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/lit/ - Literature

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13098320 No.13098320 [Reply] [Original]

>If you think they are you're WRONG and ableist as fuck
Holy.....I want more

>> No.13098708

you are one autistic faggot

>> No.13099322

You can read faster than you can listen tho ?

>> No.13099337

Audiobooks aren't reading

>> No.13099344

pretty much, they are listening.
listening is literature, though.

>> No.13099347


Some of us don't have the time to sit down and read. I listen to audiobooks for 12 hours a day at my mindless job.

It's sub-optimal, who gives a shit?

>> No.13099354

you work 12 hour days?

>> No.13099356


Yes. It's glorious.

>> No.13099365

what do you do?
and why is it glorious if you call it mindless?

>> No.13099378

He is literally getting paid to conjure knowledge
he really is the new tai lopez, just no bookshelf

>hey guys in my npc job, you know whats more important than allowing mr shecklebergstein to exploit my labour, KNAWWWLEDGE, that is why i sit and listen to audiable, use my code audiable.com/audiobooksarereadingtoo

>> No.13099389

why are you here?

>> No.13099390


I'm a Trucker. I have the best corner office in the world. I get paid to read and travel. Don't have to deal with Liberal snowflakes and SJW trash.

Only downside is I'm always a few feet from death, everyone I meet is a stranger, and I only see my family for a week or so every few months.

For a loner like me I'm lucky to have found a job that suits me perfectly. It's like God made me for this job.

Here's a look at what a typical day is like:
(Not me)

>> No.13099398


>> No.13099401

>people in my family that can't read can read
>you're saying blind people can't read
is she not aware of braille?

>> No.13099402

>Some of us don't have the time to sit down and read
What the fuck. Reading should be far faster than talking. Even then, there's no way you'll be able to focus enough on the job.

>I'm a Trucker.
Nevermind. Literally the one time I can come up with where it's ok to use audiobooks.

>> No.13099408

No hands either. It's very tragic.

>> No.13099411

why are you here. im here to shitpost just like everyone else. Being a npc/neet in the workplace listening to plato like an intellectual is very comfy.

>> No.13099424

It's so sick to see how people put so much value in terms.
She's calling out readers being elitist but she's just as unconsciously elitist herself, without realising it.
Listening to an audiobook is listening, not reading, they aren't opposed in any way, they're just different.
And I get how people use "i read that book" in passing when they actually listened to it, because it's easier, and that's fine, but jesus christ this chick.

>> No.13099428

you seem lost, brother

>> No.13099470

When did western women become so insufferable

>> No.13099500

I'd still dip my cock in that puddle pussy

>> No.13099501


>> No.13099507

Someone actually took their time to do a 15 minute video on such a stupid subject?

Oh my goodness.

>> No.13099523

Slip her her pill, sniff her panties, she’s out, wakes up, THROAT FUCK THROAT FUCK

>> No.13099531

dude that's so wrong, lmao... would make an awesome south park scene LOL
stay fresh

>> No.13099538

>muh sjws muh snowflakes
What are you, twelve?

>> No.13099547

is this a poem she wrote?

>> No.13099591

You can read while you drive, retard.

>> No.13099603


>> No.13099613

Audio books are more authentic than books. Stories were meant to be heard for the rhythm. How do you think the Greeks heard Homer?

>> No.13099614


>> No.13099623

>being this butthurt that someone reads more than you

>> No.13099630

There is no such thing as wrong, in terms of what I just wrote
>watches television series
>South Park
The only television series /literature/ should of watched is The Sopranos, that’s it, what more do you need?, only neets npc’s and retards watch animated "adult" cartoons
Nah yeah nah mate

>> No.13099634

only a small minority of blind people actually use braille

>> No.13099638


>> No.13099656

>problematic glasses
>sips tea
>"air quotes"
>(points to self)my channel
>"your views are wrong"
>"i can't even"
quit after 1m 40s

>> No.13099664

those who wish to read i'm sure.

