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13098784 No.13098784 [Reply] [Original]

When did the term "racism" evolve to include the concept of a power dynamic? For example: Taste aside, if a person makes a film about white people impersonating black people it is racist but if it was vice versa it is not. If you ask why they say the power dynamic in society is what makes it ok. Lol. Instead of using a more appropriate term, a staple word has been hijacked for politically purposes. Is this correct?

>> No.13098798

60s America

>> No.13098803
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Why I ask is because, as a black person, I am constantly, to my surprise told things are racist which i would never categorize as. Tasteless, not funny etc. yes. But to go as far as classify it as far as someone supposing racial superiority is outrageously excessive.

>> No.13098805

when exactly? and at what point will this politically bullshit blow over?

>> No.13098810 [DELETED] 

unlikely to blow over. america is turning more and more brown and the brownies will need someone to blame their failures on

>> No.13098830

It's a deliberate strategic decision. The kind of person who will push that definition may not be consciously trying to artificially give themselves stable ground within the larger relevant discussions, but on a whole that is the precise reason for and effect of the shift.

>> No.13098833

i dont believe that horse shit, i personally think that people have more pride than that, when economic conditions stabilize among the blacks i think theyll start calling out each other on thier disgraces and perhaps looking internally to fund thier own projects instead of out sourcing

>> No.13098847
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>i personally think that people have more pride than that

>> No.13098848

>America is being copted by the minorities
>But white people are styll bettur!! And brownies are all failures
Today's edgy teenagers on "both sides" of the political "spectrum" are more developmentally retarded by cognitive dissonance than ever. The inability to form a coherent narrative is not symptomatic of the left but also the so called right (who are just edgy leftists like you).

>> No.13098854

It was invented by trotsky. The only evidence against this is "RACISTS say it was invented by trotsky". It never appeared before. Brilliant tool to topple america and indeed the world desu. I think the chinese colonizing africa and arab muslims overtaking europe will get the last laugh though. White people in the west are, ironically, keeping extreme "racism" in check.

>> No.13098864

I should add that it's an incredibly short-sighted tactic. The rewards are fleeting:

Person 1 : Well if that's racist, this is too, because it indicates an idea of racial superiority
Person 2: No, no it isn't! For something to be racist, it needs to involve a dominant power relation. That's the definition. Sorry sweetie

All Person 2 has really done is come up with a new concept (specifically, institutional/structural racism) and instead of coming up with a similarly new name for it, has robbed a different, related concept of its name and grafted it on.
All Person 1 has to do to counteract that (if they even want to play along) is just come up with a new word for the original concept to replace the one that was transplanted. That's the extent of it.

>> No.13098870

>the state pays muds to breed and the populace getting memed with muh global warming muh responsibility muh white guilt gets taxed
gee i wonder what the agenda is. You're going to die violently btw. This charade isn't going to go on for another 60 years.

>> No.13098872 [DELETED] 

maybe you're right
> *tightens his noose*

>> No.13098874

le both sides are bad

>> No.13098883

We had a local maximum in wokeness in 68 I think at the DNC. Then we had a blowoff phase until 08 when Obama got elected and then we started rapidly accelerating in wokeness. American history is one of wokeness cycles so no it won't stop. This cycle will blow off around 2024 but by the time we're about to die we should be near another local maximum.

White liberals drive it not brown people. It's funny, the Mexican ladies who do cleaning at work always see this stuff on the news and keep complaining about how everything is about race nowadays. White Anglo-Progs don't really see the brown people as people, more as props in a morality play.

>> No.13098886

both sides are objectively retarded you mindless fucking blob

>> No.13098899

America was a mistake. All of it. Next question.

>> No.13098905

Also most of the edgy Internet racists (in the US at least) are literally Mexicans, Changs, Pajeets, and Arabs. All the wypipo join the DSA and promote diversity, equality and inclusion.

>> No.13098907

>thinking there are just sides
The only thing worse than an ideologue is a centrist.

