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/lit/ - Literature

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13083573 No.13083573 [Reply] [Original]

/pol/shit didn't work on me, it just made me a huge jewaboo. What, apart from the old testament, is essential jewish literature?

t. dumb goy

>> No.13083583

no specific recs but I've heard the general Chinese response to the whole "jews secretly run the world" idea is that this is cool and an impressive accomplishment the Chinese should learn from

>> No.13083590

Good fucking luck. There is a difference between an emulator and an original and China is soon going to discover that.

>> No.13083694

That's my reaction. I couldn't even get angry at ashkenazi jews, I'm more just impressed. And I sought out jews to talk to online, watched jewish youtube channels and realized 'wow, these guys are really smart'.

The best thing was discovering jewish comedy, I love how their jokes develop over so many paragraphs and have such a self depreciating way to them.

>> No.13083731

It's generally considered part of western literature

>> No.13083743

Not really shlomo

>> No.13083744

Philip Roth isn't considered part of contemporary western lit?

>> No.13083748

Are you me? I recently got interested in Jewish shit as well. Despite all the hate they receive I can't help but to notice their genius.
It is true what you said about their sense of humor. From the works of Kafka to a simple TV show like Seinfeld. Their comedy is always on point.
t. ex catholic

>> No.13083760

I just want to note that, just like the stereotypical cheap, wimpy jew was a generational thing, the stereotypical funny jew is too. The jewish sensibility today isn't particularly funny or neurotic or anything idiosyncratic, they have exactly the same range of personalities as any middle-to-upper class coastal white person

>> No.13083776

The Chosen by Chaim Potok
>Source: (((Myself)))

>> No.13083785

The jq nonsense about them ruling the world and being tribalistic is not true and the Chinese are just stupid. Jews out marry by around 70 percent in america. Its fucking stupid to think taht a nepotistic and tribal group is so open to marrying outside of their fellow jews. /pol/ is stupid, actually believing their shit is not recommended

>> No.13083793

some would consider this Jewish subversion.
hmm so the Chinese want to destroy the natural word, stifle the expression and ascendance of the soul, and dumb down the populace into boring, shallow, stupid cattle. Why does this not surprise me?

>> No.13083807

You know, for such a small group of people, I think the jews have done an admirable job of running the world and I think we owe them a bit of gratitude and perhaps some words of encouragement. Of course they aren't perfect, but I appreciate them for doing their best

>> No.13083837

If your goy ancestors gave the world to the reich, we would've had much better, degeneracy free world.

>> No.13083856

I'm not sure if that's true. For one, if the Axis powers had won, the Japanese character would have had a much different trajectory through the second half of the 20th century, one where otaku culture wouldn't exist in its current form, if at all, meaning no 2channel, and therefore no 4chan, so I wouldn't be able to post with my friends like I'm doing with you now

>> No.13083870

>entire world looks like peak Germany, imperial Japan, and 50s America
>implying you give a shit
>you're on your fourth martini and getting blown by your secretary

>> No.13083879 [DELETED] 
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/pol/ is a Jewish dialectical scheme

>> No.13083888

the people who would be drunk at work and getting blown by their secretaries in 1950s America are drunk at work and getting blown by their interns right now. not sure why you think you'd be a daimyo instead of some guy who grinds squid ink paste and gets murdered for looking at a samurai the wrong way just because "degeneracy" doesn't exist

>> No.13083924


No, I have addressed this hypocrisy from Jewish people and the left all the time but I literally never get a clear answer.

Not everyone who talks about IQ and race-realism is a white-supremacist, because the notable argument is that Jewish people and East Asians generally score higher on those tests. The point is that the 80-90 IQ of African-Americans is a bigger factor than we are generally allowed to acknowledge, and that a disparity in the rates of success between races is seen as inequality of opportunity, not outcome. Thus we see affirmative action, college-quotas etc. And basically the astroturfing of society that displaces otherwise hardworking individuals who happen to be perceived as the too-successful race (the real racism today).

But people won't accept that and say that white people maintain their hegemony through underhanded nepotism, but when its pointed out that Jewish people have a disproportionate amount of wealth and influence in almost all areas, the Jews generally defend themselves with the Higher IQ, smarter and hard working - race traits argument.

The hypocrisy is that the left, at generally the behest of the Jews, want to see white people as privileged socially and want you to ignore race traits, but then remember race traits when you think of jewish supremacy.