>> No.13099705

Are you implying the medium of stories hasn't shifted to a reading focus from a spoken/oral storytelling focus? You're really stupid if you genuinely believe this.

>> No.13099706

nope, mainly just older people who grew up in the age before screen readers etc
although braille appears in many places e.g. banknotes thanks to well meaning legislation, for most visually impaired people it's a throwback

>> No.13099737

is this legislation also responsible for the braille on drive through ATMs? i'd hope anybody that's driving doesn't need a braille option

>> No.13099753
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>i'd hope anybody that's driving doesn't need a braille option
don't be so ableist anon

>> No.13099813

my nigga stevie uses echolocation he's different

>> No.13099837
File: 35 KB, 442x570, 1552460925125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>admits to not being able to physically read dense books
>uses audiobooks as a crutch even though this is presumably somebody pursuing a career in literature

What is the crazy broad even trying to say? When you are looking at symbols on a piece of paper and converting them into information, your brain is actively filling in the blanks and vividly recreating what the author is trying to express. Listening to audiobooks is the equivalent of skimming, you are just getting a general understanding of what is going on. This is why she can't read dense literature. This is why she can't read accents. Her brain has literally atrophied.

also she is cute and i wish she was my gf

>> No.13099850


>> No.13099867


No, I'm tired of your bullshit.

>> No.13100382

ironic that some people on the same board that invented the "start with the greeks" meme would be opposed to hearing a story recited orally

>> No.13100384

looks like this girl i was fawning after last semester only brown hair instead of dirty blonde and she's about half as smart, fuck me it hurts i only got to go on one date with her before she stopped responding she was perfect i genuinely would've married her

>> No.13100386

>Her brain has literally atrophied.
>wish she was my gf
Based and future abuser pilled.

>> No.13100392

If that's blond then I'm an aryan. Holy crap my life has been a lie, I have been an ubermensch all this time.

>> No.13100399

nah i meant the girl i liked was dirty blonde not brown

>> No.13100406

She says in another video she spent over a year working on applying to a grad program (in her university she was already attending). It was a Master's in Education and she got rejected and only discovered after that it would focus on the general philosophy of education and such, and she goes on like "but I wanted to be an ENGLISH teacher???"

>> No.13100427

She also admits to not even reading half the books that are required for her college classes. This is what happens when people make reading (YA) fiction their identity and then decide a career based around books is like totally what they're born to do.

>> No.13100458

damn i bet she gives the best worst head

how much to slip my dick up her ass

but really, audiobook listeners must have super powers because i tune them out even when trying to focus on them

>> No.13100464

She has 80 iq, how can you read so much and still be so poorly spoken and dumb?

>> No.13100470
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>mfw admitted into STEM masters program without trying

>graduated without reading a single book

to be fair I was cheating by already having a practical education in the field from being in the army

but still

>> No.13100519

based and comfy pilled

>> No.13100535

>I'm sarcastic because punching people is frowned upon.

What motivates a person to display/own that?

>> No.13100547

cheating what exactly

>> No.13100574

I'm a software dev, he's right it's fucking annoying. Imagine a section of your workplace doing nothing at all except occasionally obstructing the work of others to enforce arbitrary limits on language, products, and thoughts. This shit is destined to collapse under its own extreme inconsistency and baselessness. I like law and order and process, even if I were to disagree, but this is far from it, it's schizophrenic.

>> No.13100683

Driving for that long though you have to deal with truck maintenance and police officers a lot though right?

>> No.13100752

Doesn't make it better.

>> No.13100760


> truck maintenance

From time to time.

> police officers

I've never been pulled over. It's good to be Hu-White.

>> No.13100772

>tfw listen to mostly audiobooks yet claim Ive read the book if asked

>> No.13100779

Same. My life is a lie.

>> No.13100834

El chupacabra

>> No.13100843

It doesn't make it anything, you retard. But implying things once were doesn't justify shit.

>> No.13100860

im 4 minutes in and all she's managed to have done is brag about how fast she reads

>> No.13100882

Words sound better vocally. You aren't going to get the full effect of the book if you just speed read through unconsciously.

