks make her go to pieces. Phileas Fogg goes straight through her like he's on rails.

>> No.1310580

Of course his attacks take FOREVER to charge up.

>> No.1310596

better than Raskolnikov and his long-ass hesitation between each hit

>> No.1310603

I can't unlock that fucking John Galt assist trophy yet.

>> No.1310795

Dracula's better.

>> No.1310807
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Walter has best ranged attack in the game. People are just dumb niggers and let people get too close and can't juggle

>> No.1310811

He's op on every stage except the one where you drop down to the lower level and attack he's painting. He wasn't made for comp play :S

>> No.1310817

I don't think he's the most charismatic character but I usually play as Yossarian. His Snowden giblets bombardment assist hits pretty much the whole screen.

>> No.1310848
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Lucky Jack will ruin your shit.

>> No.1310858

>His Snowden giblets bombardment assist

fucking nerds these days

>> No.1310871

Hamlet has some bitchin' sword skills but he's super weak to poison.

>> No.1310968

Eugénie Grandet drops golden coins each time you kick her armored vagina.

>> No.1310976

Cthulhu, oh yes.

>> No.1310987
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> mfw Mr. Nilsson stunlocks you, and I throw you out of the arena.

>> No.1311405
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Atticus Finch= best shot in town...

btw, this is one of the best threads ever

>> No.1311446

I tried playing as Billy Pilgrim, but I can never get a decent combo, its like attacks just don't go in the right order.

>> No.1311455


>> No.1311459
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Tag team, Gargantua, Pantagruel, pwns all.

>> No.1311471

I can never find a use for "Papa" Monzano's final smash. Its really overpowered, but with the obvious drawback that I can't find a way to use it without dying.

>> No.1311477

It's all fun and games until you have to fight Paul Muad'Dib on the back of a moving worm.

>> No.1311487

Anyone know what's wrong with Godot? I've been trying to play as him, but every time I do my game gets stuck on the loading screen, and the AI refuses to play as him.

>> No.1311490

That level is easy mode, if you play it on the super-hard God Emperor mode, you're in for some trouble.

>> No.1311492

Yeah, the developer said they'd release a patch for that any day now.

>> No.1311494

Mersault is only good if you get his Uncomfortable bar up all the way. Try playing against female characters. Then you can get the sun to stab yourself, which makes you shoot anyone nearby. Pretty fuckin weird playstyle.

>> No.1311500

don't you hate it when you forget to delete your name from another thread

>> No.1311509


i am always Tao Lin so it doesn't happen for me.

hey, i should be in a video game too, then you should all buy my books

>> No.1311513

I've been trying to unlock Don Quixote but can't seem to get it right. I know you have to tilt the windmills in a certain order but when I load that level I keep getting attacked by giants.

>> No.1311522

Ever Played the Karamazov free for all mode?

Ivan never wins.

>> No.1311530

Yeah, but the grand inquisitor is it only one who can beat


Fucking game breaking respawn.

>> No.1311563

Every time I play a female character, James Bond uses a seduction attack, then they end up being killed by people on their own side. Crazy.

>> No.1311578

Bobby Shaftoe

>> No.1311580

Harrison Fucking Bergeron, He's unstoppable if you can rid of all the weights and shit.

>> No.1311623
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God help us.

>> No.1311947


Illuvitar is fucking OP, he deleted the world and then made a different one and I fell through the floor.

>> No.1311968

you want OP just play as Tess, pretty easy taking out entire teams with just your titanic vagina

>> No.1311990
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This guy is fucking useless :(

>> No.1311994
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Long days and pleasant nights.

>> No.1312003
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>no Cyrano de Bergerac

>> No.1312009

Gatsby gets shot every match.

>> No.1312028

Benjamin from Animal Farm


>> No.1312256
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Flashy has limitless evasive moves.

>> No.1312259




>> No.1312262
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>> No.1312264

Wtf dudes, I picked O'Brien on my tagteam and the fucker starts attacking me halfway the fight.

>> No.1312265


1. Play as Job
2. Get your ass kicked from friend that enabled the godmode cheat
3. Lose
4. ???
5. Receive double credits anyway??

>> No.1312272
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I think the War Of The Worlds Martian must be bugged, if you get TIME OVER the game always awards the win to the other player.