>> No.13098910
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>> No.13098917

In cities*. the next economic crisis isnt gonna be occupy wallstreet, its gonna be race riots, gridlock traffic and infratructural terrorism

>> No.13098928

the 'right' and the 'left' sides in the West are both objectively retarded. This is undeniable fact, I didnt say anything about centrism

>> No.13098932

It won't. America's race problems are too deeply rooted and there is too much bad blood between the races historically.

>> No.13098937

When Racism became a tool to attack White people with, and those that did didn't wish to fall under their own definition of Racism...

>> No.13098941

Nah even the rural white people are evangelicals who take pride in how they don't see color. No one likes white supremacy more than mestizos. If conservatives in the US ran a statist social conservative caudillo they would probably win 400+ electoral votes.

>> No.13098947

but that will be cure by this >>13098833
double dubs

>> No.13098964

I don't really care about le 56%. The united states is unstable. Even spics don't like illegals. No hispanics like blacks. If white people become irrelevant in the USA or globally the things that hispanics/arabs/the chinese will do to africans will be unspeakable. Reminder white countries becoming non-white means those people get "our" nuclear weapons and whatever else. The future is radioactive and plastic.

>> No.13098965

Nah, by the time blacks figure that out it will be far too late.

>> No.13098967


When it benefited the Jews to use it as a weapon against their enemies.

>> No.13098969

I have wondered this myself. I first noted that racism changed in meaning around 2014 during the (then online) rise of social justice and PC culture.

>> No.13098970

>If white people become irrelevant in the USA or globally the things that hispanics/arabs/the chinese will do to africans will be unspeakable.
I wonder how many people are really aware of this. Africa is a massive untapped resource for anybody willing to just take over

>> No.13098975

I would say it happened within 10 or 15 years perhaps.
This strikes me as an accurate description of motivation for the changing definition of Racism.

>> No.13098977

From Wikipedia 'prejudice plus power':

Prejudice plus power is a stipulative definition of racism often used by anti-racist educators, including the American pastor Joseph Barndt.[1] The definition was first proposed by Patricia Bidol, who, in a 1970 book, defined it as "prejudice plus institutional power."[2] According to this definition, two elements are required in order for racism to exist: racial prejudice, and social power to codify and enforce this prejudice into an entire society.[1][3] Reasons cited in support of this definition include that power is responsible for the creation of racial categories, and that people favor their own racial groups over others.[4] However, others have maintained that this definition is a top-down re-appropriation of an already existing term intended to advance a discrete political viewpoint.[5]

>> No.13098982

the conservative party's strategic managers are so fucking incompetent to not be able to pick up that minorities are culturally more conservative than any white ethnic you can find, dumb fucking move, they deserve to be mogged

>> No.13098989

so it changed in 70's america?

>> No.13098991

It happened when smartphones happened and everyone (read: blacks and minorities) started participating in the """''''debate"""""

>> No.13098994

it's always the fucking christcucks

>> No.13099000

Nah its not that unstable really. What will most likely happen is that "conservatives" embrace caudillismo and social conservatism and draw mestizos and Chinese into a coalition with normal white people. That's probably the best case scenario anyway. This is how Latin America more or less functions so I don't see why it would he any different in the US.

>> No.13099003

just because one person appropriated it doesn't mean it went into use, this is a relatively modern delusion, this perversion of linguistic is happening recently with the rise of sjw culture

>> No.13099005

That was just where the idea was earliest recorded, it's only picked up steam in recent years.

>> No.13099013

why is it that all these minority groups who whites dont inherently "like" come to this country with nothing, make something of themselves and dont complain of muh racism, yet blacks can use it as a legitimate point of contention over and over, so fuckin stupid

>> No.13099022

the death of society: an angry feminist cunt with wifi looking for ammo

>> No.13099026

Blacks didn't choose to come to america

>> No.13099033

Because white liberals give them their talking points. American left-wing Protestantism has always been a problem, the stuff you see today is just left-wing Protestantism without God, who was renounced as a misogynist around '68. Seriously read about the Great Awakenings in the US, it happens the same way every time, right down to the feminism, focus on blacks, concepts of "social sin" and so on.