No Jew has ever honestly attempted to engage this blatant hypocrisy. If you are so prominent because of your hard work, not your nepotism, then why can't whites just generally be more hard working than blacks? Why is it one rule for one, but not the other?

>> No.13083926

good observation

bugman sycophant obversvation

>> No.13083931

What do you mean no? Neither the rest of your post nor the blank line you, for some reason, felt necessary to begin it with seem connected with this word.

>> No.13083943


As in: not so. No, you're wrong. Address the point, this is exactly the kind of side-stepping I always receive as a response.

I will even simplify it: the notion that the IQ of whites being the factor that makes us more successful than blacks is not accepted in public/scientific/political discourse, policy whatever. It is instead seen as a societal privilege that is integral to white society.
But when someone notices that Jewish people enjoy an even great rate of success, the argument suddenly shifts from social influence back to racial traits such as slightly higher IQ.

Jews want to have their cake and eat it too, and they have literally never answer for it.

>> No.13083946

At least there wouldnt be as much pre martial sex

>> No.13083956

>when its pointed out that Jewish people have a disproportionate amount of wealth and influence in almost all areas, the Jews generally defend themselves with the Higher IQ, smarter and hard working - race traits argument
I've never heard a left or liberal Jew say this. This is like the very definition of a strawman

>> No.13083957

Wrong about what? What did I claim?

>> No.13083966 [DELETED] 

and degenerate Jews, niggers and slavs

>> No.13083967

lord hitler, I demand that you lock my cock

>> No.13084003

How otherwise is it possible for them to address it? Not him, but curious as well.

>> No.13084007


Your picture, tries to point out a white supremacist flaw but it actually shows how jews use both premises both social and racial and dodge the issue. Again more feigned ignorance.

Ok, so let's run with this complete denial and say that Jess never invoke the racial card.

If whites are more privileged than blacks due to societal issues, how are jews so disproportionately prevalent in banking, media etc comparative to the population etc?

Because if it's nothing to do with race and no one jew really ever uses that, then what does explain it?

>> No.13084011


jews* never invoked...

>> No.13084013

The picture doesn't even say it's wrong to use the reason about black people.

>> No.13084026

>But when someone notices that Jewish people enjoy an even great rate of success, the argument suddenly shifts from social influence back to racial traits such as slightly higher IQ.

Am Jewish, never heard this before. The main reasons for the success in our communities is because
1. We have a very tight knit community, there’s a stereotype among us that everyone knows everyone. When people hear I’m from a certain city in France, they always ask if I know person X, and half the time I do (this is while in the USA to give you an idea of how weird this is).

2. Historically Jews were never able to own land, they were also historically the only religious group that could give loans (usury). So what do you do if you can’t own land in the medieval era and don’t want to integrate? You become a merchant, banker, doctor, etc... turns out that after capitalism hit, the people with capital (bankers and merchants) were more powerful than the people who owned land (aristocrats). Add on to the fact that we’re a close community, now every Jew you know is getting rich off of capitalism. It was a power vacuum that the Christians and Muslims forced us into.

We don’t have any conspiracy theories though. You’re more than welcome (if you’re not racist) to join a local Chabad/Hillel/Synagogue for their Shabbat dinner. You’ll see pretty quickly how nice of a community it is.

>> No.13084033


Now you're being too literal. We all know how "white supremacy" aka acknowledging race in any form is viewed.

>> No.13084041

I care a lot about living up to your prescriptions on literalness.

>> No.13084049


>Social cohesion for me and not for thee

This is all perfectly fine, honestly. If it wasn't for the constant undermining of whites trying to do the same thing. Once again, everyone ITT will pretend they've never heard of white identity being denigrated but my whole point is that whether its a social expkanation for success, like yours which mirrors the protestant work ethic, akin to social-darwinism where the skills that proved usueful for capitalism being reinforced through cultural and historical background benefit that group and allow for its success etc, this explanation when applied to why whites are more successful than other minorities is not accepted. There is a blatant double standard.

>> No.13084056


Why even post if you're going to be this intellectually dishonest.

