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13102766 No.13102766 [Reply] [Original]

Is it still worth reading?

>> No.13102778

it's been debunked and refuted countless times. not worth reading

>> No.13102866

Yes, if you're interested in history of science or philosophy of science. Darwin's views on teleology are fascinating

>> No.13102869
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Better than your bible classes.

>> No.13102877
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>But Mr. Darwin, if we came from monkeys, then why are here still monkeys today?

pic related that's everyone who believes in evolution.

>> No.13102885

You need to read the bible first for the plot twist to work

>> No.13102896

completely outdated. unable to explain why some people identify as pizzas. pretentious bullshit.

>> No.13102915

This. Why white males were given funding and allowed to sail around and take notes is beyond me.

>> No.13102941

yes of course. it's probably the most important book ever published.
also it's very readable. darwin knew he was writing for a general audience. but that doesn't mean it is simplified or dumbed down.
read it together with his chronicle of the voyage of the beagle to get the full picture.

>> No.13102947

I sense a fear behind this comment.

>> No.13102962

I think so; it's actually a rather intimate, well written book.

>> No.13102976


As the Ontology of woman, yes.

>> No.13102992

i started to read last week

>>13102941 like says, much easier than reading fantasy book.

>> No.13103000


>> No.13103057

Assuming you follow up by reading 'Mutual aid: A Factor in Evolution' afterwards, yes.

>> No.13103134


Sympatry is a pathetic idea. That there is a potentially infinite amount of "niches", thus no limit to how many taxa can cohabitate, other than gross spatial ones, is a concession that Darwin is wrong. Trying to play it off with Modern Synthesis is also very ironic, scrambling like Theologians supposedly do. How many Anglos can dance on the grave of a pinhead?

>> No.13103168

I read it for the pseud cred.

>> No.13103562



>> No.13103585

there's not an infinite amount of niches since energy is limited.

>> No.13103620

>other than gross spatial ones
how is it that you think you can disregard this

>> No.13103722
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monkeys are still monkeys because they dont have the chance to become human, as you know evolution occurs because of gene mutation, but current monkeys cannot do that because how low the population and how restricted the areas. Even if they try to protect them, gene diversity is siginificantly low because of low population. We probably evolved from monkeys when the conditions were right but currently there's no conditions that could replicate what made us a monkey. Even if we would want to replicate it, it would take million years to get results. As you can clearly see the head structure changes as million year passes brain gets bigger basically and face becomes more vertical (looks less like a monkey)

>> No.13103725
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That book is outdated. Read pic related instead.

>> No.13103763
