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13081901 No.13081901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is your girlfriends favorite book?

>> No.13081904

percy jackson

>> No.13081914

I politely request that you take my girlfriend's photo down.

>> No.13081932

She’s more into medical non-fiction and I love my fiction. Of all the books that I gave her (Bernhard’s The Loser, Stoner by John Williams and Kosztolyani’s Skylark to name a few) the book she liked the most, and her most favorite fictional book, was Anna Segher’s Transit.

>> No.13081943

I bet she smells nice. This picture made me happy for some reason. Not in a sexual way, just a good old fashioned smile. I hope she has a nice life.

>> No.13081962

Among her Favoriten are The Unbearable Lightness of Being, Le Petite Prince and of course The Alchemist.
Can't blame her, I wouldn't have picked up reading again if not for her.

>> No.13081974

Harry Potter.....

>> No.13081984

Norwegian Wood. I'm trying to get her into philosophy atm, starting her on Plato. Plan is to buy her a present for each dialogue she reads.

>> No.13081986

Like the iliad or some shit

>> No.13082005

Currently single but all my exs are well read. The first one really loved Beckett, Faulkner, Céline, but also Plutarch and Basho. The last one I'm not sure, she told me she used to read Cioran for giggles as a teen.

>> No.13082019

My wife reads constantly, usually a "heavy" book alternating with a "light" one. A book on geology is as likely to be in front of her as an Edgar Rice Burroughs novel. I asked her what book she would pick if she had to pick a favourite, and she smiled and said "The Dictionary".

>> No.13082117

my what? lmao

>> No.13082121

That's not a wife, that's an edgy 15 year old boy you married.

>> No.13082123


>> No.13082127


>> No.13082131

>tfw no hellenic hetaira girlfriend to sing to me of the rage of pelias' son
sucks breh

>> No.13082139

>thinks that forcing someone to read something will not prevent them entirely from understanding it

Laffin at your life

>> No.13082158

lol norweigan wood sux sry lol

>> No.13082168

She will never enjoy nor understand philosophy. She's only reading it because she likes you, but considering you're inclined to try to dictate her interests the same way you'd train a dog, I take it she won't like you for very long.

>> No.13082173

It's just a bit of fun, anon. Something for us to do together. Have you not ever had a girlfriend before?
Yeah I know, she's a woman

>> No.13082184

LOL I had never thought about it like that, but in a way you are right...

>> No.13082196

idk but recently she read Wuthering Heights and now she is reading Rebecca. I’m bought her Sophie’s World to read next

>> No.13082200

Bro, you have no idea what you're talking about. It's okay to train people, and to train yourself. People are more malleable and less independent than you seem to conceptualize.

>> No.13082209
File: 10 KB, 250x250, ACAF4B0B-9EB4-471B-9893-86DCFBEBDE71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you not ever had a girlfriend before?
No, i‘m not gay. Bribing people doesn‘t sound like a lot of fun. But go ahead, i‘m sure she‘ll love it since she‘s a bimbo. Why else would she date someone with your brain capacity?

>> No.13082225
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That actually sounds like a fun way to share your interests, and you two will be able to discuss them as she reads. It is fun to share a book! :-)

>> No.13082226

Autism. I'm not expecting her to become some sort of savant, and she knows that; we're just sharing in each others's interests. She's currently teaching me how to embroider

>> No.13082242

A Hero of Our Time
she read it to me in russian once, i had no idea what it meant but it sounded nice

>> No.13082249

Taking her out for a coffee to discuss over is not "bribing" in the way the word is usually used.
Thanks anon. We think it's fun as well :)