>> No.1312278
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Don't even think about pulling out a pet attack against Candide. Fucker punishes that shit. A good player can shut down Doolittle's Push-Push-Pull combos completely.

>> No.1312279

i lol'd

>> No.1312308

The Joad family are all shit, none of their moves do any damage or anything.

>> No.1312334

De Selby for removing oxygen, fucking up time and distilling whiskey.

>> No.1312512

Hawkeye has a great rifle shot, but his never ending dialogues about his being white get old fast.

>> No.1312530

...so am I the only one who uses Captain Nemo?

>> No.1312540


>> No.1312541

That Nautilus final smash is so fucking overpowered, you should be ashamed of yourself.

>> No.1312990

I heard they removed Humbert in order to get a T ESRB rating.

>> No.1313556

I can't seem to do any damage with Antoine Roquentin, he never connects with anything.

>> No.1313571

The game says to unlock Oedipa Maas you need to earn the Trystero trophy. I got it, but then it says I needed the Tristero trophy. I did it again and it said I needed the Terrestre trophy. Is this a glitch or am I ever going to get to the end of this?

>> No.1313574

I like double/team battles, so Patroclus/Achilles and Enkidu/Gilgamesh all day every day.

I prefer Pat/Ach, though, just because if I'm playing Enk/Gil and Enkidu dies, Gilgamesh stats drop like fucking crazy and he becomes nigh useless. Achilles goes into berserker mode, though, which is awesome. I have to stop myself from intentionally killing Patroclus sometimes.

>> No.1313582

Yeah but the fact that Achilles stops fighting for like half the match does take away some of the value.

>> No.1313656

I've been trying to unlock Nigger Jim, but the Mississippi River campaign never seems to end. Anyone know how long it is?

>> No.1315157

bump for epic thread

>> No.1315163

Albert Camus VS George Bush

>> No.1315197

I like playing with Enjolras. He has this great move where he stands with his arms open and starts glowing gold. All enemies stop in their tracks and stare at him, then Grantaire enters from off-screen and hits everyone with liquor bottles.

>> No.1315204

Okay then.

Cyrano has an awesome sword attack. It's hilarious when he beats people with his nose special move. Sucks to play with him when you're forced to tag team with Christian. He's always getting killed in the middle of battle.

>> No.1315563

somebody archive this shit

on topic: I enjoy playing as Humbert Humbert.

>> No.1315580

I hate how Meursalt, Antoine Roquentin, and Oba Yozo have the same moves.

>> No.1315586

You win for using Pat/Ach! Achilles has a retarded hitbox, though. His heel, wtf?

>> No.1315589

FFS guys. I finally unlock Tao Lin, but every time I press a button the game just flashes a picture of the button I pressed on the screen. I can't even move or anything. Do I have to unlock something to make this guy work?

>> No.1315760

hell yeah! Roses and revolvers baby.

>> No.1315768

The Judge.
It doesnt matter if he wins or not, does it?

>> No.1316785

Dude the graphic sex scene at the end of the Oedipus level was a bit too much for me.

>> No.1316937

Can someone explain to me how to play Don Quixote? Is he just for kicks or is there some strategy I don't get?

>> No.1316950

I love it when you're playing as Master, then you call in Margarita for the 15-hit unblockable combo.


>> No.1318308

Margarita needs to be a separate character, it pisses me off she's just support.

>> No.1318309

Bump so someone can tell me how to win with Holden Caulfield, no matter what I do he's always a loser.

>> No.1318505


play against worse ones, i.e. johnny truant

>> No.1319172

I like this thread, I just wish I owned a console

>> No.1319316


>> No.1319320


nuff said

>> No.1319325

I main Prince Andrei. Everyone forgets that he messes with the rules so that you win if you get killed.

>> No.1319329

Judge Holden. He is a great favorite.

>> No.1319338


It's all about "Half-Cocked" Jack Shaftoe, in my opinion. I'd make my girlfriend play Duchess Eliza when we teamed up against friends. It would be all kinds of glorious.

>> No.1319340

Don Quixote's "windmill tilt" special might seem weak at first glance, but in the hands of a master, it carries the force of an entire nation's faded glory behind it.

>> No.1319350

It is pretty stupid, but it's surprising how many people don't know about it. I'm not skilled, by any means, but it's still pretty easy to do well with Achilles.

Man, I don't know what's with me and berserker characters, but I forgot about Cuchulainn. He's awesome. Sucks about that friendly fire, though.