>> No.13100894
File: 129 KB, 960x544, trails.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am I required to justify myself simply because I listen to audiobooks

I wasn't aware that I needed to defend the things I enjoy doing.

>> No.13100909 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 499x280, 4709-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting your videos here. As an ugly female, you're a creature without meaning, why should I lay my eyes and land my ears to your misshapen head and rotund face? Leave!!

>> No.13100953

She cute. Her way of speaking and attitude is annoying though.

>> No.13101017

another lame bitch perfected by the modern education system and twitter

>> No.13101030

she tries to take down a bunch of boogeymen
>hurr durr you're saying audiobooks is dumb you are a lame charles dickens nerd XD anime!
>dead white men eww gros
>just be a pseud
>check out my academic nerd cred so enlightened am I
>don't ask me to demonstrate my qualifications though

>> No.13101057

I know but I'd never have read Mythos and only listened to it for Stephen Fry's voice
Mostly because I felt like the book would be a bit shit and I already read most of the Greek myths anyway, but whatever

>> No.13101171

>t. ableist

>> No.13101196

ugly AND dumb? poor thing can't catch a break

>> No.13101199

i want to deepthroat her and shoot all of my semen deep into her pussy

also audiobooks are cheating

>> No.13101294

>aren't cheating
Yes they are, now shut the fuck up.

>> No.13101300

Audiobooks are for housewives and for people who parrot this jargon "I’m a listener, I learn better listening",

>> No.13101362

God I wish that were me.

>> No.13101628

she needs the hate fuck

>> No.13101921

Audio books literally aren't reading though. In the same way that if you tell someone the plot of a film they haven't seen it. What? You're saying blind people can't watch movies? Yes. By definition. Who cares if it's "ableist"? I'm not going to try to warp reality because I feel bad for someone. She's just trying to look like she's woke by trying to argue in a retarded way that people are saying "people who don't have the ability to read can't obtain information from books", which they can, just not through reading. Really she's just butthurt because she's a pleb who listens to audiobooks and someone hurt her ego by saying it's not real reading. How can I validate myself? Oh by making myself a hero to people who didn't ask for it. Thanks, cunt. You're really making the world a better place.

>> No.13102136

wow what a fucking bigot, next you are going to tell me that deaf people can't listen to music
we call them disabilities precisely because they don't affect your ability to do anything a normal person can do, try to remember that

>> No.13102137

your brain interprets text and audio differently, they're both pretty good but you can't really deny they're different things and you can go through audiobooks incredibly passively, I've never read and thought wow I barely paid attention to any of that but when I use audio books I often realize I haven't paid much attention in the past ten minutes or so

audiobooks are supplementation for reading, not a replacement

>> No.13102463

>not reading along while the audiobook plays at 3x so you can get up and make tea without pausing.

>> No.13102488

Woah, this is truly blackpilled

>> No.13103099

Do you think she knows we post about her and make fun of her?

>> No.13103114

Unironically I wouldn’t put my penis in her. She seems annoying, stealth chubby, and has a mediocre face.

Does this make me a chad?

>> No.13103428

When I marathoned Ulysses over a few days I had to listen to chapter 17 on audiobook while also reading from the text because it was such a fucking slog it was taking me 3 minutes a page.

>> No.13104420

A weak person that copes with romantasizing sociopathy.

>> No.13104465

kinda good bait actually

>> No.13104656

This might just be the best stonetoss edit I have ever seen, kind of unfortunate that it's probably not intended as irony but death of the author and shit I guess.

>> No.13104675

I have never listened to an audiobook in my life. We are not children who need a beditme story before going to bed; if you are listening to a book, it must be a shit book, otherwise you would not be able to parse it aurally, or at least parse it properly. The written text is supposed to be much denser than the spoken word — that is in fact the whole point of it — because the author has all the time in the world to build it carefully and pack it with meaning. You are supposed to read, stop, go back, stop, think, take notes even, etc. when reading a book that challenges you — and you should ONLY read books that challenge you, of course. Audiobooks are for morons, like podcasts, or YouTube vlogs, etc. If you touch that stuff at all I guarantee you that you are 100% subhuman. I would rather never read a word again than touch that shit, and in the one or two occasions that I have SKIMMED it in my entire life, or experimented with it in any way, I only did it to investigate the latest mindless fads subhumans have invented to waste their pathetic lives.