>> No.13084104


>2. Historically Jews were never able to own land, they were also historically the only religious group that could give loans (usury). So what do you do if you can’t own land in the medieval era and don’t want to integrate? You become a merchant, banker, doctor, etc... turns out that after capitalism hit, the people with capital (bankers and merchants) were more powerful than the people who owned land (aristocrats). Add on to the fact that we’re a close community, now every Jew you know is getting rich off of capitalism. It was a power vacuum that the Christians and Muslims forced us into.

this is the most important thing. european jews have been disproportionately wealthy since the middle ages, when financial powers used jewish bankers as a loophole to get around the catholic church's usury ban in the middle ages, and everything else stems from there. You talk like everyone starts on equal footing and all gains and losses come from a single lifetime of being clever and industrious--that's ridiculous. The reason why Chinese and Indians currently have the highest incomes and net worths by ethnic group in America doesn't have to do with any racial or cultural work ethic as much as it does the fact that Chinese and Indian immigrants mostly come from the skilled, educated groups in those countries. All the Chinese kids you know here who ace math tests are the same ethnicity as the retards back in China putting cigarettes out on dogs, but their individual families have been in different socioeconomic brackets for decades if not centuries

>> No.13084107

My original post was made because—may God forgive for me for this—I thought the idea of /pol/ being a Jewish scheme was a somewhat funny joke. Why I, or anyone, would reply to you I can give no good reason for.

>> No.13084111

The problem is generalizations. There are a ton of poor Jews, mainly Israelis. If you go to Israel, everyone makes shit wages compared to average Americans with similar jobs. The ‘big earner’ jobs in Israel are tech jobs which make pennies compared to Bay Area or LA tech jobs.

When you’re talking about Jews, you’re talking about a very strong Darwinism effect. First you had to survive all the Catholics, then the Russians, then the Germans, if you made it through that you either sold all your shit and moved to Israel to work the desert like a poor bastard, or if your family was wealthy enough afterwards, you could make it to the USA in New York. It’s fucking nuts if you think about how much social pressure was put on us. In the end you either fled to the desert or became a hot shot in America.

>> No.13084124

I am also a European man, with a great degree of admiration for the Jews. I think that it's important to distinguish between traditional, Hasidic, and Heredi Jews residing in Israel and degenerate, secular diaspora Jews. The former group has pretty much established a way of living that has not been obliterated by the globohomo, feminism, transvestitism, etc that has affected other 'Jewish' groups and really the entirety of occidental Europe and European colonial states. They still have religious courts, state-funded scholars, rabbi-run schools, maintenance of ancient traditions, masculinity and femininity, etc. Underage sex and promiscuous clothing are strictly banned, let alone transvestitism and homosexuality. Shtisel is an incredible show, available on Netflix, if you'd like to learn more about their lifestyle.

That being said, there is a thin line that separates admiration of traditional Jews and the sort of vicarious living through Israel that American Conservatives do. That shit is fucking pathetic and sad. You can admire another culture while understanding that you are NOT a member of that culture and that you have no obligation to support them.

It's the same shit that Leftists pull with regards to 'primitive' cultures. OMG look at those tribesmen don't you see how they just walk around naked all day and have tattoos and piercings?? Aren't they so cute?? Without understanding a damn thing about history, the culture of those groups, the reasons for their traditions, their mythologies etc. Or westerners, like Jack Dorsey, who try to 'find themselves' through gay capitalist reimaginations of eastern philosophy.

While the Jews have resided for great periods of time in our civilization, and many are frankly highly interbred with us, we should keep it mind that they imagine themselves as a distinct group from us. Some famous 'Jews' were so interbred and so distanced from Judaism that they could hardly be called Jews - Freud, Salinger, Einstein, etc. These people have little to do with traditional Jewish communities that have, rightfully, distanced themselves from a culture that was not their own.

European civilization has a degree of sensuality and emphasis on both physical and mental wellbeing that Jewish tradition has never had. Physical representations of our gods have always been a crucial part of our spiritual traditions; physical strength and beauty have not been sacrificed in favor of dry textual readings etc.

In short, respect other cultures and nations, but never forget that they are not yours, that living vicariously through them is degenerate and pathetic, and that your obligation is to your culture and your nation, which, I assume, is Europe.

>> No.13084139

wow! I'm a huge fan varg!

>> No.13084146

>40 posts
>only one recommendation
based on-topic jew post

>> No.13084147


Ok. You're right. Individually, jews have worked hard until they earned enough to provided for their families and give their families a better start in life etc.

So WHY is that exact same explanation seen as inadequate when it comes to explaining white people and their success?
Because surely to claim something like "white privilege" would be a gross generalisation? What with their being tons of poor whites.

But we all know how the general discourse goes on this stuff.

