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File: 129 KB, 907x1360, socialism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13096319 No.13096319[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pic related proves socialism/communism is an international conspiracy financed and created by billionaire men with power

>> No.13096331

How can an ideology be a conspiracy?

>> No.13096351

How can niggers be jews?

>> No.13096354

Nothing proves anything, prove me wrong

>> No.13096357
File: 371 KB, 611x466, solipsismmark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Truth doesn't exist

>> No.13096365

Wrong, truth exists it just can't be proven.

>> No.13096369

>How can an ideology promoted and financed by powerful men for their own benefit be a conspiracy?

I don't know man, it's a real mystery

>> No.13096847
File: 289 KB, 1171x1996, Fluoride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean the nefarious "Illuminati" the John Birch Society has been warning us of? Yup, the luciferians at the Ford Foundation and the Council on Foreign Relations really pulled a quick one on us. I've been being gang stalked by the KGB since I spoke out against their asset Henry Kissinger.

>> No.13097231


>city government takes care of teeth

Wait what? Not in Burgerland.

>> No.13097275

>How can niggers have rights*

>> No.13097320 [SPOILER] 
File: 321 KB, 500x775, 1557592652708.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, pic related proves that you are wrong and very probably a faggot as well

>> No.13097456
File: 3.67 MB, 2480x8450, elite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotcha bro. You're totally right. Oswald Spengler said that every socialist/communist revolution was at heart capitalist. Understanding the elite is essential for understanding the current geopolitics. I think it's a fascinating topic in general, though some of these books are pretty boring. Sorry about all the shitposters ITT.
>pic related

>> No.13097484

Is this real? Is this in the book?

>> No.13097583

The JBS is kind of silly but their overall track record in predicting the general trajectory of the US has been rather good.

>> No.13097611

It's true but the same is true for almost everything we think do and say in our daily lives. All of it, the sparkling radiation of powerful men who see us as little better than beasts.

>> No.13097803

It seems you've just gotten the bulk of that bibliography and scare quotes from some protestant fundamentalist website probably. It's always Quigley, Sutton, Russel, Huxley, etc (and usually falsified quotes for the worse). Don't take Sutton or his ilk at face value, always look deeper into the claims

>Oswald Spengler said that every socialist/communist revolution was at heart capitalist.
Spengler wasn't a historian... and he didn't live to see anything like the Khmer Rouge.

>Understanding the elite is essential for understanding the current geopolitics.
Do you seriously think there's some secret central committee executing the orders from 19th century British imperialists out there? The modern world is becoming more and more anarchic and all the old liberal bloods are dying out for the better or worse, Quigley definitely wouldn't be pleased. George Soros is the boogy man today to the tinfoil crowd now that David Rockefeller is dead. Not exactly whippersnappers, huh? If you actually look at the lower profile younger guys from these old philanthropists families or new money they're funding causes, maybe surprisingly, farther to the right:

>> No.13097969
File: 539 KB, 704x636, 1552575935096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13098004

>Marxist Leninist socialism
>The UN, international banking, anarchists and hippies
Who the fuck looked at this and thought "This makes sense"?

>> No.13098019

Someone paying attention

>> No.13098042


lets hijack this thread and talk about real conspiracies that have evidence

like who killed the kennedys

>> No.13098045
File: 66 KB, 474x386, 1557361026842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're obviously not one of the illuminated ones nor boomer if you don't get it

>> No.13098052

Probably someone who played Deux Ex and inserted their own red pill ideology unto it is what I'd say is more likely.

>> No.13098054

>there are people on /lit/ who don't realize project MKULTRA culminating in rock and roll music and hollywood are Walter Benjamin's ideas in practice

>> No.13098061

Not taking at face value does not mean not taking at any value. I don't understand what you mean when you say Spengler wasn't an historian.
>Do you seriously think there's some secret central committee executing the orders from 19th century British imperialists out there?
No, I don't think that is necessary, although the leaders are the ones to blame. Thanks to propaganda and culture creation it can be done openly (cf. Wells, Open Conspiracy). There could be a case for hereditary demonic possessions, however.