>> No.13104701

I agree. I'm not so into audiobooks but I wanted to experience literature as it was conceived I paid a homeless guy to recite Homer to me in song. He did a terrible job and was subsequently beaten mercilessly. 8/10

>> No.13104737

I learned to understand spoken english (I could only read originally) through audiobooks and reading the original text in parallel. It gives you a good idea how slow audiobooks are. Depending on source and narrator, the audiobook has to play at 2x to 3x speed to even match the reading speed.

>> No.13104739

>he hasn't listened to the illiad in the original greek

>> No.13104740

Based. Best post so far.

>> No.13104757

Wow she's such an epic nerd girl XD

>> No.13105593

Can you tell me more about what that's like? I never really shook my childhood admiration for truckers. You're like our sailors.

>> No.13105652

Ulysses has one of the best fucking audiobooks ever produced. Convince me that Sirens and Circe weren't meant to be listened to.

>> No.13105800

14 hour shift anon here. Only need to work 3 days a week to earn a comfy living. It is based.

>> No.13105839

Are you a trucker too?

>> No.13106008

Audiobooks are fine
But anyone who says they're superior to reading books is retarded. Reading helps with spelling, vocabulary, and overall comprehension, while also making you think about the story/content of the actual book.

Listening to only gives you the story, and that's it. So that's spelling and reading comprehension gone. I guess with vocabulary you can learn by hearing, however I'd still argue you don't learn it as well as reading.

>> No.13106100

it's safe to say she's been posting her own shit here, right?

>> No.13106123

Audiobooks are fine if you consume books in the same fashion that you consume TV shows or movies, mindlessly without any real conscious thought, just like eating potato chips, one after the other.
If you truly wish to digest a book, you must read it more than once, and within any given reading you will read many individual sections multiple times.
This isn't to say that every book should be read so closely, but if you're reading something more substantive than YA fare, audiobooks are more trouble than they're worth.

>> No.13106324

Wait, so when I listen to music then I am "reading" music? Neat.

>> No.13106349

I'm surprised no one has made a comment about how many volumes of Naruto she owns.

>> No.13106459

i think she might be behind even the threads where the op declares that she's a retarded whore

>> No.13106470

Audiobooks are one hundred percent lesser than reading the actual book. You aren't even paying attention for most of an audiobook.

>> No.13106478

>my father, and my brother, and, actually, my grandpa all have learning disabilities
y-you don't think...

in due atonement for this post, i must acknowledge that i have cultivated a most ferocious sense of self-hatred by making it nine minutes into the video.

>> No.13106514

i remember from my /pol/ days that they edited some cartoonist's shit (i think her name was sara anderson) into huwite power drawings to the point that she publicly announced that she was not a /pol/ tard. we /literature/ folks should do the same to this bitch, maybe deep fake her videos to make it look like she reads pynchon

>> No.13106540

what job? sounds based, i'd love to have 4 days off every week

>> No.13106567

Registered nurse.

>> No.13106737

>working a woman's job while having immediately superior men commanding you
how do you do it?

>> No.13106744

What's wrong with Pynchon?

>> No.13106748

The money is excellent here in Australia, the work is stimulating enough but not too difficult, as a man amongst a workforce of women your ability to think clearly and problem solve stands out and allows you to get promoted easily. It is a very underrated career.

>> No.13106782

i didn't mean anything's wrong with him, he's just a favorite of /lit/, so we could make it seem like this bitch likes him if she is to become an icon of /lit/

>> No.13106787

Here's another question: what does your stupid persona bullshit, the asinine remarks about your boyfriend, or the "9 to 5" "adult job" that you happen to, at this exact moment, feel the material impetus to bow to, have to do with FUCK. GODDAMN. ALL. How does a supposedly "inherently rational" individual get to the point at which they think that their own contingent considerations rise to the level of a rational argument? This is absolutely infuriating. I would rather die

>> No.13106801

That could work. Is she on Twitter?

