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/lit/ - Literature

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13089714 No.13089714 [Reply] [Original]

What book would you give to a promiscuous, atheist, liberal young woman to make her see the error of her ways?

The book can be anything except maybe the bible given her religious views. She did mention that she prefers non fiction.

>> No.13089739

Some Ann Coulter maybe?

>> No.13089740

this is not gonna work, especially if you can't make her understand it yourself without resorting to the bible

>> No.13089741

How would you convince a free man to become a slave?

>> No.13089748
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The fuck are you smoking?

>> No.13089775

what book do you give to a 4chan autist to make him see the error of his ways in thinking that political ideology is either "right or wrong"

>> No.13089778
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>> No.13089794

I just read this whole thing. What the fuck is wrong with her? Jesus. Is she trolling?

>> No.13089804
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Let me guess, she also has no musical talents, she doesn’t like children, she’s into astrology and sounds like a donkey when she laughs.

I dunno, maybe the Autobiography of Hellen Keller? It’s actually a great book

>> No.13089805

correct me if I'm wrong somebody
it's a lit copypasta
putting it side by side with whatsherface nu-feminist icon pic is an artistic choice

>> No.13089809


>> No.13089812

I've actually read that book. It's a good book. Short but good. She's very inspiring as a person.

>> No.13089816


>> No.13089932

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.13089980

Eat Pray Love and wait for her journey of self discovery to end in a miscegenated child out of wedlock and grey hair

>> No.13090010

>everyone’s point of view is valid
Grow up most people’s political views are wrong.

>> No.13090021

maybe her desire to special snowflake and spite men (in this case you who are giving her the book) will cause her reading of the book to make her go full trad.

>> No.13090031

everyones political views are irrelevant is what I meant by that post

>> No.13090036

read the basic writings of nietzsche (also done by kaufmann) before the portable nietzsche

>> No.13090063

>She did mention that she prefers non fiction.
this really doesnt fit with the picture you painted.
buy her bros k and say its true story

>> No.13090066

So, which ones are right and why?

>> No.13090110

None of them

>> No.13090151

Why would you even bother with a person like that?

>> No.13090154

More like why is she bothering with him?

>> No.13090171

>a promiscuous, atheist, liberal young woman
god I wish that were me

>> No.13091332

Beatings brother. Only beatings can save her.

>> No.13091414

Hegel. He points this out in the preface to the Phenomenology.

>> No.13091420

Fanged Noumena desu

>> No.13091435

1. Make sure it's written by a cunt. Cunts only care about identity politics and having a cunts name on it will make it 900 times harder to ignore.

2. Make it subtle. Make sure the tone is sappy and laced with pathos. Cunts do not like objectivity and will consciously block it out. In other words, "I'm not racist, but...".

3. Focus on one issue at a time. Abortion, career roles, etc. Do not try to look for a miracle book that will fix her in one reading. Keep it short and easy to read, too. Cunts do not have long attention spans, especially for things that challenge them.

>> No.13091515

1) the second sex
Since her beliefs are largely informed by groupthink, it's important to read something which will both appeal to her and cause her to see the inconsistencies with her modern beliefs
2) civilization and it's discontents
To make her less enthusiastic about atheism
3) confessions by saint Augustine
A rational defense of Christianity but more importantly a good book on it's own
4) either-or by Kierkegaard
More Christianity that's palpable to the no religious

That should undo irrational aspects without making her hate you. Unless she's vegan, then it won't work

>> No.13091528

I don't care, it's just porn.

>> No.13091580

>Unless she's vegan, then it won't work

Could you elaborate? Not op, just some curious anon.

>> No.13091666

>implying women know book learning
what she needs is a beating

>> No.13091671

Based carnivore poster

>> No.13091720

mine because I'm the one who believes in them

>> No.13091979

/pol/ ones

>> No.13091980

Actual reason. Vegans don't get enough protein. even in beans, the protein is incomplete, and what completes it usually is dairy, which vegans won't eat. A lack of protein causes deficiencies in the brain which lead to different pathways of thinking, particularly clannish behavior and for some reason a lack of humor. So it's very difficult for someone with protein deficiency to become independent from groupthink, and no amount of literature will correct that.

>> No.13091988

nothing can make women change their ways besides brute force

>> No.13092047

why are you trying to change her into what you want her to be? sounds a bit uh...creeper status desu. guys this girl is a whore and liberal how can I change her into something I like? the absolute ego of some of you eternal virgins never ceases to amaze me

>> No.13092057

/lit/ is dead

>> No.13092076

You have absolutely no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Please stop.

>> No.13092082

le poes law shitpost

>> No.13092128

Typical vegan response

>> No.13092621

Haha. You have actually no idea what the fuck you are talking about. Please stop. Haha

>> No.13093285

Man and his symbols.

>> No.13094610

you can't change people, anon.
unless she wants to change, nothing will change.
perhaps it is YOU that should be accepting the need for change, not her.
maybe you should just forget about it.
she's too good for an incel like you.
she deserves better than that.

>> No.13095594


>> No.13095636

you can't fix broken women, certainly not with books

>> No.13095681

Just say a quick prayer every night that she will get better

>> No.13095686

No such book exists.

>> No.13095834

have sex

>> No.13095845

Her diary. Make her write one.

>> No.13095900

The only thing that can actually change a woman's opinion or view is if everyone around her suddenly started changing their opinions or views and she would naturally follow. Women ignore anything that contradicts their convictions until they have no option other than to surrender their own ideas. If tomorrow, it started becoming not okay to shit on incels within liberal safe spaces, then you'd probably see women defend them too.

>> No.13095911
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None. She would only change through a beating or flogging

>> No.13096144


>> No.13096154

>Being a liberal isn't being a slave to your hedonistic desires

>> No.13096632

She won't after she realises what a fucking bore he is