>The modern world is becoming more and more anarchic.
Only from the point of view of the nation-state. The Fortune 100 has been consolidating and expanding its power with NGOs toward a synthetic order. As for the left-right problems, the elites are beyond such ideologies and are only pragmatic, employing whichever ideologies are suitable to achieving their goals. Incidentally, the technocratic world-state would certainly be authoritarian so if those traits surface it is only a sign of being closer to that reality, shedding layers that are no longer needed.

>> No.13098073
File: 82 KB, 750x734, 1540822759908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There could be a case for hereditary demonic possessions, however.
okay now this is woke

>> No.13098098

>Do you seriously think there's some secret central committee executing the orders from 19th century British imperialists out there?
There is, unironically

>> No.13098134

lol, this is one of my favourites


Spengler wasn't a historian, he's the dictionary definition of an armchair pseudo-intellectual. Also Wells got OWNED by Stalin

>The Fortune 100 has been consolidating and expanding its power with NGOs toward a synthetic order
This is wrong though, corporate power is even more precarious today... the number of corporations on the stock market is like half as much as in 1996, big blue chip companies have gone bankrupt or disappeared entirely (remember Kodak?). Corporate and national power are both in flux today and the power of the "elites" is being contested in new ways.

>> No.13098135

Not sure if bait or actually retarded?
You do realise MKULTRA was designed to manipulate socialists into serving the American imperialist cause, yes? All of this is literally on public record.

>> No.13098141

Hell, if anything the USSR was terribly inept at utilising psychological manipulation on any relevant scale.

>> No.13098143

I mean we know tons of things that were conspiracies are true (FBI vs MLK, heart attack gun, Tonkin Gulf, MK Ultra, Freakout/Snow White, ect.) but if you're interested in seeing the sausage get made: Bitter Fruit (Schlesinger), The School of the Americas (Gill), and The Politics of Heroin (McCoy).

>> No.13098147

The KGB was good at foreign operations but not so good at domestic operations. American intelligence was amazing at domestic psyops but comically inept at intelligence gathering.

>> No.13098153

>all of the ideologies in OP over-archingly lead to neoliberal slavery
whoa! Why did the military and CIA fund "modern art", LSD lab rats and phish festivals? Why are chapotraphouse supported by the ruling class?

>> No.13098158

based schizoposter

>> No.13098168

>Actually everything except fascism supports the status quo.
Imagine thinking capitalism doesn't just castrate and then co-opt resistance movements. This doesn't mean that contemporary resistance movements inspired by past movements and theoretical works don't hold any value.

>> No.13098175

>modern art
A lot of those artists actually didn't know the CIA was funding them. The CIA basically thought "what's the opposite of Socialist Realism? Let's promote that."

>hippie culture
Meant to co-opt opponents of the Vietnam War.

The mistake here is seeing these things as reflective of ideological conflict in a serious way, the US supported anyone who opposed Russia, in the same way as they fund neonazis in Ukraine while sponsoring a Brown Scare at home. This is because the US operates on a British Imperialist model in which the goal is to prevent a great power from arising in Central Asia thus making Russia the Main Adversary. This has failed by its own standards and is a highly questionable theory anyway but that's apparently the thought process.

>> No.13098178

This idea that we can only examine history from our current day perspective is the most liberal bullshit imaginable. Unironically read some pomo philosophy.

>> No.13098181

Yeah Stalin went off-script for sure. I guess you just don't like Spengler, that's fine. You are proving my point about the lower number of corporations: the void they left was either unreal or instantly filled as they were subsumed into the growing corporate edifice via mergers and acquisitions, the noncompliant ones being subject to destruction.
>Corporate and national power are both in flux today
Flux is part of the plan. Ironically the status quo is a steady evolution towards the final revolution. "Believe in change" etc.
>and the power of the "elites" is being contested in new ways.
Reactions that betray the true power.

>> No.13098183

Correct take.

>> No.13098189

Every single time you'll throw a rock in the air, it will fall.