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File: 19 KB, 220x306, 220px-35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13081605 No.13081605 [Reply] [Original]

Why does /lit/ generally hate analytic philosophy but love this autistic Catholic Jew? Is he based and redpilled?

>> No.13081619

real recognize real
autists respect autists

>> No.13081643

Because he really was not an analytic philosopher

>> No.13081650

Yes he was. He 100% was. Stop it with this stupid meme.
Because they only care about cultural criticism and that's it.

>> No.13081698
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>> No.13081703

How much Wittgenstein have you read?

>> No.13081707

Not a fan.

>> No.13081883


Why does every modern philosopher eventually turns themselves into living memes?

>> No.13081920

You mispelled sophists

>> No.13081927

Words aren’t real

>> No.13081950

This is the kind of vague statement he would have had a field day with. But I guess that was your point

>> No.13081964

Daniel Dennet's work on consciousness has real value, not a sophist at all

>> No.13081975

they hate analytic philosophy because they're unable to understand it but they like wittgenstein because his work lends itself to a purely non-analytic reading by plebs, though in reality that reading is totally divorced from any of wittgenstein's actual thoughts and influences

god damn i hate contys so fucking much

>> No.13082263

Monetary value, yes.
intellectual value, no.

>> No.13082271

That being said his tweet on his Hume hat is the greatest work he has every produced, no irony.

>> No.13082273
File: 11 KB, 225x225, languagegame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wittgenstein's actual thoughts

>> No.13082292

>generally hate analytic philosophy
/lit/ is not >lit

>> No.13082314

Late Wittgenstein is closer to Gadamer and Heidegger than to Russell. Read Rorty, Cavell, Conant.

>> No.13082331

he actually exposed the analytics in his later life

>> No.13082360

>Analytic Phil stopped at Russell and Moore
>No analytic philosophers were influenced by or had similar views to Wittgenstein’s later work

>> No.13082638

Who said that? They put his work to use in an self-consciously un-Wittgensteinian fashion (cf. Vienna circle or ordinary language philosophy), but that is not why I'm saying he is closer to being a continental.

He was tremendously influenced by Schopenhauer, had read Kierkegaard and Heidegger, as well as loving William James. He is not an analytic philosopher, neither in the Logical Empiricist sense, nor in a (post-)Quinean sense, though if you are Rorty you could claim even Quine and Davidson lead back to Heidegger.

>> No.13082650

I'm thoroughly convinced that Wittgenstein was probably one of the smartest people to ever have lived

>> No.13082662

Me too

>> No.13082685

Narrowly surpassed by Kripke though.

>> No.13082689

then why didn't he get Gödel?

>> No.13082716

Didn't have enough time, he died soon after first reading him iirc. Also Gödel was absolutely groundbreaking at the time, I doubt many people understood him even at second read.

>> No.13082725

This makes no sense. Rorty makes a good point about Quine, Sellars, Davidson, Wittgenstein having close philosophical kinship with continental ideas. But Wittgenstein is absolutely an analytic. He was indebted to Frege and Russell, worked with analytics all the time, and his direct influence was to analytics at both stages of his development. Saying Wittgenstein isn't an analytic is one of the most pseud takes ever made. Not a single professional Wittgensteinian says it, but pseuds on /lit/ think they know Wittgenstein better.

>> No.13082731

If you read Wittgenstein he writes like a dogmatist who takes his ideas to be self-evident. That's endearing to people who don't want to think for themselves and want to think of the progress of ideas solely in terms of discrete historical figures. [Insert figure here] speaks, and the thinking is done.

>> No.13082756

Search out Hao Wang's 1985 paper containing the clncern of gap between analytic and continental gap. He thought difference between analytic ans continental gap would be more distinct when witt goes to continental and Hussell goes to analytic.
So seriously witt can be not analytic

>> No.13082769

That's not a good explanation for, you know, "smartest people to ever have lived".

>> No.13082799

>smartest man to ever have lived
>learns to read at age 1
>die at age 2

The explanation works. Smart doesn't mean you understand everything instantly.

>> No.13082829

Your explanation doesn't works because the comparison of fast death of near octopus level doesn't quite match to Wittgenstein, "AKA smartest people to ever have lived". Hilbert and Neumann near instantly knew the consequence are.

>> No.13082870

But he died in 1951.

>> No.13083019
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Because of pic related

>> No.13083092

am i the only one who doesn't mind analytic philosophy?

>> No.13083133

You do not understand wittgensteins goals. His entire thing was trying to perfect logic so that one could make short arguments which were self evidently true. Reread his work. Several of his propositions which appear controversial are actually just tautologies

>> No.13083663

People that mattered understood it in 10 minutes. There is surprinsingly little 'technical' difficulty in his works and everything is very clear and follows in a very fluid manner.
Hilbert agreed the very day of reading it and improved its presentation. Von Neumann could even predict the further conclusions of godel's ideas before he even had time to say them during the very conference he was presenting.
Of course they are some great minds but that's what makes a difference between them and pseuds.
It was hard to come up with his ideas (in general, not just the meme theorem) but not to understand them.

>> No.13083703

Use theory of language is not tautological. The claims Wittgenstein makes in the Tractatus, about the only necessity being logical necessity, that's also not tautological. To disagree with Wittgenstein is not to misunderstand him.

>> No.13083706

You're not the only one anon.

>> No.13083712

He's right you know. Read Gorgias's Paradoxology.

>> No.13084161

>philosophy = language games
you could have at least read the wikipedia page
other than that PI §23

>> No.13084165
File: 27 KB, 275x183, 9755C4E6-6DFA-4839-9C8A-3B76057D27D7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>analytic philosophers be like

>> No.13084841

this desu tbqh