>> No.13099036

Many immigrants (mostly talking about legal immigration) that come to America are motivated, educated, and have a great desire to prosper.
Remember, they had the motivation, will, and means to come here, with their hearts filled with hope of a better life for themselves and their families.

>> No.13099039

are you seriously this retard? good god, were not arguing orgins you moron, were arguing current conditions and how much resistance lays in your path, the same as everyone else, good luck dumb fuck

>> No.13099046

what part of "nothing" do you not understand? i'm not even talking about the educated, and blacks can get educated in this country like everyone else, in fact schools dumb down admissions JUST for them lmao cope harder

>> No.13099063

go away, then. good riddance

>> No.13099075

In some ways coming to the country with nothing is an advantage over being born into a bucket of crabs.

>> No.13099080

The resistance of a black kid born into a poor family is not equivalent to the resistance of an adult emmigrating to the United States. It is in no way 'the same for everyone else'. Everyone else's ancestors were NOT human trafficked and forced into slavery only to be freed into a life of abject poverty and alienation by the dominant culture. Black families did NOT have the same opportunities to accumulate wealth that they would pass along to their children to ensure them better lives. Blacks living in poor neighborhoods do NOT have the same access to the materials needed for social mobility ( car, health insurance, access to education) as someone who could afford to come to the United States. Besides to move to the states you need a job offer, special training or half a million that you intend to invest.

>> No.13099086

Pretty funny when people try to change racism into "prejudice plus power" because that really just amounts to "the darker your skin the more incompetent you are"

>> No.13099258

I read an interview from Spike Lee in the 80s or early 90s and he used it.

>> No.13099317

nobody cares dude. Half of the east coast whites came here within the last 120 years with nothing. What is it you guys tell the poltards?
>white doesn't even exist muh italians and irish

>> No.13099368

more like it is always protestant cuckolds

>> No.13099479

Huge difference between moving somewhere new and being born into a country with over 2 centuries of discriminatory, policy, culture and history.

>> No.13099528

And they live better than the majority of the world statistically despite acting like such arrogant shitheads and turning public schools into hell holes

>> No.13100275

Why does there have to only be one type of racism?

Why can't racism exist on both macro/micro levels? If a black man is prejudiced against a Filipino, I'd still call the black man a racist even if he can't create a black voting bloc to make legistlation that's set up to make life harder for Fillipinos in general.

A bunch of those minority groups do consist of blacks, dum dum, like Haitians, Jamaicans, Nigernians for instance. The difference is that these foreign blacks don't have the same history of low self esteem that African-American blacks have, so they are more motivated to succeed or at least to live peacefully.

>> No.13100339 [DELETED] 

If you'd actually care about this issue you would've looked at the opposing argument. There's an IQ differential. The average income of a black is almost exactly the same as for a white if they have equal IQ. That more or less means that your entire analysis is total garbage.

>> No.13100364

>when economic conditions stabilize among the blacks
yeah and the check's in the mail too isn't it
and that'll be right about the time the cows come home

>> No.13100369

>Besides to move to the states you need a job offer, special training or half a million that you intend to invest.
My mother immigrated to the US from the Dominican Republic almost 30 years ago with absolutely none of the things you have mentioned but the clothes on her back, nothing else. Yet dumb privileged liberal crackers like you come up with this absolute drivel, as if you know what the fuck you're talking about.

Worthless commie faggot.

>> No.13100372

Marxist cultural subversion

>> No.13100621

dumbass, do you think blacks are the the only impoverished group? there are more whites by number in poverty and more hispanics by percentage. the only difference is how is historically how people came to this position for the most part, but that doesnt mean fuck all since they all have the same opportunities for a considerable amount of time now, no excuse, when the black family started to crumble so did the socioeconomics

>> No.13100632

there is no systematic oppression, what are you still complaining about you mong

>> No.13100676
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