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/lit/ - Literature

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13086770 No.13086770 [Reply] [Original]

in 5 years nobody will even remember him

>> No.13086779

You'll likely still be saying that 5 years from now

>> No.13086794

And his next book will still not be out.

>> No.13086799

in 5 year you'll still be a nobody.

>> No.13086800


>> No.13086801

can you just do that? Procrastinate so much that you literally die before your work is complete?

>> No.13086802

Imagine the smell

>> No.13086804

You wish, he has more /tv/ shows coming out after Game Of Thrones is over.

>> No.13086847

It's his plan

>> No.13086964

In 5 years he'll be dead

>> No.13086969

i will remember you goerge

>> No.13087048

they said the same about JK Rowling and she always in the news for being mouthy and ill-informed on twitter- she doesn't even have to write mediocre books anymore

get ready for this fat fuck to me ten times more vocal once he only has a fan base to milk and no new ideas

>> No.13087061

Hell be alright.

>> No.13087073

nobody remembers you right now OP. how bout them apples?

>> No.13087117

I remember OP
he was such a faggot

>> No.13087186

The books were popular before the show even came out anon

>> No.13087209

>people have been saying this for the last 5 years
Sure he will.

>> No.13087312

He's 70 now and he's like 500 pounds. You can't luck your way through your 70s being a fat fucking cunt like that.

>> No.13087324

nobody will remember me after 5 seconds bro...

>> No.13087335

Santa claus is still popular you bitch

>> No.13087342

I will, fren :)

>> No.13087383

Checked after five seconds. Got you bro.

>> No.13087409

This, he’ll be dead by next month

>> No.13087523
File: 164 KB, 997x624, thrones vs rings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Martin is in denial about his own health/morality
>Martin doesn't give a fuck about finishing the books
>Martin doesn't think he can live up to the hype and would rather it remain a mystery or be left to someone else
Which one?

>> No.13087675
File: 87 KB, 1024x683, fat finger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I guess the second one. He's just a fat lazy piece of shit with no strategy or work ethnic to finish his books.

>> No.13087804

Your pic is objectively wrong.
First, it's a fool's endeavour to try to define what the 'job' of literature is. Literature is art and it can take on many different forms. Joyce, for example, was famous for rejecting the notion that literature needs to be 'distilled reality' and he's considered one of the greatest writers of all time.
Secondly, nobody said that stories need to be a simulation of reality. The point is that it is much more interesting to read about a story that actually forces you to think instead of leading you by the hand. So what is Aragorn's tax policy? Are the poor people starving? Does he need to tax the rich and redistribute grain to the poor? How do the rich feel about this? Do they protest? Do they start sending money to his enemies? Are there revolts? Is there civil unrest? How does he quell this? Does he need to do something that goes against his morality? How does he maintain order? etc -- these are all interesting that GoT at least tries to deal with, and LOTR neglects.

>> No.13087935

He’s criticised Tolkien and everyone else for following the obvious fanatsy tropes and now has a rep for doing the unthinkable but in reality the only satisfying ending for GoT is for them to defeat the white walkers and cersi, John Snow to take the throne and Daenerys to finally find someone she can bow to. He doesn’t want to do this but can’t think of another way round it so he’s delaying the inevitable, final series split into two (will be split again, I guarantee). The final book will probably come out after the tv series since no one can force him to finish that and the execs will do it without him if he’s being his typical fat self.

>> No.13087976

the story is basically humans fighting each other -- oh wait thats pointless the tolkien style super bad is coming we have to defeat them. then the rest of the story dealing with who takes the throne afterwards is basically going to be a bigger version of the scouring of the shire chapter from lotr that he fucking loves and is always talking about

>> No.13088853

Honestly, he is the average /b/ user almost. Lazy piece of shit who doesn't do well enough. At least his writing is good.

ALso OP, that's what they said about fifty shades of grey as well. It's still selling well and is mentioned here and there. If you think it will take 5 years to forget this guy, you're either some dumb author's loyal fan or just stupid enough to believe this guy will get less recommended in the upcoming 30+ years. Fuck off you virgin erotica dweller.

>> No.13088901
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Micheal Moorcock was less popular and still was the inspiration for most of modern dark fantasy, shit like Berserk. It'll be alot longer than 5 years buddy. OP is fag

>> No.13088954

Tell that to President Trump.

>> No.13089660

nobody would have given a shit in the first place if it wasn't for HBO, seriously who the fuck was reading the books before the show came on the air? they never became bestsellers until 15 years after they were published, coincidentally at the same time as a big-budget adaptation was launched on premium cable, guaranteeing the the blood and guts and tits and ass would be on display, hmmm, curious...

>> No.13089677

He just got rich, he doesn't need to work on his series anymore or please anyone. If I was as old as him I'd probably do the same, there's more important things in life than your job.

The LOTR vs. GRRM thing is also a bit dumb, isn't GRRM a fan of Tolkien? He just has a different approach to fantasy he didn't find in Tolkien's work. Then again I don't think ASOIAF is particularly detailed in terms of how the politics work, it's more of a character-based intrigue story.

>> No.13089694

Game of Thrones was published in 1996, can you name another !Stephen King writer who retained enough popularity for 20 years to warrant a megahit TV adaptation of his books?

>> No.13089701

He'll easily make it to his 90's.

>> No.13089707

The series was liked among fantasy fans before the show came out. It started to attract hate only after the tv series started t b h

>> No.13089905

Watchmen and Narnia are getting new tv shows

>> No.13089975

Wut? Loads of TV shows are based on books, many of them older than that

>> No.13091430

And why is that a problem?

>> No.13091600

Diana Gabaldon.