>> No.13106817

not that i could find, but here's her instagram

>> No.13106873
File: 780 KB, 831x597, 2019-05-13 02_55_41-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we do any better than shit like this?

>> No.13106884

She is actually really cute.

>> No.13106913
File: 75 KB, 640x640, 10809038_290648251125225_1567583611_n[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this (not shopped or anything) from 5 years ago

>> No.13107704

Not him, but I largely agree. I work for an engineering firm, and our PR/HR department is pretty much entirely just women and homosexual men who sit around on Facebook all-day until it is time to yell at someone for violating the ever shifting and unwritten speech codes that come with working for #woke capital. These people are completely useless and add no value to society except disrupting people actually trying to get things done, and if you are someone who shares a lot of these same views as people often labeled as an "SJW" etc, be assured that most of the people you work with/interact with view you as the dead weight that you are.

>> No.13107775

Not that guy, but he's not wrong. While listening to audiobooks can be incredibly valuable to people who work occupations where it isn't exactly feasible to actually get conventional reading done, it isn't reading. I don't say that with any kind of moral condescension because I'd say it is definitely better to consume literature and interact with the ideas in some form or another than not to, but it isn't "reading". There's absolutely nothing wrong with you listening to audiobooks while driving your truck and in fact if I were in your position I'd be doing basically the exact same thing, but unless you're literally following along with the book and able to retain your place in the story separated by days on end like a book, I'd say it probably doesn't quite count the same way.
Ironically enough, the job I found myself doing the most reading was when I was driving a box truck (not quite the full 53's but I would drive smaller ones up to 32' splits) because for that job I wasn't required to unload the truck when I was at Union loading docks. Basically I would listen to a podcast or something like that while driving there (primarily within 2-3 States of where I lived, not cross country or anything) and once I was at the dock, I'd tell them what to unload, make sure they didn't break anything, and then hang out in the cabin and read until the show was over and it was time to load out and go home.

>> No.13107788

I mean, if you only read YA, yeah, audibooks aren't cheating because YA is the literary equivalent of a Netflix show you binge-watch.

Also, however wrong or right she may be she said that
>audiobooks aren't Reading
>audiobooks are cheating
are the same argument.
You can defend that audiobooks aren't cheating but you can't say that listening to an audiobook is Reading.

>> No.13108255
File: 1.32 MB, 1125x1574, C3FAB90B-4808-49EF-8227-E4A84AEF5D52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Shut your fucking mouth, her and her fucking ugly friend can jump off into the deep end, the abyss of fucking ugly people

>> No.13108523

agree, she like a formless blob with rat eyes

>> No.13108582

Based and redpilled

Elder god tier "reading" would be 2.0X audiobook speed plus reading an ebook to have the most focus. This audio-visual method is unmatched for say... a movie on the big screen

>> No.13108600

>I don't say this condescendingly but yeah lmao reading is the real shit and audiobooks are bad because it's second best
What exactly do you not get when listening? Reading is just listening to your own voice, the information stays the same, I would actually go as far as to say that listening+ reading and writing is more beneficial than just reading and writing.

>> No.13108625

t. seething roast

>> No.13109589

Dob them in to IT and get them to block some domains lel

t. sysadmin

>> No.13109615

if it's not real literature then who gives a fuck if you listen to an audiobook or not - it's not literature either way

>> No.13109618

Company welder who did the same and will do the same again. It's like meditation, gotta download some good audiobooks again, went through Beyond Good and Evil audiobook like 5 times already

>> No.13109829

Hear me out: her mammaries are massive

>> No.13111077

I simply hate being read to. I can enjoy podcasts as its a conversation, which is natural to listen to.

Why listen when I can read and understand it much much faster?

