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13094791 No.13094791 [Reply] [Original]

So are Kindles a meme?
Ive been reading some books on my phone and it feels perfectly fine to read, so getting a kindle just seems like a waste of money

>> No.13094815
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Reading on your phone is unpleasent, it is small unless you have a phone that is larger than it should be. Also the backlight, deeply unpleasant. I did it before, but kindle and book is far better.

>> No.13094827

Reading on the phone is ugly, tiny and bright. E-ink is like a magic book which you can email most any book ever for free.

>> No.13094839

Email for free, how?

>> No.13094936

Kindle 4 $20 used
All the books worth reading are free

>> No.13095397

I wish there was a phone sized kindle. The regular kindle is too heavy for one handed reading.

>> No.13095597

amazon provides every kindle account with a email adress. Instead of just using a usb-cable and keeping your kindle in flight mode 24/7 you can email books to it.

>> No.13095615

it weighs 200 grams how weak are you faggot

>> No.13095624

Can you even lift a hardcover book?

>> No.13095630

where do i pirate books

>> No.13095700

I have a Paperwhite 7, and it has no page turning buttons. So I have to balance it precariously with one hand and it’s at risk of falling when I tap the screen with my thumb to flip pages.

Also, try holding it up for 15 minutes and see. Gravity drains the blood from my hand and it goes numb.

And lib.gen. Piratebay if worse comes to worst.

>> No.13095757

Disregard the other anon. Forums? What are we in 2003?

Libgen io
Ambry pw
B-ok org

If you can think of a book, one of theese sites has it

>> No.13095848
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You might just be a little bitch

>> No.13095857

Regular books are like that too. I bought an Amazon leather cover for my Kindle that works as a stand. Absolute necessity

>> No.13095871

no no no they're not a meme

>> No.13095947

>Also, try holding it up for 15 minutes and see. Gravity drains the blood from my hand and it goes numb.
what the fuck

>> No.13095949

>Disregard the other anon. Forums? What are we in 2003?

>> No.13096004

Phone will do for articles on a brief commute, but if you want to read for a long time then the lack of blaring light is a big deal.

>> No.13096056
File: 27 KB, 678x297, 9172EB97-9EEA-4ECE-A7C0-8D1D2260AC10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don’t listen to this guy. Mobilism is the best place to get books from, especially if the books you’re looking for are not obscure. You can find most works of popular fiction and non-fiction there, in epub format. Links are regularly updated too.

>> No.13096073

they look like a meme when you're a teenager that doesn't even know what eye strain is yet. when you get older you'll understand why eink is superior to a phone screen.

>> No.13096186

best kindle?

>> No.13096228

drink some viagra

>> No.13096696


>> No.13096712 [DELETED] 
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Lmaoing @ ur life dumb zoomers

>> No.13096725

>So are Kindles a meme?
I hope not, I just ordered a Kindle.

>> No.13096897

is she wearing a condom what the hell is wrong with her penis

>> No.13096957

I have an e-reader and I feel like a fucking retard every day that I'm not glued to it. You can get all the classics plus all sorts of other old books for free, have enough free high quality reading material for the rest of your life. An old version of the thing costs like 10 bucks.

>> No.13098163

How’d you get the custom wallpaper? I did that 2 years ago, but then I updated mine to the latest firmware for the cool new features. Does the jailbreak work with the new OS?

>> No.13098366

Getting a last generation Paperwhite is one of my best decisions ever. A phone's screen is okay by I find my eyes get fatigued after more than an 20 minutes, a kindle is side-lit rather than backlit making it easier on the eyes

>> No.13098468

it literally feels like reading a book if it doesn't have the bright screen. it's shit for reading comics though (or manga for that matter), you'd be better off reading on your phone if this is what you plan on read. other than this, it's perfect and WAY better than reading on your phone

>> No.13098560

Does anyone have some opinions on Kobo ereaders? I'm thinking about the Clara HD or the Aura H2O. Is the extra screen size worth an additional $80 if the primary use is reading epubs?

>> No.13098696

is it that bad for reading manga? it has no colors tho

>> No.13100219

I think the secret to not letting gravity steal the oxygen from your hand is to position your arm in such a way that your veins are not subjected to any sharp angles, maximizing blood flow. You must keep your elbow relatively flat, so that that sweet sweet oxygenated blood can flow cleanly through the veins in your literature hand (the hand which you use to hold your literature).

>> No.13100641

This sounds better, I could rest my forearm on the armrest instead of my elbow, but the problem is that the phone ends up at a lowered height, and I end up having to crane my neck downwards to look at the screen. Very uncomfortable and bad for the neck vertebrae.

>> No.13100655

You should just buy the books.

>> No.13101503

Holy shit, they have textbooks too. Thank you so much, anon!!!!!

>> No.13101509


>> No.13102113

To support the authors of the books you read.

>> No.13102121

I'm sure it's better to pirate it than to pay 200-300 bucks for a textbook, friend.

>> No.13102178

If you read the text book don’t you think it is fair to make an exchange for it? I understand text books for class since student feel they are unjustly forced to purchase the book. I personally didn’t have to purchase any books over 150 USD though.

>> No.13102224

I don't personally have to purchase anything, since most books can be easily found online for free. The rest I got from the library and scanned, saving me thousands of dollars that I promptly spent on alcohol to get shitfaced while ignoring my school work

>> No.13102272

Well, my textbooks for emergency medicine and other shit are pretty expensive. And I'd also spend that money on food than paying for books. Why wouldn't I profit off it when the books are free to get?

>> No.13102628

I have a Kindle 4 from around launch but the battery life has gotten a lot worse.

>> No.13102917

It's 12 years old, my man. What would you expect?

>> No.13102940

It's 7 to 8 years old but yeah fair enough. It lasts maybe a week or two on standby on airplane mode

>> No.13102946

That's still decent.

>> No.13104106
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Kindles are legit, desu. Get a paperwhite for the backlight, set up calibre and your questionably sourced ebook library, convert your epubs to mobi/azw3, plop on your Kindle and enjoy!