>> No.1319351

> Emma Bovary is so useless, I mean, what the hell can you even do to your opponent by drinking poison?

Answer: By playing as Beatrice Rappacinni.

>> No.1319371

Damn it Anon, now I want this to be a real game.

I gotta go with Odysseus. His arrows have some amazing accuracy.

>> No.1319377

Does anyone know how to beat The Green Knight? I chopped his head off, but he just picked it up and kept going.

>> No.1319397

Something about completely avoiding his wife before the match, I think. She tries to give you things and you have to make sure none of it ever reaches you.

Good thing he's a boss. IDK how they'd even translate that into a playable character.

>> No.1319399

I main Egil Skallagrimsson. Go ahead, hit me in the goddamn forehead with a battleaxe. It'll just leave a groove in my freakishly thick skull. Then I'll recite a poem to you and beat you to a pulp.

I love the Icelandic family sagas.

>> No.1319402

I love using Rand al'Thor in matches. I know he's terrible at top tier play, but standing in the corner and spamming balefire is awesome.

Cancer killing the game, I know.

>> No.1319408

Sometimes I put on my best trollface and run Hester Prynne against scrubs, just for the reactions I get when I spank them.

The rest of the time I avoid her, because she's underpowered and fucking boring, but that just makes the taste of noob tears sweeter when the time comes to bring her out.

>> No.1319410

Confirmed for God tier.


>> No.1319732

bumb for epic thread, also I need tips for playing as Dracula.

>> No.1319738

>phrase not found

/lit/, I am disappoint. You guys must be the kind of hipsters who refuse to play Pechorin cause he is "top tier".

>> No.1319741

satan from twain's mysterious stranger.

or just john motherfucking galt but i think that would be too cheap

>> No.1320341

> Thanks for your request.
>It has been added to our database and the thread >will be archived as soon as enough request for that >thread have been made.
>This thread has been requested 3 times now.

come on anons, come on

>> No.1320420

Uncle Vanya is useless. He can only shoot two times in a match.

>> No.1320543
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Ganondoft is H.B Lovecraft

>> No.1320556


>> No.1320583

I played nine rounds with Dante and unlocked Virgil. But now Virgil just leads him around and all they do is narrate the battles...

>> No.1320591

What, no love for Guy Montag? Sure he is useless at melee, but his range is top tier. Plus, his special where he douses you in lighter fluid, and then causally throws a lighter at you is just fun to pull off.

>> No.1321015

I finally unlocked Steerpike, turns out you have to trick someone into burning down the library.

>> No.1321060

Hal Incandenza up in this establishment.
Epic stats, mad combos, you have no chance.

>> No.1321138

man that guy is bugged, completely unresponsive
whenever you move your controller he just spazzes out, i think my game might be broken

>> No.1321190

Dodge your father's apple throwing move or you're fucked.

Muad'dib up in this bitch. I know every move you're going to do, because I see all possible futures.

>> No.1321205

Jimmy Di'griz is great, If you play with him in a coin battle or with items on its nearly impossble to lose. But to unlock him you have to beat his wife, hardest shit ever.

I main as Roland Deschain, his finishing move is overpowered as fuck but whenever I win it just makes me play again.

>> No.1321221
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Kerouac here, fuck with me.

>> No.1321225


>> No.1321409

If you use the well move enough, Toru Okada gets a baseball bat somewhere around halfway through the match and then just starts wrecking shit.

>> No.1321416

ha-ha-ha, less of a drunken master and more of a drunk. vonnegut's son almost came to blows with jack once. jack was shit faced and couldn't put up a defense.

>> No.1322675
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Sveyk has to be a joke character, right?

>> No.1322748

Dr. Gonzo vs. Raoul Duke.

I have nothing more to say.

>> No.1322750

I choose you, Oberon!

>> No.1323064

Tristram Shandy. The game shall commence whence i am birthed.

>> No.1323424

I choose Dick and Nicole from Fitzgerald's Tender is the Night! They mainly ignore the fight and just throw money at it... they're like the ice climbers and double team you're /lit/ asses!!

>> No.1323435

Tyrone Slothrop will drop a boner missile on your face.

>> No.1323444

doc sportello will hotbox t.slothrop and hit'em with a hippie v.d. fatality... then catch a ride outta there before the krauts can launch a dynamite dildo.

>> No.1323561