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13088726 No.13088726 [Reply] [Original]

What is your creative process like? I've been trying to write screenplays but I'm blanking.

>> No.13088729

I need something to strike me the right way first

>> No.13088741

mmmmmmm pusy

>> No.13088753

mmmmmm i gotta say pussy

>> No.13088762

Sobriety helped me a lot with this. I used to have all sorts of script ideas, but get about three pages into them. Now I (try to, with decent success) write a page every day, and I'm 37 pages in. The drugs can help if you get stuck somewhere, as can watching films to get ideas; I like doing both at once. But on the whole, I write best and most habitually and with sober mind. I suspect most people would be the same way, despite that popular "drug-addled genius" trope.

>> No.13088764

Her nose is bad but I would pee on her face

>> No.13088787

Me and I'm sure the other men of /lit/ all have gotta agree! We love woman!

>> No.13088804

Writing probably isn't your strength if you're desperately trying to shit out a story. These things come naturally. Try your luck in a construction.

Also the only good thing about the chick are the legs.

>> No.13088835
File: 64 KB, 1024x768, A3FA7A23-970D-42B9-B867-9C12DC4A6B5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That post-orgasm writers unblock brings out the genius in me

>> No.13088837

okay, start with what you "have" (a scene or idea that you know you want in your story) then connect the dots logically and make sure the reader can follow

other than that its up to you dude

>> No.13089010
File: 22 KB, 516x387, disengage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is your creative process like?
I write and draw almost exclusively whilst listening to music. Beautiful music is the only thing that can match the intensity and speed of my creative thoughtprocess.

>> No.13089036

I work better with lots of outlining. Practice practice practice. And find a critique group of other screenwriters. It's intimidating but so helpful.

Write some scenes you like. Then rewrite. Try to write the most formulaic story you can just to get some practice.

Keep writing.

>> No.13089099

The scenes, stories characters just appear on my mind, even if I don't write anything down it's like memories that never go away.

>> No.13089488

What kind of drugs were you taking anon? In my experience it is nearly impossible to work on cannabis whereas small doses of opiates can really put me in a zone.

>> No.13089600

Typically it begins with posting a picture of an attractive woman with a half-baked "question" on 4channel.org

>> No.13090165

god I wish that were me

>> No.13090260

who is this pussy being

>> No.13090264

A girl. There are many like her on the internet.

>> No.13090384
File: 186 KB, 952x717, cumbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT, cumbrains with ruined minds that are so homeostatically fucked, they only feel remotely normal for the fleeting postorgasmic peroid, short-lived and followed by a penalty, not knowing that they would feel even more clear 24/7 if they got rid of this terrible habit

>> No.13090397

So it would be better to go on HRT or take SSRIs to kill your libido than suffer this fate?

>> No.13090403

If someone is unable to combat it, yes. Not as a long term solution but to disrupt the habit loop so the patient can gain control again and exert agency. Discontinue them and take CNS stimulants to keep the PFC stimulated and able to prevent past habit from taking effect. Discontinue all drugs in the long run.

>> No.13090406

Her nose reminds one of a pooper scooper.

>> No.13090419

>just take pills bro, modernity is bad

You are an imbecile.

If you want to jack off, do it without visual stimuli or intrinsic imagery. Focus on the sensation, try to not finish in 2 minutes like a madman.
Don't do it everyday. And be careful, it's not masturbating that you crave, it truly is porn, the idealized body, the projection of your cravings.

>> No.13090426

Better to use no pills at all. If someone is powerless to combat it, and this is the fate >>13090384, then that hypothetical extreme is warranted.

>> No.13090614

i need the girl in the pic to strike me in the balls

>> No.13090676


First you need to think about a concept, idea or general theme you want to explore. Specifically explore. As an artist your role is not to state with certainty that X is the way to do something or X is what we should think. You're creating characters and putting them on a path that has a beginning, a middle and an end and through that either they change or the world around them changes.

For Screenplays, you need to look at yourself as an architect. You need to have this beginning, middle and end set out in your head. You can't just start writing and see where it goes because you'll soon find you've actually just written a novel and not a screenplay.

If you can sort out the key plot points in your head then its just a matter of connecting the dots as it were with a bit of linguistic flair.

>> No.13090982

the lame answer from google image search says "girl".
the "namethatpornstar" site came back with Kimberly Garner.
wats up google?

>> No.13091063
File: 36 KB, 484x541, 5elrveheizw21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they dont tell you this in school but first you get the tao de ching and then you get lacans ecrits. doesnt necessarily have to be those two, but it was to make a point. copy paste it together in novel ways and then replace key words with your own fantasy concepts. from there you can jive it, jick it and make it stick. dont be superficial tho you need to be exposed enough yourself and wrestle with it, we can tell.

>> No.13091064


This guy knows.

Do you have any recommendation of books on how to outline?

>> No.13091066

Based and asexual pilled

>> No.13091093


>> No.13091105

chastity/celibacy/continence isn't asexuality.

>> No.13091172
File: 6 KB, 600x600, 1553317009921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write first drafts while I'm horny—often listening to porn audio on background with my cock out, forcing myself not to masturbate until I hit the word count—then revise after I cum or in the morning.

>> No.13091834

I think that's this Kimberly Garner she looks like her

>> No.13091853

cringe, unproductive, slow, distracted, decreased digit span and retarded. b-but dude, pleasure dude!

>> No.13091902

How I wish I could ejaculate deep inside of her

>> No.13091909
File: 67 KB, 385x349, 1546614279183.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>[evolutionary programming executes] {illusion of agency of process}~~~"I"

>> No.13091910

T. Not a writer

>> No.13091915

Google crippled its image search service on purpose

>> No.13092178

have sex