>> No.13084158

oh yeah! read Cynthia Ozick!

>> No.13084168

>soft admission of nepotism
Okay so you were the Geldmensch (though very many of you were dirt poor and living in ghettos and shtetls) and you have a rich tradition of intellectualism, but that doesn't really sufficiently explain how 0.02% of the world's population is 1000+ times over-represented in Nobel prizes and Fields medals.
>you're welcome if you aren't a racist
So you'd exclude probably the majority of Israelis?

>> No.13084189

the idea of "white privilege" refers to the fact that, while it was difficult, there were no legal barriers or social stigma preventing white mobility between economic classes, while black people did face them (and still do, to a lesser extent) until recently. Again, this is why some child of recent immigrant educated, skilled workers from Nigeria or something would and often do leapfrog black Americans in test scores, college admission, and ultimately income and net worth

>> No.13084205


Trips of truth

>> No.13084214
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>> No.13084221

>exclude Israelis
I’m talking about racist against Jews. I don’t want my posts ending up in the news because I accidentally encouraged a Nazi to join a group of Jews for dinner. Lol.

And how does it not explain it? White people at the same time are 1000x over represented compared to every other ethnicity. Hell, China alone has the same population as Europe, North America and Australia combined. That doesn’t even include literally the rest of Asia, Africa, and South America.

Point being, Jews are part of the strongest societies in the world (west) and on top of that they have built (and largely been forced into) communities within that society. No one would care about us if biblically usury was never outlawed. We’d be like the Druze or Zoroastrians or something.

>> No.13084228

46 comments, 1 book mentioned. Good job /lit/.

>> No.13084238


I know the party line. But jews faced social stigma barriers etc, and they are at the top in many areas.
So obviously this WASP dominion fantasy doesn't add up.

That was my whole point, this entire thread. All critiques of whites apply to jews but don't actually apply to jews. One is accepted and encouraged discourse, the other is hatespeech.

I'm done with this thread before it goes round in circles again.


On the Jewish Question - Karl Marx

>> No.13084258

On the jews and their lies, by Martin Luther

>> No.13084280

i dont get this reference

>> No.13084282

You being historically a caste of professionals and merchants out of necessity can't nurture up that much genius. Sorry, it's at least in part very much biological. I know anything smacking of biological racialism makes you uncomfortable for obvious reasons. But what I'm saying is that other anon is right to be perturbed at the hypocrisy and dissembling intellectual dishonesty (chutzpah). Hypocrisy rubs people the wrong way especially if they're a persecuted political minority. If you want to reduce antisemitism maybe use your connections to the community to encourage a more honest dialogue, instead of demanding antisemitism be criminalized, installing yet another holocaust museum (we get it already), calling everyone who dares say a word against you a Nazi, and so on.
>white people are 1000x overrepresented
White isn't an ethnicity and it isn't nearly that skewed in white majority countries.

>> No.13084285

>White people at the same time are 1000x over represented compared to every other ethnicity

of course they are represented in white countries and formerly white countries, retard

>dives into the ocean and gets angry when he is surrounded by water

>> No.13084288

Aight here’s more from your personal /lit/ (((Jew)))

If you want to learn about Judaism without having to read the Talmud, then read “Jewish Literacy” by Rabbi Telushkin Joseph. This was recommended to me by my own Rabbi, and it’s awesome. Discusses everything from the Jewish Bible and Talmud to Jewish notions of ethics to antisemitism and the Holocaust; from the history of Jews around the world to Zionism and the politics of a Jewish state; from the significance of religious traditions and holidays to how they are practiced in daily life. This is the best book for a non-Jew to learn from. Or for a Jew who didn’t grow up in strict Judaism. Or for a Jew who just can’t be fucked to read the Talmud.

Primo Levi is good if you want to learn a more personal experience with the holocaust. For this I recommend “Survival in Aushwitz” and “If This is a Man”.

Kafka, there’s nothing overtly Jewish in his writings, but he’s fucking good. He also knew Hebrew and Yiddish I think, and wanted to move to Palestine before he died. So he’s a real Jew.

“The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” is an American Jew classic. I’ve never read it but if you ask a Jew, chances are they’ve read it or heard of it.

>> No.13084298

>We don’t have any conspiracy theories though. You’re more than welcome (if you’re not racist) to join a local Chabad/Hillel/Synagogue for their Shabbat dinner. You’ll see pretty quickly how nice of a community it is.

