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/lit/ - Literature

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1309111 No.1309111 [Reply] [Original]

i recently checked out a graphic novel by H.P. Lovecraft from the library after googling cthulu after watching south park. it was the only book by him they had at the time.
i tell you that to ask you this, can /lit/ recommend a Lovecraft novel to start with?

>> No.1309127

Lovecraft novel? What are you smoking?

>> No.1309133

Not for someone who watches South Park.

>> No.1309151

yes its a gay way to find out about an author.
did he not write any novels? i only read his wikipedia page, which made him sound pretty interesting. i'm not a huge sci-fi fan but i did really like Ringworld. i was just looking for a list of his "best of" i guess. any suggestion is appreciated

>> No.1309154

Op is smoking the joint of ignorance.

All of his stories can be found online. Check out Dagon, Rats in the Walls, Under the Pyramids, and At the Mountains of Madness. If you like those, pick up a compilation book or just go in chronological order. While each story can stand alone, he does revisit characters, and that's why I recommend starting from the beginning.

>> No.1309158

correction: it wasn't a novel i checked out from the library, it was a collection of graphic short stories or whatever.

>> No.1309160

Herbert West Reanimator is my personal favorite although I alway hold The Picture in the House as a top tier too (only because it was the first Lovecraft story I'd read).

>> No.1309161

thanks that will keep me busy for awhile.

>> No.1309163

And don't forget the Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath.

>> No.1309166

sounds cool, i know what you mean. Sirens of Titan is my fav Vonnegut book only cause i read that one first, after that i was hooked

>> No.1309176

I'm a fan of HPL, but the bad science in Herbert West was so overwhelming it kept me from enjoying the story.

>> No.1309185

I gave it some leeway since it's a nearly 90 year old fictional story. But I can understand how the science could ruin it for you.