>> No.13111407
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Opinion immediately discarded on account of that "lel xd I'm sarcastic as fuark!" sign on her stand.

>> No.13111702
File: 183 KB, 640x480, hadzuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're fine if you just want the information and don't care about the act of actually reading a book. although, one big issue with audiobooks that I have is that it recontextualizes it by giving it a definitive voice. For example: "A screaming comes across the sky" doesn't have the same impact in audio form because of the narrators sleepy delivery.

>> No.13112447

I remember that she had better videos, titswise. Tell me when she starts doing the usual streamer fanservice like turning your butt to a camera and accidental pussy slipping.

>> No.13112452

my dick is still aching for this woman 2 days later

>> No.13112457

oh my god ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im so horny hlep

>> No.13112467

>mildly cute girl with bangs and big glasses reads books that aren't harry potter

Is this really enough for you guys?

>> No.13112471

yes, yes it is. oh god fuck yes it is. i'd fuck your grandfather for one.

>> No.13112778

>Don't have to deal with Liberal snowflakes and SJW trash.

Lol what a story mark

>> No.13112845

Get the best of both worlds and read out loud instead. Be your own audio book.

>> No.13113276

Why would they be? I listen to audiobooks so I can consume lit at times when I can't carry a book such as when I'm out walking or running. I also prefer listening to reading for poetry so most of my audiobooks are poetry.

>> No.13113308

Based I want more poster. That's my favorite re**i* quote of all time.

>> No.13113409

is this the Katie of our times?

>> No.13113472

Can't believe somebody so concerned with ableism is pretending that those who experience sightlessness listen to things the same as someone who has vision. Very inappropriate.

>> No.13113477

In general you don't have to defend any of your precepts but you have to risk being called a faggot when they are found out

>> No.13114072

Her name is Kate. It is quite possible.

>> No.13114097
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>> No.13114111

/lit/ has gone downhill, a lot of people in this thread are actually talking about audiobooks

>> No.13114161

>tfw 12 hour days 6 days a week
Life is grim in the summer.

>> No.13114167

Do you not know what a joke is?

>> No.13114194

Audiobooks are used by children that are bored and too lazy to read.

>> No.13114199

>"I read a book"
That's factually wrong. You listened to it. It's not ableism, you should learn to use the correct word is all.

>> No.13114302

Are you thinking that you're receiving different information if you listen to it vs reading it? If you understand every word there is no difference.

>> No.13114312

You can do everything you listed with audiobooks just fine. If you're able to understand it then there's no difference in listening and reading.

>> No.13114315

Do you get time to eat during your shift?

>> No.13114988

That last post is straight up unholy

>> No.13115811

Most of the time I do.

>> No.13115849

you are

>> No.13116354

Next time you have to write an essay on a book you're only allowed to use audiobooks for all your sources. I can guarantee your essay will be shit. But as you say, "you're literally getting the same information."

>> No.13116370
File: 32 KB, 1125x180, D33B4774-6F8D-4B22-941B-F803DF7ACA86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am assuming someone made some nasty comments or sent her the link to the thread. Anyways, you've somewhat done it again /lit/...

>> No.13116406

moving goalposts

>> No.13116425

No it's not. If you process something aurally on the same level as visually, this should be no problem. This is an application of your claim. What do people do to illustrate they've understood a book? They write an essay.

>> No.13116439
File: 192 KB, 995x1466, tumblr_pqo7k3ZKo41qejb1no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i imagine she reads shitty fiction novels

>> No.13116517
File: 73 KB, 1134x712, LitFags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't long after this one went up they became disabled but it could have also been the one liners

>> No.13116536

Reading and writing essays are too different things. No one was arguing on what was better for essays

>> No.13116557

She does

>> No.13116562

I don’t understand why they keep posting her on here

>> No.13116586
File: 37 KB, 600x589, damn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mainly listen to audiobooks these days due to limitations on my time, namely work. The main difficulty is that your attention can fade in and out or you might find yourself reflecting on a passage you've just listened to, but the narrator keeps pushing along, so you end up missing bits and pieces. It's also impossible to take notes as you listen, if you're driving. My solution is to listen to the same book twice in a row.