Anon, you seem to be a very gentle and warm person. I also have become interested in the Jewish culture recently. It began as research for a novel, but right now I am not even thinking about the novel and am just enjoying the new things I’m learning.

If it’s not too much to ask, do you have a particular set of books, TV series and movies you could suggest? I don’t live in the US, but in Brazil, and I’m thinking on visiting the Jewish community in the closest big Urban center near me (a city called Porto Alegre). I say that because you seem to be so nice that it pains me I cannot meet you in real life.

Anyway, thanks for the post and try to not let the racist poster have bad effect on you.

>> No.13084303

>I know the party line. But jews faced social stigma barriers etc, and they are at the top in many areas.
that's exactly what I'm saying, that unlike persecuted groups like blacks, or 19th century chinese immigrants, jews already had wealth before the holocaust and before the diaspora, and in the society we've built, wealth is impossible to repress. All critiques of whites *do* apply to jews, but at this point it feels like you're actively trying not to understand

>> No.13084321

i too think white supremacy is often blown out of proportion. however, the iq difference is much higher among a race than between different races. furthermore, if you're going to insist on this difference to further apartheid or nazism despite history showing that these didn't work then of course somebody is going to stop you from the get-go

>> No.13084379

whats anime on op's pic related ?

>> No.13084389

Stop watching anime.

>> No.13084409

Mark Brahmin's work on Jewish symbolism and the origin of Jews. I found it easiest to digest in interview form. The one I found most captivating was an interview he did on Christianity.

>> No.13084411

I posted some books above. Glad you’re interested! For the most part I read general literature. Besides Primo Levi, I never consider if the author is Jewish or not before I read.
There’s a show on Netflix called Shtisel about ultra-orthodox Jews in Israel. My Rabbi’s wife really enjoys it. I haven’t seen it. If you do watch it, remember you’re effectively watching a show about the ultra-religious.

For music I’m not too sure. Nothing I listen to is overtly Jewish. I’ll mention that Jews sing their prayers though. Some of them are pretty cool imo.


mewithoutYou’s singer is ethnically Jewish though I think raised Sufi Muslim. They have cool biblical songs (that apply to all 3 religions) such as “In a sweater poorly knit”, and “Julia”.

>> No.13084414

Nigga if Jews were blue peoples' fucking eyebrows would go up looking at photos.

>> No.13084421

Genital mutilation is fucking weird and Jews are weird.

>> No.13084447


Thank you, Anon. You're a great guy.

>> No.13084460
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>Just so it’s easier to find the (((recommendations))) that the Jew gave.

>> No.13084472

I like the jews of centuries past, nujews just seem whinier.

>> No.13084516
File: 3.76 MB, 1792x828, 489DE2B9-4428-42D8-AD13-44BC75B94596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No problem. Take care!

>> No.13084890

I want to live in that world, imageboards have made my life complete shit

>> No.13085400

>the argument suddenly shifts from social influence back to racial traits such as slightly higher IQ
it only does on brain poisoning internet forums. in real life most people, including jews, chalk it up to culture and historical circumstance.

>> No.13085425

well i'll second the Shtisel recommendation at least

>> No.13085451

it's a hugely multivariate phenomenon. nepotism is kind of a meme. like if your dad ran a bakery and you took over when you grew up, is that nepotism? suppose you hired your cousin who you grew up with after he lost his other job and his lady threw him out. maybe you hire people from your neighborhood, who are all italian like you. you didn't hold open auditions on who would be the best baker, you just picked from the pool of people you knew or had some connection to. that's just how the world works sometimes.

>> No.13085673

See the Cofnas paper. He was forced to assert high IQ is the default hypothesis.

>> No.13085718

check out psoy korolenko maybe. he has a phd in russian literature and sings in russian, old church slavonic, hebrew, yiddish, and german. a very joyous and humorous performer.

an ironic toast to stalin:

a take on jewish cantonist chants in the tsar's army with added leftist memery:

russian version of mnemonic educational song:

hasidic nigun (religious tune) consisting of a phrase from the bible about longing for G-d:

yiddish song composed by mordechai gebirtig:

modern prog stoner doom sludge math idk rock from israel:

there is an israeli movie called summer of aviya that you might like. it's not concerned with jewishness per se but it's a very jewish movie.

you might be interested in martin buber and emmanuel levinas for modern jewish, but not "religious," philosophy.