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13087556 No.13087556 [Reply] [Original]

Numbers 31:17-18

>Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

>Muhammed raided his enemies' caravans!
>Christians clutch pearls

>> No.13087581

So what's your point? Everybody knows the Bible has some pretty barbaric passages in it but that doesn't suddenly vindicate Islam. This is nothing more than a tu quoque fallacy.

>> No.13087582

Muhammad raped a child.

>> No.13087596

Raiding your enemies is fine

Statutory rape didn't exist. In fact that law was originally not for marriages

>> No.13087634

So we were right in invading the middle east then.

>> No.13087661

If you like dying for Israel

>> No.13087665

Augustine wrote something about evolving conceptions of morality and how we shouldn't be jealous of the ancient Fathers just because they had multiple wives and concubines, etc. If you crave the appearance of righteousness, but not righteousness itself, you are like the Pharisees. We should content ourselves with an old roastie wife and not take inordinate pleasure in her wet hole; this is for our own moral perfection.

>> No.13087683

No, I just like 'raiding my enemies'. Be thankful we didn't take any mudslimes as slaves like Muhhamad and the ancient Jews would have done. Also, Isreal is effectively a vassal state of the US.

>> No.13087687
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>Augustine wrote something about evolving conceptions of morality
I see leftism

>> No.13087691

Israel's lobbies dictate U.S. policy, not vice versa

>> No.13087711

principle of abnegation in islam corresponds with/justifies passages promoting violence, taqiyyah and mendacity in outsider engagement that were written later on relative to earlier passages inculcating "pagans" 2 muslim presence in their communities

same prinicple in christianity completes old testament system of idealism, rendering that book moot as rubric for practical living principle (0 christians organize themselves by ne other facet of Numbers newhere ever)

2 do this thread right u point out christtroll cuck shit incumbent in theology n compare it 2 infinite mercy of Allah, His Name B Blessed woadie

>> No.13087727

You should read further. This was a limitation of greed to prevent the dilution of the covenant. The Israelites frequently failed to uphold these kinds of commandments, and in doing so invited in moral corruption. The great fault in Muhammed is not quite what he did, but his purpose in doing so. Muhammed sought to create an earthly kingdom, and declared himself as the last prophet. Muslims worship Muhammed, although he was just a man. There is no suggestion that he was more beloved than Moses, and yet he is revered greater than Moses. The God of Islam is no different than the word of Muhammed. The glory does not go to God, but to Muhammed.

>> No.13087736

Yeah me too but that's because I've turned the past into an idol. I'm trying to free myself and focus on living a life becoming of Christ and learning to enjoy holiness rather than empty sensational pleasures.

>> No.13087744

This get fucked americucks

>> No.13087770

>it's fine because it isn't illegal!!!!

>> No.13087807

>principle of abnegation in islam
Applies to Sunnah, not Quran

>> No.13087828

haha yeah a tiny state in the middle east dictates the policy of the largest superpower in the world. but of course muh-hammad said the joos are bad so it must be true

>> No.13087836
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It is fine because I am not a liberal modernist

>> No.13087850

>he says as multiple American states ban boycotting Israel and require state employees to pledge support for Israel

What would you say if Russian lobbies brought this about for Russia?

>> No.13087889

If Islam said that Mohammed was "only" as great as David rather than more holy than Christ, there wouldn't be an issue. Of course, Mohammed didn't invent Islam so that he could play second fiddle to the Son of God.

>> No.13087894

>the US sends weapons and ammunition to Syrian rebels therefore Syrian rebels control the US

>> No.13087896

based pic, but cultural relativism and the changing social age of consent aside, Muhammad was still the kind of guy to fuck a nine year old

>> No.13087946

The Quran says Jesus is the Messiah, it does not place Muhammed above him. Muhammed is special for being the seal of the prophets

Boycotting Syrian rebels is allowed, you also support them because Israel does desu

Most of his wives were widows actually

>> No.13087967


this is big Taqiyyah n u no it famalamo, also retarded whether u believe it or not that sunnah is sole applicable for revisionist procedures 4 self evident reasons

arguing w/ snake charmers is useless - other posters pls do thorough independent research awn all abrahamic religions b4 gittin Big Trolled awn threads like this


>> No.13087996

>Most of his wives were widows actually
doesn't excuse fucking the nine year old. it's like arguing that you're a friend to the homeless because you gave ten of the locals free food, never mind that you murdered one that one time, no, you've been nothing but kind to them

>> No.13088005
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>Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.
This is based, though. It's only bad when a M*Sloid does it

>> No.13088052

Taqiyyah is a Shi'ite thing

I am not trying to excuse it and don't care to anymore than I care to excuse stoning homosexuals. Just saying it was not a proclivity

>> No.13088147

>The Quran says Jesus is the Messiah
Nice dodge. The issue isn't whether He was "the Messiah" but whether he is the Son of God. Mohammed says no. Why? Because then when Mohammed says one thing and Christ says another, people would have to listen to Christ. No good for Mohammed.

>Muhammed is special for being the seal of the prophets
I.e. we should take his word above everyone else. But this is totally not the same thing as as being "better" than them!

I actually do credit the Islamic honesty with not claiming that Mohammed was a perfect man. It doesn't change the fact that Mohammed deceived his followers with his dumbed-down theology into rejecting Christ's salvation for his personal aggrandizement.

>> No.13088295

Muhammed says no because that's polytheism. Muslims belueve the deification of Jesus is a Pauline innovation. There were in fact early followers of Christ, such as the Ebionites, who strongly opposed Paul.

>we should take his word above everyone else.

More has to do with the fact that it was recorded and disseminated too rapidly to be distorted. The Qur'an, I mean. Ahadith are naturally distorted as regular records