>> No.13116589

You aren't going to be able to get the same depth of understanding or the author's style from listening compared to reading. Listening and reading aren't on the same level. Listening is below reading.

>> No.13116599

I am assuming the one liner were about wanting to bone her while calling her fat or ugly

>> No.13116628

Some of them were a few days old but she only disabled today so its hard to say which got to her more. I do feel bad for her, she is simply a normie and if anything WAYYYY less deserving then other book reviewers on youtube such as this gem: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9a5zeixBNw

>> No.13116636

not even a minute in and shes shitting on white male authors AND tolkien. i hate women

>> No.13116639

I shut it off about 50 seconds in once she started talking about diversity. How can you complain about a merit-based list not being diverse when that has nothing to do with it?

>> No.13116679

Woah, those are some really soft and jiggly boobies. I bet it feels good to squish them!

>> No.13116730

No, but your mothers panties presented themselves as seeping once I got done sniffing them. (Implying whilst sniffing and exhaling snot was released into the panties)

>> No.13116733
File: 38 KB, 356x600, 4D9C1DDB-5149-4BCF-A4E8-EBCE86EDFA5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course my brother

>> No.13116806

Every book should be narrated by Harlan Ellison.

>> No.13116825
File: 17 KB, 244x207, 45645646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does this dumb slut keep getting shilled here constantly?

>> No.13116833

Her mammaries are massive. She has some NPC opinions, yet she isn't a total YA pleb. But she also says some stupid shit.

>> No.13117549
File: 67 KB, 500x577, socrates.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with all these limp-wristed losers claiming you can't get the same understanding out of listening to something over reading it? What, is it that hard to pay attention to someone talking? Is your ADHD that bad? You know you can pause or rewind an audio book if you want to reflect on a passage, right?
It's really not that hard. You guys acting like the needless extra work you all seem to have to put in (like that lad who said he has to take notes) to remember or understand a book is just proving Socrates right

>> No.13117604

gave transmetropolitan 2 outta 5, hates Mark Twain, and she didn't read the crucible instead watched the movie and counted it as reading.
get the fuck outta here, dont care how big your tiddies are

>> No.13117611


>> No.13117760

It's the same thread

>> No.13117797
File: 146 KB, 400x300, 1485759031033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look up audio book times for books I'm reading
>at longest they match my pace

>> No.13117858

What makes reading better for essays if you're getting all the same information?

>> No.13118610

somebody post a good pic of her tiddies

>> No.13118803
File: 56 KB, 645x729, d27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

iktf bro

>> No.13118894

>post deleted
can you repost so I can move on with my life? I want to see

>> No.13118971

what's with americans and treating everything as a competition?

>> No.13118988

Poor 996er. How do you stand it? 40h/wk is more than enough for me. Surely you have enough fuck-you money to quit and find something else

>> No.13118998

You're treating not treating everything as a competition as a competition

>> No.13119019

What does cheating mean in the context of reading books for yourself, is reading part of some kind of competition?

>> No.13119096

Mine isnt IT. I'm a brickie so I work from sunrise to sunset. Sometimes its 14 hours, but 12 is the average. I have to do the long hours because where I live its freezing cold and rainy for 8 months a year so I have to make enough to last the winter

>> No.13119282

i listen to audiobooks while walking my dog, its very comfy
currently going through moby dick a second time

>> No.13119376
File: 44 KB, 800x450, 99FB5F3B-CFBD-482B-93D6-19D9E7864C0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>style is not a part of literature
>style has no visual elements
Pic related is you.

>> No.13119447

>literally no argument

>> No.13120660


>> No.13120982
File: 431 KB, 779x886, 20190515_111304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at those titties. Robust and accentuatted by that shirt pattern.

>> No.13121013

saved to clipboard lmao


>> No.13121017


>> No.13121037

lmao taking a picture with someone that much worse looking than you is some sort of horrible abuse