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13099646 No.13099646 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw my thoughts are too complex to adequately form into words

i could probably go down in history as one of the greats but i can't even begin to transcribe the profundity of my thoughts and ideas. god, so much wasted potential. i wonder if there were any other geniuses like me before?

>> No.13099657

literally me, except I actually can write down my thoughts, and I do in my diary (working title: desu)
I keep encouraging people to read it and become enlightened but for some reason nobody seems interested. I guess /lit/ would rather founder in darkness.

>> No.13099665

Alright dumbass, you've caught my attention. Bestow this holy text unto me

>> No.13099680

No, your vocabulary is just too simple to adequately express complex thoughts

>> No.13099686

Funnier response than the post you responded to desu. It honestly makes the joke 10x better

>> No.13099693

Probably this. If you're failing to accurately describe your thoughts or feelings, start reading books that cover the topics you're thinking about. Most likely someone has already thought of the thing you're thinking about.

>> No.13099697
File: 76 KB, 640x640, A4D6FBA8-2EA6-440A-8449-EEEE8069440C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was at that place last year but once you’re able to properly dream, your higher self will guide you through an experience which manages to visualize the ideas through your own created language. This way you can bring your complex abstractions into our lower reality where language is the only somewhat proper tool we can use.

>> No.13099703

I have never thought anything interesting in my life. My mind is a dull and nonsensical place

>> No.13099712

blagh blagh blargh internet mumbo jumbo

i am the king of the internet, i Am the blargh mumbo king

>> No.13099736


>> No.13099816

I forget where I read that but what you're describing is actually common among midwits; the feeling that you would have something of vast importance to say if you could only express it. My guess is that there just isn't anything. There's no reason for why a properly formed chain or complex of thought could not be expressed in language. It is much more likely a sort of overcompensatory delusion.

>> No.13099846

You can actually experience that mindset by smoking weed. Somehow your brain is encouraged to deconstruct issues that you take for granted and then they will seem of incredible importance but when the state passes you'll find that it's more like you experienced a construct for the first time like a child does. It's not that it isn't important or profound but it really was just like a meditation on for example what a word actually is.

>> No.13100176


>> No.13100193

You're just a coward who fears his "complex thoughts" are just not that complex in paper.
I know that, because it's what I feel.

>> No.13100201

In what form do your thoughts appear to you?

>> No.13100216


picture pages

>> No.13100223

Practice writing your thoughts. I have a Word file I use as a journal in which I record my musings. It's all shit, but the recent shit is less shitty than the old shit. Idk; seeing my thoughts on a page seems to help.

>> No.13100231


>> No.13100952
